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Resolutions Of The New Hampshire Democratic State Convention

Resolutions Of The New Hampshire Democratic State Convention image
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The Ntnv Hamp.'bire derootfr Stnte uonvenlioii, whii-li ha jllttt met at Coucord, was attendod by n uieater numUer oT old aad distinguïshsd detnoortits tli'.in cv,f obnvened in ilie State befhrè on snelt afi occasion, The City Hall, wheve it was held, tvas orowded. Hou. Gourge Stuik wis tsoiniouled for Qovernor by aoolamalion, and [Ion. Jumos 8. Oheney for Eiiilrond coinmissiorer. Ex Govornor WiüimnH, of Lancaster, f rom tlie Oommittoe on Kusoluti'ms, repoi led the fpUowing : Resolved, Thut we adhare to the old indniai'ks of the domooratic (';i tl , nu oxpoiiiided by the BchaoJ of' JeöeKSf)n, Miuüsnri, and Jucksoii, üiid a etriot eppstruption of thu eons'itution ; economv ïn putlio expendituros; tiio protection oï tha i-iylit of the States ind iho libiTties ot iho people ; oö oon datiou of power in tha Federal fí"vermneüt; do United Status Baak, aod no impost system exut-pt for t!m purposo of revoniiö. Rt'.in'rr.l, 'l'hat wo denounoe norlhi'rn iibolitiaii.-in and southern etesion m thu uo-apecating ource of our pt ent cslrtitiitios- alike treasaoable to the constituí ion and inírnitíol M'th TJnihn. The crlv wny to a refetore! Union and a renpooted constitntion, wiih hrturnio(t peace and piQsporiiy, s throijgb thu overthrow of the enemiea to both Puso'rcd, Thut the oonstitution is the Buprernê l:tv of the land, and n ' State hai the right to aeoeda thert'lroni and disjolve ts itonoetition wiüi the Unioü uhi-.-h that constituXioa made to socafe, etoept for cauttes whioh will jiwtiiy revolution, Raolved, Tliat tha duty of the general goveranaeot to suppresa al ivtteranta to dissi'lyfi the Union is iüiperative ani C:innö1 be ovade !. Retohéd, Thut neitlior ,!..- Pridnt nor Congress cun nonsti iitinuaily entertain any propogi'ion whicb lias lor its object the dismemberment of tlie grovernraent or the dissolution of the Uni'in. Resohed, That in this nationa! emortrency, bftnishing all foj;ögi 'f mere pasRÍon or rt'sentinent, the democraoy of New riampshire 'vil! recollocl or;ly thcir duty to tho vv'holo country; tlièt tliis war' s!,ini!d hot be %'ged in bt Boirit ol oDüresaion. or tor anv purpos r i i rr ' ' oí conijuot. or supina' riem, or for the purpose (f aathorizing r iiitwlennnwith tlie rights or esrúblishud i1 tions of any rrf the Staten,' bul to defeftd and murotain thesupreiriaoy of the cnnslitution and tlio rif ht ot all the 8tutes iu the Union, and to preserve the Union; and that assoon as ihuce ol ects are. accofnplished the' uur wil! cléöe. Rcsolrerl, That, in the lanjjuajïe !' Amlrew J-ackson, "The Fedaral Union must mul sh:ill be preservad." liisoh-í-d, Thai in the loyal States now exempt frnm the presenco of troóps 'iid tha necessity of mHitary governinont, vt do nat believe n the rigbt hor the nxpedieney of sHolishing due freedoni ol spaach and the prees hv forot', wbether exercined by ie governinont or th'e rpob nor iirfp isnning iren by letter? de catcfret or miindutos n nv form isued by the Proeide ( the Uoited S'ates ov S,-Tvt-ry ofStftte without tie authority pf kw, aml depriyine them of the right of examination and trial, and tlio benefit of the l'iw of habens corpus, juetly regtrded by all true iriendn of persona! feodoni nu til trrnat writ of lihertv ; and that we consider uil onch arts unwarrnnteii by the corwtitutiónand as tending" to (ip.p'ti!n, by fauiiliariiing thö people with the acts and instrumenta oí despotisin. Resolved, Thnt tho completo nrret of the proflígate and corrupt expendi i ture-s of the public moneys, in oor national and State adminijitrations exposod by the recent OoDgremioTili investigation and by other disclosnrpttie entire diseontimianco of unnecew savy ; fliees and Bsenciee, with thci exorbitant compènwations for partí rowarda and private iain, and tho most Btrint account abilitv and econoir.y in I national and Shito affairf, are impera I tive duties, the laithful performance of j which alone can save us from batikiirptcy and Bübsequent defect, and render tho excoisive burdéng of the nresent content tolerable to the pw pl Resolved, That wé honor the brave rnen who, with patrioüe motivos, havc left their homes to en io un ter t lie priva tion and perita of' the ir, :nd it s one nf the first dutlw of our ftionda in the overol citlea and tourna of the State, by private bene'aetioi, to próvido that. tlveír families como to do want in théir absénoe, RcKolcnl, ve spprove of ttie action of the President in tho matter ('f the Trcnt, Hnd only relict thut a (lecision richt in itself was deluyod for a peromptory dorannd from Graat Britniii. Rpiolved, Tbrtt thedmof,racv, h;iving beii alway tnie and faitlrful to thf Union, its intere.-ts Bnd dignity, in wir and in fieace. HgainBl t!io asenult of foreign foèa and the inftcliina'ionti :f downrfgffit tfhitnro, in order to becohié n ''Union Party" it is not neeëssary fdrthorri'tp nbandon ; thoir ovifanizntion nor abjuro their I namo; that if :inv party shotuld nbnlon its oi-fiiini. -ition it is that party which has In in tho wrong, and : wnich nöw rètai'ns in its embrace and lellowship tlie elefnent öf abrtlitinn tro.'ison, whioh i as fatal to tho esw : tence of the Uoion asfici'íí-ion tre.i ' t ; i that we believe that tlio Union cannot. i i be restored until the prico'plea and i epiiit of dwnooracy prevail in tho ad; ministratioo of tho Foderu! governrneDt and among tho masses of the pejople. Tlrit the Uiumph of the deniooratio party onere tho only hope of awakoning tlio Union sentioien) ol thé South, wliich can be arouijiod only bv tlia assuragoef of Bafety iind pro. toction in 'ho Union; thorefoi-c wc invito tliotrueand p".'i i.itii; of all partie to rally npdel' the (iag of tho democracv as (ho only sure meana by which tho war can be brougiit tp nn honorabio close. JlaoJvxl, That taking our positie n j resoiutoly npon these prineiplos, we p-ive our bannor to tho breezo, wilh honor for our gnido, and Stark and Cheney for our leaders. The resolutions woro unanitnously I adoptod, and the convention dissolved I at a quarter past 3 o'clock.


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