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Comity Convention

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Wc invite the attcution of Democratie Towuship Committees to the cali for a Cuunty Convention, to be found in another culumn. Wo adviseJ against the cali for a State Convcntion, and still think it unwiso, uutimcly, and unncecssary, either considercd as a platform niaking or a nominating body. But as the convention is called, and the Jemocracy of Washteuaw are to bo represented in it, we inay venturo a hope that a sound, conservativo, national ileli-gation will be ' lected ; a dtlogation of men who will look abovo more party trickexv, and who will plant themselves and tho party upoi: broad national grounds. 22 Thelatest southern papers ad niit a rebel loss ia the reeent fight at Mili Creek, Ky., of 300 killed, and modestly put the federal loss at doublé that number. Gen. Crittendeu is reported severdy wounded, and also nol wouudcd. We hardly know wbich report to credit. L'3T Hon. Tiios. ü. Cole, an old and prominent oitiZOO oí Moivroe in this Stuto, and first Superintcudunt of the Michigan Southern Railroad after it passed out of tho pnesrasion of the State, dicd in Detroit, on tlio 25lh intt. &5T Watso.v, ol tho Eigh:h Michigan Infantry, wounded at the battle of Poj't Rffyal Ferry, and ie portod mortally, arrived at Detroit on Saturday morning lust. en route for his home at Newnygo. He is likely to recover of his wuiind. J" Tho Detroit Advertiser h:is etigaged in tshedding toars tho iiutcbinëöna are not fiarrnitted to eing thcir abolilion songs in the carnpü along the Polomac - at 2 j cents a hcad, wo suppnso. Presumo the Advertiser wouKI want. Phillips, Garrison, Ilodpath, et al, ta go oQ leotuiing tours among tho sokliers, and ut ter peo timen ta DO less dangorous and treaMonablü than for whiofa raen havo been sent to Fort Lafoyette. L3f Tho New Yurk Trihune, and " sich like " republieau papera, think a great calamity will befall the country if " Old Beu Wade " is not rc-electcd to the Sonate from Ohio. We havo an idee that the maohinery of government can run without his help as benator, aud wc huinbly express a hopo that the experiment will be tried. --ami GiF The Seuato iuvcatigatiag comniittee, which was authorizcd beforo the recent adjournment of the Legislature, to sit in vaeation and thoroughly veatilate the accounts of the Quartermaster Gen aral'a dopartmout is now iü sessioa in Detroit. L3S We give all the informntion that has been recuivcd from tho Burnsiilo expeditiön. It is in Painlico Sound, and stirring reporta aro looked for. Moro Boldiers are g-athering at Annapolis to re-enforce Burnsido, 63P Rev. Bishop Amks, of the M. E. Church, and Ex-Gov. Fisir, of New York, have been appointed comrnissioners to visit the South and iiiinister to tho wants c f our Boldiors held as prisoners by the rebels. Wo hardly think they will bo permitted to enter the rebel fines.


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Michigan Argus