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A Good Story

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A vo'T Rood st.Diy h to'd at thu espwweot-Goh J. K. OutBHtoofcj w'uo lor 'muiv years vvas w'delv known as tlio " priaca of luí dtordij" and proprietor of lile Oluan Houso, in 01u:i;i, Nuw York. Míiny years usí UoiHtock v, n '■ U-yally worved" for viólutiag the iiewiOT luw. The trial wat liad at Poilvitle, Wtd thü iusík'U, aftéf ln-uring tin) proófcj B&Uwed up judginent bfiuioat li' " liot" oí Ule Olfua Hous. Of conree John na %í hojpmg ruad." He would " eursy it up, ftí bjvi the :,:i(i-i!,ent ío !" ííoii. Enj. Chumhrlin wa the firut judgö of ttiu county - ond ihorüy ai ter tfce eveat abovu paUially iittnaied. theju1ge put ■ upfortlit' oight With Col. Ooriiütock. Attur Slipper, John r,nlardenod j sclt tojudge Cliaüiboi liü, rtsl-.i iny; vt-iy raioutely tlie eircviütuoco attending bis eonvkúion at Portviüe, &o., &c, i The Judgf biaudly hu'. Biruugly urged John to cany tlie BUi.t u to the Coininon ÉleBtt - " yo. pret'tj íure lo have jiHÜce dono y ■u!" lluvia satÍ6fio4iliUnaelf thut JudV'é Chíuu.büi lio woiild tio tiim jubtice, Coloiiui CymKtni-k din'Ctud liin A' torm-y .o u;, ■■ i :!,-.. bi se to Ihe Ooinrnon ro:is uf ; lio govinty. Ín duu tin.i' the cause wu calltíd, Judö Cbumberlifl prnuiding, 'ho lij.'on Learing tba groof. ulej?ut o:,, urguroents. t .. urcmiptly aflirm u] th9 judgrtióal prthè .u-tice's ■■ ourt, to thu utur ooiifounding of Col Coinstock's attofnt'jr, who h.ul [anticipated an eawy vr:o:y lor üis cliënt. Nol lo a HÍter, Judge ChainbetHii oalloq ug úu at tlie Q oan lhuisí.', and Col. C mstork was oí üiiuisr fl ul t neo hilli. Ifi tho i'3niug, ;"Mine II," tUrjw or fpjftr tiiiies si ugiii to biifig ni his liquor cifSö, but J .iiu cvi.di'-ii it, uiuil Coui.stock boltod :_i.; on to il tlms : "JudgH yuu reniember my líqnór suity" 'Oh. ves. John, very well," raplio 1 tío Júdge. "You udvised jpe td catry it up ti) your court, did'.'t yon, Judge ? ' said Cpftistoek, " Yea 1 d;d, John,'' snid the Judge, "for I wmiled to Kue yon deat foirlj !y." ■' Tlie deuce you did! But you bont methóiigh, dídn't you?" inq'aired Comstnck i ti bis pccuü:.ny BearcHng rijanJÍC 1'. "Yes, John," said the Judge, lookní Coiosto'-k véry seiiously in thèface, í'act is, John, ytiuv íicjiiór for : ■;iii' past lias boen so ciVnfolirtdudly oor. tfcat I fiajju i the courage t; re l-iü the j idgrñent !" iu.itlv satisfied, and has levor'carried up uny moro liquor s ;its. The Oausk Oí Mai. ai;ia. - An mpor;i'it discnvery in cbhtiection vith ani iry science and physlcal geography luis leeu iiiudo by tlie illustrious hgriculttiral ,' t, lioussingault. He latdy read tlie Acad;nny of Sr-ion e a paper in whieh lie dflmoDStrated, witli feíparkable precisión, thot oïide of carbon acoonrpanres the überated oxygen, whonever the gun sliines upop a vegetable sub.1 in water impregnatad with carboüic acid. The precsnee of ao delcterions a cas ascarbuiiic oxide in the atuios pliero of raarshy eountrtes is maui by this dwoovery, and it oxplains the fatal a Hack s whic-h aniraats suffer in the héaith vheo exposed to the inflijeuce of marshy oxhiilatious. On the other'hnnd, it is uiaiutaincd. tliiit in larire oities vh re coal is oonsu uiad a-Jn i'aris 'id Lo'idpi, cai'bo.iic oxLde is niuüh moro abuhdant in the atmos phare than it 3 in the most uihealthy marshy situatious, and yet mfi'rsh f'evers do nnt prevail in those oities. This lias led to the conclusión that the cause of insrsTi fevers is du to a s lid or body, a uHerosoopio insect, or the debrïs of mi iu$eot carrn'il tluv.ugh, and penetrating tho air passages of tlio lungs, a:ul acttng liko a putrid fureigfi body whiob ir i iates iho wliolc mass of the blood in thtí aniiual by ft piMoess of putrcfaetivc furmeutatiou. - Scit ntijk Atrtiriecpt.


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