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State Convention

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Tbc Democratie Stat3 Central Committce bas cal led a eonvention to convene at Detroit, on fhe 5tli of Maroli, for tlie purpose of nnrainating candidstes for State ofticers, and for tbe transaction of stich other business as wül como before t. Ia this convention, according to the ratio, - see cali in tbis sheet, - Washtenaw Cuny Tl'1 c G01-0 t0 thirty dclegates. Last weck we advised against tlio c". of a convention, and though the coinmittee bas determinod to make it a nominating conventiou, ñatead of a simple platform-malcing body, we yet tbink tbc cali unwise, tbat is tbat it comea full four months too earhj. We thiuk tbat both the committeeand tbe party will regret tbis actiou, tbat is unless the convention is filled with men of more discretion tban sucb bodies are apt to bo com posed of. Yeshall have further remarks to make in tbe future - The atteution of the County Comuiittee is invited to tho cfltll'. BÍ&-A few days sinco it wasannouneed tbat Gov. Gambm-, of Mo., after filling ODe of the vacant Scnatorships by tho appointment of Rohkrt Wii.son, had resigned tho Governorship and proccedcd to Washington, expecting acting Gov. Hall to appoint bim (Gamble) to tbe otber vacancy. It is now announced that Gov. Hali, has appoiuted Joun B. IIk.ndeuson, a Douglas Democratie membei of tbe State Convention, and an uncompromising Union man. Tho ex-Goveruor uow probably realizes tlie truth of the maxiiii, " there is many a slip bo tween the cup and the lip." ui mn ii ■ The Mulmoan Regiment. - The following officers of tho löth Michigan Infantry - tbe Mulligan Ilcgiment - now rendezvoused at Monroc - have been appointed : Colonel - John JL. Oliver. Lieutenant-Colonel - John McDcrmott. Major- Stephen P. Walsh. Adjutant "Acting" - Anthony Johnson. Quartermaster - Micbael Srceeney. Surgcon - L. G. Garner. Asst. Surgeon - John Brady. Cbaplaiu - Rev. Thomas M. Brady. Hospital Stcward - John Crowley. LcC The Detroit Adcertiser bitterly denounces Senator Siolt for bis speech in favor of Senator Eilky's substituto, in which the abolitionists were rather rougbly handled. Tbe Adcerlktrs censure is evidence tbat Senator Stout was right. $-L? Thu Legislature mado no provisión for alilitary School. The amount of money necessary to bo appropriatcd was an objection to some of the members; others, liko the Cbairman of the House Committee - 'Owell - believe a military education uunccessary ; and no agreenieut could be made on a location. So, our ofEccrs must be educated iu actual service. JG3ËT" Tho members of Congrega propose all sorts of taxe3, both on a man's property, and tben on bis products; thcy also proposo a reduction of all salaries hit their own. Wc believe in taxes to support tho government, pay interest on loans, etc, butwo believo in an cquitable way of layiug them, and in making all classes bear the burdens. L" The Geu. Zollicoffek reportcd killed in the recent battle near Somerset, Ky., was for many years a member ot Congress from Tennessee, and ig ono of the ablest rebel officers. Uis Aid, Bailib Peyiox, also killed, wae a son of a distinguished citizen of Louisiana of tbe game name. JC3E" Tbe rebel Congress bas passcd a law prohibiting the publication of war news by the papers. If the Union Congross sball pass the bill now proposod, inoreasing the postage on papers, charging a stamp tax of one quarter cent on every paper printcd, making exchanges 6ubject to postage, and prohibiting tho transportation of papers out of tho mails, it will indirectly prohibit the general publication of news by crushing out full half of the papers in the country. J53SE" We givo place in this issue of tho Arous to tbe Volunteer Jlelief Law as amended at tbe reeent extra session of the Legislature. Important changes havo been made, and Supervisors would do well to study tbe provisions of tbe law with care. JP3T" üne bundred and fifty Federal prisoners arrivcd at Baltimorc, via Fortress Monroe, from Ilichmond on Saturday last. In tho list we notico tho names of C. S. Brinkerhoff and M. Holmes of the First Michigan. gy The vote on tho confirmation of Cameron as Minister to llussia was, jeas 29, nays 14, absent 3.


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Michigan Argus