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From Fort Henry

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SI. Louis, I'eb. 9. The JiepulUcatis special says thc army is still cncatupcd at Fort Heury, a:id prcparations for furtbor movciueiits go vigor ounly i'orward. 'i lio river is high and a part, of Port Ilonry is overflowed. Five moro rogiineoti are cxpected to ar rivc from Cairo in a few dnys. An no! íinilied fortification, called Fort Ileiman, opposite Fort Henry, lias boon taken posBCSBÍon of. The panic is so extensivo 11 Tentiessoc tliat tbe river is eonsidored opon for Union fleots to its liead waters. Tlio late garrisou of Fort Ucnry bave taken refuge tit Fort Douelson, making : the torco tl.'ore betwecü 7,000 and 8,000. A soutbern mail was capturad by Uaptain Logan. It contained letters from high officera, speaking of tbe deworalizing cfl'ect of tlie defeat at Somersetj und stating tbat another at Fort Henry would be alinust irreparable. The rebel steamer Orr, on being chased by thc gnu boat Conestoga, ws fired by her crew and abandonad. Several o'. her steainors are said to have f;illon into the handa of tbe gun boats Conestoga and Lcxington. The gun boats sent up the Temiessee will probably go as íar as Florence, Alabama. Sfc Louis, Feb 9. The Demócrata special, dated For' Ilenry to-day, says a hundred of the Second Illinois Cavalry, ol a reconnoit" cring expedition thi.s morning, níet a company of the eiicmy's horso, charged them, and killed four, and took twentyfive prisoners, their (Japtain aniong theui. Onl}r one of our men was wounded. ín consoquenuo of General Sinith's appoiutment uot having bceu confirmad by the Sonate, tliat offieer transferred the cotnmand of' bis división to General Lew Wallace, and will 'leave for Podbcab to-morrow. Generáis Grant and -VlcUlernand tolographcd to Washington vouehing for Gen. ámitli's loyalty and efficiency, and urging the Seuate to reconsider its action. General Grant and staff made a reconnoissance in the viciuity of Fort Donol son to-day. The stoamcr W. II. B. baa returued from the llailroad Bridge with a lot of hor3es, wagons, coniínissary stores, &o. St. Louis, Feb. 12. A gpecial to tbe Ilipiiblicnn, dated Fort Ilenry the Ilth, says: " The gun-boats Goncstoga, Tyler and Lcxington, returned from tiie Upper Tennessee last niglit. The boats went as far up as Florence, Alabama, and wore received with tiie wildest joy by the pcople along the river. Oíd men cried likc children at the sigbt of the stars and stripes, and invited officers acd meo into their houses, and told them all they had was at their disposal. " Large uumbers ere anxious to enlist undor the oíd flag, and the Tyler brougbt down tvvo hundred aud fiity to fill up the gun boat crews. " Our ofücers were assured f they would wait a few days, whole regiments could be raised, and if the Government would givo them arms to defoiid tlnmselves, they could bring Tennessee back to the Union in a few inonths. Tbey &aid when the seeession ordinance was passed, armed Míen stood at the polis and everythiug weut as certain politieians said. "At Savannah, Clifton, Eastport, and Florence the officers aud meu of our boats went ashore without arms and niingled freely vitli the pcople. "The Union mon along the river comprithe wealthíesi and best portion of tiie inliabitantg, large nunibors of whom havo Ameiicau flags. Not a gun was fired either gOÍDg or coming. "The rebel guuboats Kaatport, Sallie Wávd aud Moselle, only partiully finished, wero captured and are here. "The Eastport had 250,000 feet of lumber on board, and the Ward had a quantity of iron for plating. "The Btentaera tnm Kirkman, Linn Boyd, Julia Sinitli, Saín Orr, and Applctou Ball were burned by tho robéis to prevent them from falling into our hands, "The railroad bridge at Floreuee was not destroyed. A quantity of papera were captured on the Eastport, belonging to Lieut. Brown, lato of the Federal Navy. - Aniong them were letters from Lieut. Maury, stating tliat submarine batteries could not be successfully raised io the rapid streams of' the West. One hundred and fiíty hogsheads of tobáceo and a quantity of other freight will be brought down l'rom the mouth of the Sandy River to-morrow. A daily line of packets has been established between Fort Heury and Cairo Nothiog during the war has been so prostruting to the rebels as the late vlutory and the guuboat expedition above named.


Old News
Michigan Argus