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SPECIAL NOTICES' I 2VD O. H. H Fnsenger trainn now lve Detroil :nl the leveral Statiana iathinCounty,M t'oUows. Trainf do not stop at Btfttiona ivhere RgareJ are omitteil in the table. G 0 1 N Q WEST. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. STIghtKz. Detroit. 10 01 A M. ■( 60 l'. J!. 'J.J5 r. ■ Vpsilauti, 11.95 " 6:0 " 11.10 inn Arboji, l'.-'fl " " ') " 11 SS ' Dexter, IZ.16P.M. 7.0 ' 12.00 A H. Ohel ea, I2.S5 " 7.J5 " l-'.-.'O " . Ar. ( HtcngO, 11.C0 " 10.J5 " G O I X Cl E A S T . NightEs. Jack. Ac. Hall I Chelsea, 6. 10 . . 3 32 r H. Dexter, 6 s " S.6") " l„n Arbr, 4.E5A.M. 7.10 " 4.15 " rpilnti, .S5 " 7. .'O '■ 4.4Ü " Ar. at Detroit, 6.06 " Í.55 " 6.00 '■ O" Any ono nffliotcd with n. hnd Cough. Hoarsnes, Influenza, or nny other pectoral rjiseaae, alumi.l give HOOFLANDS BAL8AMIC CORDIAL a fair trial. Sce ndver-lisement in nnother column. #A SHght Cotd, or L Jhitaat, vjhiah might ke checked ■with a simple remedy, ifneglected, aften, terminales senously. Few are aware of the importante of a ?au(í or 4fLLq.h.t aLd in its f.rst stage , that which m the begmninir would yield io a, müd remedy, if not attended io, soon attacks ihe lungs. JtaujLn! 's .ïati-tiliLaL J3iach.L& were first introd'xced eleven years ego. It has been proved that ihey are the best artiale hefore the public f er faiíQh-S., aLd&i tarLchLlLs., jksikma., ataiith., the Hcaskinff Cough in an.s.u.m.iÍLcm, and n-imerous affeations cf the haCLt, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers Sf Singers urill Jïnd them effeotual for clearing and strengthenmg the voice. Bold by all (Xlruggists and (Dealers in Jáedicine, at 25 cents per box. A CAHD TO THE SXTFFEEiNG. The RkT. V'irjUM ("osf;nnYK, Laboring :is :i Misfl ionarv In Japan, na eorsd of Consumption, when ■■:!' nthormeans had faitea, by a rpcips obtaincd from tearned physician wsifliS t1 ■ I n&i City of Jeddo. This recipe ba oui l great numfeers whowere soBennR t trom c.'iM.mi.tion, Broácliitis.SoreThroat. Coughsanö'l the ilebilityandnon-ous i!opre.iou causedbi thnSiröurotbcneaingolhpr9, I will mnñ this recipe. whicli 1 harebíoiJgW hO8J wttí m, to allwho need it, fiee of charge. Ail-lress Kbv. WH. 009GB0VE. ( 823yl 49 Fulti)n Avenue, Brooklyn N. V. FRIZE POETST. Let Chicftains boast i f In war, And WinstrelB 'une their sweet quitar, A nobler theme m.y hrart is tiHid - In pralse ol Hkrhick's matchlesa pilla. Their cures are found in everv land - Ami'i RusBia'6 snowH - and Afrïe's sanda ; Xhe wondroua works - the papers ftll, l'roducud by ElESKICK'a niatchless PUlfl. Does diöoase afiiiet you ? never doubt This charning compound wlll Bearch it out, An.l healtt again your -jstem lili, Ií yon fly at onceto Hurkick's i'ills. They're :ife for all- both old and young- praiBea are on everv fcongue ; Disease, diaarmed - no tonger u i n , Since we are blessf d with Hkrkick s TilU. Put up with Engl!h. Spaaiss, Germán and Freneh direetions. Price 25 canta pr bux. Saga' Coaled fiee ndvertUement on third page. 804 MOTHERS READ THIS. The following ia an extract trots a letter written by thepagtorof a Baptist Cimrch to the ieornal and Uessenr," Cinelnnati, Ohio, and Bpeaka volumes n ol that wfn-Ul ronownnl ijJciae-vKRa. WlNB i.uw'sooTHixo SYRt'l' FOR l 'ii]i.:ii:kn Tii:n:lNii : "Wesee an advertimeBt in your columns of Mra. Winalow'sSoothingSyrup. we never sa. In favor of a 'patent medicine before in n;ir life, but we feel oempelledto say to yoarreadera, thut thia ia no OOTjbUg- W H.1VK THIKI) IT, ,SNI) K.VoW IX IO 1 ci.Aiiïis. It I, probably. one of the most ai medieineasf ta day, becaose t ia one of the ucst. And those of your readers who have babies canH do it betterthan to 1 .y in a Bupply." Seeadvertisement in inothercolumn New Medical Discovery. For the speeily ani permam nt cure of Gronnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gruvil, Stricluie, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, wkleh lias boen nse-l liy upwardl of ONE HUNDRED PHYS1C1ANS, their inte nraetice, wtth entire succes, superse■B8, Cui-Aiiu,, or any compound hither BELL'S SPECIFIO PILTS, resrieeilymaction.otteneffccüiiga cure in a fewdays. ïdwhen acore is effected H "t. They are Iftom vegetable extracte that are harrnless on ie system, and oever nauseate the utomach or ra ate the braath ; and teinu saear-coated, allnaiwonj istelnavoided. !to change of dirt it nnatary hiltt in Mem; nor doei thair aetion nterfere wrth busicss puvsiuts Eacb boxcooUins six dozen filis. PRICE ONE DOLLAJR, n:l iviU iiv mail po,1-],:i:l by anjr dvertised fat. cm receipt öf the money. Bold by in None geoüins without my signatm-e on the wrapper J. BRYAN, Rochcster, K. Y., (.cneral Agent. k I, S1M0NEAÜ, Detroit, Wholesale Agents for licbigan, 806tf Important to Ladies. Dr JOHN HAI'.VF.Y, haTiBg for np-srard" "f tner.1v ear devoted hia professional t'me clusivelj to the Batmentof Female Diffioialties, "■! havlng ucoeedeilin thousanüs of case in restoring the aftttcted o sound healüi, has uow entire coofidence in offering lubliclyhin "aRBAT AMERICAN HBMEDY," CHRONO-THEEMAL FEMALE PILLS. Whicli have lu-vcr yet (aileá (when the dtrectioss have been sTicily tollflwed,) in removing dtllicuHiesarisiuy lrorn Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, rinrestorui"t]ie syslfm tu perfeel luallli, wlu-n suf erin trom Bwkal Awmtioïs, Peolüwts Ctebi, rat Vuur or otlier weakBem of toe Uxraxs Oichi. Hm n all' casos of Dhiiijty uk Xr.Rvors PROdTSATION, H7SEBirs PA1ÏITATIO5S, i:c, &c, whioh are the [bienmners ,r more serious disease. 7''";-"! Í5'" "!'c P'Kf'ly iurmlens on the constimtion, and matj bc taken by the mast delicate femále without cauting dito-at; u. tljEsarae [me the act uu a chabï ty strengtheniug, inmotalui and restoring tke syetem to a hralthy eonditon, and 'by bringing on the monthly period with regularity, in matter from irhai eause theoDBtraoeoa mar arise fhey shonW. howovcr, not be taken fluring the lirst ;,,-,',,. or foor oionti m1 i regnaney, taough ssile at any ither time as miacarriage would betheresult. Each box eontains ro l'ills. l'rice One Dollar, and when desired wiU be entby mail irepaid by any adver■ ',',.,] Vgent, on ïeoeipt of tbe rooney. üold i,v Druggitin Ann Aïbor. J BBïAN, Boohester, N. Y., General Agent. H fc 1 S1MÜNHAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. S()('tf JMPÖRTANTto FEM ALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OFWOMAN" IscontinuaHy mporil if slic is md ènoogb to neglcct or maltreat those noxual Inegularltïes to which Uvotliinlfl of lier sox are more or loss subject. DR. CHEKSEMAX'S ï'll.Ls, prepare. 1 firom the iame formula whicli the inventor. C0RXKL1Ü3 L. ( ir i "■ MAN, M. 0., of Xcw-fork, has for fcwenty yeac&used neoessfuüy fami extended private pot Ice- immeditely relieve without pain, all disturbances of ilit1 noriodical discharge, whetlier ansiüg from relasatioa or suppression. They act Uke a churm n removing tlie paini Unit accempany (hinoult or tmmddrate mor?truat-,on, and are the only safe and reliabl: rwneöyfor Finsbes, Piek Headacbe, Paius in the Lotns, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Iloart Nerveus Tremors, Hy ster íes, Spasmt, Breken Slp ui'l other anpleasant and dangerous effecta of au unnatural condition of the sexual funotionfl In 1 the worst cases of Fluor Albu$ or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. i To WIVES and. MATRONS 1 DR.CHEEaBMAN'SPII-LÖareofferedaa the önly safe i means of renewinginierrupifd mrnstruatinn, bul. i LADIES BIUST BEAR 1 MINI) ' There is ore raiidilioit of the femalt aysinn in wkick 'Ju j Pilis cminotb e taken witJw ut pmductvg a PECULIAFy I RESULT.} di on rr.ferrcd to is PltEGNANCY- 1 the reBult, MJSCARRTAQE. Such U the irrenistibh , lendency of the medicine torestors the scrual functigns tt ï a normal coiidition, that eren the reproducthc poicei ' of nature canvot resist it. - ErpUcit directhns stat'mg whent andiohen they sKquU Í not be used} with each liux,- tho Price Oue Dollar tac) ' Box, röntaiït ing ft O Puls, ' A valaable l'anplilet, tobo had free of the Agenti , Pilis mnt by mail proitiptly, hy epdosiBg pnce to an; ", Ajreot. Sold bxDxuggib!$geuerat v. ! K. B. UÜTCH1NGS, Froprietor. 20 c.-'lnrSt., New York ' Fnr Salp hy MAYXAUD BTEBBIXg 4 ÏTILSOX, an 1 GRENVILUE k FTLLER. k, g S " O i S r i -I Qj 'o l= - ► O o" H ff) rt g '2 H g j % n 4 s h í M a g u 8! j Qj 73 O O L ij 's;! ji L ■ irá!. Fj S G 3 1 s SPEER'S SAMBUCI WTNE, PURE, AND FOIR YEARS O! .!, Of Clioire Opor"o Hambucus, FOR rHYfICTANP' l"sF, FOF. FEMALES.IVEAKLY PERSONS & INVALTD3 I SI V? Kveiy faraily, üt tlita seaaos, Bhould use tlio BAMBÜCI VINK, Celebratfd in Eorope for itB medicinal and beneficia! qu&litles u a gentle StimulatH , Tonic, Diuretic aml Hu dcriflc, liitrlil y eateemed ïy eminent physicians, uaedin Ear pean and American Bospitalfi,andby Eome of tbe first families of Euvoj e anti Ainorica. AS A TONIC, It lias no equal, causinp; an aipetite aiul bnilding lip of the Byatem being entirely a pure wine of a most T&luable fruit. AS A DIÜBÉTIC, Tt nniiarts ,-l licaHliy aciion to Ihc Glandaand Kidneys, and Urinary Órgano very boneticiulin l'ropsy, Goutjflnd Rheumal ie ajfections. Sl'EER'S WIXE Isnot a mixture or manufactured article, bnt is pure, fri u! the ulcé of :!; Portugal Sftmbucos, cultivated in New Jersey.rec v, mei Sed by Cnemists and Phytician medical pro pertií u perioi 10 anv other Wine in une, and au excellent Article for all weah and debilltated perAoufi, aid the aged and infirm, improyin$ ttie ai)ptito, and beaefi ing !alii!s and ehildmt. A1.AD1J S WINE, Because it ivill not intoxícate al othor wine, as it contains no mixture of splriis or Uqaon.and is ■■■ 'mired foritsrich, peculiar flavor, and nutritive pro] Impartlng a healthy tone to the dig. ' 8,an4 blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexión. WB REFEB TO A few well known gentlemen and physicianu, v!io hare tried tlie Wine: - Con. WmfielJ -cott. ü S. A. Dr. WiUon, lllh si .. N. Y. G ir. Uorgari, N.Y. stato Dr. Ward, Newark, X. J Dr.J li. Chilton, N. Y.City. Ur. Dougherty: " " D. Parker, M Y. Ciiy. Dr. earish, PMladelphia Drs Darcy and NichoU. Dr. Davis, Chkago, Newark, N. J. Illinois. And m.iny othera too nnmerous io pubii-li. jg=Xnne genuine anteas the lignature of AIFRED aic.N.J.," is over the cork of eaoh bottto. ; , MAKE ONE TRIAL OF TÍ1IS WINE. For Pile by Mnynaitl, Stcbblus & WIlsoii, A i . ■ A ..n.i For snle by Higby & Stearns, T. R. Spence, Henry Iliiih , H. & I-. Simone-m, Otto Leusehnra, whoare ftlso Agenta for ;;] eee'H i elebrated Sambuei Brandy of Trade suppliedin Detroit by JAS. A. PERKINS & CO. A. SPEER, Propiietor. V1NEYAED. Pbsmíc, Sn Jersey. OFFICK, 808 Broedway, N. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Paus, S3-tm6 Age&t lor Franco and GemUUlf. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. oivnisrxETJS f.ïï,e. Tas ÜNDKRSIONED, Hot] Proprietorn !n tliis city cl Aun Arbor.respectfully nnnounce to the public, that mi auil aft (lie lirst 4y of .lamm-y, 1862, TEN CENTS F ARE. wil] be cli.irgel to ench nml everv pf.on carried 1o or tbe cars, to the respeotire Hotels, by the Omnibus S.rOOK, Conli'sIIoti!. II. BABSTOW, Frankliu House. Aun Albor, De. 24üi, 1861. 832tf EYB and EAR. JlP DR. F. A. CADWELL, Of Chicago. OPERATOR OW THE EYE & EAR, Per Deafitess, BllndneM. nnd all defeets of fM'FH umi ufnuiijTi DR. C. RF.TNfi A REGULAR PhysieUn,wïtbTWENTT Y KAK-1' exclusive prnctice rn the tróatn til of diaeasei of the ICYE AND EAR, mil be found i'nlly quaUfled tí 'Vive relief or effect a. cure in any oate within the re&ch of hum&n skill. ,$fö No charge for an ezamtnation or an opinión, orfor un$vcc8ttful services. ■■ Dn. c. 's Thbajisb om ths Kye and Ear, Pixtli Edition, of 300 Pages, containing BeÉereneea, Testimoníala, Dweríptton oí Diaeatea, Gases, and other important matter, lllustrated wittí Cuta, to he liad gratis, by ■■ Tfücnfifirc C -''f- to paj pofttftge. Addreei Dr. Cadvi i l 91 and 93 Bandolpb .Street Corner Deabom, Chicago, ÜUnols. ' 3y88. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. QjAA íicros of ta&dwith a well of goofl water, and a ó U ' ) Li v! Dg spring, stone house, batn&nd non dorebard, and cnehundred ano Bftj acres impruved. The farm UfltiuatediD tlie town of Scio, and sou i li of Mr. Boydön's j'Uins, and four and a halfmilea fioni Aiiu Arbor. JULIA HURRAT. WM. MUKKAY. Scio, Bpt 24, 18G1. Sl'.'wc Ice for the Summer of 1882. rriflE SUBSCRIBKRwilloommencclelivering Im itboul the flrat efHay nexl and deliver until the middle or lant irl Oob ber,riorSX monttmwiU dejivcr 201b. per. aay"40lb onSaturdaj i -. " ir the bs o, WiUbeglad ta sapply ill hia foi tn and by being promp.t and paaetuol wiU in leavurto give KattS' i to all u-Ii" may favr liim wi h thi ':■ orders. N o Ice will be dsUvored as tiereto f fe reek in fíoir rf(íí-s ;lt W ■ par, nuwth ;i it is impogsible to keep the viinl'-r that arrangpment . Hun Is and Saloon fiuniKhed ;! horctofore. OLMLHT. B. THOMPSON. Ann Albor, Nov. 22, 1861. 82Tw3 THAT LONG PIPE! C TILT, continúes to poor forth CARBON and i1 ft.ER0SENF,O;LSináinndance for 38 CENTS PER GALLON, And tb ttüll is itiliran&iag tb1 out. LAMPS! LAMPSÜ LAMPiü! in cndless varirty at ibout half tlie usual prlcos. OIT, CANS, of all HÏzes, from one quart to five gallons, at the Pfople'fi Criickery Ai (Jrcery Muro. A. DriPORE T. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1862. ANN ARBOR SCHOOL LOAN. C'nlel Proposíils wïü be reeeïved by m1 ïp to Ö10 o'oloek A. M., öf Jan. SSthifor a loan of ÍÜ 500, ecared by the BondB of School Di U ■ . fío. 11, of the Cty and Townihtp nf Ann Arbor, running five yeara frem Ihi ' , wiüi intari si paj aj : b!e aniiualy, Bids i i a1 a rat$ "t" intercBi r Leño than 10 por cent, or may offer a premium for lioml.s bearing 10 ber cent. i l!v order of tho Peliooi Roanl. l ' E ii POITD, Secretary. ; Ann'rbor, Jan. 10, 1SC2. ■' A TWO STORY Brick dwollint; in a J.X. pkasent part of ilie Cily, Apply to P BACH. 1 Anu Arbor Dcc.24, 1861, 832w4


Old News
Michigan Argus