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ILLEllASl'S rrtEDïEH'E fl 'IHESE MEDICINES A RE eftecting sucli astonishing cures n mul"V. litudes oí oíd caaes long since abandonad by 'hysicians and tíurcons as uttcrly hopeless, that o medicines, where these re known, stand so eservedly high. They consist f THE BLACK, OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE, 1 PIÏICE 2& CENTb. á Vhich cures almost universally. Fever Soree, of %. ie most mal gnnnt kind, Felons, Ulcers, g cesses, Tumors, Fractures, Cuta, Puncturcs, % uins, Scalda. Sore Thront, Chilblains. ffi ey.Dropsey, Inflammatory iiheumatism, j ■nations and swellings of every description, Scald Agüe irí the Face, Nervous Tooth Ache, Agüe in the Bresst, Broken Bieasts, &c. &c. T ALLEBASrS HEALTH PILLS, 25 Cents.. fThese Pi Is have acquired a populnrity within p ae laat year or two, wh-ich no otber PiMs q eí8. The reasons are obvious to o!l who use liem, artilmay be FearneJirom tfie pamphlet that ccompanies them. They cure Bilioua. Scfirlet and other Fevers, Fever and Agüe, Dyspepsy, )ropsy, Acid. Stomach, Disordered Bowels. or stomnch. Jaundice, Head Ache, Dizziness in the iená, Worins, Livef Complaint, Heart Burns. Cholic. Bowel complaint. General Debility, Cos iveness, &.c. &c. They purify the entire a enn, lenve the boA'elsin a vigorous and healthy condition, &c. See pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS, PlilCE 20 CENTS, Will cure nn ordinary case of Tooth Ache in from hree to ten mih-ates. For Nervous and other rvinds of Tooth Ache, see pamphle:. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAX S PLASTER, I ] PRICE 2 CENTS, Are warranted lo be superior to any other I , ters in ihs or nny other country, for pain or '. wenkness in the Bock, Side, Chest, Bowels.. Loins. Muleles, and for Pheirniaiism. Lungand Liver Complaints, Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Slc. See pnmphict. N. B. Pifiase to ask the. agent for a pamphiet which gives all the information necessaty respecting the uses of the medicines, the vtrtues they possess, etc. Please to follow directions in the use of the medicines, and you may rc!y upon al! that is promised. A liberal discount made to merchanta and olhera, who buy to sell a?nin. LYMAN W. GÍLKERT, Proprietor. Wholesale Druggisi,214Fuhon st. N. Y. CF For sale by the sub3criber. who has been appointed generai' agent for the City of Detroit and ns Country dealers supplied on liberal lelrn. C. MORSÉ, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are Tor sale at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, ín Ánn Arbor, Lower Yillage. December ff. 1844. 34-ly. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. MFJtWAJY, BOOKSELLERANQSTATiSNER, SJdARTS BLOCK, 1S7 JKFFBKSON AVÉSüE, DETROIT! Keeps constantly for sale a í-omplete nssormen of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books: Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quiüs. Ink, Sealing Wax, Cudery. Wrapping Papf;r. Printing Paper, ot all stzes; andBook, Ñew8and Canister ínkf oi tfarfou8 kinds. BLAN2: BOOSB, Full and hall bouml. ofevery varietyo Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchants. Teachers, and others, buying in qiinntities. n Inrpe (Uscoi'nt mnfip. &ABBATH SGHOOL & &IBLE SÍCIETY DEFOSiTOR 51-tf. FIRE! FIREH FIREÜ! ROTECTXON INSURANCE COMPANY.' HARTFORD, CONN. MHOVVARD, AGENT. thc Protcc non Insurance Có'mi'mny. of Hartford Conn., offers to insure Houses. Store5. Mills, Barns. and their contenis, nnd all c!f sonp'ion of insurable property agninst loss or darñage. by fire. 7'he rntcs of pretniuni olVcred nre ns lovv as those of any olher similiir institutian. snd every man hnsnov an opportunity for n tnfling suni io i prcrect himself against the ravages uf tliis flestructive ríement which often, in a single hour. j stveeps away tlit; earnings of many yenrs. The course the office pnrsius in tninsacuug " their business, nnd in adiunii:p nny payment ot losses, is prompt nnd ühera!. For terilis oí insurance. application may be made to the nhove nained agent, who is authorized to ícsue policies to applicants without delay. D. C. CLARK, President. W:,t. Cojístr, Scc'y. Peraons nt r distnnee wishing to get propeity inínrcti, by sending their appTïcations by niail, ' will be promptly aftended to.. ' ; O'Ofricedirecilyopposiic the '-Bank of Wíshtenaw" Building. M. flOWARD. Ann Arbor, Nv. 25, 1.4t. 3w "GRÁND R1VER WILL probably b navignhle within five yeare, as far souVh a J. T. PRATTS'S STORE, where the hïhabitams oí Michigan can now be upplied with JDry-Goods, Groceries, Medicines, Boote, Shoes, Hats, Cahinct Ware, MillSíoncs, Boltmg-Cloth, Patent Smui Machines, BristoVs SursajMriUa. 20,000 boxee ofPnrtt'-s Pilis, single box S 6hill'ings, Life Bitiers. 50 cis per Bott3, ii chúiceiotot'CfíEEoE, made-in Westein Nw Vork. The proprietor pledgés himself to eell as high as any Marchnni tn town. N. B.T-Air kinds of Country Produc-r, lamber, brick, lime, waod, bought r suld just as will suu djstomers' best. A good farm and for' tj1 aeres of wild land fir ea!c. Admitnnce No. I, Blain's bi:k, neer the River. Jackson, Mich. Nov. 21, 1844, S2-tf


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