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Racy Anecdote

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The New York Sunday Mercurij hns i very witly irtny oor responde ft, who eji.i" in tho cosmimen of Orpheus 0. Kerr. We extract the foHowing jood ones from f last letter : TUK PIN AliTS. On Wednesday, sortie of our dryest piokólfl oniifrtit t stiabby, long-liaiicd uhap loafilig around the cuinps viili a hiu; Mock and ilieet of paper imder hi iirrn, and b'rbugh.t bini befpré tho G,mh4VíiI ot' the MaoKeré] Brigad. ' Wfll, Satnyiile," nayn the Generul to One ol the pickeli, " what s your cl:ir' ;il-:iÍiikL tlio pri.-onor ? " " He is ;i yiSnng man which ie aspy," rèpüé'd Siiu.vülc, bolding ip the sheet ol paper"; " iind I t.-ik(! this bere picture of lijs to bè the Groat fcieal of the Southern 0"nfec1riicy." " Why fhinkestthou si, my cherub? iind wbat does the woik of irt represent ?" iüij'iiriMl the Genurnl. 'The is not of the bost," responded Sárnyule, closinj one eye, und ic-u iiiii the picture brftically ; " but. I should y that it repréeehted a hum, ■vi!h h t'iiii.'K: lid crcrösB it, and beePH!cnk- in the ('ornorp." " MiSef6blu Vimdnl " phonted the ]on{-haii-ed chnp, oxcitedly, " you kiuv.v not what yovi sny. I nm a Pederá! artwí; nd thnt pioturo is a map of the oot f North Carolina, for t New York dïtily paper." " Tluinflor ! " nyg the General, "il tliüt's h ir,-!ii, n patent gridiroü must ba s whole atlas." a joï;e at thk expunsr of the kew york iieralb. As n person of eruditión, it pienses me groatly, tny Hoy, to observe that our moro tnonil New York regimeúts cultivare a tnste for rertdinsr, nnd are oven po literafy that thcy cíin't so mucli as tifht theír pires without n leat on of n hymn-book. T ffw ralkinor to nn nnii'ilar shaped chnp from Montgomery county tlie otber day almiil tin-, ind saya ho : 11 Talk about readíng Why, there's fifiy rii'u-pav'crr) sent in a wrapper to oim' ofTiccrs a lo do avery day. There's ten ench of tlie Pribneattd Ttmts, ten tï.'ic1 ol the l'nston Post nnd Oakette; ten of the M'Mii;nmery Dcmocrat, and ono N Y. Herahl,-" " her.l rnv Feoond Waflj)iftg ton," eays I, 'your story don't liana: tnfifuther. Yon f-íiy yon liare fifty pfipera daily; bnt accoHing lo niv sr.ouni that copv of the JLrahl pná'kos fifiyone." " Did 1 nnt Icll yon fcrfflt they camo in a wrnpper?" says the chnp, wilh prent diírnity. "Yon Huí," Bfiys T. ■' WeJl," says lip, "the HcraU is the wrnppor." A IIOHSK I.'.UCH. Thia mAnrinjp, mv boy, T went w i 1 1 1 Oolonel Yi'l)Lrt Wobinnon to look al sume neiv hornei lie had jnst inij'orted frnm tl.. Kriu Oaniil sÉabim í'.r tía Waatorn cavülrv. nnd wafl inuch picase.! with the 'Üplay of lir-ne watb One :ü:Í!!);i], in pr(icuiar, ntcrcstcd rae graatlj : ha waa born in 1776, had 'rwth of bis bind lee;.-? brnken on ilu Irontier, in ono of ílo battics of 1812, and loat botli bi &y8 and L t.:i; aj t!e feiking of Mail'". T!ni ■ Oolonel sftUed thnt In' had seleeted thi. grttendid animal tor hin oun use tí the fiokl. Anothei1 tino cauco animal of t!:c str.d was aUáohinl 10 the suit of S':ik1i injyt'in it the fainmis crossiiiir of ttie Daluwnre, and is aaá lo iüivu nrpried ihe Hesians nt Trotilon sis muoh a Üie anny did. Previous to o8Írií liis toctti, lie whs soid to i Wcslern d, nier n hules for tlirt'ü dollars ; and lhe dealar, biig an enthusiasik; ITninn man, hü- lt tlio (ïovnrnint)nt bnve ilunnifnal nt ono tiiim!nr and ton dullura A iiiouí-t):lne dfliino mare nl.-o att ■:-)- i ivv luiti'-o. She va pired by tlio favorito ru.'ur of ibg JMarquis (Ie Lnfiyottö, and lias Viren dámiicl by cv(r body aHpWptjiFvg to drive her. - The nretty beaat oonte frtwi tlie olèbratcd Bone ft ill telngiBj{ '" l4i Eri Canal and only (uist the Government tvvn hundred dolh.v. BfHi-viü'i tint t'ne public funda aro being jucüciou.s'y expended, my boy, I rernai", FonJly tliir.e own. ORPHEUS 0. KERR tT OeWlltHnuD - A with i íast horas nol piiid f'ur; fa?hionabte clothes, Cor which tilo tai'or swtf'ers ; a cano in liis huniJ and i lonr ni ríe i i iiis mout 1) . Jf Tmilito the éJcampii f the Icioornotive. lio runs along, wbjutlaw o-.yr liis work, nd yet he nevar lukee iinvtliiiig but water to wet his whistlo ! f Anexohauge saya thal there u a fariner in l'utrinm coiyity, íf. Y., wto ham a inilu of chüilren. liis name w Fiülong. aiJ lio has tight boys and ftirk. 9 fSE Not ín outh is Bttered that doea nut víbrate ll.rougii all time in lh wíde current ol sound; not a ravor i i'l but it.s record is Kliiuiped on tío hiw oi' naturo by tlie seal of the wil! ol the Aimihty. iñ tlie anny. ]ieiig nsked one díiy "hiithis tlation wan replied: " Fï two yoars hu was lefieuant fnr the h.trse in -i i.n .-, iiud afler t hut hu vli jironiotei] lo be captain oí' B squad of sapheads and minors." VW An intelligent lady whpse littlo boy was heg laai tig ti swnr, ansiou tö 3xprj)n to her cbild the horrors nf pro faaity, hit upni tïio nove) plftrvof wuvbing out b',8 n,outh with soap udfi wlienever lie gwore. It wuH an ffecliuil curu. - The boy understoad lu móthor's sénse o! tlio forruplion of m oath, u iiicl), with ihrf tüstu oí tba ipap eudn, pro (iuced tlio ilwiioii lesu't, The pi'aoticc, f uní versa) ly uiiptud, would raÍK5 the pi'ico af sop. Tinni:?. kor Mi:' - Ti:a kou Womes. - Diniier fur iiküi - toa ï ■!' wnnen ! - "Ven ncvcT bear f)nj wpmao i'iviic ;.ntl;ei- rinnri nut to diniier, BjlV rpore llian Y"U cvri' wav iiüc in:.u) Hk Sinpthr .11 to L'nino u. tu i t;ii.' i 'i ith liini. No,! it wdiild ,-i.'ein thiii MiinonV heart? ir.vhed iirid solteneil over Uio ti-a-oup' nnd tbflt niep'a poiilfi fiy pau to aRch other with the t:l! -■.!,.; i. Wbo is Únere to egplain it? It lakes Beserul linivea and forks to di into a inuit's sccivt naiüre. wbereaa the .'-iiiple kcv óf the tea caddy wiü uolpcU a wonmn's , eecrets at any time.


Old News
Michigan Argus