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"the Work Goes Bravely On."

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We give place to the details of tho gun-boat cxpjdition up the Tonnessee river, tho capture of Fort Ileury, the progresa of the guuboats up tbc rivcr into Alabama, etc. The most gralifying features of this news, is, that without mach shedding of blood a road for the federal troops bas been opened into tho hcart of the rebel confederacy, and that the expedition was joyfully welcomed all along the Tonnesse River. Fort Henry, recently captured by the Federal gun-boats, is on the east side of the Tenness'ee rivcr, about 55 miles froiu its mouth, and just south of the Kontucky line. It is tho only rebel fortificaron on tho river, and tho way is clear for our gun-boats to Florence, Alabaina, tho bead of stcamboat navig;tion, 200 miles from Ohio; and ia fact the guu-boat Conestoga is already reported as having peuetrated iuto Sccessia as far as that pomt, clearing the river of all rebel boats. Fort Donelson, now invested by the Federd troops, if not already taken, is on the Cumberland river about 12 miles cast of Fort Henry. Once in our possession, Nashvillo, the capital of Tenuessee, is at the mercy of a Federal gun-boat üeet. The rebellion iï fast caviug in. - We also give such details as the rebels at Norfolk een fit to give us of the completo success of the Burnside ex pedition, its capture of Koauoke Islaud with three tliousaud prisoners. capture of the rebal gun-boat fieet, Elizaboth City, advaneeou Edenton, etc. Eoanoko Lsland 'u siluated ia Patnlico Sound, at tho ontranco of Albemarie, and lbo rebüU supposod it impregnably fortified. lts fall gives our army ful' f.ommand of the rear road to Norfolk, and will causo an enrly ev;ieuation of that placo. Elizubeth City is atgthe boad of Pasquotauk river,Jun arm of Albennarle Sound, and is the shire town of the county ot the pame name. I', is 40 rniles from 1 folk, and near the lower end of tho ' tnal SwaiBp.Uanal Edpnton, reported threatenod by tho federal troop?, ia on tlie east side of Chowan river, near its junction with Albcrmarlo Sound. - It has a population oí' about 2000. - By the Chowan livor tho federal guuboats can penétrate interior withifi 20 miles of tho Rdilroad teadiog from Norfolk 6outh,at its junction with the Norfilk and Petersburg Railroad. Burnsido has men onough, with tho aid of bis gun-boats, to bold hi.s position agiiinst any forco the rebela can send against him, aud tho roal strategioul advantages to accruo from his success can hardly be estimatcd. A largi; lorce is planted in the rear of Norfolk and Itichmond, and in a positioo to bo reinforeod at ploasuro. jjE" There is no trutb in tbc report - which origiuated with tbc New York Triluno - that Geueral McClbllan is out of favor at Washington, and is no langer Commandor-in-clnef. II is relations to tbo anny have not been changed, and tbo several comuianders of división still get tbeir orders from acd report tbrough bim. Tbo late successes in Kentueky and in Nortb Carolina aro in consecjuenco of a general plan - a plan which promises to crush out tbo rebcllion at an early day, and 3rivé tbe leadura into exile or to tbo gallows. FiiOM the Aumï.- Ou tbe íirst pago of tbis sheet our readers will ünd au in tcrcsting letter froia a personal fneud oí ours, au officer n tbe Niuth Michigan Infmitry, the keadcjuarters of wkick regiment s uow at Elizabetktown, Ky. Wo invite particular atteution to tko view whicli tbis ftghimg patriot takes of tbc conservativo policy of " Houest Abo Lincoln," preiuising tbat it does uot entircly agree with the cxpressed opinioas of some of tbc writing patriots. Ou tbis page will bc found a letter frora our lirothcr, iu Stockton's Regiment, who it will also be seen dlflors froin sorae of tbc writing patriots iu the views be ontertaius of Gen. McClellak and bis policy. L3L" Senator Brioíit, oí Indiana, was expelled on Monday last, by a vote oí 32 ayeg, 14 nuys. We have DÖ tours to shed over his ejcction. lie was one of the earlic8t conspirators both agaJost tbo deraoeratio party and the Union, and had he acted consistontly would have joined tho Confederato army long ago. Besides, We have ahvays believud that he procured his seat iu the Senate by íraud. [3T The Tenth KeginiËut Michigan Infantry, Col. Lum, was ronstered in last week, with rnnks filled to the maximum nurnber. It ia pronounccd an excellent regiment, aud Col. Lum and the other oflBcers are very popular with the men. It will soon Icave Fünt for active service.


Old News
Michigan Argus