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iYolicc to Mercliants. T I 1HE Subacribers encouraged by the patronX .ge thcy have hitherto reccived in tlu whvj.esale dcpartrnentoftheir business, will th first day of May nexl, open the store now occupied by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Huror siroet, and connecting with tlieir present aton in t lic reor. exclueively for a 7TH0LB SALES EOOH, where they will keep at.all times a lull assortinent of Dry Goods. Bools, fy Sioes Carpcling Hals, Caps, Paper Hangings, Bonnels, Cracker by the Crale Hardware avd Groceries, $v;. vyc. Sic. all of which will be sold on as good terms as ai any point this sldeofNew York Cuy. G. D. HJLL& CO. Ann Arbor. March 2G, 1844. 48tf. THE followingindispensabie tnrnily remedies mny be found at Maysakd's Druggiel Store, in Ann Arbor, where none will be sold unless knowh to be of the best kind nnd nc counterfeit article ever oflered. patent medicine invariably procured ot the original inventor oj his regular euccessor: (CP Aro family should be a icceli without thest rem eclies. J BALDNESS. Balm of Co'umbia, for the Huir, which wil stop it f falling out, or restore iton bald places: and on children make it grow rapidly, or on tho6e who have lost thehair from ony cause. ALL VERMIN thatinfest the heads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. Find ke name of COMSTOCK on it or nevcr try it. Iïemcinber this alioays. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented. or governed ifthe attack has come on, i ƒ you use the only true Hays' Likimjent, from Comstock & Co'. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that admits of an outwardapplication. It actslike a chajm. Use it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positivelycured: allshrivelled musclesand limbsare restored, in the o)d oryoüng, by the Iridian Vegetable Elixir and Ncrre and Jjone Liniment - bnt never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE willeradicate all WOUMS in children or adults with a certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Ki.!irKs- cures effectunlly Ann Arbor. Feb. f, 1844. 41 WRÏGHT-S tledicateil Piaster, spread for immviliate use. PRICE ONLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL. IN slight vilments, or where the patiënt prefers a less expensive article than the "Anti-inflamatory and Rheumatic Piaster," these will be found highly beneficia]. Being already spread for immediate appücaiion, tliey will be ibund verf convenient ibr WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Side; Breast, Stomach. between the Shoulders. or wherever there is Pain, ar where a Piaster is needed. They may be renáered more serviceable by pasting a piece of :loth on the back of them before they are opolied. Multitudes'have been relieved of pain and iuffurina by these Chenp PlnsteT?. For Sale at Mos-ely's Bookstore. nnd by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. ____ 16ly C. B. WALKER'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. TTIHE Subscribers take this method of inform1 ing all such as are engaged in ihe Milling )usiness in the State of Michigan, that they are iow manufacturing in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw üounty. Michigan, L. B. Walker's Patent Sntut Machine, vhich they would recommend to take the Smut )fl of wheat as well or better than any other nachine. This machine is a horizsntal machine -Hretains all the fnction of the wheat, and uniïng simplicity with durability, it combines the eating, scouring, and blowing principies, dis :harging the dust and stnut as fast as separated rom the wheat. This machine is perfectly se:uro from fire, and runs much lighter ihan any ther machnie in use. For förther information. ee large bilis. Shop in Lower Town. Prices o agree with the times. All orders for Ma:hines will be promptly attended to. Address. E. O. & A. CRITTENDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co., Mich. July 8,1844. ' iiGm The Birncy Portraits. THE Subscribers have on hand a quantity of these large and 6plendid engravings.beautiully executed on steel an excellent artist, rom a paintingby E. W. Goopwin Esq.,of Alany. N. Y. Th?y are a striking likenessof the VIan, and make an elegant ornament for the )arlorFor sale, wholesale and retail, at $3 per dozen, r $1.00 each. by A. McFarren. Bookseller. Detroit, and by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Árbor. Nov. ). 1844. 28 tf WOOX.! WOOt! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ T1HE Subscribers would inform the Public JL that they will continue to manufacture good ■ - ' t 'heir Manufactory, two and a half miles wept f Ann Arbor, on trie Hurón, on the following TERMS. Until the first dny of November, A. D. 1844. he price will be 37 cents per yard, or half the loththe wool will make. From the Ist of Novmber to the lóth of May, 1845, the price will e 39 cents per yard, or nine twentieths of the loth the wool will make, that is, 45 yards out of 00 inanufactured. The wool will be manufaeured in turn as it may come into the actory, as ear as may be with reference to the different ualities. Any person who will furnish one or ïore pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 pounds of ne quality can have it manufactured by itself. Vool will be rece ved at Scio. Wool sent y Railroad will be attended to in the same maner as ifthe owner were to come with it - it hould becarclully márked. We have manuïctured cloth during the past year for a very ïrge number of cuatomers, to whom we believe re have given very general satisfaction With hese facts nnd the advantages ofTered by the Iow ricent which we offer to manufacture cloth, we lopefor a large shnre of patronage. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., July 25? 1844. 3-tf New Hat Store. JAMES G. CRANE would respectfully inform the Public, that he has opened a fine lock of líate, Caps, Slocks, Cravals, Scarfs, Coïlars, Umbreïïas and Gloves, it No. 105, Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit, nearly pposiie the U. S. Court Room and Post Office, vhero he will be happy to see his friends and iupply them with as good an article in his line is can be procured, eithor here or at theeast, ind as cheap. ■ Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate "ashionable article of Hals or Caps, can be supDlied by sending theirstze or have any style furtiished to order in a few hours. and loarravtcd to ntit. Cali and see- it may save you n dollar. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,, July 12 1844. I3-6m DRAB BROAD CLOTH for carria ge. trimming. Cords and Tassels for window shades, for sale by W. A. RAYMOND, 32 tf 148 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. W ANTEÖ, any quantity of DEERSKINS by BECKLEY & IIICKS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 29, 1844. 32-tf


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