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An Exciting Law Case

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The following strik nganecdote of the Attorney General of Massachusetts is told in a late Boston paper. The Attorney General, now eighty years of age, and said to be more comieteni to the discharge of the arduous duties of his honorable station than almost any practitioner of experience, as well as a remarkable retention of mental power, was managing a case in beha! f of the commonwealth in Middlesex Co., where a man was indicted for gouging out the eyes of a girl, because she made oath that he was the father of her illegitimate child. Her brother, an intelligent lad of nine years of age, was on the stand, as a government witness, and his relation of the fact which he saw produced an electrical effect on the wholeaudience. The girl was also present, in total blindness, and every circumstance attending the investigation of this horrible barbarity, was highly exciting. The boy stated the prelirninary circumstances, and then said; "I was cutting bean poles behind the barn, and my sister was milking. I heard her seream, and then I ran with a pole in my hand. As I carne up I saw thnt he had pulled herover; then he looked over his shoulder too see who was coming, and I struck him with a pole and broke his jaw." "Why did you not repeat the blow, and knock his d d brains out?" "Mr. Attorney," said the Judge, "you well know that profanity in court is a high offence, punishable by imprisonment; but in consequence of the unusual excitement of the case, it will in this instance be overlooked." Ifere's Theology for youf - The Rev. Dr. N. W. Taylor, of Yale College, New Haven, Ct., wrote a letter to E. Tutti e, jüst before tho eleclion, in answer to the qnestion, "Can a Christian consistently with the word of God, cast his vote either for a Duellist or an oppressor of the poor, for Chief Magistrate of this nation1?" The Reverend Doctor of Theolgy thinks he can, and that "for the glory of God," we may give power to the basest of men. Nay he goes father, and declares he would vote for a devil from the bottomless pit as the least of two evils. The following words are taken from the Doctor's letter. Read them, and remember that the writer is not only a Reverend, dut a Doctor of Theology, n teacher of aspirants to the ministry, and the acknowledged leader of one of the principie theological schools of New England:"Suppose that there is no reasonable doubt, tbatone of two devils, one of which is a less devil than the othcr, will be actually elected, let the Christian vote as he ma)'; and tbat his vote therefore will be utterly lost, if he does not vote for one of them; I think that an enlightened Christian vote for the leasl devil of the two.r1 We have no doubt his Satanic Majesty will appreciate the Doctor'vS compliment, and be ready to reciprócate it at the earliest opportunity. - Granite Frèeman. RE AT, fJYE. We have ftn'own some persons in the world who, gliding qitietly through life, have floated on thestrenrn of time like a boat on tho waters of a broad nnd tranquil river, cntried on by iheunruffled tide of prospenty, ancflighted to their journey's end by the cloudlets sun cf happiness. And we have met witb other? whose etaseomed to rise in cloüdp, to lmld its course through slorms, and to eet in black - er dtirkness Ihon tbut which gave it birth. - But long continued joy losss iis first zest, nnd uninterrupted sorrow its first poignancy ; hab it robscveu misery of its acuteness; nnd one that is long endurcd brings with it the power of' long endurance. It is the sudden trensition from joy tosonow liiat is the acme of human suffering, ndding the bitterness of regret for past epjoyrnent taall the pangii of present distress. Afautvc7cct, tïth rtio. 9".-Dr. Nathnniel Ruggles, of this town, lias reCenlly intioduced iron pipes into one of his parlors, to warm the room by mearts of hot water. From some unknown cause, one of these pipes snddenly burst on wediesdny rnorning, and, forcing itself from the wal!, went with tremendous force ncross the room, some tvvelve or foiineèn feet, striking in ite passage the eldest daughter of the doctor, (eleven years old,)and mnking o severe Cíinipour.d fracture on1 her left leg, below the knee, manglingtlie llesh and boiifs in so shocking a mnnner that it was immediate amputalion woiild be nocessary. But by the skillful'sorgery of Drs. West, King, nnd Fenring the wonnd was dre3sed, and it is now hoped the litüe snfferer may recover withont ]osing hifer linib. Pa'sing1 beyond the girl, the pipe broke the lègs and split the leaves nnd opofa taWe in teveral théri stfuck and bfftlte a dhair, and at last went though the the wall 0 the opposite sideofthe room. No accident is known to' hftve happened before from1 the hot water pipes which are be ing introduced into many private and public bnildings, ta furnish a more pleasant and heahhieu heat tban fire.- Cor. of JV. Brdfosd. The New íorkers pr"opope to try the virtue of an Ice breaker, invented by ftir. Townsend, to keep the Hüdson open this win ter. The experiment will coet about $25,000, (tThomas Corwin f'whig bas been elected, by the Legislature of Oiiio, a Senator in Congress n place of Judge Tappan ('democr&tj We tnist ÜU. Gorwin will noi forget his late speeches oga'mst the onncxation of Texas.Two Honeat Lutpyers. - Two membera of ihe bar, at Hajjerstown, Po., (Mr. Mason and Mr. Spencer,) grow po earnest for their respective cliente, while eugnged as opposing eounsel, thnt they fought in court nnd were fined $25eac!i. A Justice of Peace in North Carolina resigns liig commission, givinjj Rome very good reaeons witb very amusing frankness: H altfax, 7th Oct., 1843. To his Ex . John M. Morehead: Dear Sir, - Abojt sevon years snce come of my friends Ihen in the legislature, frotn motives probably known to them, (bul J arn sure not from a belief in my qualifications for the office,) thought propperto nomínate me to the ffice of jostic e of the peace. Witli little or no reflection on the subject, the appoinlment was accept ed, and to use u cotnmoi) term, I was "dnly qualfied" without the first qnalification, except the physical ability to sepcrale men who were bisposed to fight, During the time I have beon in office I have had seven fiiglits, n great number of quorrels - have been inilicted twice- and I conceive the greatest act of justice which I can do to the public nnd myself, to resign my said office of jnstice of the peoco, which resignation is here witli tendered throngh you to the ensuing legislaturo of our State. I am, very respestfully, yours, R. M. Shkarin The Snow was eighleon inchea deep nt Richmond, Va., on the morning of the 16th inst. Golden Sands. - Wrongs may try a good mnn, but cannot imprint on him a stain. Whenever yon give dvice, be certa'n you have not made an enemy. A man must have confidence in himre'f if he oxpecta the worki to have any in hirn. The first ingrediënt m conversation is truth; the rexi i& good senee; the third good humor; the last wit. A woman, destjtute of moráis, will be more atrocious in her vicea thun a man. DevjJs were made from angels. An old lady having heard somebody say, ,'lhe mails were very irrpgnhr,"remarked - t'It was jist eo in my yonng days. no tiuating any of their fuir words' Ci:kü?of Liberu. - In 1843, the total population of the colony was 2;if)0; of these 645 ore children bom in tlio colonv. 'fho averngo nnnual mortolity ie abont four per cent. The firs emigrants arrived tliere in 1827, iwenty-four years ago. Churches, 23; commnnicanti, Atne rican, 1014; recaptured Atrioans233; totrtl 1483 S-liOols 16, acholara. Americnn, 370, Africane 192; total 562. Convictions - Murder. 9, kid napping 1.1. burgiary 17, grand larceny 107. pt , it larceny 184, other offenues 47. Importa in 2 years $157.829; exports do.. 123.694; stock 1 in trade $48.750: real eïtateoi'merchants $í9. ■ 550: eommission business, nnuually $50,000 vessels 9; Coffce trees 21,197; acres oí suea , cane 54; acres in rice 62; do. Indi. ui corn 105 do ground mm 31 ; do. potnioes nnd yams 306 do. cassada 226. Acres owncd 2534: under cul tivation 948. Catile7l, sheep and goats 214 ■ swine 285; ducks and hens 119 dozen. Tota ! vultie owncd by farmers S21,7;5.Thb Life of a Minister. - A life of a Wesleynn minister, wriiten by himself, wliose scènes of labor were in Lineoinfhire. lingland. from the year 1780 to 1822, couclucles his account of them by stating - "I have enjoyed in my ministrv 202S Sabbnths: read the Scripiures. two chnp ters for each day, 33,500 times; preached 8112 sermons; oecupied 15 pulpits, and ridden 117.000 miles, nnd my snlnry never ot ony time amounted to L50 per annum." Is a Portrait a Picture? - We Fee that o trial is going on before the Chancellor of England, to settle the (ucstion whelher a portraH is a pic'ure. It was an nppeal from the decisión of the Vice Chuncellor of England, íiecidingr that a fiïll length picture of the great duke of Schomberg, pninted by SirG. Knellcr, now hung up ín the great hall of iiornb.v j Castle, the Beat of the Dtike of Leeds, was to be considered o portrau nnd not a picture, the effect of which deeifeion would be, that it would becomp, nnder the wiil of the late Duke of Levds, (fie proper! y of his son inlow, Mr. Walter Srckville Fox, and not that of the present Duke; and con?eqüen ly, if the decisión be offirmed, Honiby Castle vvill be depnved of one of its greates' ornamente. The argument a p pea red likely to occupy eeverul days. - U. S. Gaz. Immi gralion . - The followirtg san abstract from the official report of the' departruen', of ihonumber of passenger? that have arrived in the Uniled States from foreign conntries, duïingiheyear ending September 30, 1844: Maine S,G New Hompshire 25 Massachusetta - 6,44 Rhode Isla ud' 15 Connecticut, '. 5 New York 59,76 Pennsylvankv 4,88 Dein ware 8 Maryland . 5,00 District of Columbis' S Vermont 19 North Carolina South CarolmaS3 Florida 5 Louisi&na 3,88 Total 84,76 Of which were male 48,39 M femalea 35,86 Bombasíes FvriósQ.-The fcvlïoVing U a extract frórrt a iaw-head-ond-bloody-bones speech Intely made by Mr. IWcBuffie at a meeting in South Carolina. Wüat a rich specimen of Simt hem bombast! 'Before high Héaven I proclaim it, that the repcal of the Yankee Tariff of 184S-, wiH witness the secession'of Soulli Carolina, the dhtmion of her Southern sister States, and the formation of a Southern ConfederaCy, upori which will fall the gentlest áoWa ofheaven, thát will cause her plains to 1 blossom like the rose, and her cities rise u to the wealth and grandeur of London, Pari onrd New YorWHome Industry. - We leorn frnm the Maria!l Stotesrnan, thnt Trinity Churcl in that illage lias been furnïflhcd uitli a new and egant organ, which is pronouneed to be Of" uperior worknanship nncl performance. It as made by Mr, Chad wiek, of Oakland coun , and is eaid to have been the first ever lanufttctured in the State. It wili bonr n hvorable comparison, it .is stated m lone oud ' wwer with nny organ of the same eize of , Sastern manufacture. We hope Mr. Chadick may meet vvith liberal patronnge. - Del. adv. Lvdlcrovs Travslation. - In the French anslation of Paradise lost, "Hail! ilorrorp, ] lail!"' is rendered thtis: "Commrnt votip, porpz-vonz, les horreurs?' That is, "Ho.v are ou horrors?" - Exchange. Paper. Tliis : equal tothe anecdote toid of Dr. Cox of New York, who, while in Paris a few ears since, was invited to preach a sermón 'or the edification of the Parisinns. The Doctor excited the smiles of his nuien'cc 'vlien in endeavonng to persuado them o partake of th "waters of lift," he exclaimd - "luvez Veau de tf'e," - the French for drink thou brandy!" Soulh Caí olma. --Tiús remarkable litlle )ppper pot ia taking precautiops to save lierelf from the incursions of Northern barbari na. She is a great deal rnore frightenpd lan hurt, orthan she ia likoly to be, if, hko Mr. Hoar, all the emissaries sent to wage 'ar against her pecuüaritiee, sholl only walk ie piazza of the hotel in great agitntion, and eave the city under protection of the respect aid to hÍ6 daughler, and n few philanthropic gentlemen. A very remarkable mob, hy the ye, was that for a Southern one. However, bill to prouide "for the punishment of perons di8turbing the peace of the State by the olor of authorily from other States of the Jniiin,' posstd the l)ou&e of Assembly, and was sent to the Senate on the llth instant.- An amendment was submitted, embracing jcrsons from foreign States or Powers, as veil as individuals from any Siate or Territory in this Union. The amendment woa oposed, on ihe ground, it is said, that too much authority would-be vested in single mngisrf.tes, who might endanger the peace of the country by the arrest of foreign agenls. The section was remedied by taking away the jower from minor magistrates, and vesting k in the higher Judicatories of tlie State. Ai amondment was nlso made to include agents of the General Government of the United States, but was loet by a vote of forty-five to sixty-five. It is a pity that they hadn't included the General Government, bnt there was probably a vivid recollection of the "emissarry" which Gen. Jackson sent them in '32. That the whole section was modified when the qiiestion of Foreign Agents came up, is a significant fact. Tbe chivalry, afler all, have n very wholesoma respect and fear for all Powers that have any respect. Lik all bullies, she chooses the subjects of her pugnacity among the poltroons. Instances have been known of Yankee Captains, in the port of Charleston, putting their colored stewards on board Engliáh vessels, to save them from imprisonment. John Buü'a red cross is a better protection, even to our own citizens, thnn the Constitulion of the Unüed Stntes. - A. S. Standard.{tThecase of Fairbank in Kentucky, charged with enlicing away slaves, lias been continued tn the next terni, on account of the abspnce of a witness. The case of Miss VVebstr, charged vvith the sntne offence, ie now on trial at Lexington. ffThat daily Liberty paper, "The Chicagy News," has just commenced.


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