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From Stockton's Regiment

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Hall'b Hill, Va., ) Jan. 12tb, 1802. , Dkaií UaoTiiKit : - Onco more I address you from the simo oíd spot, and have the same oíd story to tel!, tliat there is no neirs. On Monday evoning, Jan. Ctb, wo liad anotlier fall of suow, with very cold weather. On Tuesday five hundred of tlii.s regimoijt went out on pioket, The wcathur was co!d, but otherwise plcasant. Aftcr the regiment was drawn up on the parado ground, overy man was i'urnishcd with a pair of woolen gloves or mittens, ;ud just the thing every one needed - Ou reaching our beat, we found tho log house wbioh wo had made our headquur tors the lust tiinc tliat wo wero out, had boon, through the careloasness of somo of those who had ooeupiod it, burned to the grouud. Our relief, this time, was Btaiioned on the promÍ8es of a Mr. Barrott, a Union man, who, after tho disaster at Buil Run vra obliged to beat a retreat to Washington, with hia iatnily. ïhey were very sociable, but complaiuud bitterly of some of the régimen ts that arestatioued there ; as some of them make a practico of dosiroying all the property that they can lay their hands on. Tho rogiment that we relieved had, the night bofore, killed a number of hogs, geese, hens, &c, bcsides cutting down fruit trees and burning up their feuces. Thoy were, also, saucy and impudent to the fatnily. The lady of the house said sho did not know but that sueh men would do to fight, but she belicved they should nevor bo sent out on picket, and I agree with her. Such regiment, and she says two such make their premisos their headquarters, do more damago to the Union causo in this State Ihm vou can imagino at home. The lady of the house expressed herself as being highly gratifkd that a Michigan regiment had taken tho place of - , the regiment I will not name. In the hands of tho Michigan men she considcred their property safe. They had always treited tho:u goutlemanly, and she likcd to havo them come into the house. Thia house bas been tho headquarters of the oflicers of this atid the Michigan 4th, wlien ou picket, for some time back, and a relief ia also stationed here. She spoke in high terms of both officers and men of the 4th. The officers of our relief took up their quarters in tho house, while tho men distributed themselves around promiscuously, somo taking possession of barns and sheds, and some building fires, around which they would collect when frozo out elsewhere, and where the reliëfs, when they ca-mo from duty, could warm. It freze all day Tucsday, and that night ono was obliged either to hug the firo close, or keep moviug to keop warm. Tho night passed away without any alarm. Wednesday morning the suu roso beautifully, but after an hour disappeared bohind a bank of clouds, and only occasionally ghowed itself during the day. But, for all this, the weather moderatcd and tho snow slowly disappcared, and it bid fair for a storm. At 8 o'cloek in tho eveuing it camc slow but sure. It coinmenccd with a mixture of hail, suow, and rain, aud at 9 o'olock it was so slippery that one could hardly stand up, v, hich made it no desirable job to relieve the posts. At 12 o'cloek the storm turued to rain, which kopt up all night, and in the moruing the snow had disappeared, and the weather was comfortably warm. At 9 o'cloek, Thursday morning, we were relieved, and took up the line of march for our camp, which we reached at 1 o'cloek, P. M. On Friday, it was so foggy and smoky hero that wc could hardly see a hundred yards. The weather is warm at present. Mud is very deep, whioh niakea it very bad drilling. Ou Saturday afternnoon, the commissioned and non-commissioned officers of this brigade wero formed into a battallkm and drilled. The extra baggage of the officers and men of this regiment was sent to Wash. iugton on Saturday, which looka a little like moving. The sick aud those unfit for duty have also beeu ordered to Washington, and will be sent to morrow. To day I visited the outer guards or pickets. All is quiet. Tho mud, which was very deep when wo came in on Thursday, bas almost eutirely disappeared. On my return I stopped at the Michigan Fourth. Saw Capt. DePuy, who had just returned from Ann Arbor, Tho Anu Arbor boys wero all well. It has been very warm here to-day. - The wind blows very hard this eveuing and I would not bc surprised if it ended in a rain. If wo do uot movo this week I will write to you again. I hope we shall receive our pay before we more. I aui enjoying the best of health. J. P. JiL3E" Tho regimenté which advanced from Cairo into Kentucky, towards Columbus, have eomplcted thcir reconnoissanco nnd returned. No real forward movomont will take place in that direction until tho gun-boat fleet ia ready to opérate. The Akmy TüLKGRAPn. - Tho army teleraph now consists of over one thousaud miles of wire stretched through tho different camps, from tho headquarters of General Hooker on tho luft, running toward the right wing till it reaches Hancock, Md. One hundred and ten opera tors are now in the employ of the Government. Gen. McClcllau can sit at the tablo in hia private house, and talk to the different Generáis, all at one and the saine time, and independent of one another. When any división moves, the line can also be extended, as eacli división has a corps of bnildcrs, and a supply of wrre, poles and iusulators always ready. So effectual aro the means that have been taken to prevent accident and delay, that it will be impossible for more than one out of a dozen lines to fail at once. - Strong guards will be kept all along the wires wherever they cross over exposed country, as the army moves, to prevent obstruction.- Philadelphia Inquircr.


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Michigan Argus