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Great Beduction iu the Price cf SINGEll & CO.'S Standard Machines . Well knnwn in bc thé Best for Manujucturinff l'urni No. I, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at S'JO, redueed to $70. No. 2, ot' sumo kind of Mnchin, for morly sold :it 100, rad u eed to $75. FINGKU'S LETTER A MACHINE [itbebmt Shcliino In Ihe irorld foi I n l i iringqd Mght Munufai amtilvUk Bcmmtr,) md I beutifu!ly 0111 1 ■ The Kg. 1 arni 8 Maoliiriñ ure of freat oapaoity qd Dd,. - adapted to ill kinds of üglii Vurki '" '''"" Tri; abing,etc.}eto. . :n'i ',v :tli : n BLK1 lol take unfléf it niü titch the Largi ü ia ecarcelT anypflri oiaTritn canaot ,r done v.iin 9 bi : m, i, the „,!„„ „I time ad labor i '7 gTeat, Thetableof ,,;!i ita 24 lnehea lo(tnd the.boUle wlll timeatbe iual .u.intitvfnl throad. ïiielargc mncliinewuik asfaltas small ones. w ld HBlffor nr t.rtter A Machine, tüesjieclalattentlon of v..,i Haken uul Wew Moter, and ail tliose who want Machine! for i mamtfaaunag purpoëet Tbi-y embody the sridclplea H the s1 machines, inakin-; liketliem tlwiuterloeked sitch, and tobé tticfelebrati fl for Famh.v Skwino w '1 ril manafacturiag purposea aour itandard mai notactucing puypoae iogeneral. We liavo alvrayson band, mcjimna 0AU0,siutilfiaT J.IM'.V ANJ OOTT ► TIIKIlAI'. OH BFOOtfl, BkliT MACtONK üIL 11 ij -i i lts. etc, '-ie. c Tg manufacture nur wn Xee Mes, and wfcuid vafn au ;isiag Our machines faottobuy anyoítliers, We ] knu-.v Eh'at there are neecTTëfi roW ƒ íA w infn'mr tnnlitij ;it higher prices tban we charge for the esí. The ueeiUi's sold lw u.s are manufactnred wpecéally for , our ma 1 Ines. v4 badnccdlemay raider the best machine ahnes! useltê. Our cusLomers jnny rest afsured thatallour }'rauch i t'urni ihetl v, fh fli" ■■ ■ &fiuin i tfticle " ' In casp of suuiH párchame, Ihe mout') may be sent in , . ■ stamp1. or baak notes. CrrespondeatB wilí pisase wrïte thoirnames dist i !y. It is all inportanï t)i .t we ftboold, ïneaclicase, kaow f :. , ' i l i 1 v, ;iü'! State, !$?- AA persons requiriny iiiffrmatún aVmt iewinjr Machines, tueïf bu pnce, wörkfng capaeitïes, au th t metbodd of purchaeioif, caoobtifn il b se&diogto iis, or nny of our Brancb Offices Rjt a copj of I. IH. Sinter & Co.V Gazette, WhSch is a bpautiful PictoriiU Paper eftt ïruly devted to tüe subject- il wi7 bc sent gratis. BririhKn mr'lotl(e;ilMveRKDnrTIONIN PRTrTCwiili the two-fold Tiew o4 biefttiog the public and out gelees. XJie pubTic ïiAVbeen swindleii h) suriotif machines m&de ni un i t;i M'in of ours. Tl e mal irj tin tn froin Oio iron casting to tbe sraallest peice, i o quility. Thoir makers have aöt tbemeausto dotheir vork vcil. 'i'iicv are bid Aaj iö Beorei places, where M wonWbe impoBHÏble to haT at tbeir comraand tl il Is onlj by ctojng ■ businèffS, und hu ving extpslv roamiiad andg establishment, tlut iroml Hi.'iriui,-s e lx? made at m pries. Thebesi et nes., BAI LY MADE, ar ■lTiya Itable to get out of ordsr, icl aresure to cof eowtideiable trouble and money to Itfeptbein in repairi Th (julítii to be looked for m a Uaebineare ; e ■ taintyoï correct actKn.atall ratta oí Bpesd.simp'.icitj uf constniction, gr'eat durabfiity, áhdraprfity of cperation, withthe least labor. Machines to combine tlie essenttal qualities, pnuat be made of the beat me:al and d topcrf(ction. We lmve theway and means,oii :i grand Boale, to do tfeia. 'i'ii'' purchasersof machines, whosedaily bread it may concern, will find tbat thöM hnvingflie abovequalitie not only work well at rapld aa well is bIow rates cl lr''l,iut last longcr in thfl . I ■ "'orking order. r 1 máchiaes, an raado by us, will onrn more monéy with less labor tban anj othera whether in mltatiofi o'' ours or not . In f'iict, thtv are ctea nor tlim :mv otbej machiaBsasaglft. " I. M. INOKK - CO., 45S BroulMvaj Nmv Vork. %& Dttroit Office, 5S Woodward Avenue, (Men 11 Biock.) Hlltf M. H. GOODKÏCH, Agent, Ann Arbor. jJT OLD FRIENDS Jgj IN THE RIGIÏT PLACE. Herrick'a Sugar Coated Filis- &. THEBEST FAMTJ.Y Cfc.ifTJk, tharlic in the worW w ytf , used tweny J tj :_ n five milliony ol' person?. . ■ '■■'-■-. alwiiys ltI t l' ' ' factinn , routain aotbing ïnjurious . 1 ; ■ u7i'tl liy ha prin■: 'ijinl jjhysicians ■ -■ - " R Burgeons in the Umon : r ■ ;mUy cüaied witli ... ■ ■■ ■ BLnr 1-arge Bnxr"25 cents: Ht Sr five boxfs for 1 dollar. HKjjfeíí FulIdirectionswitBeat-h ÏAtUHASSK, LBO ÖOüWTT, 1 Florida, Jaly 17,1R6O. ƒ ToPr. Hep.hick, Albany, N Y - Vy Dear Doctoi :- T write this toinfoïii) yon of tbe woodcnal effect of your BtjT Coated Pilla on my plder dattgktvT. Fcrtbre years sha has biMi hffiic'vii witli a bil Ho us oerangeneul of the pv.tcm. SHdly imperisg ber hralth, which lias boen steadly failing duting thatperiod. Wben in Nw n April last, a fripiul ftdvïsed me to teet youi pilt the ftiHeal con&deoce in Ui - .iu'lmnn.t (f n: friend, ï obtained a BuppJyoí Hessrs, Barnes Part. ', Park Row, Xc.v &, ();i retarning borne. : nthrr tro;ttmeiU. aml Ivniinsl i Pilkjnne caeb eight. Tlie improvement in her feelinprs, coiaplexïOD, digestión, etc, surpnaed as ají. A i :ï)i:: arul'iiennaneiit reatOjaiiöo to hc;iH1i has been the resuli . We use i lea i [mui live box, aivJ coiui4&l het cut'rei.y weU. I consider the a-bove a just tribute to yon as a PhysicKn, and trast tliat it will bc tlio means of inducing many to adopt your Pilis as their family medicines. I remaia, dear sir, with many Ihankft, Your obsdáent servant, S. G. Morrisos. Henick's Kid Strenghening Piasters cure in flVö hour.s, pain anrl veaknesii of thebrenst. side and back , and Rhenmatie HomplaJiiWin an equally sl:rt period of time. Spread on bèautiful rhite lamb skin, their use subject the woarer to no InconTeniece, irlH wear from oue week to three saooths. l'rifc i'-', cenia. Qerrick'a Sugar Co.l Piilt amïKia piasters te mie oy irujrerists azul Merchante in all partó of the United States, Canada and South America, and may be obtained bv calling forthein by their full name. lv805 L. B. HERBIGK, fc r.o. Albany, N. Y. RTSnON & HENDEHSON'S f0j&iïm THE GENUINE 11? STEWáRT'S We wish to cali tlie attenlion of the public to this celebra!, L'd OOOKBSyC STOYE! Wlii;li is'tlie only perfect stove ínfidc. It ■will do more liusiness wit h one tliird less fuel than any other STOVE mude. From ttsüniony given by the persons referred to below, on account of its duiability and Fuel Saving Qualities, it has proved o savlng frDm Twelve To Twenty Dollars per year. Wc would rcfer you to the following list of PERSONS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: I'rof. Tappati, Ann Avbor. John F. Miller, Ann Arbor Prof. Wood, " J. Gilberi Smilh " licl'. Winohell, " J. T. Aulla, " Prof. Douií as.s, " Joseph Watts, N AlphéUB Feleh, " T. Wiltrnsoa, " Win. R. Martin, " Mrs S". l'cnton, " Rioh'd Hooper, " O. Hawkins, " Bon.B. F. Grangw," CA. Chapín. " ,1. w. Maynaril, " Cbarle Tltuijm, " I'. I„ Stcbbins. " -Miirtin ('iarlc, " r.l!. r on, " S. Botsforrl, A A.,Tbwn. Mrs. O. Welcb, " Thomoa Woorl, Pittsftrid. .lrs. ]' T. Williams," AlVerston Drury, " V Chapin, " Jaool) Polhftmüs, Scio. C. 11. Wood, " N.C.OoocWb, '.' Joseph W. Wooi, " Br.lMlef, ISharon. We have on hand a lartto n3sorttnent of the best kinds of Cooking, Parlor and PLATE STOVES, and a general nssortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bont stuff for Cnrringo -worlï. Particular ftttentioo paid t fiit.iiijf up ETfttrough and Ooniluütors, nnd all kinds of Job work done u the Bborteat Notioe. KISDON & HENDERSON. Ann Arbor, 1861. fpYseTöysters. We are recciving a superior avtiele of FRESH OYSTÉRS! Direct from th OYSfER BE63 CAN FI'KRISB ÍN ANY QUANTlTY ÜESIRED An1 warrant them nlce and freuh, CFOR SALE CHE.P..a TÜ. Tliose in wan; ploaso giet aa a eafl, THOMPSON & BOy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. f?_ , 1 Mrs. OTINSLOW, Anexpeico ed Nurse and Ft-maie llij1-, j rc.-H.-ava u the ntttirtioo o! mathei, mr SOOTHÍNG SYRUP, FOR CHILDUEN" TEE! hTNG, whlehgreal ai the proctAs ol bj ■ (. n air the (futnit, ftñluefng all m'l:5iniiui'.n- wiU i i.l, I'aIN ;itv1 apanmodic icttoA, und in SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. uJ upon Iti motVcr-s, it wUl gtre rast to your.-ïre., ana Relief and health to your Infunt? Wc luive put uu imd and sol'i tbw nrticlo Cor ova ren y-ai-s, taid CAN SAY, ÏN LOXMIiKKCE AM TKIT11 it t, wbflt we nftTCt bot ab!e to m uf, iinv ntht-rirn'tlk-iii'- NLVFIi HASlTFAïl.ED IX A SISÖLK lKhTAMC'K, TO EFFECT A ( Ui'.E, uien I uaed. Kver did we kneu n in;tnti(;c of iidp who uHoü it. On Ui ciatntty, olt i:ri' dcliffhted wfth tta opfwti n-?. BAü iprtk la t rm ol c tumemiatiun oi íts mágica 1 efTecta and medicd fpenk in fhl m;itt(r 'WJJAT WE LO KNOVV ,'" dit-T t'-7 v?ii' ezpetíefi, AST) I LKi ,K OUK RI'PUTATIOS ' KÜil IHK FLIXILLU! KT OK WHAT WE i;m:1. DKCLAIiF. In filinf=i .v.ry ín truca vrh T'1 tb f? mfiint is snffer ng1 from iitra and t-xliau-tn-n, relief will be lound in fteta or twtaty ftï-Butea tfW the - yrnp is nilinlniHit-rotl. Thfa faluable pïepnration i tbe pTewt tien of (■ of the moal ESPERIENCtiJ and SK11APUX NCBSta in N- 1'i, and lias beD utetl with JiLVtR 1'All.iNfi 8UCCESÖ in THOUSANP OF CASTAS. It rit orlv retiövoa tlioclu'lrrom p;im, but :nvt rrt#a the stomacli an'l boweb, corrects aeWt.v. Hnljips t# :n i aessy t(J le whoteüjatcia it 'vtll lmht ia.-.innil rolievo GP.IPINfT IX THR HOWELS, AND WIND COUfl finil oroTcnme coDvulaioTi, which f n t 'poediv rem? diei ()rl n dealh. We Weve t tlm BEtT and ÍUR1 i 1: 'I 111. V'iRl H. in p'l esses (.f IIY-KNTKRV mil 1 IARHHÍEA IN CHILl'RlK, wlietln-f it anae from téctliing or frim any othe r cause. Wi mal.] ?ity 1o i-titv mi tin T wlio li s n chih' n'.ITrr'Tic; rromaoyol the firegoiK eoiapl1 - I'O KOI Ikt YiTR PRF,njI!CEP, ItOB TUK PRIJCI KER OF i)THEKB, Ktanrt between you and fotn wftor'iM hild, .,.,! t-l.n T-ftUr !1 hu RIIRK - VIS. Ali: O1.U1KLV - to the H-c of thi medios, if tiiur'.y used. Full diiMtiODs f-r nsini ivill n-cm]nvr fftch bnttle, Xonff gpDtiine uslefis t'1' fac ííbiíIo uf CCKiuS t I'fcH KJKS. New-York, r oi le mitíHc wj [■■ r, s,,ld Ijv Drugglut thmngoUt (ha w rl4. Principal illfc, J3 CVda Stirit, 1W. . OKI7 Cf) CENTS PEP. H'JTl l-.E Rirmleby Eberbart fcC. lr77S. For the Speed; and Permanent Cure of Seminal Wtaknees, Nocturnal avd Diurna] Èmisaioii, Nenouü and Gcncml Dcbditi, Impoicuce, and all TJiscascs arixmg fron Solitary Babits or SUcessive Indulgetice. nniIEIÏE are tliousands r,f Yocnü Mes, ai weïl as Midth X AflED and Ol.D .MK.v, nlin arfl Miü'-iJijï 6t Iíl '.xttíííl from ttie aliovo disease. Munt, perhapi, are ttot aiiri f their tvue condition, or wlicn wsUtMOS 13 really netye I. For the benefit of inch, we herewith JÍTe a f of the mw {onmnn svmptoras, viz : WmüêMM or' tUe lkirk sn-i Limli. Pain in U'r. Ui ui ajl sij, DhtiMU '■ Sdt, ■" wl U't before Eip, Patpitntioii o thr íí'rirt, PgxjMjiKÍm, Lií iif Memuni, Confwóan af Uu, Dcprwêuon uf SpirU, ,U„-.i. lo Sorittu. Seifi-Dúlriut, Tlitiídilu, tlr. For M 1 all -I the above ívmptomi thM reineúius will bu fuuiiii ik li Jwvr eign Balm.' These remedies embrace thvec presuriiibotis ; A tox oT a b-)x of flferKiM T-mv: VilU, nnd a box of exH Tonic Hilé, all of which hftT i na portent offices ti perferm, and hould be sed togethsr in every cise. Thoir snicioritr ove. other modos of treatment may be fcncfljr stated u fwl lúWfl, viz: They diminisli the violence of sexml excitemnt. fLií They immeiUately utmA uocturnai aud diuru! ml eton.s. ifgThey remove local weaknesa, causmg th orjaaj t asa time their natural tone and vigor. flÉJ" Tlicy atrensthen the constitution by overcoraiug ntí(Kis debility and general irsaV fly Tliey wiliv&n tlie ipirits, hlcn are Oftullj ueiirc3o by expoUiug 1! exoiting ;;iu;L'a froin tlie syf-tem. ffBy their in.vigort1ng proper tiea tiiey rwtoBi tba patiënt to Iris ntural'liealth a mi vigor of ni:ui!iuod. &g Thev cure when all other ineaus hnvo fi!d, jfti-Th(;v' contain no Heratry, no OjHtun, uur nUlilof tliat can In 'anv evciic prove ïnjtmM. J8Ê5"Tliey are easy and pleasant to nse, aml wil] DOt Utopfere witli tde patieut's namtl business or plt-asure. jy They ean le uaeii without sustüwiuii, wr kiiowlengu r eveu a room-mate. That they may come wïthin the rcacli of all, we hnvc u.xua the price óf the' FastnU at S po"" bx, and the PiM at 5y cents per box each. Iq onleiing bv muil, in nd-üpoii lo IhÉ price, twelve onta in. stamps alioald be inclosed lor r-tura postúe. &c I.ADTES in want of a safe and eftotual ft?' remeöy fof IrregntariMe. $pprènm of Hm t3vsJl Uensê, or anv dtiease culir to tlitirssT, 'iffl should use Dit.OATEsa Kemai-E Motnav ; . - jr li i.i.s. Price, bv mail, SI and tap. CAOnox.- Tlien ílll sliould ont ba nfd iggF _ durii) prfftmittj, ftd Diiscafriag trill b tl; " LADIES who.rrom ill-h-alth, d-formiu, or any other huiwne and rcai dctm ii nww■arv to avni.i an lily, cn 't-i ,■ rit hout mcattin danxpr (o hcll ■■ '■■ tlie use -f M. L-j CraurU Frmch Preoentln pwrfer, Prte, by mail, $1 nn4 Iwo sto Tliese Powrfera can onty be obtahwd by a-Jdressiug thft General Agenta, fu b)o - . Sen.l lor !):■- GatES's Pmiofc 3fIilI ÏVeafM w 5=Mi JXaetMe. 1'hice J'kn Cbnts, Artdres?, H. G. Ml Li. KR L CO., General Aents, T."M--v"n. TT. Fop Sale by MAYXARD, STEBBIN3, de WIT SON. y78Öin Ann Arbor, Mioh. Biackwood's Magazine AND THE Briüsh lievievvs. GREATIM'CEMEXT'-SUBSCBlBEt PREMIUMS and REDÜCTIOIUS. L. SCOTT& CO., NEW YORK, continué to pnfetUfc lli folio wiug toftdiog British Perodicals, via : 1 THE LONDON QUARTERLY (CnutrnUT, 2 THBEDINBÜROH REVIEW (Whfc), 3 THE NORTH BBITÏSH RKVIBW (Fiea Cburclj. 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 0 BLACKWOOD'S KOIXBURGH MAGAZINE (Tocj). Thti present vitical state of European aff:i:r- w.ill reoderthase puWiefttiona unnsually riterpsting ifurkif the l'cr! M-omiiiji y:vir. Tliey will occnpv n aij'ldio jrouud between the hastilj m-ilti'ii DwfiitBa, c-rud ppecutations, ao4 Üyini? rumors of tlie dailv JonriiRl, and h poa leroua ïome of the fature bistoriim, writtoft afttT t)i ÜTing interest and pxciteniL'iit ot' the great politica) eventaof the time shal! liavo pausad ny. It is to tb ese l'ei-ioiiícals tliüt rendara Dta-t look fot th Miilv nul'.v inteHigibie iind reliahle hiütöry jf éurnnl t enta. aad aa sucb In ui lijion to thii w t-Mtablijih4 Hti-rary, scie:.tific. and thMjlogicat chnriictpr, we ui go íbera upon tliecomldwrationol éhe reading public. The repeipt of Atlvance Sheeta frwn the Hrili-ih publinbfn gives additional va In e to t lic se Rcprjbta. ■'.! :i tisfv oannow be placed in the hü-aila ot subscrilicfs u.b Jut m origina] eiii'-iuns. rit i, il j r i..„ T"..:.... XJLttLx. (Líüguiur ir ices ) Per ano. Vnr ;iny nneof tbfl four RevieTru, - - - $3 00 For 'iny two of the four Kriew, - 5 o For anjr three of tbe nnrRtritws, ■ - 7 'O ForaUfoiw of theRetiewa, S 00 ForBlackwDod M&gatme. - . - 'ó 0 Kor Blackwoodaml oaa RevTew, - - - 3 0 For lïl.-icUwooa and two Rftviows, - ' tti For Black woodnnd three Feviflwfl, - - 00 For Dlackwuod and the foorltevicws, - -ICO Money currtnf in tht State wk re Usued-toill he re-; (ved ai par. POSTAUE.. The POSXAGS tn íiny MWt of t!i,o l'-jjted Ptatw will ! bul Twoiiíy-íour Oïiit a yar for " Bla kw,oj," and hut Kourtcen Ct-nt a yciir for eacli of th Rviewa. At the above prices the Perjudicáis wiH be furnboA forlS(J2. AND ASA Premium to Srew Subscritisrs, the Koa of the Baiae Pírjodicala for ISiO vtl!bofurmsho4 complete, without áeUUtioval ckortr-e. Unlike tb buh i ephenierftl Ugafies of the dayt tha p Pe i ■ ' wlJuflelttltf b a?e. Upase, a, (14W yrip of the Nos.fur 1800, may beregarded Deaxü as. vuliuihi ís ror 1 Subscribirá wífihing also tho Xrs. T09 1S6I, w:U b eopplied ai tha tollo wmg KXTrtKtfWLT mwRATKS. Splendid Offers for 1860, '6í,éc '62 Togetker. For Bl.tckwnofT.s Magazine, the throc years, $Ti M For :my n:ni Iicv,i".v, - " " fílO Forany two Reviews, - - " M K 00 liT Hhu'liWiKv.l ;i ii.) uno Review, ' " R tü For Blackwootl and two Ko iwa, " " V"1 Fortbrec Bctícwi, ..tu ]lftj For Hhcknimclanil íliroi" Hovicw, " " V 00 ForthefourRe-rtwf, " " 1" Kcir lüiK-Kw. mil iiiul tholiMir Ueviíi.s, '( 17 ( Anyof tlioívl-revYarksu:;;UW be turuUUeJ t Nr Subttcrtitrtfat the y ir 18M-Í . $. J . At Que HlL tliy Regular Subsciiption Pi'icos. TVais a Xcw Subscribir niay obtain the Reprint of tbt Four Reviews and Btaokwood. Seven Consscutive Year for $37!!! Wliii-h is but little more t'idu tho [ivice "f the oritfimri v,,iks roroQfl vi'ar. Aswe thaU ovet riTiin be likelr tooCTer such inJu?mecta as tliose here premoted Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! r?" Remit'tanoes must, in au caR, be mado ttirtt 10 "tht l'uhlhhrrf. f. at these pricoê no oommisnion o he alloTei u agwita. LEOÏiARnRCOTTiC. jto. 84(1Hte( NewYorV Oval Picture Frames A LI. SI7.E?, PTYI.F.S and PRICES just receiTei ao4 fovsale olieaput CÏIOFF & MILLER'S. 15M.7VC C5, 7Btf TT DE3 SARATOGA EMPIKE WATER ♦ FOR [nairMtloD '.r r.vepFi.i , rmttirrtiru, "rr! l'ei.ili'v tnrm hf AppeOr, Cotnrann 1-oM, """' of the !,an;, itiMiiaclie, öd tverib ffite oí rho F.BITBACH ■'■ CO , Am A r l - r.


Old News
Michigan Argus