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SPECIAL NOTICES' Passender trains Bow U'ïtvc Itetroit anil the several Stations ín this Ciiunty . ;is foUoWff. Train lo nfit &top at stations where figures are omitted in tuo table. COIN'G WEST. KtHEx. .larit.Ac. Viirht Kt. Detroit, 10.0" a m. 4.50 p M. 9 15 p m ípsiUnti, 1158 " 6.-.0 " 11.10 " Ann Albor, 11.45 " 6.50 " IJ. 86 ■' IVxter, 12.16 P.M. 7.Í0 " Vi 00 A 51. Ch.lM-a, lï.rB " 'AS " IS.20 " Ar. Chicago, 11.(0 " 10.45 " G O I NT G E A S T . KightEx. Jack. Ac. HlllKc CJhelsen, 6.10 a. M. 3.02P r. Dexter, Í.ES " 3.50 " nn Arbor, 4.35 A, SI. 7.10 " 4.15 " 7jsi]i.nti. 4.55 " 7.:o " 4.40 " Ar. at Detroit, 0.05 'f .55 " 0 00 ' #JL SligM Cola,,JfLc.a.iL8en.c&&. ivhich, mig'ht be checked with a simple remedy, ifneg-lected, oflen ierminates senously. Few are aware of the importance of a cuíqí or ëfb.q.hi paLd. in its first stage , that whiah m Lhe heg-inning would yield ío a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attacks the lungs. J$.iíauín.'& JarLchLaLacfLea. ivere firU mlrodiooed eleven yeari ago. Jt hos been prejed that ihey are the trst artiale before the public for aiig-hs., Ratels., .tí, fistuna, alcLf-tli, lhe Hacking Coiigh in fQan.&u.mlLtuxn., and nrirnerous affectvons of the jfh-f-aai, ffiving immcdiate relief. Public Speakers Sf Singcrs wül find thern effenlwal for clearing and strengthenvng the voxoe. Sold hy alL (Xlrug-gists and (Dealers in. Jtftdicine, at 25 cents per io;. New Medical Discovery. For the pee i i nept cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Strteturc, aiitï Affectlom of the Kïdnéys ancl Bladder y whicb ha? been use! by apwi i OSE HUNDRED PHYStOlAK& in tl umi' private practico, wit !i ent re buccpss, Buperïfiuillier BELL'S SPECIFIO FILLS, 1 1. ín ncCion, oflcn eiTeci og a car n a ft w-do y j ■:vA w ii i n cure i eUVeli;! t ii jK'niüintrt. '1 !. ■■ :■ i ■ ■■ P La: inltBS üi, i the syntem, nd never nauaeato the stom ach or iiopragnate tb brêatfi ; nnrt ) cm r sbjïftF-coateri, a ;! .■ t Latí is ïvntrled. A'o ckangc of iel is neet jish.g them ; nor d rog thoit aotfcoa lntrf:e wrtïh busiïcs i n . I I . boxctinttbirtM nix Ji.ou l'ills. I'JUCK OXE DOLLAR, aii'lwül bewmi by Bdatl poM-paid by mv advrtteed nraeipt of the money. geld by DrugjrlstB in I AiMi tbor. . f ' None ffijouine witbftttt mj signature on tho wrapper , J. BflTAN, ■Roehester, N'. Y., (jnktuI .■. ent. TT. fc L. SIMONËAtJ, Detroit, Wholesale Ag I UioblgaB, BÖÖtf _ „ . PRIZB POETS Y. Let bq ■ war, Au 1 Htrwtrela 'unv their pwtei gidtar, A niML-r thenu aay kcarLiê ïi'l.-d- In pratte gl Hkbricü'ij atclilo'68i'Ü. Their ciiiTi ae found in every bnl - Ami-l KvwMda'i smiws - iitvl sandH ; The b ui Irotu w&s - tn paper ft 11, Pioducoii by Hkrbick'u inattehlusa l'ill-s. ÏW-; dise&aeaffifct ftroí vardoiiM Thia chai tning compound will seareb it out, A ml heult? ayaiu yöwayrteni lili, M to( !ly f IM (o bÜHWUCK's FHHb. T'icy'jf safe for ;ill - both olJ anfl young - The ír praisc arfe on evèry tingue ; Dwase, diwrnwi - n lonfer kiils, Siii' i m "1 wlïli Ubrhick s; Pilis, jgr Put op witti Englfftb, Hpniiife, Germán and Frciich direct ion-. Price -■ eênts pit böX. Suga . Coatcd. Sec aiiTertUemeut i;u tkii-il page, 804 A CARD TO THE STTFFEKirTG-, Tlio Rev. ViLiMM CoMiiuivi-:, wliilu laborin as a MÍskionary UiJapaUyiras eured oí ConsutaptiúD , when all othcr had ialU-d bv i reuipo obtaioed from a liysiciua residí ng in the great City oi Jtdüo. Th e recipe has cured great wbi) were .suiltiing trom Uousmption, Bro ichitis, ! re Throat, Cougha ana rolds, and the debility md aervcus dpreanin caus0 by thejse úiaordera . rrs-.ions jf beüeötting otber, I will pen d this recfp, ■which I have bi-uugltl btme with me, to nJl wl.o need it, fi-Lt; of charge. Addri Tïev.WM. CO5QR0VE, 823yl ifiï FultOQ avauo, Uioul.!jn N. Y. MOTHEHS READ THTS. Th f fullowing isan extr;ict v-:v. a lertter writtcn by tho pastor of :i Baptist lïhoich tü the "Journal and Mr.-. f]). i.'i-,": Cincínnati, Glrio, aad speaJ rotumei n favor ol that worW renowned medicine- MRg. Wtañi.uw's -:) rrniNü bvini' FOK t'nn.nnKN 'frrnriNi;: i:Weset an advertisenaent in your aolivinfl of Ifrsj Wídsíow's SootUingíyrup. Now we Dever san' m word in favor o) a pal vH mv Ifcine beftore in our life, Imt we feel compelted-te say to ypur readers, tha1 thls ia no humbUg - WB HAV1C TRTED IT, AX1) KNuW IT TO UK All ]T claims. It is. iM-ubahly. one of the most vw medicines of the dayj beoauue :t i me pf febe oeet. ntl thoBë of yöuf readers who have b;ibies can't du it bettrthnn tol y in a suptly;1 Seeadvertisement in ttnother column Important to Ladies. Dr. .TOIIN' liARVr.Y, haring for upWtrda of t went j rears devoted hifi rofésSionnl t mr fxclusively to the treatmtffttof Feinale DiiliouHies, ami haring Buccéeded in rUoosüuds oí cacá m resiunug th afflieted to sound bealth, has now entire couQdence iu oiienng public ly hli "GRBAT AMERICAN RBMEDY," CHHONO-THSEMAL FEMALE PILIS. Whlch bave nr yel hfltd fwben the directioni have been strictly foüoired,) jn remeving dlfflouUieaai -ing from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, oriarwtoringthe aystera to prfect healtli, when suf 'er i ug frona Shsai Affkctioss, ProLapsch Ctebi, rni Whitbs or weaknesi pJ tho Uiiíbink ObOans. Also m all cases of Djcwüty or Nèüvoüb rostratio-V, Hyï rcRiCs Palktations, &c., fee., whlch are the fororunnwi tf more seriouR disease. %-- These Pilis are perfectty har?;r!ra on the Mft9tKwtiont m-d ?nn be taken bij the noët delicate femdie KHknnt causiitg distres; at the RaoM time tbey A91 UK acürm ly strengthening, invisotatinff.and rest Ting the nyslera to a healthy cmditon. andbt brtoflng on the monthty.period with r-u!arity. no matter frora what cauBe theobrtrnctious miy arlBe. Thcv shonld. however, not be taken d uring tlio first t'inv or fooi moBtba of prenaney, tfaongh safe at aoy othertime, aa raïitcarr!a(te wotüd be the reault, Each box containa i'O Pilla. Price One Dollar, and ffhendesired will be senl by mail prepald by anyadver tised Agent, on ïeceipi of the rooaey ' fctold by DraRgislsin Ann Arbor. J lïliVAN", Rochester, N. Y-, fionoral Agent. H t t. SlMÜWEAÜ, Detroit, Who!wal Ajteot fo Kichigan. 80Ctf iMPÖRTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND LLFE 0FW0MAN Is cnntinnnlly in perïl if slie ia mn 1 enöogh to neglect or pultreat tbose sexual irieguUriÜM to which twothirds of hor; ex are more or Lesfl subject. DR. CEffiESEMAIi'S PXL1S, prepare! fvnm the same formula which the inventor. rOBÑELlüS L. CH5ESEMAN, M. P.,of Xew-fork, has foï twentj ywn uaed suecessfiiüy ín an extended private pra ctïce - immedlately relieve without pain, all disturbancea of tbc periodical discharge, wbether ansing from leluxafinn or auppression. They act Vk a cb arm Intemoving the pama tb1 iicccmpanv difficuH or immoderate mestruatum, and are the only safe and reliabli remedy for Flunlies, Sick Hcad iche, Paitis in the Loins. Back ind Sides, Palpitatíon of the Heari N'ervcus Tremors, Hystiric, Ppasins, Hroken SIep and otner uoleasant and dangeroua affecU nf an unnattiral comlition of the sexual functionfl In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Wint eg, they effect a speedy cure. To WIVKS and MATRONSDít.CHEEEMANfSPILI?are oíferedaa the only safe meana of renewing: inU-rrupu-d menstroatíoD, bot. IjADIBS MUST BK AR I MISD Thcre Ís onecovdition of the femalc S7j$tem in irhichthe Pllls cannotbe taken wi'hout producir.g a FECULIA& RESULT. Thecnvdi'ion referrcd to is PREGlfANCY- the resuïf, MÏSCARRIAGE. Such ii the irresistible tendency of the medicine to rtstors sa aal ftwetions to a normal condition, that even the reproductire power of nature cavïwt resht it. Explidt directio7is siating when, and ir hen they shouh not be unr.d, with each Box, - the Price Oue Dollar ead Bot, cdntainivg 50 Pilis. A valuab'e Pa nphlet, to be had freo of the Agenta FiIIh tent by mail promptly, by enclosïng pnce lo any Agent. Sold by Druggisia Reaera 1 y. K. B. tlUTCHlKGS, Propn'etor. 20 Cedar-St., New York For Pale ty MAVXAlïD STLBBINS & WItSON, and GRE2ÍV1LLE & : TU.kR. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUSTOMEHS. A LI. accounts over six muntli' mwt Ije t-cUIed at ones. Cali at the office niulpiiy u p A ivell selectL-il stock uf Xew (ooün Clirap for Cash. Siiltf MAYN.V31) ,STKnl:JXS i WlIÜOtf. TO IFIIEÜSTTATWO STOSY Brick dwellittg in n pl.uscnt part of ;h City. Apply to 1 P 15ACÏÏ. Ana Arbor Dec. 24, 1801, 839w4 REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. 0 n ( ncreíi f líindwitli a weU of pnod mtcr, and a UI) liviog spring, atona boom, bara and m w ehedi, andgoodorehard, and mehundred and fifty acrei iraprovad, The farm is sttuatod m the töwn ol Scio, and ROuth uf Boy ik 11 's plaÍBSf nuil füur am1. liaílniiles from Aan Arbor, JÜUA MÜRRAY. WM. MÜRRAY Bcio, Bayt. 24, 1SG1. 6i.Öwc ANN AKBOU SCHOOL LOAN. S caled Proposöls will Le recetved by me op to 1-0 o'tloejk A. J., oL Jan. 28th, for a loan i I ?: 500, te be secured by the Bonrta i' Pcboo] District N'o. 11. of the Cty and Townhip uf Arm Arbor, running i. Tri iu the örat day of bury uext, with Interest payable jtiiiiualy. Blda maj be lóade al a rate of interest lans th:iu 10 per cent, or maj olffr a premiuso for Bondj beariqg 10 per cent. By rder of ihe Pchooi Board. E. ü IONÍ), tcreLary. Anuibor,.Tan. 18, 13C2. THAT LONG PIPE ! STIU. cnntniiPR to pour firtli CARBON and KIj'.cetCXK (i.I.s in abtiDdiiiice fi r 38 CESTS PEB 0ALI.0.N". And the mili is stilt ruiming that grind out. LAMPS! LAMPSÜ LAMPi!1-! inendlesaTarfetyat aboot half the tuua] priee. OIL ol all zea, from one .quait to üve gallons, aL the Péople'u Ciockeiy it Öiocery otore. Á, DcFOTiET. Ann .Arbi r,.Tan. 1852. 'ice for the Summer cf 1882. rp.iE S list nf Octobei.oi f rSH '■■■ i Í0H . er. ■ ': i on Saturday f ■, -■ ■ ■ ■ Will be glad tu supply all hidfon ■ nndby :,, n ; i'1"1 i .;■' and pu actual will ead factioo f" bII wh ■ iu iv ■■!■ liim wiihtheïr order. No Ice will '■ . i oí lí-f.T.'i few weeks ín dos; diysatSl. per. nvmth ; it ia impoasiblc to Leep tho onder th t rrnnfremènt. líuii !b anJ Saloons furnihed as hr-rt tofore CLEMPNr. íí THOMPSON. Ann A;bc.;. Jot C'J, 1161■ SfiTwS


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Michigan Argus