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Arrival Of The Jura

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Portland, Fob. lo. ! Thos!enrnhip Jura, nrhicn left Liv. erpool on Tliursdiiv the ;i)ih, and l,mdondorry the 31st, arrivert at 11:45 to. niglit. MsOp !WJ Slidell liad urrived ut Southampfon No ijomonstrntínq was iri:ido. Tho former went to Lo don, thü latter t( Paris. It v;is niniored tliat the Oovernmont had orderud the Nashvillo to (uit Southair.pton,, hut extended tho timo for lier di'i:irtui-e, owii'g to tho dunger fiom tho Tnsciirora. It v:is nlsu rninnred that tho GnvorniiiL-nt vvill prohibit iinned ship.s of cither p:irly re.naining ovor twentyfour houffl in any I3ritish porl,. Tho ioljowing is tho Hhiu's report: ETiirl Rii8éll, in a dpatch dated 23a Januury, lo Lord Lyotl, ea'.s tho Ensjlinh Giivornmonl differs on tire) y 'from Mr Soward's conclusión on tlio , question whutlier the pfi-.sons taken iinin tho Tic-nt , and their iuppOSod deapatehea ure ootiiraband. It is rürnored that tha vessol which tho Su!; ]"itiT (iiifiagcd oll Algiers was tho Iroquois. Thcro was no nuws of oither. It !is reportad that tho Tusoarora wás aboïit tö qtjil ööuthainpton. The destination was kept secret. The 'iïmr.i. in :i characteristic artiole, calis for sninc;thin? decisivo in Atnerioa. It says: "Unpïeasant co-nplications must iriso if the present state of affairs continúes niuch longer." Napoleon opened tho French Chatnbers on the 27th. lio said tho civil war which desolate America has íjreatly compromi.sed onr commerciul nterosts. So long, however, as tho righta of neutrale aru respected, we must confine oursolves to expressing wishes for an early tennioalion ot thoso dissensions.Bourse bigber. Rentes 71f 30o. Franco has recommonded to Rome to conciliato Count of Irvin, and Antoneüi has absolutely refusod all torms. Thero were contradictory rumora of an enlargod French expedition to Mexico. Tho London Times remarks on Mason and Slidell, that both will probably keep quiot, and ivait evonts that are at liand. Z'ST Brigadier General Hamilton, commanding at St. Louis, announced that all abseut ïucinbers of regiments who did not return on or before Fcbruary 9th, should be seized as deserters and sent to Cairo to work on fortifications - an announcoment that should hurry up tho delinqucnts. B. Senator Wilson is to introduce a bilí for a national foundry on the Hudson River, and for a raanufactory of rou in Pcnnsylvania.


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