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Love At Sight And Without Sight

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[A oóitcipotKltti! ni ih! !{■■ ■ ■'■:■ ■■I'tKvi'I' ■-,: ii :l! rriscni r InmlMolilni nrt, givw ti fuUuwlag luT ex pcrii tu if ont i-f hi uMVcit'a rl!" '"■" ] T hay hefore (ttnted t'nnl snme of tlie private snldiers, frurn tbo upper roomp, were cm,loyed ir. Ihe ofll'er' qoaftero, b servicie wbich they pJwdíy nccepted as iffordinn; superior rationa. Among these was " Corronil M n, of Now York, a young Oían of wealthy pnrentngo, oi attrwstive mannen, good ntelleotnnl endowraents, and witlial " hábdsorne na Apollo." At Ihe reqnest of soma of tlie offioers, he as oocafionally permktéd to visit the lower flóor, anH, upon nne oecaaíon, was permittod to teave the priuoD on parolo, for the pnrirose ol pufchamng supplies. Whiïe thus passing thrnugh one ol the muin thoroughfares, M B was áeoosted by a littl girl, who prepented him vvith a bonquet, at, the same time, pointing to a young lady, ou the opposite side ol the stroet, K8 the donor. The corpornl aeknowledged fhe gift, by a polile bow, and pi-oceedíd upon bis mission. The hidy, a pmently fascínate.!, followed him at n distance to the prison, and, as ho entend it, she recipmSdtéd his bow, :uid leisurely walked axvay. For some inexplicable cause the corporal was not ag;;in perrnitted to go out, and a - I should have mentioned that quite a ninnbor of servants were in the prisou - was d?e patched in his stead. The negro had not proceeded far when he was niet by the young lady réferred to, and the sequel to the interview vvns devoloped n a package vvith which he returned to the ofBcers' quarters, and deüvered to Corporal M n. It was fcnirid to contain a new snit oí eiothe., and upon on gnrment was pinned e. srnall card, neatly inseribed with the name oí' his benei'aotress : " tliis. nnd notlnng more." Corporal M ninstantly :iddre?sed himself to the task oí' epistolarv composition, in which he grncefíiíly acknowledged tho receipt oí' the gift, and expressed his heartfelt thanks. This was deliveTed by the negro on thc diiy following, and lie returned with a packase contamirrga numberof poeketbandercbiefe, soeke and shirts i As in tho fiput instance, the only eomt-unication wluch aecompnnk'd the gift was the donor's carr!. The corporal again ackhowledged bis obligutioM by H polite note, which was duly delivered thronh the sawie mediun). Thenceforth the eorporiil was in daily roceipt of the choicest dainties, and a recular epistolary corres[onden(;e was oarried on nnli! the day of his release, wliich occurved on the 3d of January. A matrimonial engagement had beeen made during the interval, with tlie understanding that ;he parties Tvould meet in Baltimore on the lst of March next. I haveomilted to state that the corporal had been sent back to his old quarters, but bavinj; as-xertained that his fair inamorata daily promenaded within view of the officers' quarters, he obtained employment as a cook, and was thereafter unfailing'y at his post to reciprócate the loving smiles ot hi? betroihed. She had sent him tier daguerreotype, whiuh he frerjuently exliibited to me. - It was a lovely image, and one that would have rcqnired no "collateral" inducement to carry captive the most frigid and lethargie fancy. I learned that she was of a wealthy family, and of as good ijlooci as was to De iouna among the F. F. V.'s,5ind her letters, I was nfsured, cvinced that she was no lesa intelligent and refined. When the glad tküngs of our release carne, the name o i Corporal M n was found in the list. The intelligence was quiüklv conveyed to his yearning admirer. "We eaw nothing of her, however, as we marched through the streets of Richmond, thoueh the corporal's longing visión was strained at everv anímate object. But when a halt was ordered, a fine carriage, driven by a negro, suddenly made its appearance, and halted at a short distance from our ranks. A lady descended - there was a brief, but earnest colloquy among the Confedérate officers of our guard, and the next mo ment the enraptnred twain (Corpora! M and his affianced) were face to face ! A few words, the pret they had ever exchanged in pcrson, wero exchanged in subdued, yet melting tones; their faces were for 8 moment lighted, as with a flame - the engagement was sacredly renewcd - there was a tervent, thrilling prtsure of their hands, and they sepurated. A circumstance is conneoted with the daguerreotype above referred to, which det-erves a passing notice. Be fore it left the ppson, the pioture was taken frcm the case, and a sraall slip of paper, closely written, and addressed to General McClcllan, was depositad therein, and the daguerreotype then replaced. It was saiely delivered to the commander-inchicí, a meeting of the Cabinet was called, and the day following thero was a leak stoppcd - a mysterious leak, trom high circlea and which had inestirnably benefited the rebelR formany months. Sharp PavsrciAN. - Somewhere out Weet a lad swallowed a sraall lead bullet. His friends were very much alarmed about it, and his fatlier, that no mcans might be spared to save his darüng boy's Ufe, sent post haste i.o a surgcon of skill, directing bis messenger to teil him the circumstances, and urge his ooiaiing without delay. 1 lie doctor was iouna, neara Míe aismal tule, and with as much unconcern os be would manifest in a case of couimon headache, wrote tlie following laeonic note. " Sir - Don't alarm yourself. If, aftor three weeks, the bullet is not removed, give the boy a charge of powder. Yours, &c. P. S. - Don't ghoot the boy at anybody." ïhis is mueh akin to the laconic pregcription of the colebrated Dr. Abernethy. An Irishman callcd in grcat liaste upon the doctor, stating tliat - "líe jabcrs, me boy Tim has swallowed a mouso!" Tben be jabers," said Abernetliy, (' teil your boy Tim to swallow a ct ,' JfX" 'The new rebel Congrcss, whioh is to meet on the 8th of February, is oomposed almost cntirely of men who have formerly baen meinbcrs of the Congress of the Unitod Btatej.


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Michigan Argus