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Rebel Forays Into New Mexico

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Leavenworth, Feb. 10. Joscph II. Holmes, Secretary of New Mexico, lli dajs froni Santa Fe, bringa important dispatches to Gen. Ilunter, aud informatiou regarding ufiairs in tbat Territory. The rcb'J Brigadier General H. H. Sibley was within thirty miles of Fort Craig, with 2,500 ïexans, with artillei-y, and bad issucd a bunkutu proclamatiOQ. Colonol Canby has taken active mensures to oppose htm and feit able to mak'e a successful resistanco. It was reported that a considerable forco of Texans wcre advancing up the llio Pecos to attack Fort Union. An express bas been sent to Denver City for reiuforcenients and the Colorado troops will probablv inarch immediately. Martial law bas been proelaimed in the Territory, and all able-bodied men drafted to serve in the militia. All mules, horses and ammunition in the Territory have been seized for the uso of the govornmeut. The Indians in tho territory aro reportod troublesome. Latkst Commercial via Londondrrry. - Liverpool, Frulay - Cotton sales -1G,OÜO bales; market firmer, wilh an advance on tho inarkot of d ; total stock in port estimated at 516,000, of vvhich 215,000 bales are American. BeadHtnfls downward, Wheatmore steidy. Corn quiet. Paris, 30. - Tho Moniteur save tbo dismissal of Mr. Gameren gives Englaod great salwinction, T.oxnoN, 30. - Mason ftnd Slidell left for Paris. Madrid, 30th. - ü'Donnell declares that Franco has made no separate enpagoment with Spain. Tho Spanitsh Government has no reason to supvioso that France intends the anuirá of Mexico without considering the wishes oí the otber Povvers. Veuy Latest, via Londonderry. - A telegram announees firther satisfactory news frora Buenos Ayres. TJrico's fleot was captured by the Buonos Ayreans. L3" A large meeting was lately held at Houghtou, Lakc Supeiior, rclative to the construction of a military road from Green Bay to the copper district. S. L. Smith was sent to Wasbiugtou to forward tbc claims of that secticm.


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