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The Tennessee And Cumberland Rivers--nashville

The Tennessee And Cumberland Rivers--nashville image
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Tlio victory on tlic ienncssee Icncis unusual interest lo tliatand tbo Gutiberland tjivers, as well a.s to tlic city of Nashville, on tlitj i;.ltir. wliieh we may ezpeet to be ebortly thu scène of furthcr ;perations aad Rucceu TUK er.MBKKl.AXl) ■JtlVV.E. Tlio Cumbcrland River risos in tho Cumberland Mouritnms, near the bound;iry betffiLSH ïirgiüia and Kentucky, and, pnrsuing a wi.-iierly er soutlitrly oourse, etitcrii (li Stutc of After an extensivo eweep to the ï'juth it turna norilnvosuvanüy and nortlorly, ard enicrs and orosiesi Kuntui ky, ciiïoring t 10 Obio lij tnilas cast of tbe aioatb of the ïeojiessee Ki rr, and 59 milos abovo tlio inoutii of' tlie üliiu. '1 lio entiro leflgtb of the rivcr is about 600 milos, and it drains a tenitcny of' 17,500 square iniles. It is uavigabFe for larpe stcamboats and vossels to Naslivilie, 5J0.S miles from the niouth, and for boats of 15 tens' 300 miles furtlier. At cerlain seasous óf biirh water vqsaela of 400 tons ean scend the nver 100 miles to the Ohio, and for half it.s length boats ni.iy u;i iate at all tvns'ih?. Jt is the second riverin sza whicli enters the Ohio, being inferior onljr to tlio Teiinesseo Below Nashville, t!, river 8 decp and narrow. Tbere are on the borders of the Cumberl;ind ïmieteen iurnaces, nine forpes, and two rolling milis, produerng anuually 41-, 500 toos of iron valued at $l,()7ü.00f). The only oljstruction toan aseent of tho riverby our irun-boats is Prt Boneléori, about 00 miles froiu the inouth and only 1 T oan of Fort Henry. After the fuil of the latter. Fort Donelson wil] not bo likely to hold out long. the c;tv oí' NAsntiu.í and capital of IhM:.-SKE. Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, ia situated on the teft or west bank of tho Cumberiand lliver, somo tv-To hundred dal les by the eourse of the stream frotii itsmouth ; "280 miles northeast of Memphis ; 200 miles sou th west of Lexington, IQ Kentucky, and 6s' -t miles from Washington city. Many of the private resi1 deuoe are erected on a scnle of palatial magnitado and splendor, and the publio buildings exhibit a corrèsponding charaetr. The suburbs abcuud with osijiie scenery, eririchcd with bcautii'ul irruyes of eedar. ïlie city was originaily laid out in lots of one acre each, v;t!i a resorvation of four acres fur public buildings. Tho boundaries liave sineo been enlsrged. The ncnv capítol, whtch stands ni a conimanding euiinence, 175 feet above the river, is one of the most noble, ruuguificent and costly structurus iu Anicriwt. The materia] is B fine limcstone, which was quarried on the spot, and ncarly resembles niaible. - The diiner,sions are 240 teel by 185, and the estiinnted bost $l,0000U0. It ij) built, as it is sfateq, cntirely of stoi.o aíid ron, without any wood about it, exeöpt the pliink on wlrich tlie coppcr roofing is fastened; the floor and inner walla are of dreüsed ítone. A lunatic asvlmn, on a (arge soale, luis roccntly been ereitod in tlie vicinity The Htate penitcntiary at Ais place is 31G fect by 50, coütsiuing 20Ó eells. The Uuivereitj of Naliville was founded in lOfi. "Tho Madieal College, cohnected witb the University was opened in L851 ; it cecupies a sbacions bttiltiing, and has upwards of 1Í0 students Tliere are also a uumber of feiuale seöiin'aries, the largest of whicli is atteiided by more than 300 pupila. Tbere were fifteoniiewsjitipeVs publibjipa here, slx of theni duily. Nusiiviile eoi. taina three banks, wilh a total capital of $5,K)'2tH), and fifteen t-hurehes, repre,seiit ir.g the v.iiious religioua denominatious The mineral csblhet of tlio !ato Ur. Troost inntains the Fargest private lectioo in the Utiitcd t-lates. Tlia Cniuberland River is erossed by a niagmticent wire Bttpnsion bridge, built at a oost of S16Ö 000. Water is snpptiëd by hv'w.'.r ritised froni the C'umburland liivir. t-ix railroads i;ow centre at Nushvüle, aft'ordinti coniiuuiiieation wilh rnacy ticsi red pouits. It is the terminus of the NaslivHhe and Uhattanooga lïuilrond, oiiü hundrcd firty miles icing, whicli ',v;is finisbed in li52, at an expenso of aboul 3,000,000. ïhe road is built i o a vory substaulial manner. und completes the ctttiBeetioa with Cïharleston and Savámiuli. ïlie coannerce of Nashville is very extensive, amounting anrinally to over 5,000 (onnnge, oftujpösed of B'eamboats uavigaitiiig the Ghimbcrlaiicl Rivar, engagéd in tie ecniveyanoe of p-issengers, the traffic of gobds and r.odueo. Extensive liiunufacturing osta 'olisli non ts arts in successful operation at lliis plaoo, aiDons; which mny be ïiidutioDrd the pOW' dor uiill, lbo rolling mili, tho Tertncsgee Iron Works, below the city, ou thu Cumbeilaud lüver, wiiieh are as extensivo mil u,u:i! in capacity to nnj in tliu United S'aies ; fouiulerieí, and niaeliine shops. Tho population of NaBbfilJa at the present time i.s ftbout 2(,000. 1 Ï11E TBNM5Í8EE HIVKli. The Tennessce River hns its eourso jhiefiy ni the State of rennessee, and is .he largest tributary of the Oliie. It3 Tiost remóte sources are Clinch and Holston Rivers, whicli rise in the Allcirhany Mouiitrins in Virginia, It has li:ilf a losen other brauches, whicli unjting foröj the ïennce?e proper at a puiut l'orty - Sve miles soutb.west oí' Kooxville Froui Kiioxviile it puisui's a soutlnvest direct ion . acro.-s the Statu and enters Alabama, v I e 1 1 it nursues a wosterlv course for 150 or 200 miles, and then turno north and enters Tennessee agajn, ero.ssing the Stut e and the western portion of Kentui-ky and entering the Obiö Ui railes below the raouth of the Öumberland and 47 1 '1 a'onvc! the moijth of' the Ohio. - The whol descent of t'ie river from its laost remóte souree to its niouth is about 1,000 feet. lts whole length by thp courso of the i i .er is 1 0(i milos It draius a surface of 41,000 square miles. There are no perpendicular falLs and few rapids whieh obstnict navigation tb'rongh sta cours. The g;atest obstructioD is at Másele Shoals, Ala., 257 miles IVom the inoutb, to which pnint steamboatí ascend. A canal S( railes iu lenctb has been built around these shoals, and above the navigaticn for boats is unobstructed for 250 miles The river bein rapid is ahiefiy faorablo for navigatioii down etream. A Gooi) Stokv. - The followin$ story, cunvnl il ('cimp Gr ilin, Vu., i.s , led a "rdiable gwHleinwj" to be trn o : "Lieutenant Holbrook, of the Itli Yenni.nt rcufiin' ni, ayonthíiil son of tha Governir,on' lay sent lus cniupinnetiU to Gen. ]5rooks, onrutnai)ding the brif;!nli', and üDÜitcd leavc of absence, is liis fathcr, tho (inveinor of tho State of Yennont 'aiedittiti-d' prumoiting hini. (Jon. Biooks returncd tlio note, with tlit' endorsoiiioiit : ' Tbe General oom rnanxling !ii:k.-! it hicrhly improper thnt the meditationi of the Goveroor of Yermont s'iouid be (üstuiincl, tliertfnr, Lieu'onant Hlbrook wül continue in danip." t" An nlil person, whose ]ieculiaritie8 of preacliing were pfovepbiaj, and who wíh blossod wiih a temper of great value, WÍS one d -iy told by a parislioner tliat he did not like bis sermona. " I don't woni der at it, I don't like 'ew piysolf "


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