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Grand Amateur Concert

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A musical concert will lm given, under the direction of Prof. K. S, Frikze, oí the Universify, at Union School Hall, on Monday evening nexf", Feb. 10, commencing nt 7V o'elock. Ihe proceeds to be applied towards the purchase of an organ for the new Presbyterian Oharch n this city. - rickots at the door on the evening of :he concert. Kane Aectic Panorama. - Mr. T. J. Wapes, the a;ont of the celebrated Kane irctie Panorama, has placed bcfore us ïis book of press notices which show unnistakably the very high standing of this jntertaiument. It is undoubtedly the aiost meritorious work of art in this line 3ow before the public. Mr. Mapes inbrms us that the succesa they have met vith through the State is both gratifying ;o the managers and indicative of the astc of the people for a truly worthy ixhibition. Professor Hütciiings, the Lightning Calculator, as he is denomina,ed, who astonished the citizena of New ïork for sixteen months at Barnum's Museum, is also connected with the exïibitlon and givessome of bis truly rnagcal experiments in figures at each enterainmcnt. They open at llangsterfer's ElalLfur two nights, Friday and Saturday, md wi!l also give an afteraoon exhibition Juring their stay for the benefit of the ;hild;-en of the schools at which they vill be admitted for ten cents each. The idmittance to the evening exhibition will )e 25 cents, children 15 cents. All who vish to see tke best Panorama traveling hould go. In anotlier column we give place ,o . a letter from Earl Eüssell to Lord Lyox, acknowledging thereception of Secetary Sewabd's "note" - the one surrenlering Mason and Slidcll. The reader ,yill see ihat Earl Rcssell accepta the iisavowal of instructious to Gapt. Wilkes ;ceize the rebel commissiouers and the elease of thoso worthies, as satisiactory ipoloy and reparation for the affront tnd aggression committed. At the same ime Earl Russell yrotosts sgainst eome if Mr. Seward's conclusión, and gives ootice of a rejoinder, in which we anticípate he will claim for British vessels the solé and exclusivo right to starch, and jrant American vessels the right to be scarched; in other words that the gettleMcut of the Trent affair settles no prinsiple and leaves each party to interpret the laws of nations as before. We expressed our anticipation of this rcsult in giving place to Mr. Sward's " note." L3T" Jefl. Davis has sent a message to President Lincoln, under a flag of trtiee, declaring that if the government pcrraitB the banging of the bridge burners in Missouri, tho Oonfederates will reialiate by hanging Cols. Willcox, Corcoran, Wood, and others, heretofore held as hostagea for the privateers now placed on the same footing as prisoners of war. The Cabinet held a prolonged seBsion on Tuesday, considered the message, and returned an answer vhich haa not yet been made public. - Had the true policy been adopted long ago, a policy of exchange, our gallant oQicers wou ld not now be held as hostages for spies, bridge burners, maraudepe, etc. E3E"The non-commissioncd officera of the Second Eegiment Michigan Infantry recently presentad Col O. M. Poe with an elegant gworj, belt, and sash. The Colonel is very popular with officers and men. Idér" In the 3d Kegitnent Michigan Infantry, during the three months j'-ifjing Deo. 31st, 1861, eight soldieis diec!, an;} (orty-one wero discharged on account of disabjlity. In tho 5th regiment, within the same time, nine have been discharged on the Surgeon's certifícate. S@ Tho 12th Regiment, rendezvoused at Niles, e now completely uniformed and armed, and nearly ready to move. Rumor pa}rs the ■"egiment will leave on Mouday next, to in tho división of Gen. Hlnter in Kansas. C2" Hon. Chas. E. Siuart has re B'gned the Colonclcy of the 13th Regicicnt Michigan Iufantry, now rcudezvoused at Kalamazop, and Ilon. Micuael oiioemaker, of Jackson, guccoeds him as Colonel. Col. Shoemaker will make an blo and popular officer. JC3E" The frionds of Rov. E. H. PiLCiiEit, Prcsiding Eider of the Anti Arbor district of tho M. B. Churoh, havo arrangod for a district donation visit to tako placo at bis residenee, in this city, en to nfturnoon and evening of Wednesday nexr. g& Prof. Chas. S. Rotos gave an cxhibition of " Lewis' New Gyranastics," ra HaTigsterfer's Hall, on Wednesday evening. We hope tliat tho Professor will 8ucceed in gotting up a class, and thus aid in the physical culture of our citiens. We have enlisted. Id On Thorsday evening of last week, Dr. Tai'pan delivered his lecture on Washington, before the Young Men's Society at Monroe. EP" It rained yosterday, nnd the fine sicïghing unjoyed for the last three or iour weeks promised to dis;vppear. Farmers will rejoice in the reloase of their wheatflelds from their ioy bonds. lF The Eev. J. C. Fletoher gave U3 last evening. a brülinnt loeturo on the religión, custom and people of Brnzil, Seldom have we reünhed nnything more tlian the picture he laid before hia audiencs of that exuberant garden of lbo tropics laden with its strnnge variety of fruits and flowers, teeming with baryest for the hnod J of man. Surely that country must be the garden of the -world, and if its people had the enterprise which moves this Yanlee nntion, imagination emild not aet i bound to the results they would produ.C3 tliere. Aa relevant to tlii 3 eomparison tbe Reverend gentleman stated that the beat Kemediei employed there for the diseases to wbieb they nre subject, are iuvented and supplied to Ihem by our own well known countryman, Dr. J. C. Ayer of Lowell, Mass., and thnt not the people onlv, bu: the priestbood and the court of the Emperor down, have eor.stant recourse in sickness to the Remedies of this widely celebrated American Chemist.


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