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List Of Acts Passed By The Michigan Legislature Of 1862

List Of Acts Passed By The Michigan Legislature Of 1862 image
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1. An act relativa tti th direct tnx inposed by the Congres of the United States, approved J 111. 10 lhi'i'2. 2. An act to legalizo the organization if Kewoenavv countv, in the Upper Peninsulu, pproved Jan. 13. 3 An iet to ampnd .ection one of 1 An net to iinend an act to establish und organize the count y of Keweonaw," upprovod Mareh elvenh, eijfhtwo hnndred and Rtxty ono, approved Jan. 13. 4. An act to próvido for the payment of the mmi.bers and offic.ers of the extra neion of ihe Legifhtture for the year 1862, approved Jan. 13 5. An act to imend an et entitled ÍÍ An act to incorpórate a Board of Educafipn for the city of Eatft 8ajfinaw," approved Kebruary fifteunth, eighteen hundred and fifty nine, approved Jan. 14. 6. An act tnipplementriry to section oi net een of an act eotiÜMl " An act dirfpoaiog of curtuin granta of land made to the State of Miehigon for railrond pnipcwes by a-,t of Cngros., approved June third, eiijhteen hundred and filty-six," approved Fehniiirv fonrteenth, OigbtoeD hundred and fifty seven, and to an set ainendai ry thereof, approved February twelfth, eighteen hundred and sisty-one, approved Jamiary 16. 7. An act to auierid section seventeen LutxJred and s;enty of the Compiled L;iwc, beiog section one ot an act entitled "An act to provide for the incorporaron of nutitutioM of learning," approvyd Fabruurv Dltrth, eighieen hundred and fifly-five, approved Jan. 15, 8. An et to anthorize agrionltnal and hortieulturaJ societwis to ixsue bonds or other evidences of debf, ind to mnrtgajfö reul ostatu for certain purppeeo, approved Jan. 15. 9. An act to legnlize the tax-roil ol tho county of Crawlord (attached to thecount.yof fpaöo) for thë 'year eighteen hundred and mxty-one, and to extend the time for the colleetion ol taxes in said county, approved Jan. 15. 10. An act to atnend section fourteen of ohapter eightv ix f the Reviaet Stiitutes of ei gh teen hundred unc forty-ix, the saine being section thirty three handred and twelve of the Uotn pilc) Lav-8 or eijjhteeo hundred anc fifly-fevun, entitled "of ijuardians anc wards," appi'oved Jun. 17. 11. An act relativa to levies of exe entions on real cstates, approved Jan 17. 12. An act to rupoal net number efghty-bine, of tha Session Jjaws of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, being ' An act to amend an act entitled ' An act npproprinting1 certain highway taxes for the improvernent of a t"0ad in the counties of Saginnw, Tuscola. Geneeee and Lnpcer,' apprwved Fcbrnarv tenth, eighteen hundred and fiftv-five, also act number two hundred and thirty, of the Session Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-one, beingf an act to amoiid seotion one of an act entitled "An net npproprialing cerlain highsvay taxea for the improvernent of a road in the countios of Saglnnw, Tu?col), Genesee and Lapeer," approved M'irch aixteenth, eighteen h;indred and sixty-one, approved Jan. 17. 13. An act to authori.'.e the Supervisor of the township of Dayton, n the county of Tuscola, to make a new tat-ro!l, approved Jan. 17. 14. An net to aitiond nn act entitled "Ai) act to próvido for the relief by countifw of the. frt.-nilies of voluoteers nmstered from thi State into tiip military service of the United States or of this State," approvod May tentli, eisrhteen hundred and .ixtv-one, and to u'ld eertain sections thureto, approved Jan. 17. lf. An act to amend sectiona fnur nnd five of an aot Mititled " An net to amend chapter one hundred nnd fifty of the Revined Statuten of one thouaand eijfht hnndréd and forty-six, it beiop chapter mie hundred and seventyfive ol the Compilod Liiw, and to nntliorife the sal:irv of Judgon of Probate," approved Februnry fiitaenth, eightppn hundred and ü'ty nine, ap proved Jan. 17 10, An pot for Iho rpors;arpzntion of tho military forces of tho Stüto of Michigan, ar proved Jan. 18. 17. Au ei e t to amond seotion two of an act entitled " An act concernin!? ehurehoR and religious sneietio', etablishing unifoi'm i ules for tbc aoquWition, teüuro, oonlm] nnd ditponitton of property conveyod or dediua'ed for reiigious purposes, and to repèal chnpier fifty-two nf the Hevised 8thtute, npproved Felirunrv thirt&enth, oightoen hniidred and fiffvtive (olmpttr wXtyoight of the Compi'ed Luwn), appro ved Jaíiuary 18. 18. An act to mond nn act enfitled " An act to provide for the Formation of conipames to construct pannli" or harbors, and improvo the same," lininc1 an aot number one bundred and thirtyseven of ihe Sossion L:ws of eiwhteen hundred and sixty-one, approved Jan. IS. 19. An act to attaoh oertain tnwnship of land to tho township of iAnce, in the couüty of Hóugliton, approved Jan. 1 20. An net to amend an net on'Hnd " An act to prnvide for the collection of tolln, and for the caro, chorgft, nd opprating of ihe St. Mary's Falls hip Panal, " pproved Fehrunry tnelfih, eighteefl huridred and fifty-fh'e, bv sdding1 certain sootiotm thereto, approvtu! Jaouary 18. 21. An ast to rostoro cert".in townsliips of land to the township of [ortae, in the county of Houghton, opproved Jan. 18. "2. Ai act to extend tho '.ime for oonstructing a railroad from tho tnouth o' the Menominee river to Marqiwtte on Lrike Superior, in the Upper Peninsuln, and for conferring the aid in lnnd herotofore authorized by lnw, approved January 28. 23. An act to attach certain territorv to the county of Schoolcraft, approved Jnnnary 18. 24. Án act relative to the Onklund Femrde Serninary, approved Jan. IS. 25. Ari act to amend an act entitled ' An act anthorizinor a var loan," pprovod May lOth, one thousand eight hnndred and sixty-oue, approved Juniiiiry 18. 26. An act to ninend nn act eutitJed f ' An act to provide for the draining and reolamalion of swamp lunds bv t means of Stae roads and ditches,'" bí'ir.rr act nnrnber one hiindred and s eventcen of Sosion Laws of eiífhteen ( hnndred and fifty-nine, ns umemlod bv ] act nutnber one hundred and Heven (if , Session Luwa of ei;hfeen hundrad and siJtty one, npprovad Jan. 18. , JOINT RESOLTTIONS. ; No. 1. Joint rakolution for Üu locntion una estnblihment of a naval station and doek-yrd wi'liin the State ot Mmbigan, approved Jan. 9. '2. Joint resolutitvn in repnrd to , rauds upon the troüsiiry of the United States, (pprove3 Januarv 11. 3. Joint rcsohition rttliitive to eschango of prisonern, appiovod Junuarv Lö. 4. Joint rcnolution relativo to the mode of raming revenp by Congress ïpproved Janiuiry 15. 5. Joint resolntion for tho reiief ol " Mrs. Isiïüc W, Ingorsoll, approved January 15. 6. Joint resoiution relativa to a grant of land by the governmont of the LTnited Suites to emlow a iTiilit;irv chool in the State of Miohigao, approved Jannwy 15. 7. Joint resoiution relntive to tho volanteer fnrue enlisted into thi service of tho United States or fr tilia State, approved Jaouary 17. 8. Joint resoiution relativo to money paid into the treasury bv the Saut ?te. Mario Ft)!).-! Ship Canal Company, itpproved Jan 17. 9. Joint rc.aolntion relativo to the (routier defencei of thie State, approved Jan 17. 10. Joint resohition in relation to the sale and uro of intojcicating liquors as a beverage in the army, approved Jan. 17. 11. Joint ronohiiion relative to estab lishing a, light house at the entrance of Bïack Luke harbor, approved Jan. 17. 12 Joint reeolution in roferenoe to tho rebelliojj, approved Jan. 18. 13. Joint resoiution providing for the payment of the tráveíiog expenses of értrnmftwióners to secure the allot inents of volunteers from the State ol Michigan, approved Jan. IS. 14. Joint reaolution inatnuuting the CommisHioner of ttie Land Office to issi'e certificaten for certain swamp lands r. town six, north of rango fourteen and fifteen wast, to Pater F. Pfanwtiehl aud John Koost, approved Jan. 18. 16. Joint roolntion nsking the government of the United States to ma'ke ;i grant of laad for thu construction of' a road from Houghton in the 8tt of Michigan, to the city of Appleton, in i the State of Wisconsin, approved Jan. '18 H 16. Joint rpsoiution relative to an ormnry in the Northwest. CONCDRUKXT RRROT.ÜTIOX. No. I. Concurrent resolution relativo tr ihe oompilation of the journal umi documenta of tho extra session if the Legishitnre of 1862, approved Jan. 18, 1862. JC2T A travc'ler ia Ireland liaving boen inclined to deny that the peasantry were liumorous, was told to ask any question of the iirst luboring man he mut on the rond. Accordingly, on sceiug a gturdy fellow breaking .tone ho says, 'Now my man, if the dovil were to , como here jast now, whicli would ho i tako, you or me?' Me, to bc sure,' saystlio man, 'for he is eertain of your honor at any time.'


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Michigan Argus