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rir E00K storere!! f , .!. R. WEBSTER A UK "OV OPI 1KO, . and Uannltalunn, a X. .■ aña Complete stock r LAW &. IWLEJJiCAJL UOÜXS, Sckool Booki, Miêctllancous Donhs, Blank Books, dan statioetexiy: WaDand Wlndow Paper, DrauTngaml Mailienintleallimtrumenta, Music, Juvenüe Librarle, Envelop, Inluj and Guds. ' -rt- imi..ji o -■ ;,.. -n i, . .--:.-. ,. :-, _ JGOI,D yl? all other kinds of Pens and Pcftcis Wlndgw Coraigff) t': % miï Fixture, POCKET CUTLERY! AA4rerythUqf MTtainfeg to the trade, and moro lo whichthey uruuld ii.viU1 tl atU-nium of the country. ïn cnductinj onr brsinr;.s, vre ffhaildo uil that can bedoué,o Ih&t n;t rcnsooable man, wonmn orchild h;ill iind any fault. We po&swis focJUtlea wMoh will eoablenato supply our atomen at the Lówest Possible Figures. Tffl propose toell tor READY PAY, ata small adran 09. We expect n profit on mu goodBj but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FÏGÜHES. Wp have cngajreil Ule serviros oí .IAVK F. SPALDIÏfGj herefoiv prepandto linnili Visifingy Wedding and all otJtcr Cards writtvn to order, with neatzexs and dhpafctj hy mail or otfierww, The "Kvi-n: .!IhkStokv:," is nutmivit hy ftgood 'crow,' ad ihy will &lways be fnilnd on the "quaripr cteck," icut'.y Mint fflUÍDg l ;it:.üü tO all witli pUüyuii.', wUü wil] favor thfm witli a e:ill. Uemcmber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbot, M:iy,lSr.'l. 7,) ANTOHÏE A @ AREIVAL AT THEt 0LDLND RELIA BLE J CLOTHINt EMPORIUHü tyll-, IN" O. Q PHCBNIX BX.OCIC, MAIN STREET. haR juut rturnl from the jlter Citics, with a lsigi and desiuiMo stock of E ALL AND WINTER 3r O O X i@ I wkich c is iiow olTering: at uniLsnally LOW PHIOI3QÍ Among bis Assortmcnt may be founJ BROADCLOTIIS, CA6SIMERE8, D0ESKIX8, & VESTINGS, of all tl t' -scrip tions, ospt'ci;illy for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which bö is cuttiiiif unl maltincj to order, in tliolntost and best stylt's, together with a superior assortuicnt of EEADY MADE CLOTUJNG! TRÜXKS CAP.I'CT BAGS, CMBBELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numerous other artlclcs usually found in ttimilat establiüliiuents. As ANEMPOKIÜM OFFASBIOIi, tho subscribir flatters himelf, tlmt his loni (xp'riencc and eeneralsuooesBjWll] onaMfi hfm t j1f Uie gnuiiaurt satisfüctnm toftll wlio umy tritst liimiu the way orniauufaeturing garments to order. Ï6ttf WM. WAGXKR. Summer Hilï flursery. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, JL Arbor, Mioh.jis now roady toruceive ordorhfur Fall and prin fsettinzr, Ilïs 'orders tor Fruíi abd Ornamenta] Tr-o, VÜnes, ;hrubs(etc, willbofitlodfrom tlie best Eastoi d N:.i -j j. ■ . ind I1Í8 ponsooftl attfOtion wüï bc pi ven t the selotiin and Qüingthesamd. Hfkvtpg bonngularly edúcate in Fiursor] busineu.hfi U confidnt ihat with [trompt andclosv attenUpa, andatrlci honestj and ÍQtegrity,h6 will bc ablo to rive Batisfaetlon to cvery os coulidiug i.l'] !'i ];!)n, AUfarmera ar Fruít growon will do well togive hhna cali bofo re ordertng throughothér part b. He would reÉer to osaoy cítfzi osói tho City and Oonnty wli o purchaüed nfhim tho paat 8priog tol Üm ru.ility of reesbroughl on bj hin. all wcllas foi the íjoiüI urddr in which Ihflj wen rctved anddaUvtiod 8üiuia B W.MORÖAN, Agent for Mutual I.ifVïnsuranceConipniiy, New York. LcoumulatedA&Mte, .... $5t350,000. hv lea Hng Ufe Eoaaraooe Companj In the U. H. 8oiokdrOOCker Lile InsuranceOompanv, New Vork, - a cbus xrft i n. - tonus reawuüble Humboldi Kiif lasurancc üompany, Kew Vork. üapltal, wiih alarga surplus, - - 1200,000. raoria Marine .v Pïw [nrarance Co.} IVorin UI. - btr Sa. 1 Fire lusurancu Co's. 7071f Capital, - - f500t000; T HE PEORÍA MARINE & PIBJ2 INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 one of the HfiAVTEST, SFKST and BES1 [nsnfauce Jo's. in Uu U.s. tasares on reaeon&bie tm m-, and al v;iys pay promptly. Theia is o betterBïre Iu.iuruiic Compauy. LIFJü lASUltANCË. The Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insuraaco Company. Aceumulated Capital, $8,500,000. WUXIM30RË UVEtí f'ir any amoiiTil jw $tO.KhJt r tho irhole term ol Ufe orfor a term oï reara, on the most favorable t mu. N. I!. Tiir i ompany ís puroly mutual and the pollcy toldera gei aU th surpioB over the exaet oost of tnsuranee It aooomo l moni of i i BnüanM ÜN'I.IFKPOLICIES, if dosireil, brtaking or one half the amouut, boatlng interost at six [)t'r Ct;iitf peí uuni.1 i. Dividends are Dcdared AnnuaÏÏy! iivl tlioy DO ■ ;Linonnt to fiftv ïer cent on the preiiiuin, oash and nnte, and are nicreasingthpy may bo applied to cancel the notes. j8l The rates ot premiums areas low a any other respotiHibl Company and th' large aocnmulated fund of B3 ,500,000 is st-curely investeil, a- may be seea hy reft'reiico to the statement made accunUng to law, on file in tlie office of the Cuuuty Clerk.nt Ann Aibttr.-ft JAME8 GÜOIIWIX, Prest. Gi-vR.riiLPS,Recy. Forpartlcnlaritapiilytü .ÏAMK8 C. WATOV, 763y 1 Agont at Ann Arbor, M icli . Oval Picture Frames ALXSIZBB, BTTLE8 and PRICES jut received and foraale cheapat CHOFF & MILLER'S. 1860.Deo.26, TSOtf XJ ass JE3 EMPIRE WATER FOR Indigestión or Dfpepgtft] Conittpatlo. Norvou I'tibility, Loss of Appetjte, Common CoUls, ilisöaseti ui' LmiH, IIc:i'!;ti:]ii', and Fvoriüli hfcato oí tlie systein . s.,1.1 i,y M.aYïj.U'.i), 8TEBBIM8 k WILSON nd KIU'.RRACII CO , AnnArbor. ljÖÜR. K0LIDATOIFTST Just ojonfl(i tho flnest asKortïneut of l'ancy Guodu ever broujfllt to this market. DE00RATED TEA SETS, GOLD BAND, do l'ARIAN MABBLE STATUARY, BOHEMIAN WARE, PLATED GOODS, etc, eto. Also one liundrod doz. toyii Tor little folks at DEAN & House Furnising Store. B&nsmifol' Iiiutl ; Ann Atlwi, Cw831 GREATBARGA1US AT Maynard, Stebbina & Wilson's. Q 1 TJTK HAVKAGAIN BETIJEKISIIED OCR STORE WïTD i i f the mot t Kplondid Stook of í"s á?s. r ti"" cn :4sr vL# LJp JLJ? L2 tlmt "WAS over oflertwl ín any out; establishment it tlie State. aU of which yte ior v ZA ui) vUs Lr Lru v íü lüJ t U: islow as can bo fouud in the Union We want Money ! ind will mako (ïreal Sacrificcs on Anytliiii" wtThnvc to obtain it, not excepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS 1 We conlinlly invite ALL CASH CL' STOMERS to cali and examine our Goods and Prlces. We als( invite our Prompt Paying Ci3.stomos to come aart fray ílteir Buppllefl fot tlie 'Winter. Tothosf Bashfal ones thtt are afraid to cali, we sa to thvm, tak. witliout logger waitingfor highcr pricc3f eomft in, olcl tfcor&s, and tïiea fit surh ])ripi a wül ni ::( up 11 loages It ia hardl ueccesavj tu euuuitrteour üoods, for We have Every thing ï A largo (uaoartroeirt ot CARPET1NG, CROtKËRY DKY GOOIS, MEDIINES, GEOEEIE8, PAINTS, OILS, rrAT?, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS. fee, &c„ &c. OAlL-IU &K3E) OIE.B IU)OÏ (715tf HAYNABD, STÏ.BBINS & VJIJX) SCHOFF & MIL LEK RKSTII.I.O.VIIND at tholrold Stand, A Ho. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete aasortuientof Books and Stationeiy, PEIIFUMEKIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, COEDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CCJRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in tliis Market 1 anti tl.ey woulvl suggest tothose in pursuitcfanythirgin SANTA CL A VS' LINE tliat tliey can aecure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pnrtïhfisinp Trnrn thi lock, as eftch purchaser gets an additiona] pnMBt of Jewelry, &c. , lïanginginvaluc trom 50 ets, to 850. JKJ" Tliytr;nt that tbetrioag dXpttrieoCO ín selocthig goode for tb in market, nd rtricl ftttnitioii to the wants f Cutomeis, inay eutitle tbtiu lo h liberal aliare o pAtronage. Ann Aibor, Dec. 5. 1800. 777tf Ilangsterfev's Jïlock. DEA N"l CO., 1N'nKnttontion to thfir nt".v Htck c-oiniribilig afl kinds óf Crookery, Glassware, Lamps, GasFixtures ü.ii '-furuishin 5oüds,an of whicii tln'y aro oflVr ng At the Lowest Possiblc Bates. FrCDCll Clmui Ten seta bom j5 00 to 20 00 French China cRnnor neta froin :'■ HO ii 70 00 Stone chioa Tc letaft n 3-V in 5 00 Stone cliin.i 'litnnn si ts frora B ."() to 20 00 ;l:t-H ICerostMic Ijiuips '-111111)1016 from ;r. ;"J ■ . Uarbli Ivrrr)1!]1 l_'inilK coiiijilcti.' Trom SO tolüOit Fluid Laraps trom IK tu 62„s Lamps'df iilTkïnflsaltérod and vepiunii. NEW YOKK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'ïiY. Accumulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MOKRIS FRANKLIN, President, J.C. Ki:XDALL, Vice President, PLINY FKEEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED wilh the ComptroHerof tlio Stftto of Kow York. Divideuds avvrnge 10 per cent. annually . ASSETS. CushlnBank, 31,355,49 Invested lu socuntieH, created undor the lawiiof thoStuto ot Nw York and of Öie r.s., 258,870,79 Real Erttato aud Fixturetj, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Sonda and Mortgagesdrawing7 por et. interest 583,98.39 S'ui'."i roccivul ior 40 per cent. of premiums on lite poliele, beariiijf interest, 75,315.85 Quarterlv and Semi-aiinual premiums , duo subaequent "to Jamiary 1 , 1860, 20.S50.38 httareal aoora4 p to Jnn. 1 , 1SC0, 36.488.77 EtaotaacaruedupioJan. 1, 1880, 1.70S.34 Premiaras ou policios in hands of Agents, 20,445.1 'J 1,T6T ,138.2 Hrs Wells and Lkwitt, Medical Kxaminers. 7.13t'f J. G1LBEKT SMJTH, Agout Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capitnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabllities. - - - 16,440 03 D. O. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Beoretary. President. DIRECTORS. j p. Whitney, l. bodman, w. kli.iott, ASA HOVS I,AND,D C. McOILTKAr.E.D. MOltOAN WAIÏ BEMENT, JO8IAII ALLIS. A.H. RUU.EN W.H. DICKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D.C. ROGERS. Ann Arbor neferences: Dr K WELLS, L. JAMKS. L. nonOE, 15NOCI1JAMES. OAPT. C.S. OOOnRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Agent. Aon Arbor, Michiga ISTEW GOODS, Seasosiable Goods3 CIIEAP GOODS, For ■ C a s li, BAGH PÍE&SQN llnvejus; openod a dioico stock of Winter Goode, Bonght for Cash nd TOBE SOLD FOROASH nt sucli prices as will ranke tho buyers 'angfa at the idea of Hard Times. The stoel; notados ti ohoioo lot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMAX'S CLOTII3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, GROCEMES, 4e., te. Now ia tlie time to buy yotir Winter' opplies. BACH fc PIERSON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, lf 61. KrJba"W E3r O O X 23 WINES & KXIGIÏT havo just received a Cali stock of FALLIWI1ERG00DS! wbich they OFFER FOR CASH! Prices very Low, WI3TKS & KN1GHT. November, 1861. PATEWTED November lst,1859. -- TUK MBASÜRES %L 'Sjfjjr A, the Jislance _- "--w w MJe round the Neck. fl 'b B t0 thc Yoke. I Ú ' --Aji&g8LSa3 C to C the Sleeve. f fiö""""" 3 D to J), distanco ƒ l'l arounil the iloily Jila _ _,- _. a the Arm-mtg. ] 4 Sjl.a E to E, the ii leugth of tho Fatenled improved French Yoke SHIRTS. l'ATENÏEDNOV. Ut, 1859 A New Stylo of Shirt, warranted to Fit Hy ftondlüg the abóte moosores pet nutfl w oan gaar aaiêo a perfect litof our uvvr stylo of Shirt, mul rotoin by expieu to ;nty part of the Onlted States, at $12, $15, $18, $24, kc.y kc, pee doiMB Ko onlt-r fofwartiod I"! Leu than hait'-n-dozcn Shirts. AJfto.Imjwrtora aml Dealer in MEN'S FÜRNISHING OOODSJ. fl2 Wlioleualo tradeaopplled on the usual tenns. ballot; brothebs, SOStf -Í03 BroftdWHy, New York. "lóobxis "& "" Taipp" Succu.'iHors to Chapin & Loomis,andCbapin, Tri pp A Loorau Tnr above firm of Loomls ft Trfppjhavlng purchawi the entlre Interest of the formar contpaaies wil oonttnxic the business al the bid standi. rbere they wil! bo rcady, ou thc Bhortmtt aotipfij to till all orders iu the line ui Castings and Machinery, (n the mosl vorkm&nlflkv mrtur.or, am on as libera tevins iis &ny other shop in the Stat. Among' tho vari ouh arttcleanatuifibctarécl by u we roald enuuwrata STEAMENGINKS of all kinds; Mili Gearing aii'l Flxturos, wronpbtami cant; 11 thc vaiiouw oastiogs Cox m;ikin_c and repalrhig IlorsoPowcrs &Tbreshipg MachineB such a nn'ui present, or have formerly boon In nse in this pari of the State, as well i all tlif varloua kinls of pastinga and machine rort calledforby farmers and bkephanicfl lothla tecttoiiof the oountxy. of all ; Ue ijurioua patterns, up in sizesand prioes, will be keptconstantty on hauit, gót thé most modern ana improved styles. Thftakful for frmer patronage totheold flrms, we wouiii Bolfelt n oonttnnancefromoldfrieudflLandanial by all vUliing fot ;un tbJju n our Unepf b.. LUO.M1S k TR1PP, AnnArbor,May 15th, 1859. OUTtf General Land A geney i'KRSONs wanting turma, o r roaldenceít n orne Atnrbor,caby calllng on me tolecifrom Uit ofovor 1OO KarmsFor Sale! Ofvariou f 3lyL'É t rom 3, to l.'ÏC' crt;eoRch ;(lome as goodtisüav I nthUConnty.) Mnretb&u ." i OlVClIlli; tlollHRE nthiíOlty.fromíwo hundred to laarthouanddolartoach : and ovnr ■i O bülIiOING LOTSI A monpth erarme a re the lïlshcpeifirm, l.'lOOacrei, the Potter farm, i n Oroon Oak, the l'lacefarm , n .j 4a)acro.8,theBlandonand Jenki l'urms, in Vehtor; th stuliSa, Mifhael Clnniy, Newton Beeijan, and Fallnlioi farmi. In Ann Arbor; J .Kingiley'4 farm, IntMttsüeld'the llntrh ani Hik tarín In l.n.liitiir 1'atrickClayufarm In Proodom; V. 8. Davlkon, U. (]. Haker s and lluck'a farms lnSylvan. Mostnf thflae and mauy uthors can bo dlvldodto lult uurohageri ' K, HQMUX. AnnAl-huJ.Jan lt . 1B5C f3 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW RECKIVIKG AT O H. MILLEN & Oo's H AVINO to pay CASH for nosrly all kind of Gooils inrclisod in New York, we are necoesarilj' obligad toregtrict our credit syBtem here. Consequently we shull offer our Fall Goods for Cash, ni a very small aiivnneo on tlie coat. C. H MILLEN CO. Ann Arbor, Sept . 24, 1 861 . 81 9m3 Ayer's Cathartic Puls.


Old News
Michigan Argus