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DR. SMITH'S í UNÍ VERSIT Y PIIXS e, ■■ - ld rpHKSE Pilis are prepared by Wni. M. Smith, M. D., Inte Profceoor of Materia Medica and I PhS-micv in the Univerahv of Lake Eric. Ohio. Dr. Smnh would sny to the publhs, thai , teSSTSSTbh KU?h?ïXL2 no quock nostrun, that wili by i.s rritating eflècts upon ' úíISSiSS-SStStiiámim where .here was Iittle or nono belore, bat one hal .8 sufe.. .. mild. salutary and uniform in it8 effects upon the wholesysiem. . .i'i He would say that he has now spent 20 years m research and invesugalion, d.rected to ihc Pa tholigy ol diseñe, and iho proporties of medicinal substances, and the.r daptation to the removal of the malodies (o which flesh heir. Aa the result of these aborS, he m now able to give to the public a combination of medicinal vegetable sirbetances. which w asnear perfecuon. as care.ul study and close mvesiigation. tests and experimante. can bnng U. He would say to i'hysicians. as wellasoihers, try thls pill: it will not deceive you. . It ie peculiurly adapted to the removal and prevention of the following diseases: Bilious, íntermittant and Renrntant I'evera; Fever and Agne, Cough, Ltver Complaints, Sick _ Headacn. Passive'Dropsy, Rlieu ..atisiii, Enlargemei of the Spleen. Intcrnnl "liep, Cohc, Acidny of the Stoniach Inc-ipient Diarrhoca, Habitual Costiveness. and in nll cases of Torpor of the Bownls, whena c'flthartic. aperient, or altérame, h ncedcd Tbcy are mild, yet certnm in their operation. producing ñeiiher nausea, griping, nor debiliiy. The agente of these Pillsnre insiructed, n caae Ai 1 1 eatisfaction is not given to any person who niay purchase thcin, that they shall have ttieir money refundtd. TESTIMONIALS ÍN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M SMITH'S w UNIVERSITY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL OP DR. LANDON. Momíoe, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr. Dear Sir,- T take much pleasure in giving my testimony in favor of your '" valuable UNIVERSITY PILLS. J most cheerfully recommend them to the public as n 8 safe, easy, and efficiënt cathartic for most of the diseasêe incident to this región of country. I have made extensive ose of them for four years in my practice, and I believe thetn to be ' the BEST Anti-biJious Cathartic or Aperient medicine ever combined and offered for gen! eral use. Yours, &c. GEORGE LANDON, M. D. I TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. ■j AIasillon, Ohio, Moy lst, 1844. s Dr. Smith- Sir, I take much pleasure in bearing trstimony to the efficacy of your Piüs in removing bile from the stemach, deterging the Liver, and In nll complaints emana3 tmg from that source. „ T t C TELLER, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. Waterkoo, Mich., March 10, 1844. To Dr Smith- Sir,- For upards of sixmanths I was crueüy afflicted with Fever and ' Ague, and durinff that time could find nothing ihat gave me permanent relief; nt length however your University Pilis vvere lecommended to me by one of the best Physicions in these parts; and I am ha'ppy in being able to say, that from the use of one box I wns permanently cured of mv since then a numher of my family have been as signaJly benefitted. Yours, Respectfu'ly, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G0ODNOW. Monuoe, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith has been my Family Physician for four years last past; rhat he has used his University Pilis in his practice in my family with nnparalleled success: and I think them preferable to any pil! for bilious offection in the world. P-A NIEL GOÓDNOW. Innket-per, Macomb-Sl. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. Flit, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr. SairTH I om happy to give you my cordial approval of your University Pilis. I atn able to keep off Fever and Ague, nnd Fevers to which all ofus are subject in this Western Country, by the timely use of your University Pilis, Send an Apent this way ns soon as poesible, for we afe all out. Yours, &tc. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYF1ELD. We certify that we are and have been personally acquainted with Wm. M. Smith, M. ' D., and know that he is a man oí eminence in his profession- and that for four years he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in Willpughby University of Lnke ' Erie, with honor to bimself and satiffaction to the Trustees ond FacnHy, as well as to the Studenls of the above University. Ae for his Pilis, fhey are par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1844. B. F. FYFIELD. TESTIMONIAL OF RTAL B. CHASE. This I certify, that in the month of September last, I was attacked with Billious Fever ) (while away from home at Owasso to build a water wheel) and with one dose of Smith' tí University Pilis, I broke it up; and as many others were 6ick at the time, I administered these PiJls to them, and in all cases it btoke up their fevers. I have used them many times since, ' and with great success. They are the best pills I ever used. RIAL B. CHASE, Millwright. ' Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst, 1844. ! TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. ( This may certify, that three years agro I was attacked with Liver Complaint so severely that I could scarcely turn myself in bed; I used many specifics and remedies, soch as Brandreth's, Resurrectiin, Oriental, and other pille, but with little or no effect. One year c ago, my friend Dr. Smth called on me on his way to Boston, when he gave me a box of J his UDiversity Pilis, which perfectly reetored me, and my health has not again euffered " from like cause. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. f Rochester, N. Y., No. 13, Franklin Street, June 25, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor - Justice requires me to state, that I have sold your University Pilis for one c ond a half years last past, and that I can sell no others while I have thera on hand. The c have superseded the sale of all others - their effect is truly wonderful. $ JOHN W. MILLER, Druggist. i Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. c For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Town, and WM. S. Si J. W. MAYNARD, Uppej Town, Ann Árbor. 13-ly. S m % S k 5 o $D I i i 11 il : IS 25 í S g J k JR ESSÉ . " 4 o c CD _ n- -s ggm ijil ês IS S ?? ' K S ïlï II I B?ö; $ L ÜÏE lililí = = ' te ö ': 95 G? H1I 1 o A A M 38 s " ffP'íi :-3 2 19 éë g 5' S ii & tq m B : o T Uñíi ?s M TÈ 7, ■ %r wm ei g 2 ;' Hfillii. IEa 'S fililí & b eéi ö


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