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Great Reducticn in the írice cf SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . j WtU known to be the Best for Manufacturing ['urpoiv. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formaflv soid at 90, reduged to S70. No. 2, of same kind of Machino, for merly aold at $100, redueud to 875. j STNGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the worlá ï-r Family Sewing and ■, I.iiit Ifaaalfcc turing Potdom: (wiut Hgmm,) and , beautifully uriuunented $60. Tb Kufc 1 Wid 9 ItaohioM are of great cnpacHy and , appiloation Ier maonf act uring purpoun. Out 3 M;ichims are pKpecWiy aayted te a!l kinds oí' light and heavy Ufeawicr Turk, in Carrlage l'riui( mlng, Boot and l?ho MakiiR E$urnesaMpktnL,etc.,etc. . They ave of extáa Biáa, un ith )-.n artn loog euoufch tü tak e uiider t and itltcn the largest "size dsslies, TliLie is scarccly any part of Trimmers' Stitching tbat csaoot . be better done with tKêni than by hand j bo, too, the ' Bavlng of time and labor is ve-y great. TLetablepf ( llit.'-t; machi nes is '21 iuclies long, and Ihusbutth wil! hold fix times the iisunl quantityïof Lhiead. Tht-large j machine works as fastas smatl oaM We would usk for our Letter A Machines, the speJ cial attent ion of Vest .'4ikera and Dress Uakers , and all win want Muslime for lightmaitafatturtHg pur. poses. They embody the prUciplea of the stunüanl machines, raaking likethcin. tfeelnterlocked sHeh, &nú are destined to be as oelebtatod l'ur Faüii-v Bvwikq ar il light niaiiufacturing pnfpO89i as MU stautlard macliinos are for manuiacturitig pmpoj; Ln general. Wo iiav.i RlwaytOD hand, hhUMi.v; auujIb,WI-KTWTít I.INKN' AND CUTTON-ÏJiUIS-VD, ON SPüOLá, Ut'SÍ MACBISE OlLÍn bottles, etc., etc. Wc ma nu facture our own Needlcs, aod would wnrn all peraons using our machines nottobuj anyothers. We know that tliere are uteedlea sold of the mout inferior mlüy at higher pricea than we obarge for tb best. The noedles Bold by na are masufáctnred especiaUy for our machine. A bad nccdlcmay tender the best machine almou usdess, Our c!tomera may rest tusured tlmtallour ürnnch OfflcM üre furntabed with the genulne -.! iele " Iti case of mail pinchases, lbo unm; raay be sent in postage stamps, or bank notes. Corríspondenta wül plf;;seivnto theitoames dj ly. It is all injirtant tlrat we should, meaíncaae, know the Pot Of&ce, Couüty, and .State. ffjS" Ail perawni requUriag iofcrowtion aWal Seivmg fefacbbiea, size, prieea, wórïfeg cti'paoitft i and the beat metbods of porobaainff. can obtain it Uy sending to as, or my of our Banch Oiïicesfor a cops oí I. M. Singer & Co.V Gazette, Which iít a beautíful Pictorial Paperentirely devotedto the subject- It will besentgratis. We have made the We RE0ÜOTION IN PRICES with the two-fold view of benefit ing tbe public an! our sel ves. The public have been Bwindled bj spurioofl machines made in miitation of ours. Ti.e mc'ul in tiicin, f rom. the iron Cftsti&g to the smaüest peice, isoi pooi qu.ility. Tlicic m.ikcrs have nol the means to dotliair work veU. They fiuehid away in secret plaoes, wlAc it would be impossible to ha.vo ut thcir command the pioper mechanica! appHances. It ; ynly by doing a great business, a nd havingexteiuiive'fíio' Rriog establiahments, that trood m;tc)iint'S can b ppoderatpricei, The bet deslgned maenfnes, BADtY MÁPE, are alwayfl liable to j?et out of order, and areswro o fiOfe considerable tsoabte aod money to fceep ttipm Ui The (jualitjös to be looViídfwr m a Machiweaw : c. r tainty of correct act :. ii ut uil rtfl ol f-ueod, ataspüicitj of coustruction, great dnrabtiitv. and rupidit v el cperation, with the least labor. Machines to cmbine tbenr essential qualitios, muet bo niml of the best me. til íw.d finiflhed to perf( ction. We have tlie v'ay and méan -; on a grand Boftle, to do thls. The pmrobasere of nfHchineB.whosedaUy Vread Itmay concern, wil] lind iim? tliope h&yip i q uvütieF oot otily work weTl at rápida well at slow raten cl Bpeedjbal last longer in thu f nest pogsible irorkrng order. Our maohines, m made by os, vil] eara more money with leu labor tban ;tny otliers wbethef in imitatfoq o:' onrfl or not. In faut, they are cheaoert lian any other ïnacbinesas agift. I. M. VINGER ; CM-, 458 Broadwa New York. &L- Detroit GíBce, 53 Woodward Aanue, (Merrill Block.) 811 tf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. (JLÜ FPJENDS IN THE RIGIIT PLAOB. Herriek's Sugar Coated Pilis■ "ijÊf(KtÈ "''ooiis in the L'iv.i'ii : IíihVNuicMw eU-gantly coated nitli TAtXaWASS. LBOB COümfT, Florida, July 17,1860. j ToDb. ITrp.rick, Albany(N. Y - My Dear Iioeto) :- 1 write t]ii.-' in ini'ui in, you. tfi thewomlerful effect of your Suar Ooated PiUs on my eider daaghter. Fcrthree yearssbo has been nföioted with a billious (leraiigenaent of the sadly impnring her health, which bas been steadlv faflfng d uring thatperiod, When In New Yor!': in April la1 , a t'nend adTff ed me to test your p 11. Having tb fullest coníidence in Uu judgoWBiii roj faend, I obtatoed a suppivof Bleanrs, Barnes r Park] lts. Park Row, New Vork. f):i cetnrniog honai . tra aceaaöa all other fcreateieiit, and adïninistered your Pilla, one each eipht. The impuven)LQi in her Leelings, complexión, digestión, etc., surprised uajrff, A,rapid adfpermanent restoration to health haa been the resuli , We uned less than fiveboxes, and considvr her ent'relv well. 1 consider the abore a just tribute to yon aa a Pbysici-.n, and brast that it will be the means of inducing many to adoptyour Pilla as tbeir family medicines. I remain, dearsir, witfe manv thauks, Your obodient servant, S. ü. Mobrisox... Hen ïck's Kïd Strengthening Piasters euro in five hourfl, pains and we&kneaa of thebreaat. side and back, and Kheuujatie Oompluln'is in aa eqnallj short period of time. Etppoad on beaattfn] white iamb skin, their use subject a the wearer to v.o innimvonicee, and each one will treár f rom one week to three montbs. Price 18 cents. Hörrick'a Bugw Coated Pilis and Kid Piasters are Pold oy ürupgists and Merchants ïn uil parta of the United Staten, Canada and South America, and indy be obtained by callfng furthem by their fall name, "lySQö DR. h, li. ÜK.RRïCK, k Co. Albany, N. y. RIS.D0N & HENDEllSOITiS SjpSsa THE GENUINE WwÊi? SÏEWABT'S T O V IEP . ÏVe vrhh to cali the attenüon of the public to tliis colebrated COOKISyQ STOVE! Whi;h isllhe only perfect 9tove made. It will do more taiBÍiuss with one lliird lesa fuel tlnin any other STPVE made. ïropi ttstimony given by tlie persona referred to below. ou nccouut. of ita duiabüity aiij Tuel 8aviïig Qiialities, it has proved a anving frapj Twelve To Twenty Boliars per year. We would refer you to the followiog list of PERSOKS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: Pi-of. Tapp.-vn, Ann Arbor. Jo!in F. KUIer, H Arbor Prof. Voo4, ': J. (i-iberi imlth " l'rof. Winchcll, " J'. T. Aulls, " ïrof. Doog asa, " Joaepli Watts, " Alphem Felcb, " T. WilVinson, " Wm. K. Nïartio, (i Mra S. Dentón. " Bich'd Hooper, " O. Hawkius, ' ïlun.ri F Graoger." C. A rtiniii " J. W. Mavnard, " Charles Thuyor, "' F. 1,. .-'ibbins. " Martin Clark', " U.B.WiUun, " S. Botford, AA.Town. Mra. Q. Welcb, " Tlumias JVond PitteOlil. Mrs. KT. Williams," Alvereton Drury, ■ V. CJiapin, " .7ac"b rnli.t'mus, Scio. f. II. W.hhI, " N.C,Cioül, V Joseph VV. Wood, " Mr. Folicra, ' Sbaroa. We hnvo on han1 a laige afaortaaat of the best kinds of Cooking, Pnvlor and P L A T E STOVES, and a geucral nssortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stuff for Carringe work. Particular attention pai d to fitting np Eavftrough fuvJ plondnotors, and nll kinds of Job work done at the Shorteet Notici'. I! i SDON ifc HENDERSOX Ann Arbor, 18(il. FPESH OYSÏËRST We nre receiving a superior artielo of FRESH OYSTERS! Direit from tli 3 OYS TER BKPS CAX PURNISII IN ANY QUANTITY PESIRED Arc Vftrrant them rJce and fresh. DTOB BALE CHEAP.a 0&, Those in want piease give us a caH.S% 820u-6 THOMPSON & SON. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Mrs. WINSÏOW, AnexiAriL-n e i SufBe and PVdtaUi PBjRÍeítn, pre,tt#U4 (o Iba fa'U-ntiou .í mcïhiu's.h'r SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TÍUmilXO. whlcÜ gwatly facifitates the procer jí teMliiug., Íí Milt-n L4 lúe gung, reduí;inj U inflawimaticó - .T allay AI.L PAIN inl fatuodie ati n, uO4 il SÜ3E to REGÚLATE tlio BQWEL. Depcad upun it, mcttr.J( it nitl ivu r.--t to youf. , and ReHef and health to your Infanta M'c ha ptií up and an.1 soM thta article íor o'i ten Rftt and CAN .:, S UNH1;LNC8 AM TBÜfn of It, irhat fffl Lave r.t-.vit le n b'e to c.) of, sfay othermedisfo.- NfcVEK HASliFAlI.tD IÜÏ A ITCEj 10 i 1 íí ' T A ttWC, vLa ■1. Ni;irdul tr Lhéw ín tnf t nc of di!uti&lactj-ii by íniv uluí uftéá ;t. ('n ti'1 cintrar; , ul deligUed witb ita n-". aad . .-.k n Un i óf commendatlcn ut i; a.nd media:! rírtuev. w rpeak in fehia mutt'f "WtfAT WK 1 ' KNOW.Vaíter ten veáis' expt-rfeoc, AKD M i J t ü Ol'K itKPUTATiON FOR TI1K FCl FltlMI Ht V WH VÏ W Í-. Ili !'l. DI I.AlíF. Ina. nu--: xery m tftfr where the iní'int i uufftr ng ír; m r.í n und exlAU--0-o, rt'lii-1 will be ím ni in nftcéa ir twtnty ttt'Atai tíx.r the syrup ia ailuiIiiííiU red This vAli r ition ia the prOTci tk'O jf cr-# of the most EXPERIKNXED anl SKILU'11. KtWá in New Em'lanil, aud has betu uud with MtVtR KA1LING SUCCÍS5 In THOÜSAM) ÖF CASFS. i! Dot ol! nslievfá tbecbild fruía p'D, bul lat% wtí-fr the Ktomach.and bowt-is, acul t . i-nd give t p tnd mergy tu the wLolesyatera. It vrill in tnU relieve GRIPIÑG IN THE B0WÊLS, ANO WIKP COLIO nn'1 overeóme convulsiona, trhích lf n t it-üy effitr dierl, tnd in We bel:ev )t tl:o LJJM aíd ' ' '. i REMEDY IN THE W0RUV In 11 cas T DYífKNTRRYand PIASKUCRA INCRILüRLK, wheí!.' r Bg ot ír-m uny oíher cnunf-. W wou Id say lo eveiy mi tlnr who h s a el :i-l suITcíto from ny nf tbe ftirigQfna cmip'n nt!O NOT Lï.T YOL'R J'liK.IU! l'K-, B THK PKUUJK ftf OTüKIC', r-: rj-l betwqan ytm und v ■ r suíT r na cliü. , an-1 ttie relief tbfttwill 1h' -n:i .- VKS. AH.-.l'l.t TFLY - ro foilmv Eihe n.-u uf tíw metlicne. if tímely uwd. Ftfíl diectfofts Foi1 i-;:n?c will accíffipanr utU ixtttle. Kon írcnuinn uitlees t,!.',. steile f ("Í"R'í LS i IVéKIN, rfi;-k , ís oh tli huí si. I.; tw) p r, SoM by Dríigists tlVrongout thé wtiiii. Principal ffl(r, 13 Crrt-. r StWtt, N, T. 1'IÏICE OKLY 25 CENTS PSK BOTTkS. Forsalobj F.brb;irh & Co. lyT?, J'or the Speed; and Perma8cmt Cure of Seminal Wcfikuess, Nocturnal and X)umal ËJmissionêj Ncrroiui and Genend DtbH.'iy, hnpötcnc and all Diseasis arisingrtñi üotiíary Habite or JL.ccessüc Inditlyencc, rpHETlE ave ttiottsandf of Yoi'Ní; Mbm, 5 m ri Mriw&4 X. Ai:f,i kud Old Mex, who are suff'jriuí to soma 9Xtn from the above disaaMa. &íany, prbop9, are not awary of trae cdoditidn, or riten a=3i-tauue id rcal'y iiecdo-;. Fur the benefit of sach. we borwiüi give a taw of tl inrd% comino srinptom-, viz; irafiM ' 'ie in-k and T.imt% IJtiífi in íifl e'(t :iu-l SÍJíi, DinuttM o VttfAí, -"!■ ainl beforo the Vs Palpitatvm of the ltt, Dvxpu I.;a tf iíemory, ConiuñoH Il'"is. DipressioH Sjn'fií, ! ti s '-i,-h[, séi-i)Htr'nsf, Tintidit;, etc. For eacli and all f he abore symptoma Súua re..iKiiui will In; fumi a "íiwvraigu Balín,'' These reme'Iies embríice three preflcrljitioiia : A box t foseéis, a ba.t áf NervouM Tnaic Fiih, and a lox of f íi# Jbníc Pilis, all ff wliiíJi havo llftpnrtant otrie to pecícm. ajid sli&íild he uauj UoUiar iu evu y vaav. Tlieir tupafterit ove.' other modes ol' treatmeot muy bo britfly tutd 5 fi 1qw3, viz; igg" They dmítiiish the violones of sexual oxoftement. jfttj" 'l'iiuy iuinioiUutely arrest uocturnal a mi diurna! einti liona. Jj They remove local wpakness, eausing th orgatu to asstiine tlieir natural toiw and, .B!O" They streiigtiiöi the ooiiatitutlun y overcomin j nervous debiJiby aud gneral weaknesaí ffi?rLhay utiliven the Pintí, wWñb are uFftl)y deprfJiua, by expelling nll exciún.y; causes frois the kyBteni. JB9Bv their Inrigorating prupoctie tliej rstír Ü patiënt to lila oatnral healtfí hiiJ vigqr of manriond. A'S" They cure wben all other meaos haVe fuiled. J8ÉÖ" 'i'hyy uont.ain 7to Mcrcury, no Opiwn, aot ftoytlihtf that can in anv tvent prove iajuriotia. SQT Tliey ve eay and pleasant to use, and will not Iutrfferu with the patieiit's n s =i ;i 1 tumesd or píeamirs. Tliey can Ij useü Mtbwut íúbjíicibó, or knuívleJs { ven a room-niats. That m:u' come within Khe rench of á'l, va l'ftv ñxnd the pricü óf tlu" I'n.ilA.i &l $t pur httii, aud t!:e I'Uti at 4 ecnt3 per box eath. In ordering by mail, in addition to th priea, twalve ceuts in Itattpa ahunii b ÍDüiyíud íor ivliun postare. apjrw, I.ADIES in want of a iwfti ná effectHl &2Ê i remedy for natUaritifit. Sypr$iiin ut Uta n&, ,.- . fl 'i n5, or any uisease pecaltar ro tnit wx, -3 nhoild use Uu. O.,:-.s 1 tv.v.t: Mr'T -?) 4; Mr 1'ii.i.s. 1'i-icG. by mfti!, íl and i% itiqi, -,íjfóS fe - C.u:rinv.- i'hosc . ! fcv W4 twr d:iri:i pwfftattcy, Uj JrtúooY'iug wlü 1j tL " I.AlNlKS whn.f-nm i'-'. -,1'-. dfrrr. IU, f.r !iny oMier htimane ad reaaoóable uuim, iluotn it hocm mfy tft avoid aa inoreo-se of fmii ■li-lJ su ithMl íurtop tD jr conítraitlfid lv ti. o usu f .'f. M Ouuzr French Ppecentioe PuicUera, l'iice, b; u.a;'.. Si aoi two stjiíops. Tliua-3 Powders can oniy bo obtaíaed by aádreasias tiíj General Agents, as beinw. Send fúr lir. Gatks's J'n.aU Medical 2'reaii on SLStat Diseases. Prick Tev CRXTS. Addra, H. G. ÏULLER í: CO., Scnural ■■ ■ '.VU For Sale by MAYNARD, STEBBIK3, A WIL8Q1L y?88ii: Ann Arl-or, JfitfcCíackwood's Magaiuy an rnr. British Reviews, GREAT1XDUCESEXT SLBSCRIBET PREÏÏÏÏÜMS and REDUCHOWS. L. SCOTT .Si t'í., KW Tiítnn U pnbíUii tfat füilowiu VriaiQg Britidti l'crouÍL-aia, víit i TUE I.0NLK QUAMTIJ.Y (CoussrTailvtiJ, tí THRKDIXDUlííai REVJLKW íWUíg), s THE N0:;TH IU:iTIlI RLVIEW (Li C"aarti. TnE WETMIX3XER REVTF.W (UberIj 5 BLACK W001)8KPTN?BTJR(jn MACArXE (Tr-rT). The presont ritual s'.aíc r Lui-op4AtJ nT'r wHI renuprüiose puhlijKUiona unusuallj iatreutiq dufing tlie fnrfhoomlag ytnr. They will oceupy a mMd) ,i-i-;iuijü 1 ; w.'í'ü í bu üy wriitau HvhVoM, crud peu wii rvasLora p( !.■ tlaily Journai, &nd iHimterous rooM of W ftjture tIstorran, writtea aftéf tU living ut (?itoüuát c.r fio grtt po(ití ■ li Uavp pusíQ ; ;m-ay. ík to tho-íf IVnií.l.'cüls febat reéeta tiCi% I.ims. fot th only really íj . 1 m(iittU !i.-i?tiy uf curr-nl . ;i:! u,. 3tiúíi i:: a.d'ütioiytttKeir we,l fsrablilityi ir.v, scier.tiiic. and thbU)güa4 cnper, we uia u] pu tbeconsdiíraJtiu oí tbg ituting publib, The ívnoipt 'vtt Aflvniíi'c Slteets from tbe Iiriii.tx pubtislurs givea additiÓQJtl valué U thcho Reprinti, inotemuchas tbey CiUttt'Jf ba iaaed in (Ikí hauJ uf subjScribitíra ub-jut ís soop ns íhü o:'g;ii:il editfona. TJiítM,. fRègular Piices ) Per ani Finariv oao of the fmir Reviews, - $3 flë !.!■ any twu oí tbc views. ♦ ■ 5 0 ;■ v tbree o f i lie ;ouï Keews, ■ - 70 For-aU fnur of tho Ufview, 8 00 L'i'i Bluckwood ■ Ungaziüe. - - ' 0 Por BU i.i"".'l ,.:.-;.;■■ Rfiéw, - ■ 5 0 For BJuckvoociíind twoKisdwM, 7 (í t'ü :in.l Ihree Hevievs, . - 9 im Kur Iilack-.vuud.-ml CtmrReílWw, . 10 Mi 3í.f7icyc?rreí ii the State tsh-rc issued wH V r"V"-t' POSTAGE. Thé Postaos to any uart of tbe Uní tod States will h4 but Tucnty-foui1 1 ut- .l yèar Tor u BU kwuod. and but VQiirceii Ctmts a ve:u for eaíb o tb At thu uliuvu-pricca thereriodicala will bw furnifchöl for 18QS; AMD A.J Premium to Waw SubscriDsrs, tbe Xos of theaamo reriodiclfi fot Ib 0 wUbcfurnihol complete, without ddditi&nal ci Unlie tle ini-i eptieer&l .Muga va nes oí the day tbese Pe odic i lís'r.ce, a fyll wu of tlife Nos, for 1860, m;iy he n'ardoü ut-urly ua vu!uabl'% Stib ng al.-o tbe Nos. f"f lif, wi;! b, bu pp lied a tin toHowing Brrnr!tfrí tow hateo.. Splendid Oílbrs for 1860, '01, & VC Togctber. Fpr Dlackwood's Mngaziuo, tho thrco yenrs., Sí. C l: !■: :! ny ne Review, ' ll AO FOr aiy two lit-views, " 5 Oft I'or Hlac'-'-won, aiidoneRvIeW, ' " 8;Q lor l'.hi'.-kw.'nd üinl tu Reviev.'s, " " 14 0d Fjr tiireo Reviewí, 1( u 1TO I'. u I-1 .:■■!,- o.-lurii! 'ilircc Revicwa, " ' lfi 04, For hf iour 8eviw(j " 33 ni l'r i:i Aiv.iii.l ni ..; il.iniit Keviowa, " 17 0Ü' Any of Ihé ahuve wurba tviu also by furnishaJ to vt Subactifttrafm tltc v ut l8a".-5 , i, and P, At üue Haií tho lingular tíubscriatiotí rriecs, - Thu íi Nem n-viy obfcuu tlie Reprints of 'h Fqur Kevíew(d and Black wooO. Seveu Consecutivo Year for $3T!tJ Wlui-Uia but lütle more (hiA the p.ioeof te origiM v(mís forun' vmr. Asno sii. ;li w . r ajain likly to cffor suoh uducemei Ib. ■■ br j :. Bted. Kow is the time to Subscribe ! ! py Rcmittancos, n all cíhü,, bo niado rfirM to rtte l'iibiuhertr. Cor t tlitse prii-es no comniission ú54 be .illowed to ayentá, UtONARD SCOTT & C No. SlTíüId .-trtt Vork ggEYE and EAïT. M DK. F. A. CADWELL, OPERATOR OW THE EYïTlk EAR, For Dcnfiifis, BÜridneM, ntul 11 ( if. i of SlKht uikI Ht-ari.ig. DR. C. BEIJÍÍí A UKGL'LAH Physicñn, wiíli TAVKXTY ï I R' exqUimve prjicticfiii the tcctui'Wtff úitetasea -f tb STK AWD BAtt, wiH lie ! laüfieí i lícrt a curo in any ciie wiil.í;i li i.-ac-h ol' li unan D Öi?" iVo t.itoxíff, fot an tttamPrtatian or an opinión, Qrfof U ■!;:!r::s,f''J sci' I! i C-."■■ )n. C.'fl Tu(tfisk oxtiik F-te jfcjíD KKt Pixth F,ciition, criptfnn ol i :.r::-i. ( ,i -!--. ■:!.-) ■■ t i'f r im }rtnat rat t-x M Be hd ?roíii, by --■i!h ■ ' íph Btrtftl CVrstT P, n'fiir.-iiKï,


Old News
Michigan Argus