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GREATJÁRGAÍKS AT Maynard, Stebbina & Wilson'3. rr. RAYEASA1H ui.i'i ixiüki) on: :toi:i: w:ïü ii Uiè inost splradid'iilock of E3r E O X S tliiitWAS over oITtwI in nny tmc eatuWi-'hinent :i .!..■ State, all ■; ■..■:... Ii we öffftr fui OAE1 OíS ÍP O OU O [f is low ;i cn.n bo fbuiul i:i Uit1 Union Wa want Mouey ! (jíreat Sacrifices on Anylliinj wehave to obtam it, not excepiing OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNT? We cordiall}' invita ALL CASH CV STOMERS to cal! anrl oxuraiuc our Goo-is acd FUCOS. We als; invite our Prompt Payirg Custcmers to come ftnd buy their 8up]lis for tl)c Winter. Tü thusr Baflbful ouvs thut aro ai'niid to cali, wc ftj tu th&iu, taki courajio Q33T iTi Your "VIXX3JA-f2? ■ithoutlongor waitii;gfor bigher pricet,corae in, old scoren, nnd tliea it snel prieel U wil] m ike p nll lnsss It is UarJl ïecceaiiar' to CDumcrulcour Güodri, for We have ÜSvorythingl A !argc assurtment of UARPETIXO, CROtKERY DEY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOEEIES, PAINTS, 01 LG, riATg, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE N0TI0N8. &c, &c., &c. (TlótO 1IATHARD, STIBBIXS & WII.S0 SCHOFF & MIL LEK RESTII.I. ON'HAND at t'ueh'oM Stand, u„„ K"o. 2, Frauklin Block, vith the mout cúmplete assortment of Baeks and Stationery, PERFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, EOLLERS, COEDS, fASSELS, GIJ.T COENTOES, CURTAINS, riOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offercd in tliis Jfarket 1 amUhey vrouMsuggrat tothosc n purnuit cfanyfhingin SANTA CL A US' LINE .lint tliry can necure % Doublé Christmns Present ! by ptirchaaing from tliis ülock, as eaoh purchaser getf in :ulUtional present of Jcwelry, Ac, Eanging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. Tlioytrust that t.heirlin; exporience in Mlecting [oodafortkismarket, nmlstrlctattentron to tba wann l(CutonMn,má; cntitle tbcni to a liberal Miare oj i'.n viiiinge. Ann Arbor.Dec. 6. 1800. "7tf llangstorfer's lílock. DEA ní Tfc CO-, INVIIV. :it'.i-miun to tiifirnew stock comnrising all kinds of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andllouse-furnislnn g:ndx,:Ul of whiüli they are offer "S At the Zowest Fossible Bates. Frencb China Ten act ! tv ■ in tfi 00 to 20 00 FriMK-li China ditmer nota from 25 M io 70 00 Hi ne ebtna Tea setafresn 3óo to 5 oo Stone cliina dinnrr BI tafrOID 8 50 t 20 00 Qlasa Kerosene complete from 37 yt Io Ky, Marblo Kerosén Lftinps oMnplcte !om so toiooo Finia Lamptroni 18 to 62i I„-nnps of nll kindsaltered c-n ropnirpd. NEW YOHK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J O. KBNDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEP0SITED witli the Comptrolleroftho State nf New York. Dividend average 40 per cent. uunully. A88J3TIB. Cash la Bnk, $ 31,355,49 lnvestttd ín ieountïea, oreated aoder 1 lio lawsof the State of NV' Vork and oftb U. B,, 258,870,-9 ReialEatate and Fixtures, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Huillín and BlortgfagM drawing 7 per et. interest 583,998.39 Notefl r"i'fii"l (op 40 pee c' ui ,oi pramtunu ou lilo policios, boarlng latoreat, 075,315.85 (Jn.irtcilv and v' nf-annual promlmns, due subse (juent'to Jaonirj 1, 1SIÍ0 20,550.38 [ntereat acerued ap to Jon. 1 . 1S60, 36.4S8.Ï7 Renta Mcrood opto Jan. 1,1860, 1.70Í.34 Premianuon pulieiesiu hand.-, of Ageuts, 20,4 5JL9 $1,71)7,133.24 Drs Wells and Lkwitt, Hodieal Examinara. Úm '. 81IBERT SMITH, Agent Conway Fire lusurance Co., Of Convayr Maes. Capital paid np, - $150.000 00 Assp.ts (Cash), 289,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. 6 Whitnoy, Seuretary. President. DIREOTORS. J R.WinTNEV, L. RODMAN, W F.I.L1OTT, APA1IO I.AND.D f". MrOII.VIUy, K.D. MOKOAN WAIT BKMBNT. JOS1A1I KLUB. A. H. BII'.l.HN W.H. DICKINSON, W ï'. CLAPP, D. C. ROClilW. Ann Arbor Keforences: Dr. E. WF.I.I.fl, L. JAMKS. L. DOUGE, ENOCHJAMKS. OAPT. OS. OOODRICU J. W. KNIGHT, Agent. A mi Arbor, Milipin. NlflW GOODS, Seasonabïe Gcods, CIIEAP GOODS, ."Por Cas li, BACH PIERSQM jtisï openocl a holte stook of "Winter Goode f Bought for Cash AND TO BE SOLD FOR CASH r.t fucIi pnces ns vil! mfikc the buyera !iui:jh ut tlio idea oí Hftrd Times. The stock inoludea a clioice lot cf LADIES'DRESS GOODS, GENTLEVAN'S CL0TII3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, GROCF.RIKS, Ac, e. Now is the tima to buy your Winter's upplies. bach t riEitrosr. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, 1 f61. KTZE3 W O O I J3 . WLXES & KNIGHT have just roceived a full stook of FÁLL WINTER GOODS ! wliich they OFFER FOR O ASM! Prices very Low, WItfES &KNIGHT. November, 1861. PATEKTED Hovembor lst, 1859. r- THE JtEASURES %. EBaV A, tJic diftnncc i- AJ NN; round the Xeck. ! !BtoB:lo Vuke. r' ''..jpf'" tffl D to D, distanco ƒ i ■■ around the Búdy I 0 i w. m II ie Arra-pits. J ■ Ö3 E'oE,tlio Patcnted tttproved Frencli Yoke SHIRTS. PATKNTEDNOV. lst, 1859 A New Style of S ,irt, warranted to Fit liy nading the Rbovc measnres ir Ill)t'l wï cnnpuar antev perfoet fitof our new tylo of Shirt, umi return t.v ititv to any pari of the Cnited State, M $12, ÍI6.S1S, $J4, ice cc. , por ' Nu order lorwarüed li.rl'-M tlian half-a-ciozen S};:rts. Ateo. Importen andUcalcrs in iiSK'S FUBMISHJXG ÜOOBS. fcS. Wholesale tro'lo siMipli.-.l on lii uonal terms. BALLÖl' BROTHERS, BOMT -105 Broadirsy, New York. LOÖMI8 TJaiPPT Succeásors to Chapin ds Loomis.andCliapin, Tripp A Loomií TUF. Uiove (Irm of LoomiB ft Tripp huTlng jmrcliaspi i li, entlre Interest of tbo formm opmpinien vïL continue the bueinem it theold atands. here they wil! be rendy, on theshortest notice, to lili all orden in the line of Castinga and Machinery, ín the most worlimanliW mannor. and nu as libera U'rnis sa any other shop inttie irttcAmonjí tlii vari OU8 :irti.-1c:-!!i:tin:facíiirO(l bv vi, ir wou!d ennmorrtte STEAMÊNGJNKS if ïll kinds; í i 1 1 (rnrino: and Flxtltfet, Tonirhtand cftst; allthe vrious castiniisfov inüktnif and repobring IlorsePowere &Threehing Machines auch tuf arcat present, or have tonnerlj been in om m this part of UiO State, as wU ñ all fcha rarioasktndsof castillera íinfl ir.ncliinp woik cjiIIpA for by farmerit and metliniiic.s intiiis seotion of the country. of all tlio various pattonis, up in slzeiand prices, vül ba kl.tcrmstafitly on hand, gut tho most modem and improved stylfs. Thankful for fermer jialrnnnge to the old drms. we would solicit a conUniinncf' fjoin oll fricinisari'l íi trial by all wlshiog foranvlhing in our line of busineilSi LOU.Mld & TRIFP. Aon Arbor, May 18th, 1859. 697tf General Land Agency PERSONS wntiBgfiirm,orreliienccMi)orri8 Ai.ïi irtiir, can by caltloüonmc olaclfrom list oiovor 1OO Farms Kor Sale! Ofirarlouf slzcslrom 3, to i:ic:icrerich (some s goodaiiiiTlnthlsConnty.) Morethan SU l)WCli!lL liullNCN nïhliClty.fromtwi ijundrcd to fourthouaanddolarfOAeb:and over 2O BUU-niWG f, OTS! Amongthc-frmarpthe KUbcpiarm, (.IDOaercs, thn Potter farm, in (Jioei) Oak, ti IMacofarm, a il 4i ) acres, thrlllandonsiiil Jenksfarma, i n Webster ; th Stulibs, MichvPl, Newton BeegBD, 'nd Fallahai farm, in Ann Arbor: J .ltingaly'4 farm, lnPitt0d-thoIIatch anri Hirk tnruis in Lodi;the "trio!'layufarm in Krendom; VV. 8. Davlkoo, B. O. Bakert and Buck's farms InSylvan. Mostof thep an'i man; otbors eau be dlvided t o sult L w uQk AnnArboj.Jan Ut.lSW. 13 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW RECMVIXG AT O H. MILLXSM1 & Co's HAVING to pay CASH for neariy sjl kind of Gooda pnrchnst'd in Now York, we are nocesanrily ohlicd torostriet our ereilit system here. Consoquently we ghallofTer our Fall Goods for Cash, at a very small advnnco on the coat. C. H MILLEN A CO. Ann Arbor, Sept. 24, 1861. 819m:i Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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Michigan Argus