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Queen Victoria And The Heir Apparent

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The Lniidon Timet reeetitly, in lnn gnnge of positivo rouglmess, cvincing that tbe (langer it feared viu airead? in prog ros.i, waleed tho Piiuo of Wales afwist the resultn of oertmn coursesof eonduet. Ou tho elrty micceeding the funeral of the l'rince Confort, the Tmes publiahcd a still more reinwrkiible article, the whole tune of which seenis to Clirrjr nlniig the j nspertion tlmt tbe hereditary aniniosity óf the house of Bru'nnwick botween the reigning Monarch nnd the Hoir Appa rent alreailv exists bot ween the Queeu j nud th PrirnJe of Wales. We quote the material portions of the articlü in the Timet : " It has been on o of tlie most cotispie uous drawbitckfi of the proporcu enreer of tho House of llrun-wiek, wlíioh has j i:ow for a hundred and fifty yeurs I pied the throne of these islands, that it lm ever been found impossiblo for the reining monarch to ma Dtain relations of fi'icndship and cordial ity v.Tit!i the Heir sppiiront. George I. was on the worst of tormo with bis son wlien Prinoe of Wales; that son, whon Kirr, tram ferred to the fot har et (ïeafrgs III. Il tho ;iuiiii:mity he had Cïperienood IVoui bis own father ; and for uoarly thii'tj' years there w;is the shiiií; unlnppy ostraügement betweon Goorjjo III. and bis oldest soa. "Tho phenoraenorT reenrs with ro mueli unifonuity tbut it would peom to npring frotn lome priuclpla ahnost independent of individii'd clnraetor. B'jsid.'g the xeandal of disoord between parent id ohild, such events brinx with thoiii graat ir.jury to Royalty Hitetf. It i uot well that one-half of the life of biin win is destincd to wenr tho croivn should ba speut iu opv"siti;n to ts poiMMér, nor that tiie royal Uouo oonld soek to rIiow its superiaritj to all otherg by atteoipting to stand, thóiigli uivicled Hs.':ii;;st itseif - Thero is a period ra tho life of a ohild wlien the duty ( a pnrent is not teruilnated, hut otwirged ixi'.t modifled. ' 'J'ho I'riiKO of Walen, the hope of the oounti-y, iave i bis lait yeíir's eveursion i to Amwiea a sifpaal proof, under very ■ ciifficult oii'oumnlnce, of a t-iet and ! eetion ftir beyoñá lis yom-s. Ho is now standing on tlie very thresliold of man bood, and will, thanks to the skillful and vigilant tuanagen)out of bis father, enter into thi! enjoyment of au inoome of 1 0O0 a yoar, rnd half a naiüloil af rc-idj' money from tho revenuos of the Duoliy j of Cornwall. A position so brilliatit, an ■ ir.coiae so ainplo, a destiny so splondid, J and a tharafter so attraetive, will not fa i I to draw round the Prineo a crowd of; persons of' h'n own agp, all wishing to oonciliate bis favor, nll enger to offer advige, all readv to tind hun cranlovment and iiiuusemimt. We sineoroly trust that Hor M:iji'sty, go ïiiperior in inauy respeo! to the ot lier sovereigns of her riec, w i 11 ttlso prove !ior suppnority to tliein by rogardiag any infiuence whieh miy inter pose itselt' betwci'ii lier and tho confidence of her son as a sinister and ill omen"d j intrusión, bodinp nnthing but vl to lier and him. We are are sue will foei, whst iny other mokheT iu H private itat'ion must foei, tint of all tho counsels that are offered hiiu tliere KT6 none which is so desirable that he should follow as her I owi). A young and active ninid naturally feeks emploviücut. and it is iu tiie power ot' the Queea tn provide tor the Priues the most proii'able and digüificd uployment in whieh he can be ensraged, by asBoeiaúng hiiu with her as niuch as jiossi b!e in the cures and duties ot' tho (juvemiueiit. The Prtnoe is rapidly attainin an nge which entitles hiin to the conlidence of liis pareut, and there is Ho way go sure to retuiii hira by her side as to iiKike him feel that there is no wish to koop hiin baek, b'.it, on the contrury, the i dutics of his high station only await his readineca and his ability to discharge thein. We have no reason to doubt tliat in tli ïh, as in all otlier cireumstanees of her lifo, Hor Majesty will sliow that elevatiou of mind and tliat soundness of jii(L'=nent which have ta&gbt her people to foei so deeplv and seknowledge so af fectionately tliat the deatiriies of England have alwayi been safe in her hands. ''We sbould have tbought it suporfiuous to niske these observationi, if we had not feit that the treatment of an eldest smi is one of those pointe on wliich the vrisest have olten boen in fault. It is so diflicnlt, to convinee ourselves tfc the ehild whieh but ft;w years ago pra.ttled at our knee is now a man, with the feeliügs and aepirsfioiw of maniiood : it is so dimeult to changa at tlie right. üioiuent from the director into the friend, and frora the controller into the adviser that we have ventured to draw attention to a subject on which history informa us that thegreatest Piinees have not been ei i empt from error, 'i'hat iïor Mnjesty , may find in her cliildren all the i ' tion which an affectionste and dutiful j family can gíve for the loss of mieli a bus i band, is the earnegt liope of the ntttion. In those ehüdren lies the destiny of her fut'ire Ufo. 'J'Iiey may be fouutains of the Bweetéct oonsolation, or of the mogt intolerable bit ternesa. We doubt not that in tly.f, nu in everytliing else, Hor Majesty will be fully equal to the duty and the occajion." S2T" A pair of stocking sont by the ladie's committee for the use of gome jrsllant voluiiteor, was accorapanicd by the following verse: Krnverentry on yoif lone'y brt, May this blue nockiiift arm ynvr fwi; And when froip war and oampt ypn pnrt, May lome fuir knitter warm your heart. S@„ Jadge Crawl'ord, of Washington, in a recent charco to a grand jury, thua expressud his views of home education: "If the young men who are to bo the futuro BKO of the country, were brouglit up with a more decided home rule, and eompelled (when eompulsiou was necesfnrv) to devote thernselvcs to tho acijuisiiion of skill in some usoful and respectable vocation, thure would be loss occupatiou for courta and juries.


Old News
Michigan Argus