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'ew Gcods i'm New Gooda' ! S9ES rHFi nmiersigned has jnst received his supply of Fall Goode from N. Y. City. Beside-a st rat asaorunent of Sheetings, Cotton Yarn,alled Cloihs, Brond Cloths. and oiher Siapl oods. he isjust opening a splcndid lot of Rich, Woo8ted Damask Shawls, lst quality, Brocha, do do Kabyl, do' do Cashmere, do Fasiiionable Cravats. Rich Bonnet Ribbon:Fushionable head trimmings, Velvet '- ALSO. BEACTIFCL ASS0RTME5T O' RRE5S STCFFS UVCtt ÁM C ashmere D'Ecosse. Muslin DeLaine, Parissennes. Robroy Plaid, Prints of every description; Plnin. black Alnpacn, ftgured, black Alapnca;Plain, colored Aiapaco, figured. col'd AlopacajPlaid, arrd Changeable Aliipaca. The undersigned has in addiiïon to a first Hè nssortment of Siople and Pancy Dry Goodr,choicc lot of Teas ana CofTee, for family u.Also, a lar ge lot of lee o Feathersl Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. 1 i is Stock is well suited loboth city and coun'-y irndc. Country peopleare irtviied to cali and: ook end enrifify themselves th&t his stock will pear compnrison either in quality or price with' :ny other in the western country. W. A. RAT.MOD. H8 Jeffeison Avenue. Detroit. Oc. 74. 7844. S4:tf" ■ -- - ■- Guardianes Sale. PÜRSUANT lo a license ironi the iTon. George Sedgwick. Judgc of Probate for iUb' :oun?y of Wpshiennw, in the State of Michigan, bearing díte the twenty-eighth day of Nóveme ber, jK. O. 1844, anthorising the snJe ot certaiii' rehl estáte helongingto thehcirffol Jolin Ênrnan,late of said county, deceased-, j slióll sellat f)tiblic auction, on cliepreniises. on üiescconddayofJup.unry next, at one o'clocic in the afterrioon of that day. ;he followjng described real estate,-tor wit: Being part of froctkmal lot No. thirteen(13) in block No. one (1) iri ihe village of Dexter. couDty and state afo:t?said. commencing at a: sinke on the south line of eaid lut eighty.foüK, (tí4) íeet easteily frotn the south-wet corner of' said lot on the street: thence north 26 dègreöa east thirty (:,()) icet on the eist side of lkuddeeded byC. ï. Cowden to Hiram Baker:' thence" north C4 degrees west 3 feet: thence north" 2ff degre-es cast thirty (30) leet, to the nonhaasf corner of said's land: thence 64 dëgree west fifty and a half (óöj) feet on (he nortlj-lihe said Bakar's gnd Henry Vinkie's land tö' lnd' depded by C. V. Cowden to Clnrk S. Sül: liofle nortli 23 ciegrees east eightem feet, ön'ilie eat line of said Sill's fnnds to the south line of laad deeded to Chnrlcs Kingsley: theriee south 64 destovp e.'s; on snid Kingslcy's south line nbout 10?, feet: thence norifa 31 20 minute on snid Kingslëy's cast line eevdnty-eight and a half(7áj) eet to the east lirio of land deeded br B Vail to Cowéen & Derby: thence south 25 degrees east on snid line onë fiundred and'two (102) feet to Innd deeded" to Ëaman fe Smith: thence souih 26 degrees west, on the line of Kt niao & Smiih, aivout ninety-eight (93) feetto th firoit 'o a etake thirty-nine '.9) feet from lh south-east corner of srid lot No. IS: thence on said streftt noi fh G4 degrees west tö the place of beginning, tt being on the south side of said lot, DANIEL COOK, Guaní. Dexter. Dec. 6'h. 1P44. 33-3w ÁLWAYS O1V U D. Jj f i íHE subercriber has re,6 X moved his Shop to-Maia J% " Street opfosite H. Beckffp È; 'r's Cri;k Sfors, wher l(ci "Mfe e nia e oun' wady to ijgsl V c 'V wail "pon all: ihat may giva o -? - = Flnving jtit receivad direct from íNew York: an elegarit siock of 1EWELË7, nnd Fnncy which he intende to eel Imccr thavr has ever tíotín sóíd west of Bufialo for Jlmrfy Pmj Among wh:ch may bo fonnd a good assortmeriVof Gold and Commort' VvT"icii Keys, Gold Fmger ad Brwotn Pinsj Guiird Chaina, Silver Téi" úfiñ aÖIe Spóörts, Stigar Tongs. BtUter SilVer Penci! c.nses. Silver and Comrhori TIÜtnlfes Silver Specthcifes, Germán, do. Steel. do. Hair Brushes, Clothes. di. Tooth. do. Lathert do. Fine Iliizois nnd Pocket Knivos, Fine Shears and Scissnis, Lnilier Boxes, Rarof Strops, WnllettS; Purses. Violins and Sowö. Flute, Violin' and Bns9 Viol Suings. Ciaronet Reeds, Percm- sion Cnps. Pocket Pistola. Brittannia Candlesticks. Watches. Éetter'Stomps, Steel Penrand Twcf7.cis. Snuff arid Tobacco Boxea ÏÖa Combs. Dressing, do. Side, do. Back. doi SKelt do. Neediea an! Cases; Water Paiitts, Toy Watches. Kid Dolía; a great varietyoí xoys toonumerous"to mention, Beadj, Ncck!a7B; Fancy Boxes, &.C. &c'.. Ct.ocks and Vat':hes of every descriptföa' repah'ed and warranted; also, Jew!Kjf repairsd on snort notice. CAlLíK BfJSS. N. B. Cash faid r OïLD GOLD AN D-' silvePc. e. b: Ann Arbor, Oct.24. T844'. 28"-tf. Wesïeya Books! npFJE Subscribáis hovg just, rtceived jedd' J -. snp)ly oí Wesleyari Bouks frott the XSHtpository at New York. Thoee wiiriiinif tb jidrchnse will picase tfhll amf examiné fot1 tbm eelves. BF.CKLET A H1EK8. Ann Arb,r,Lof.prTowri( Dec. C. 1844. 3S-0W Cu LU KEI) (JARPET WARP, whit Crpt Wnrp, nnd Cott'ori Yarn. from No. 5 to 22V for snle nt RA YMOND'S CASH TOWE,. 3-tf I4S Jeflerson At., Dfetroit Xiberty AlsBiaiiacs far 1 #l&Y FOR sale by. BFCKRÊY tHfCK. Oct. 4, 18-H. SÍ--4W..


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