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lïlStlICBS 3lMr?rtüTH. ■. CABCSt CARDSH CAKDBtll howiti'i' n , ' W. N. STRONG KÁLL, DÜNCKLÉE & Co., .ad .P1 sso rtment „f Funr.-lnng Ooods, Xo 74 Woodward Avenue, Orders wKcltaBaBi promptly atto n.lod to-g EO-;! RAYMOND'S Fhotograpliic and Fine Art GALLERY Ho, 205 tind SOÏ Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. ■WRDJKaURK by S l on I ind. , , 7Tc). o. f. TTtübbsT Ann Arbor, - 7O SÜTHIRLAND & SON, ITT-HOIFMK ANÖ RETAIL Grncers and Commission W McroIiants,F.astsHu Main tioet Ann Arbor. TWITCHELL & ; OLA8K. rro5tT8naCouMeUora at Law, Goneraj Ufe and Phlnurance agents. In City Hall BlocK, BHuronSt. Ann Arbor. CollecüoM promptly M ndnmfttsd, and speoüü attentaon pajd to c.mvpyancing. D. S. TKlTrilKLL, tT43tH P. C1..VKK. J. -1T. SCOTT. 4 mbbotypk & Photocrpii Autists, in the rooms fonncrlv ooctipWI hv Gortle, . nvcr the store of Sherry kMoore Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. WÏNËS&KNTQHÏr" DUW in Staple, Fancy Dry Gooda, Boots and Shoes, . &c. ke., Main Street Ann Arbor. RÍSDÓÑ&HÍÑbERSON, DE4I.KRS in Hardware, it. ves,houst furnishinggoods, Tin Wro &c. lte.,KW Hloek, Main Street. a7p. mFlls, in Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shues and Ready Made Clutbing, Hurontrfi-t Ann trlH.r. BEAKES & ABEL, A TTOBSEVS i CorNSElxons T I-iW, and Solicitors in V Chann-ry. Office in City Hall Mock, over Webster Co'í linón Store, Ann Irbor ' KÏNGSLEY & ÜOUGAISr, A TTORSKVS. Counsellors, Snlicitors, and Notaries Pub lic, have Books and Data showing tilles of all lands b the ounty.aniattend toc(inveyncin(rand collectmg omands, and to paying Uxem nvA school interest in any jrt of the State. Office east Hk of the Square. Aan Atjor. ' JAMES E. COOIv, JrfmcE of the Peace. Office near the Depot, Ypsilanti, Michigan. " Wm. LEWITÏ, M. D., Phtsicux & SunaWB. Office at bil residence, Xorth .ide of Huron street, aöd 2d house West of División tnt, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MlxcrífTi'RERanildeahir ■ Boots and Slioes. Kschaugr. Hlock, 1 door Vet of the Tost Cffice. Ann Arbor, Mieh. MOORE & LOOMIS." MHRtnfltCBKM an5 ealer in Boois and Shoes, l'ha-nix Block, Main Street, one door North of Vhington. M. GÏJÏTERMAN & CO-, TThoi.f.sai.e and Rctail dealers and manufacturers of VV Keady MadeClotbing, Importeri of Cluths, Caseioerei, Doenkiurt, &c. No. 5, New lïlock, Ann Arbor. 0. B. PORTER, KsoaaKL Px'RGEO-v Dextist. Office corner of ilain jflESgjg1 and liaron streets, over 1'. ïiach's slurf, Uffif9&m% Jí'aa Arbor, Michigan. Wm. WAGNER, DIAlERin Made Clotliing,riSHÍnieres and Vcstings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Crpet Bag, &c. Main t., Ann Arbor. BACH& PIERSON . Dïll-KHsinDry Oöoflfl, Grot-erk'-;, Hardware, Boots & Shoei, tc.j Main itreet, Aun Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS cfe CO., 3HLHBS in Dry Goodk, Grocerios, Drusfc Medicines, [lloot &Shoe.-, .te. , coiiKTul'Miiinand Aan ëtreets, it Oei 3 w the Excliange, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, ROCKrtH, PaOTïÉÖO & Cominitision Merchauts,anddcaJ lersin Watkh Limk. Land Flasteb, aad PlaBTER of Bis,one dour Eastof Cook'B Hotel. C. BLISS, Dmi.KR inClocks, Watclifs, Jcwclry. and Fancy Goods, t theaignof the Big Watch, Mo. 27, Phoenix Block J. C. WATTS. DEALKRinClocksatchefi. .Tewelry andSilver Ware No tt, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B, FEEEMAN. Bahïikk nd Fashíonable Hitir DfOMfr, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ilair Fiuntis and Curls kept ontantlv on tiand. SCIIOFF & MILLER. Dkai-ekk in MisceUiinemis, ïrchool, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Taper Hangiugs. &c. , Maiu Street Ann Arbor. ISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHER OF Piano Forte, (Juitar,an(i Kinging. belng desirousof enlariug lií-r el;iss, will roceíve pupils at h resUlence of Prof". WINCHELL, which bfllttg neftr he Uní')" 3cUool, wül rorj ctmveDtoot for snch aclioltrsatte:ni]ig tlure who ir.ay v, isli to mrsue the study jfmusicin connectinn with "Hiov branches. TtirinsilO, half to bèpaïd al the middle and the balbuce at the close fo the term. D. DbFOREST. lïfnoLESALE and Retail Dealcrin Luinber, Lath, ShinïV ffles, Sash, Doors, Bttnds, Water Lime, Grand Rivor Piaster, rinster Paris, and N'aits of all uizes. A full knd perfect awortment of the above, and all oiher jiñas u( boüdJng nmtanals conetantly on hand at the iowent possible vaten, on Detroit '-troet, a few rods frppa the Raitroad Depot. Al$u opetinj extensively ín the patent Cement Rijofing, H. O. HAEVEY. -O EPECTFUIXY offers hifi services to tho citizenK IV of Ann Arbor as a Teacher ol Vocal and nstrumenla Muaic. ty PIANOS TUNED AHD REPAIRED - Rr.FKBKKOKS.- Bev. Mr. Blnrles, Roy. Mr. Chapín. Rev. Mr. i-'orneliiis, an Prof. Friese For further prtirubrs inquira of Mr. Harvoy at Mrs. KaBtmun'B, Washington Kt., betweci División and UniversiU tr..ti. 821tf. WASHTENAW COUSTYBIBIB SOCIETyT DKPOiTOkv of Bibles and Teatamünt? at the Society prieesat W. C. Voorh-is'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO tTJ3STX, ÖHAPIW Oo MANUFACTi'HF.KSOF 3Erixt, Bools., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, ANN Alt BOK MICH.


Old News
Michigan Argus