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"waste Not, Want Not."

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Frotn tlie Nw JSnelnmi Fartner. Tííi was a Franklin motto. Apply it to tlie farm, snú ts b;n,k deposita. JI:iuure lu':i)s aro l!ie sub-treasuries of the fimuing interest Waste of manare is vaste of wealth. Kvory miner who digs for gold, must rlijf in tlie dirt Hut tlm farmer fir-t ítposltg tlio gold in the grouDil, and aftérwatdd dip it out with Micreave. The gold lie plank, begéÉhers from tho Süurocs of coiisum])ti(in and (iiH'iiy, wbere osralesêaeii niay leave a lúM. Wisilom is wealth; timo w monoy : and pc[ually so, manare is moiiey, to tho farmer. W.herfe sliall ve dig for riehes ? Whore shall we go huJ gallier up Wfiültil! "Goto the ant, thou síuggwd ;" go to t!ie sjiiiirel, tlioq hpcudthift; gq to tho manare eompóstcf, thou foolUu fauncr, who baat narocd pnverty, hy wofktng : hu gry mmí, ;i!il j;ettini; iM'thiusr, Ikíchusc ypu guvo íi'jihiug U3 a bubis of produetion Oallicr it at tho stable. Mix well tbe solid droppingg of tlie cow witli twice ils bulk uf' imadi-w inuok ; money is mud, - Loam wil! serve eood parpóse, if notliiiig beider un bê had. Pine leavcs ure nhnóBt pr'lceleSB in tbe oompcst. And be vdv süi-f, if no great loes woatd bo 1loweii, to put aaougli Jry peat. old rottn Btraw, or other subitáneo suitcil to the purpose, to talte up all the liquid thatcbe voidï. Take lil.c cire, tab, of the voidingfl of the ox and yónngof oattlo. - The noble liorse, wcll fed, well used, fur ïiishcs inueh material to inix with ïnuek; three times the moasure of bis Bolid excreraents, witli dry pent, aawdust or old stroW, gprinkled with old brine, piaster, refuiío Balt, to s;ive tho urino - moiiey fnnn raany things made uto manure (jather a pile frnm the pig pen. P'LLy doca iot :'■', !i'"prin!e murh for muscie, trom the fct of his feeding, bat pours out b'g ixitUcs of ;unmoi)iac:il liquor tu (BagniTy iï.o manare heap. The gift is % great ore, and nevcr tó bo despised by the man of a flóuríiliin'g funn. Pile t-be piae KTfeping ÏW his pep, with old leave, loads ut loaui, ma lot tuin mase bia mark as a manufacturor ; and ho will do it in dfiance of war or tariffs. PigSfy's firgt work in tlie tfórld is to próvido for tb; onm erop, :md when tliat comes in, in lusty leaái, lie will consent to be put into poek, for tha bonetit of princes or paupers. Gathcr gold from the hen-house. Pile thq ander lbo hen roost; sciitter uëhes light'y over, or oíd lime, nnd satúrate it v.ith slops froui the cbmnbcr. and repeat tlm we ofton, laysr upon layer, mixiiiif it all wc'l before each f'real; addition of muek or peat. It will be cbeapcr tlnui pomlrctte from Lodi, and as rieh as a California fjuartz g#3 iniuo. Ontlier co!d frora tlio sink drain, The suili and grease tliat go away tbere, containgold; pitlier it up for the garden gruunds; mix it with muck, or carry it to the onrrant bu.shes, or alniost auywliere to feo 1 the rowing erops, and gold will grow o.U of il. S ivo the suili from the wali-rooin. - ïbisre ure wonders of wsalth in snob ii)"uieral witeca. They ire good for siekly cabbnies, me'ona. poars, BqiiHgheé or toüiatiies Tht-y nuike all gr.)wi::g tilinga to gliston in tho glory of their , t'.i. Save tfc.' slopsfrom chanibers. Woure is as wicksil h re -i snywLer, Man ned not pride Uimaelf abive pcoducing lik portion of thé íoptí of plants ; bewas made Óf e;rth!y matter, air and water, and wastes these dailj from hi-uself, in substunee for the food of vegutatio. - "Waste uit, winit not " Gather frQin tho privy. Thore is no use, boys, in snuffing. This turriiog up the nose i.-i of no more valué o a young m:ui, limn it ia in 8 blooming misa. - Prido is peovish, íind alis out of pbfo aiuoiit: the workir.g wprld'e nobility. - File in tba ra'aolt, or loa, witb a mixture of pliurtcr, muih o!d rotten chip dirt, and drive awaj unpleasant ofiors by putting on new biyers oftcn ; and carry away a grrat pilti to tho coru-ücld. Yuu niiiy bring i! bacil in gold. Gitthe;' all tlu unhcs. Tbey Wtll answer for their applioatioq almost auy whi-re, in " w.irds litly spoken - lilfe nppl"H of gold, in piotures of silver." ■' Wa te not, want r.ot " Gaihor munare imm the mili, gotspe up around the shop, tako care of cotton waste, waste nul old woolens, tsx the tanner for bis rt'fuse truck, make the morebant a fair offor fot old brines, cali upou the collier for lii ebarèoal dust, and tas all trades tlutt tlití (tratan íeeds; buv when and wbat you eunnot save, it will bring back the gold; but, man of the muck heap, remembcr, ': waste nut, want hot "' Comisos. Tr!t An Tllinois Assomblyman, dubating a question wiih niiiuh earncstneai) moved bis ehuir fram it usu;il place, and forgcttkig the plaee, and t'or rt)tiiii the f;iet, wlien lie liad finished, sat down raUier solidly whove it tfught t'i have been, Abovo tho roar of langeter, hifi voicc was lieard exclaiming : - " Mr Speaker, I still have the floor'." ; g T'rov;l'jnee undoubtedly de sigrod man to carry the pucsa, but kind ly coDipeueated wouitn for this. by en dowingher with a wpnderful faoulty of po:ixing oioney from hun. Annoying as BOHÍO woraen make this faoulty, thero are otbort who exaH. it to thu dignity of n seieiif-o, S.111I we witnass thcir display üi' it with udmiration. r" Tlie scono in tho Senato on Wednchduy. wben liright was expcllod, is desoribed as having boon qito iniprossive. 11 is speech in his own defense ' was able, and in soiue parta lupreaüi-ve, hut liis friendo liftt'ehed in vain lor soma hoarty aesertioni of loyalty. Instoad of it hu only repeated his Btale opposifion to "coerción." wliich is eqaivaJent to iaying ' tli at he would offer uo cejiiteuoe to tko tritov. Gkn. ZujLicoi i;r':í Last Wohds. - A stoiv is eirculatèd hi re that Giti. Z'illiiMiir'.-r, h'.'fni'ü !iü dicd, ep'regseil hin doep regret ut entering tlie conl'uduratc ,-ervico, and, pointinïto a Federal s)t n nl rel, w a viñg at ;i mston'-e, eaid, with his kat lire:tli: "I shnuld die happv il l h;:d l'itilen in dettmee oí Itiat Öagf." I d nol VDiu-h for thu trulh 1 tlis stpteipeni, but give it for what il ia w irih. Tho irieuds of Zollióoffor sav hi heart wás never ftilh" enlisted in Ihe rebel i anee, id tlmt ho was fiirofefl into its ;.(h'i:c;iuy bv 1 1 m t he cGfteeivwd I to be public opinión, but was mercly the expression of bis politica) tanees.-


Old News
Michigan Argus