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The Legislature On The War

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i DO toiiowing rcsoiutiüiis wero aüoptcd by thê Legislature at tbo recent extra aession : Whereas, Tlie GoTcrhment of tho l'nitod States is engaged in putting down a oauselesa and wicked rebel] ion ;gai,st ts au'Jiurity and sbveroigntyj inaugurated by ambitioua mon to obtain politici] powcr ; a Government, the saf'uty and perpeluity cf wliich must ever rest apon Ibe loyalty of tu eitizens, and iu au adlicrcuce to tlie Constituti And whereat, Thu welfare of mankind, thc usefulncsa and power of tlio natioh, aro in volved iu the events aud issues of tbe present conflict ; therefott, be it. Resolved, (tbe'Ilouse éoncurríng,) Tbat tbe people of Michigan deoiu it tho imperativo duíy -of ihc Government to Bpeedilj putdowo all iusurreotlou agaipst its antkority and söveroignty by tbe uso i of every constitutional means, aud by tbe ; emplovmsnt of every cnergy itpossesses; tLiat Michigan stands firm in her deterniination to sustain by men and treasure thfl Coostitution and tht Union, and claims that tlio burllicu of loyal men ubould bo figh tened as fár as possible, by eonfiscatíng to the largest oxtect, tbe property of all insurrcctiouistsj and tbat ! as between the ir.stitution of slavery, and the nuaintenance tf tlie Federal Government, Michigan does not hesita te to say, that in sucb exigeney, slavery slioukl be ' swept frnm tbu land, aud our country be maintained. Resolved, Tbat tba Governor be requested to forwárd a copj of tbe ! ng preamble and reaolutíona to éaét our Senators and Representativés in Congre?s. Pending thc action of tbe Senato upon the above, Mr. Rilet, oí St. Josoph, ' offered tlie followiug as a substituto, and made an able speech iu defensa of tbe ' same : llesolved, That the timing civil War should uot be wagtí! U tho part of the governmeut in any spirit of oppMSsioD) uor for any purpose of conquest oí' subjugation, nor for the purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or establishcd iustitutious of tho States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the eonstitution, and to preserve tho Union with a!l the dignity, equality and rights of thc sevoral States u:nmpaired, and that 33 eoon as tlice objeets are accomplishcd, thc war ought to eease. Resolved, ïhat iu thc adoption of tiie foregoing resolution by Congresa with unprecedented unaniinity at its late extra 8688100, a rulo of action was proscribed to the Federal governiuent from whieh it should not depart. Resolved, Tbat the general policy adopted by the President of the United States in the proseention of the war to crusb the rebelliou agaiust tho Government, meots our hearty approbation, and inspires us with couüdence, and it behoovcs all citizens to rally around him iu this crisis, aud give him tiieir united strength and support, within all constitutional limita. His luotion waa rejocted by a voto of 6 to 23, wben the original rcsolutious v.rere adopted by a vote of 2 to 5. Mr. Baldwin tben moved that Mr Rilky's first and last rosolutions be adopted, which motion prcvailed, yeas 19, nays 9, and in that shapc the dove-tailed resolutions passed the IIouso, and we supposo received the sijnature of thc Governor. We sincerely tbink tbat the Lcgislaturo would have exhibitcd more patriotiam,[and full as much ïnanliuess, by adopting Mr. l'n.Kv's reeolutions and rejecting those for whioh they wore offered as a substitute, as by pursuing the course ' it did. More Nice ïhah Wise.- The lature, at the recent session refused to pass a resolutiou requesting Congrcss to establish a naval station au4 depot at Grand Haven. Thero were other places on tbe Eastern ühoro of Lake Michigan aud on the Western shore of Lake IIuro;i, and it would not do for the Legisla ture to show any partiality, and so the joint resolutiou was rcudered nuil by making it pointless and distributing a compliment " all along shore." But the samo Legislature passed a resolution reeotnmendhig the cstablishing of an armory t Chicago, refusing to strike out that City and iusert Northwest, iu order tbat Detroit, Grand Rapid.s or a dozen other places in Michigan tnight compote for the srmory. Local jealousies forbade naming % naval station, but local interests and State pride coinbiued did not prevent tho wisdom of tbe State playing into the bands of Chicago. We take it tbe Legislature played a very foolish game. J52L" Tho House of Representativos bas passed a bilí totally abolishiug the franking privilege af ter tbo firat of July uext. The bill hangs fire in the Senate, that body wisbing to save the privilege iu part to the departments - in whichcaso the departments would do much franking for the members, as tho mouibere uow io for thek' friends. Abolish tbe nanking privilege and Congress will not order ismuch printingby 50 per cent., aud even then might have auch doue that is unnecessary. XÍ3C Ex-President Joun Tyler died iu Richmoud, on Friday night of lust week. Eetter for bis lamo - thougb the Did whig party cousidercd that considerïbly damaged during his Presidontial oareer - had he diod before he embürked ia the secsssion business. fZ The Legislaturo appropriated $169.50 to pay the expeuses of Mrs. In [jeksoll, of Detroit, who recently vifiited tho Michigau prisouers held at Charleston, carrying tbem clolhiug and other articles of neecssity. fg" The regiment of Col. Stuart, rendezvoused atKalarnazoo, nuhnbering rank and filo 103 t mun, was mustered into service last week. Col. Stuart has procured tho nppointmunt as Lieut Colonel, of O. II. Moorb, an oíFicer oí tho regular service. Tbo regiment is rejiresented as a fine body of men, and tho boiilth of the camp is good except tbo prevalenco of moasles vvhicb boa nearly had its run. Surgeon Ewino inform8 us that tho destinaüon of tho regiment is Kontucky. jfát" Congresa bas passed a bilí providing tho Secretary of War with two Asaistant Secretarios for the terra of one year. This looks üku olücioney in that departtnent.


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