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LIFE 1WSU.K.ANCË. Tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insaranes Company. Accuinulatcil Capital, - 3,500,000. I ITlI.I.TNSIiltiM.I'. I leedinR VV s. -.■■■■-.. . tl wliole ferr Life or lbr o term oi rears on the most favorable térros. ■ x ,, r ;a purely mutual and the r''f.v hnldrnnt 1' llie lorphw ". ant, bearing Interest al - ■ ■ Dividend are Declarad Annvri? „,.,) since tto " "1 í I " ' ■ ;i '" '"'l"-'' i ... ■ . ■ ., ej ■■■ ij be loa of premiums arcas low m hut o i tl large i rei raul ite I ■ L uu 1 wen by refet en !" ■ ' ': Me ln "JU JAMES I WATSj, Important Kational Works, ' D, Al'! U i"N ft CO., 346 AXD 343 BKOADWAYKEW YORK l(hc following work are entto Subscribir--' in any part „f th-j country, (npon recolpl of reuil piice,) ly iik.iI "THOwAMEMAS CYCI.OP.'EBIA: A Dictinonrj of Benwal KnowleitRe. Mltcd by :„„. [;„ : . Rus .-.. Pasa, uiüeil by n ouiueroui sc-lect co "■"■ Art and Litaraturt. tliis worl tavo volumes, each contamine isutwo-commn S Ís. I.. II., Hl., JV. V., VI., Vil.. VIH.. IX. irp nuiv, each Bontainlng ngtti 1 arti los. An additional volume will bu publislied once in t'Mlll II. j Shecp, 8.íJ; Half Kiissift.S4.00 I ■ i Imerictra Cyolopdla la pópate without beno superficial, learned withoot beiug pedantic, i ,,-v-iv, bul sufflciently tailed, freefrom personal uijue i;,,l partj I acemite. It a .„„píete i ■ f all tl"t s khown upon everyun.■■.i., withlt tlie seopeof human ntelligenoe.- Srary importnnt urUde tn it has been spe. 1 rities iipnn tlictopic m whioh riiey a tequlredto bring th luhjpct up t. tlie preseol rnoment; to statejuBt how It itands 7(iio. All tluion i from tle -.;! ac untá ki i p pace with ■ i .rationa; historie) matters Delude the a pillen! notioef sds ."1. ""t ring. It.lí a libratj fmiKSIiftHSJít OP THK DI3HATKS OP COSÍtíl! . al uliticol H ítoi oijation "i ti" Hist Feilen I ■ od compilcd by Iton. Tu... . ..,■■■;. rk Mili bocotc i ..' octaTo n of f50pageeach, llofwhfch r no ready. lilHinil volume I! bo pubHstied once in thiee niontha. c'l, .■'''.. ■ S3; Law Shcep, Hall' Mor., 4; Hall A v VÏÏ V'VWSG TIIECYri.Or.Tir)IA OR DEBATKS Form i "lub of fonr, and pemtt the pvicp of f"., p - and ve copies wül be sen1 :.t the remitter's expennefo carriagé; oí tor ten subireriber, Steven popim al !■ ii'iit at our eipenM for oarriage. To Asentí. üTootherwoikwIll .o Uberaïly rewurdtb. exertions of 'v. .. ,ls an A(m-:t w.iNTKii a TrnüCoexn Tcrms DWn on ípplication to the Publlíhet. 'Aun Arbor, Müïch, 1859. 'V1... "S I3ev. Wt. Wuiuht, agont at Kiiine bmilhs re, Ypsilanti. MICHÍÜAÑ SOUTHERN & NOBTHEEN INDIANA HA1LROAD. 1861. BOMMER ARBAXGEiyöW, 186Í. lrains now run on tul road, Sundays excepted, as folio ■■■' : Leave Toledo fot Chicago 8 00 A M.,andor. 51., and v.a Air Line at 9.08 A. M. Leave Detroit for Chicago 1 7.1"A M.nn.1 9.30 P. M. Arrmngin Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at",30 P. U. aud 7,00 A. U. . and vin Air Line at 7. I'. M. Ariiveat Detroit frora Toledo, at 6:55 A. Sil., 0:05 'leares Detroit fot Toledo at 7 15 A. M., andero P. A vi i ve iu Detroit fromChioaitoat 8. 05 P. K.,and6;65 A. M. irriwi in Toledo from Chicago 4,20 P. M. and 4.30 A. M an.l vi--, a.r Une at 4.1á 1' M. 1 cave Jacknon for T. ledo at 4.15 AM. an.l 1.05 I'. M. trom Toledo al 8.65 A. M., aud 4,20 P. M.■!;-.:i I'IONS. At Toubdo- Witb ' I eland Tolsdo Rail Rond, n-iili Wabash Valley Rail Boad. ,;,,.r_Yr.h Grand Trunt Hailway , wtti Uroat i Kaihray, also, wilh the Detroit and Hihrankw. Ilailroad At Nhw Albaky & Salkm Tí. B. OitoannG- n tUTraina for 1 aiiiyctic, New Albanv and LouisTille. Ar Chicaoo - With Ohlcago nnfl Rocftlnland, Galena, Milwaukce, Chicago, Baiüngto nd Qulnoy - North West RaUvraj- -Chloago, Altun aml Ht. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Pointa WefH ani 8oath. jLg Train?; :irc run by ' 'hicajo time, ivhich is 20 miiiati lowai iban TcAeilu time. p, i 1;; ('ars aecompanf tie Nignii Traína on tliiaRouto. Salabar'y Patent Ventila tors aml Dustersarc ttsed on all Summer Train. Time and Fai the samo as by anyotherRai! Roail Bonte JXO. D. CAJirL'F.I.I,. Oenp-al Superintendent. C3. BlilSS Is now rcceivlnjr a largo aml ell etected assorlment OIocks, Watches, - ■ :r u .til. .■ ■ ■- JEWELEY, Silver and Plttted Ware, TABLE AND POCKET C3 1LJ T5T 331-4 "B33 JES. TST RAZORS asu SHEARS, C3-OL3D DPEHSTS, Musical Instruments, Btringt V Books for Instruments, SHLST MUSIC, COMBS, and a great rarietj of YANKEE ISTOTIOTSTS, ScG. ITo wouM cali particul&f nttentiou to kis large stock of SPECTACLEa, o GoM, .S7r, Sleel, and Flated, tcüh PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Also Huntington & Flatt's oelebrated CALENDAR CLOCK! gnitable for Offices, Countíng Rooms, HeiIIh or Dwelllng. These clocks are reUkble time keepers and Calendar combinedjWKl requliethe wiadiag of Vao timfi move DDiy,to Reourft all tfae requifed obangea u mid irightj Bhowing the Hy of tb week th montt and f] ly of the tnonth, ncluding the 29th of February of Leap year. His goodj are inostly of reoent purcha ■ NVw York and the manufacturera, and will be Bold to Balt the tinos. Persons bvlog difficalt watobei to lit nfitb glasees eau be accomodated, aa my t-tock is large anO complete, P. S. Particular atU'iitinn to the af all kinds of fina Wat ches, snch as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pht'tans, Stojfs, and CyÜnders. Also clocks, Sc rE-wriEi.DRrsneatly repaïred uil wfuraoted, at bis old stand ast silo of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ano rbor, Nor; 15, MM 8981 TWO DWELLINGS FOR SALE OR RENT. fMTlSi QITL'ATKT, 'mi' on Main ftMlH 'lilSS O auil tlii' il.hiT on Detroit liilSKt li Ftroct. l'(iMi'.-sii:n Kiven XtÜUSyt SfiiSS immtMliaiely HIIht or M bothof tbo nbove ijwi Iftn .- will be sold rot a mll um ana the balance op time to snit purchers. Kor furth-r „at n,.,„ir.-ul TffiS OFFICE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO O XJ S T O IVl EBS. ALTiSceooatl over six imniths must be settlril tit once. Cll al the office aodp&y PA well selcctud tock of New tluud Chcap for Ca-h. S21tf UAXKABD ,ST1SBBINS S WILBOS. ■WASflTENAW MUTUAL IN8UUANCE COMPANYIMlESocrrtfiry will ba 1 Cook'l Ttotel, in the City cl Ann Arhov, onTburitttey rif eaah werk, untilfur! hei Dotiie, ready tj receivcnew mcmliprs. M. KKNNT, Sccri-i .tt. br2Sci,lBl, --til SEWIWÖ ÏÏIACHINE FÖR SALE. ITKJR SAI,F. CHKAI' a nr-w nrst slan Fmlly PfiHni ? Madliui,. anatili'l ho li.-ltrr m uiaiVtl. ïitih i:. b. roxp. nn Arnnr, Jüly lïth,15fil. 'i he Lateí't Special Dispatch ! Vq tlio citi39ns cf Ann Albor aufl V:cinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Ilunrheds wuich'ovj the, progress tf Daily Ecmts ! ! The Federal Ann y agaiu Victoriims! "The Union must and shall be Prese.rved !" " There was a manin our fovn, He was so luondtous wise" Eut with all li is wisáom, lio wan not so w3e ■ as Ihftt '■oilier man," who nlieu he wanteá to tuiy t lio Tlie cheapest and lest OLOTHINC! In this marJc:t always jumped into O ü I TEE MAN' 8 HEAD QÜARTERS! For there he linew lio always got liia money's wortb. Seeing ia believing and you that ■wisli to sue eome in and bclieve. Tliosri tlrnt can't tsoe can fkel, anl s we always makc ouir onstomefs fee! góod over gootl bnr; tlny are cpecinlly mvited to our ftnxiotifl pfiit, tliüt t !■ y 'oo muy realizo liow "gooil il 3 lor tlutii to he witli us," and liow mucli pleasure can be cbtained in the enjoyment ot SPLEWBID BARGAIHS ! " me (sil ye tliat are wenry nnd heavy laden" - witn RofKs and we wili do our best to relieve vou - giving voi in reiurn the Jinest kind cf Goods at the lotvestjigurea. Great bfittlee are huurly talcing place in t.ho Clothicg ine - whole regiments of 0as3Írnere8. Wsïin'.'S. tc, are being elauglitered by Gen, Soxdhkim - to fit the great rush of reernita that nre pouring in from every direction, all iinxious to have tlieir ñames enrolled for a NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! - 3ueli as can only bc had at the Ilea.d-Quarters of Guitermand; Co. Oneofthe firm, llr. M Guitermas, having just reLurnod from Europe with a largo assurlment of Cloths, Ga.-.8iraeres, and n nice lot of fine VoBtings. nlso a few pieoea of fine Beaver for overcoats whii'h ive will make up Lhat we can aatisfy 11. STXJJDEISrTS 1 We are happy to greet yon nga'n n our City.after apending yotif vaoation wlth the " dear old folks nt home. Be nssured wé wiah yon a pleagant term, and eliall ever be glad to inedt you at the Old Hcad-Qnarters, No. .5. O Our fortner eustoniprs, we feel assured, will cal! on i;s again To you who come as strungers we ffonld say a few words, we wish you Lo cal] und look at our fine Coat, Pants, and Vesie we can do bettfif y you than ary other h -use in ihe Cit.y, and if y(u cali and examine our gootls.and try thcir fits, you will purchuse nowhere else. DON'T FAIL TO O-ak-XiX k .1} C3-. JE31. Q DR. HÓOFLAlïD'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the npssdy cure of Cottgks, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Boyscis, arteiny from Cold, Incipient Con' sumpiion, and for the relief and (if at allposñble) cure of Patiënt in advaneed stagen of ths latter disease. fPIIE fiiilsamic Cordial is cntirely a Vegetable produc_L tiou, combining the liealing propcrti-.s ol the lifilsara, with the invlgOrating qualities of a Cordial, prodticinga cwsibinat on bo well adapttd to Uie purposes atended, that there are but lew cuses of disease which will not, at a n ea:ly penod, huccumb to ita beaUngaud Ufo giviag prop Foragea, haa the treatment of pulmonary diaeases occupied llie greutov portion of the altentiun of the Beien tifie of the medical world, but none acqulred more emineuce in hia treaiment of these diseases, than the celebrateil Prussian, Dr. Hoofiand, the origDatot of the Balaamic Cordial. Sis Ufe was devoted to tbfl produc... .Í . I - . _ J1...J IJ J,__J1 _. T.Tl.l I I ..- ;iou of remedies tiuit wouid stand u orí valled. How .veil he haj succeededj the American peoplenre ft&U to odge: and we positivwy assert, that no preparations bat baw evei ben p Ia eed before tln-m, bave eonferred :be aam nmount of benefit Ou suffering bumanity, or ïave elicited w many commendations imm all classes il' society, as thereiaedies ut" Dr. Hooftand, prepured by i)r. C. M. Jackson & Co., o! Pfiiladelphia. Tlie Cordial Eb i ;i elan of diseaiei more ieijetiil an'l more fatal thau auj otber to whicli the people of ibis country are subjdct - those springing from a tlMÍigkt r.uld.-' Tbat eminent authorily, Dr, Bell, sa; s: "Iwill notsay thmt Cotaa are to our Inhábil anta wfaat the Plague and Ydlow Ftver are to ihnse ni other countrtefl; butlcan avr eoafideotlythat they u slier in disease of greAteroomptieity and inoitality than UiCftC líittor." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcolwlic l'rejaration. DU. HJOFLAND'S celebratöj GBRMAN BITTERS Preparad by C M. JArKSOX At CO., Philadelphia, Ta. VillolTcctu;illy cure LIVEK COMPLAIN'T, DY8PEPSIA, JAUNlICK,('hronic or Nervous üebilüy, Diseases of tbe ECldueys, and all düeasei anttag írom a dlsorctered Uver or Stomach, 3u:h a Cimstipition, Inward Pilca. Fulness or Blood totbe Heac.Ao'ditj of the Sttftnach, Nausea, Heart burn, Dtogüst tor rood, .V'ulness or veiht intliu Stom ach, cour kractatiom , Sfnking or PlutterUig :it the PU of the Stumach, Bwimming of the Head, Hurried and Hfflcult Brwathing, FtotterHsg at tlie Jli'art, Cfaoking oi Suflfecating Bensat!' üb wbB In a iji"'. posture, Dim ,;.. o1 Vifiion, Uota of weba befope the sight, Fiver aud Huil Pain in the Head, Hettcíeboy of Ferspiration, Yellownesa of the. -Kin nw Eyfi. Pain in the fcJHe, Baok ('i;i Bt, Limos, &c. Suddró Flusbesof Beat, Burningin the ;Flesh, Constant imagimnga of eriï, and great Heptcssiftns of Spirits, and nll posHivelj prevent YELLOW FEVER, lilI.LUJUS FKVKU, tVc. The rro]tni"or in i.-;iiiin at'.fiüioii of the public to tl: is prepara tion, dooa bo irfth a fesling of the ú toaos 1 conBdeace in its virtues and utaptation to the diseaseií íor whloh it is recommeaded, Itisimiuw ;iml untried artlcle, hut on" that bas stood the test of a twlve 3 ers' trial before tl 10 merlean people,andita reputation and aaie are uarivalled by any similar preparutloBB extant. Th testtmoay in ín favor given by tho most prominent anti well-known i'lr. icfanfl and Indtviduals In all parta of the t-ountry ia e, and a car ful Devus&l el the Alntanac, pub lished annuaüy by the Propi i "_■ tors, and t(! ! ofanyoftheir, caanot but satisfy the most Bkeptlcal thatthia remedy is rcally deserving the great celebrlty it basobtainftd Kcad the Evldenci from J. Newton Bmrrv J), P. , Editor of the Encyclopedie of ïtêkigiouê Knowteo'ge. AHhongb netdisposed io fatcror ncomraend Patent tfedicioM in general, tbrougb distrust of their ilii'nt and efucCf,! vt"i knmv o) im I on vliy a ir an muy Bot ttettiy to the benefit he believea UimaeÜ to hare receivedfrom my simple preparation, ii the hope iliat hft niay thus contribute to tho bencüt of otliers. Idathisthe more readlbr in regard to "lloofland'fl G( rmao Bitters," prepared by V. .i. Jaokson, ot this city, beoause 1 was prejqdiced against them l"r ander the imprcssion that they were chlsflj an ilcoholIcmixtxire. 1 am Indebted to ray fiind Robert Shoemakerj F.kq ..íor thereraoval of thw prcyiidice by proper tests, afld to-ï 1 ' ■ i to try thiiiu, whon BUoerIng from greaJ and long eontinued debüily, The u-r . three bottieö of these Hitteraat the beginning of the presea! year, was folluwed by evidjeot relfc ration toa dtgreei t bodily and mental wbJch I had 1 feit for -ix months befure,aod had aUnont despaired trf trg.iinlng, I th-refire thank God and my fr dtrtotingmeto tbe use of thora., J. N'KWTÜN BRQWN. Read what the oralftftnt Glaaa Uamtfactvrei', JOHN H. WHITAI.L.says of the BALSAMIC CORDIAL. Dit. C.M. jAChsox- Ucspontttd Krifn-l: Haring for a ü" u ■■■!) ;.'i'-iln!i'4 -t h the vlrtues of tby Bal■ 'p'i;il in Con h 1, ' 'okts, 1 d of the i Lungij fre. 1 thu ' . ■ naooy to Ita - Yiv se venil vc-iir-i f it:iv nevor twen mthoul it In nïy famïly It ulsogives me pleaflure to state that I have iisi'.l il withentiw unecws ín the treatmt-nt of Bovel Compl.nnU. Tliy fritsd truly, JOHN M. WIIIT.M.T,, Fiflb Mo, !7,ir5S, ■ trêetrabo 4tÜ, 1'luU. Tlicse medicines íire for salo by all rttftpeetabïfl Dnitr1 I doajterfl i'i "i'1'! ■■■'■' i 11 the United Htates, Britibh Pr o vincöft, (ind Weet Indita, at 7fi eents per bottlf - ite sure andffpi tbs genulne, itii tl 10 Rïnature at C. M. JfAOKflONOB iii" vrrapper oi oaoh tMjttle-; ftU orhtrs are tfHnttrfoit Prinrjpnl t.)LRc an-1 Slanufacton , 41 R Arel: Street, Phiiadelrhia, Pa. 80vl


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Michigan Argus