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General Mcclellan Defended

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Tho limite ;i o Illlliillue ot tllü liólo on ihu tu ni y i 'i no rini ion bilí. Mr. Cox, ul' Oliio, (oj.p ) i-..ífi, ndu.l tu ilu' ultnc.k if his ci'lienjfi'ie ( M r. Gurley) upon thecondiuit ol tfao wur nnd (3-ftii. Mi-.CK-lluii. He tln-i vre liypocrlteH in religión, quucks in tiunlii:iiici putlifojjrgerH iü law, nu hrrfirnB n Vi'ö'qjation, pcnensiotl in g.iviü-iiUii rf, uid'miiliíry ciiiics n Congres.-. He i; j eedert to nnswer tho gonenil oliorg.-s at-iiirist General McCk'lbn, bucause liu had ii'iiulis n- innveiniMit na the PiitoaiMC lio referreti to :ho iiKirits nf tin; criti, wíkiso onlv exporit-nco wns ncqnired :it Bill Kun nnrl hopo bi i. f esperience on Premom' sí:ifF, n l.ii h he dénertcd !-n Fremorirt stur puUJ, 'lid not muke liiin n military expert fit to cñiiviíu a akilltul Ösnoral; lí tof'k np Ihe conipln!í)U afliüt Gun. MuClelliin iot witho'ding qd enejor arniy foni victorv. In Missouri and Kenhicky tliero ero no orders frorn Gen. MoClellan incoaf irttorit wïih the most prompt moveinents ; his orders vvero to hatot) tho movements without a moraent's delnv. Ho refurred to the diffioultica whiöh Gcns. ITiilleck íind Buell mot with in assumiiig their ooinmands. It wm not truo, ns hi1 colleague bad eaid, fhat Gon. McClullan or (5en. Hal'eck either had stopped tho mnreh of (.urtis, Siguí n:id Asbuth af'.er PiÍiío, Tbese Generáis had made cavnliry roconnoisance, and had called lor six regimenté fiorn Gon. Popí;, wlljcfa had been f'urnisbéd. A letter from Gen. Hnlleck to Gon. McCleüan, two days ago, oxpressed the beliul that our army would oitlicr beat Price, or drivo him out. As to tho eomplnint that Gen. MeClollan hnd ttopped Lander and Kelly frorn capturing Jackson at Romney, he showed that it would have boen but a Ball's Bluff risk, crossing tho river without means of re-erossing in case of disaster, and that, too, wlien Banks would have had twioe tho distance to raarch which Jackton would havo had to retroat. Gen. Banks approved ot Gen, McCIellan's action. As to the non-movement of the army here, it cannot bedono now for the mud - t was nevL'r intended by Gen. McCIellun to atlaek nn equal forcé i n their i.ntrenchments; ho intends to do what he is doing- ctit off their line of supplics and retreat by taking tho Tenneseee Railroad : to this end he has giyen bis every energy to aid Buoll nnd bis divisions. Mr. Cox refarred to the genera! condtiutoi ihe war, and tho eharaoter'of Gen. McCIollan. Hs eolleague eaid tbe pooplo liad no faith in the chiet io oomiuand. J[r. Cox denied this - whíit was wanted vva a little mp: e faith frotn his Iieverond colleagiio. He ((iurluv) was a minratec oí the gospel, and his faith was so large as to tako in all mankind in his pehemo of Bal vat ion. Ifhi.s colloaguo's faith can tako Jeff. Davia and Wigfall into Ileaven - if he can seo Humphrey Marshall squeezo through tho gatos of Paradise - why cannot ho exeroise somc faith inthebkill andslrategy of Gen. McCléllan oven whon someof his designs are to him inscrutabie ? ïlie Gunoral in command hajL to bo reserved ; if be took every one into his confidenue in this leaky iveather, all hi.s plans would be trust rated. Mr. Cox inveighed nainat tho llodgling Congreasional critica uhose experience wasmostly confined to Buil Kun. It used to be uoatiitered necossary for a military critic to know, at least, that the rear rank isjust behind tho front, and that ho should bo at least, a military officer with thü bloody experionco oí training-aay ; out pere wo hare a reverend civilian, whose thoughts ought to be more on tho dovo than on thoengle; whoso experieiiee has been confined to convontions and eauouses, crilicisÏDg uno of tho most accompüahed officers n Ihe military service of any nation. Why, yeara ngr, in the Moxiean war, these samo gentlemen who are now eo querluous about Gen. MoOlellan, cchoed Sumner's " Peacclnl true Grandeur of Nations," and Low ell's slang: " Fife awny. TO u fifin' feller- You mny fife till you nre yellor, Afore ou gct fthead of mo.' Mr. Cos rc'erred, in conclusión, to the animus of tlies-e attacks on Gen. MoClellan--it was because he would not make this wsr an abolition war. lio would not nov discnss tbia aspect of our debates. Happüy he would nnnounoo thnt no confiscation or emancipatinff bilis can pass this CongrcsF. Let ihe abolitionista howl on lot Phill;ps declaro that a victory by MeClellan would only cover up the old -sliivo sore, and tiiereforo was to be deplorcd. Ho hoped that these attacks on our commander, our constitution, and the government, which wero discouraging to the army and the tax-payer, would oease, lor the oominon object - the restoration of tho Union. Several amendmeutá wero disoussed, but none adopted. Tho army bill was pawsed as originally reported. Adjourned.


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Michigan Argus