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ïuiitttïl HMrtrtniii. CARDS! "CARDS! ! CARDSÜ! ÏUvwg prchased i 1U -.;i;i Ks Rotary Dl.iMOxr. Card Press, witl. alineassortment of Card type, tbe Arocs "Office is prepared to print of all kinds m the ncstest ossibl,. style and. at a proat r.-.luction frorn Tormet UHces.includmg Business Carda formen ofall t&ektioi anáprofe.ion, Ball, Wedding and VMttng Crils, etc, etc. CftU, gif us yours orders and see bo 'itis ■!■ ne W. N. STRONG NALL, DUNCKLEE & Co., WHOUSALE and KETAIL dealers in Dry (Joods, Car pehng, Hoor OU Cloths, Pea thera, Paper Hanjlngs, mud a general assortment of Furnishing Goods, No 74 Woodvard Avenne, Cerner of Lamed st., - - - DETROIT, Mich . .Orders solicited and uromptly atti'aded totC 609yl RATMOND'S Photographic and Fine Art GA LI. ER Y Sos. 2015 and 207 Jelferson Avenue, DETROIT. mintojrraphf.I.ircSize.colored or plain, ctaint, ten nerial HeUinotyyea, Daguerreotype, Ambrotypas, Ál is-CAHDl'KVJXhJ by the Dcn f Thou Band. ' "y ïTöTöTf. W3HTFN'AW I.ODGE Xo. 9, of the Independent order of Odd Fellows meet at thar Lodg.j Room, iverv Fridav evening, al 7)á o'clofek, E.'RICHARDtUN, N. G. 8. Sp.mhieim, 3ec-y. L 8TUBBS. " ITThoiesaii and Retail Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars Sc., W HaittSt.- sign of "Biglndian."' Franklin Block, Aun Arbor, . S. G SUTI1ERLAND & SON, ITfHOI.B5AI.E AXD RETAII. Grocers and Commiseion VV MerchanK. East si de Main Streel Ann Arbor. TWÏTCHELL & CLARK. A ttobmíyü and Counsellors ut Ijiw, Genera) Life and Fire Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall Block, ïn HuronSt., Anti Arbor. Colk-ctimn promptly mad jid rein i t teil, and special attenttou pni(l to ennve'ancing. D. 8. TWIÏCHKl.L, f743tfl E. P. CLARK. J. M. SCOTT. mbR'"type & Puotociíi'H Aktists, in the rooms forinorly ocupied by Cordley, over tbe store of Sperry k Moore Perfect satisfactiou (fuaranteed. WIÑES & KNIGHT. DEilERsinStaple, Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Slioes, c. 4c, Main Street Ann Arbor. RISDON & HEÑDERSON, DEALEllSin Hard ware, St.ives, liuusf -furnUhuig goods, Tiu Ware &c. &c, New Block, Main Strer-t. A. P. JIILLST" Dkat-er in Stapk Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and ShoM and Heady Madw Clotüing, iluroirstreet Ann Arbor. ' ' i BËAKË&ABEL, 4 ttorneys A Cottbellors at, aii-1 SoBeïtors in TX C6anery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster ï Co's Book StO, Ann Ubor ÍIÑGSLEY & MORGAN, A ttokxeys, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notarios Pob A. lic, have Bouks and Plats showing tfiles of aU lunds k the jounty, andattend to conTeyancing and cotieoting emands, and to payin taxes and school interest in any rt of the State. Office cast sie of the Square. Ann Arjor. Ajames r. cook, TU8TICE OF TnE Peack. Office nearthe Deuot, Ypsilaati, J Michigan. Wm. LEW1ÏT, M. D., Physicias & Surceox. Office at his residence, North side of Huron street, aDd 2d lmuse West of Dmsion ftreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MANXFACTrRERanl dealer in Boots and Shoes. Kxchaogeéfock, 2 door Sonth of Haynard, 9tbbb ïfeWilson's Store, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMIS . TiXfFACTCKERa an'5 dealer in Boots and Sboes, VL Phosnix ïilück, Jiain Streel, one door Nortb of Vai-hingtou. M. GÜITERMAÑfe CO, WBOUtSAU&nd Retail dealers and manufacturcrB of Ue:uly M;uitj Clotliin, Importen of ClothR, Cassioerep, DoeKkins, &c. Xo. 5, New Üloek, Ann Arbor. C. B. TORTER, mml Scbckon' Dkmist. Office corner of Main IfEÊLjgËÈ. nd Huron streets, over V. Hack' stuit', ifnMnM Ann Artor, Miebjgaa. -UJCJr April, 1859, Wir. WAGNER,"" D kaler in Ready Hade Clotlting CJnths, Cngsimarei and Vestings, Hats, Capá, Ti-utiiis, Carnt't Bags, &c. Maiu lt. , Ann Arbor. BACH & PIERSON DKALEitsinDry Goodg, Grocories, ÏJarilware, Boots & Shoes, &c-, Main street. Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS ds CO., DCALKiiS ín Drj Goodfc, Groceries, Drugs k MedicinpCBoots & Shoei, kc.y corner of Main and Ann frtjreats bel0 w the FJxchange, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON &"gËEB, r1 R0CEK8, PeovisiOS & Coiauuwoo Meixhants,anddeaJT Iers iu Water Limk. L'.mi Piasteb, aud PijlTR Of . AKiy,oii(i dujr Kust of Cook'B ilotrl, C. BLISS, 7 DSiiERinriocks, Watclies, Jewelrr. and Fancy Goods at theeignof the ü:' Watcli, Sa. 27, riioenix lilock j7c7watts7 DKiLRKinClccke.Watelits, Jcwelry and Silver Ware Xo 22, New Block, Ann Albor. T. B. F REE MAN. BARHEE unA Fashitmablc Halr Dreaaer, Main ÍHrcct Ami Arbor, Miclx. ILiir Frontg and Curls bepi .onstautly on hand. SCHOFF & MILLER., Deilebs in Miacellanaoui, School, and ülank Books Sta tionery, Paper HangiDgs, ie,, Main Street Ann Arbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEArHKBOKI'iaijoFi.rte.Guitar.ftnd .Sjnging, qeing desirousof eulargÍBg;her class, will receive pupilsa he residence of Prof, WlHCHElX, wbich beiog nea he Union Scliool, wlllbevery conveniont for upli schol ,vr8attfcnding there who may wiwh to ptirsue the stud; jfmusicin coaaeotion with otter bnp TartnsSlO, half to be pa,id at the iniddle and the bal :auce at the close fo theterin. D. DeFOREStT" ITTholhuuc and Reiail Iloali-rin Lamber, Latb, Pliin ?les, Sash, Doors, Blind, WfttOT Urne. Grand Elve flater, l'jajtpr I'nris, and Kails of all óbs. A ful and perfuct assortment of ilie above, and all othe man of buililinf materials constantly on hand at tb :jowest possible rates, on Detroit Street, a few rods from .the Railroad Depot. Also operating extensively n th patent Cfment Roofing. H. O. HARVEY. REfPECrKUI.I.Y otfers bis servies lo tho elttam of Ann Arbor as a Teacher ol Vocal and instrument Music. Ep" PIANOS TUNED ASP JlEPAIRgp -L Refkrences.- Rev. Hr. Blades, Rev. Mr. Chapin Rbt. Hr. (,'ornelius, and l'rof. Frieze. Fór furtbi? particular inquire of Mr. Harvey at ilrs. Bnnmtn't Washington St., between División ánd UpiVeraij treets. '821tf. WASnTENAWCOUNTY BIBLE SÖCIETyT riKPosrroRY of DibloB and Testament at the Society XJ PncesatW. C. Voorbois'. CHAPÍN, WOÖD & CO., SUCCES6OB8 TO MANUFACTIIKERSOF T2iixt5 Book., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, AXV AHBO 111CII.


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Michigan Argus