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From Europe

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llulilax, Jiin. 20. Tho Europa, froni Liverpool llth, Qneonst.nvii 12. li. nrrived lust night. She brings nèi:her troopa or utores, nnd the Government Mms discontinuad] shipmen's by Gunarders. Il wan repotteel wnrliku preparalioran nt WooTwièn hiid not leen relaxed. - Stemners eontiitued takhig on lieavy ntores f ■■! Haliftu and Jrtrriuica. SewardV diapatohes wei'e eonsttWed in Council on the 9th, The Tunes iiD'li'rs'iin'Js thnt an answer wifi be rtturned expressing '" aiion at tiia disavowal of Co:n. Wilkeöti'-hccêptHig Uo satipfaction tendiTod, and assufnilVgthat the ! dunt in the Tront caco wffl nils tho casa ai' tho sghoonor Ëiigonie tiinith, R to the luw o( ncutiülrt" The ! eniment declinas an nnswer nnti) it has had :itj oppertunfty uf submittinfl tho whole note to law offioers. Thre aro propoeitiona n the note not a dra 8sible, bot rider the re!e;me oí the ] nerf rrtay ha profieily disoiinstvL Thü Morning Pus! nnouncos that a thorongh urrdërBtnndiiig with tho American Q-rtverohfièiit has been urrived nt, :md that 8sward h-JJI havii succoedtd in impresaing on the English GoveramcBt too Betitn that tfcy have not only reoejved prawnt ndemnity, but no small pledge of füHirc secullly. Tho Times tixes England'd espeooe, owingto the late difQculty, at .L2,0U0,000, hut when the biils aro all in it wii! doublé that amount, but tliat money has not been thrown awav. Tli e Duit y Netos la eulogistic of the courso jiursued by the Washington Government, and bitterly denounees tbepolïcy of the Time and Post. The Tunes hns á stroog editorial on the reception due to Mason frnÖSIidöll, and says thev are a bout the most worthless booty it would hu posibl to extract frotn the avvs of ihe Arucrie:in lion, havingbeen long knovvn as habitual haters and revilers of PngJaiicï, and sincerely. hopes that Engusbrnen wíll not givo these ftdlflwia :ni ovation. - England has retnrned thern good for ovil, and if thjy can wil] be on!y too willing to entaoglo her ia war wiih the North. England wonld have done the fame for two negroes ü'.iier journnla advise : similar courge. 'ihe Tunes reiterates its doiincistiorss of the stone bloekade, and say., aniong the urñnee whioh have disgraced mankind, it would bq diffi'.;u!t to fiml one more atrouious tbao this, and .asserts that no belligerent lias a riglit to resort to such warfure. The Tuscarora and Nashville continued at Soutbampton. The Nusbville was i D doek. The Government (iberved b strict neutrality towards her; riothing wns permitted to be done except to rendar her .esuvorthv. Russell'a corresporuionoe to the Thars pt'edicts that tho fato of the American Governmtiit will bo senled if Jaouary ahall juss without sorne great victory. The Cadjz Tdegrapli soyfl : The Ainêricau Cnsul received orders to protest agaiiiát the admisRion of the Sumpter. It was said Spain woukl prolfct prisoners broiight by the Sumpter Russia - Tt is reported that Rtissia has sent an embarra?sing ultimátum to Rome, that if the Pope doet) not con demn the cop.duct of the Polisfi clergv, Russia will recognize tho kingdoo) of Italy. CniNA. - A new Regency has been eslablished at Pek ia, under the second Empress. Franck. - The pacific termination of the Trent affair caused a rise in tho Bourse oi 1 per cent. The Momtcur saya a feeling of j found regret and indigtiation has been aronsed in England and F ra nee by the vindictive act of deetroying the port of Charlefton. The rnonthly returns of the Bank of Franco shows a decreaso of over ef;hteen miltion fraucp. The Journal, of St. Petersburg, puhlishes an article congratulating Mr. Seuard on tho uprightness and intelü;(jnce of his policy and demanding that the Trent incident may become the stnrtinii point of nogotiation for tho recognition by the Powers of common piiiicipltíH upon the question of the neutral flag. It also expeets England to give the vvorld solemn gunrantees for the future by wgning a couvention which by ensuring universal res peet for tho rights of the neutral powers, would coninbute to the mainlenance of peaco and mark the progresa of ctvilization.


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