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CAft'T BE BEAT: JYLjrB007 SHOEAKD LEATHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Toten. O FELCH haa removed Ö his establishment f rom the Upper tu the Lower Villfige, No. 4. Huron Block, jBhS where he holds lumeell in "SEg? rcadiness to 'dress the "jx derstmilhigs" ofevery Man, k. ' Woiiinn n'nd Child wlio will h givc liim n the neatcst, and best mannerthat cn be done in Michignn. LEATHER nnd F1ND1NGS of all kinds constantly on hand. WANTKD, Cash nnd Hittei. in any quantilies. tbr which the highest pncpa will bc given. tCFLet none purchnse until ihcy have callcd at Felch's. No. 4. Jluron Block. Ann Arbor. ili.y 4. 1844. 3-1 y SAJL-ERATUS, WHOLESALE AND RETA1L by BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor. Lowor Town, Dec 30, 1844. 36 DR. SMITH'S (SUGAR COATED) 'Éf pruved Jndbn Vegetable Pilis," are daiïy etfecting ome of the mos', astonishing and wonderfu'. cures that hare ever been known. in cun9equence of which thcy have now become a ahining mnrk ngainst which all ihe arrows of disappomled lnpe, envy. and unchnriiablenesa aro levelled without diiinction. . The town and country are alike fiUed with their praisc. The pnlace and poor-houso oüke echo wiih their virmea. In all climates. untler all temperatures, ihey s'ill retnin their wonderful powern, and exert ihem una'tercd by ogc or situntion. They are simple in their preparation. mild in their actions, thorough in all their operations. ond uhrivalled in their resuits. They are anti-bilious, anti-Hyspeptic. nnd .inti-inercurial: and ihey are pcculinrly beneficlnl ín the fullowing compiainta: lever and ague, yellow and bilious fevers, dyspepsia. croup, liver complaint, siek headnche, jnundica. asihma, dropsy, spleen, pilej, colic. obstructions, heartburn, íurr-d tingue, ond foul stomach, nause:i, diarrhoea, costiveness, loss of aopütite. sallow complexion, colcis, and in all cases oftoipor of the bowels where a cathártic or an aperient is needed. N. B. QJ'iVo Sugar Cnated Pilis enn be genuine linies every Box has on it ihe-sipnature of G. BENJ'N SM1TH, M. D. Sold 179 Greonwich st , and Rushton & Co., 10 Astor House, and throughom the IJriiied States. 35f3.w DISSOLUTIO. npiIE Copartneraliip heretofore existing be tween Huston & Dtckinson is by mutual consent this day dissolved. Ann Arbor, Dec. 12, 1644. 1w35 Ten Dollars Kcward. LOST on the Hth i nat probnbly hetween Crnnes ond Coons in the vicinity of Plym uuth a small, black Morocco Pocket Book, containing abotu $5U.O') bank notes on Canada. - Any person findins the same and leaving it ai the office of ihe Signal of Liberty shall receive ihe above reward. H.R. KEAMEY. Ann Arbor Dec, 12. 1844. 3w-35 Ashcs, Ashts! TO on y amounl wanted ly BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 26 Ór'ass Sccdf! WANTED by BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Albor. Lower Town. 26 FIRST rate Tea, Sugar and' CofTêc, at the lowest marker print?, at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jefi". Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4R. & J. Ui ÜAVÏtoSOft, TTAVE now on hand a complete ossoriment of FALLAÑD IVIJVTER DRY GQODS, GROCER1ES, SHELF-HARD WARE, $C. $-C. which they will sell cheap for rcadypay. The highest murket price paid at all linies lor Pork anc ali üther kinds of produce. Aun Arhor, Low er Town, Nov. 20. 1844. 31 Réady XSftade Clothmgli! Tri L LARGLbT and best nssonmeiii ot rcady made ciothing 2 er before offered in this State nnw opening. ad for rnl.e, Wholesale or Retnil. at tlie Clutbing Emporiüin of the subscribers, consisting in part o( plain and fancy Benver. Pilot, flroad Cloths and othcr style of Over Coais. Tweed Cossimere, Benver, Pilot Dcniestic Cloth. Union Caseimeré oud tíatliictt Frock and Business Coats. Fine', Plain nnd Fnncy Cassintcre. Bine arWJ Black Broad CÍoth,' Tveeda and oiher styles of Pantaloons. Plain nnd fancy Silk and Silk Vc-Uet. Woolcn Velvet' Merino, Satin and Cassimere Vests, Sec. &c. fee. togother with n vcry large stick of eommon low priced Over CoatS. Business Coate, Pantaloona and' Vcsis. such as blue and black Flushing, Sntinet, KentncUy Jeans, Comnion Tweeds, &c. &c. Also. un exiensive assortment oHlosiery. Stocks, Scárfs, Handkerchiefs. Collars. Tnml'a Wool and Merino Drnwers nnd Shirts, Comforters, Gl-jvee, S:c. &c, al! of wbich willbesold very low for Cash. Thcy wouid rcspectiiilly inviie nll in want of rearly innde garmenis to cali and: ex-amine their etoct before purcliaaingclscwhere, Bsit hashecn selecte3 wit'i great cáio in the Eusiern markets, and manufac tured tn the latest stylei and mostdnrable matiher. fJALLOCK &. RAYMOND", Corner of Jeflcrson ah d Avenues Deimif. Oct. 10. 1S-14. 3m?f ANN AR-BOR OTL MILL: npHE subscr&erg would ghrc notice that thev X are engagcd in manufactunhg LINSEED OI.'j, and are prepnred' to furnieb oil of tiié Uest quality to merrj:ntaf and pbinterp. chenfl rb if can be'obtnned frohi'the East. Oil éxóhanged for Flax sced at the.rate of a gaUon of oil for a bushe! of Flax tfcéd. Cash ai all times paid for Flax 8ccd. prr.cïpiu;a & judso??. A-nn Arbbr, (Lowcr Villagi-,) Sept. 6. 1841. " CO-ly.


Signal of Liberty
Old News