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From Stockton's Regiment

From Stockton's Regiment image
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Halis Hii.t,, Va, ) Fob. 8th, 1862 , Dkar UiirmiBi: : - It is Snturdaj eyoning, all s quist in und arouud tlio camp, mud uuder foot. aiiii everythiug biddmg fair for a storm ' over hcad, and I tbink it ia about time j til ft t we bhould got one, as it boa boen vcry fine for the kist two dqys. Nothing is bciiiír dono lierc, except occnsionall}' - DríllÍDg is alinost cntirely suspended, Iboügü vo oeeasionally turn oul and drill in the mud and snovi for exerciso and to keep our hand in. o havo been out thrco times tliis week target shuoting, depoaiting n;,y nr.ioaiit of lead in the hillï, which can be workcd out by thu Virginiara heroaftor. Today, Gen. Buittrfit-ld'.s and Gen. Marticrdnlo's brigades, or rather detail.-) from them, have been building corduroy rondt between licre a;:d Washington, and a nice job it w:is too, working in tho mud lenco deep, but roads must bc built j I suppose, T sco that an item is going around tiie papers, stating that the sutler of Stockton'a regiment bas been arrested for selling liquora and passing counterfeit moncy. I am happy to be able to state that thia is utterly falso. Whatever may bo tbc faults of our sutler - and no doubt be bas liko othcr men some, among which is obarging too high a price for bis goods. but I bnlievo it is a general practico anioiig traders to ask all thoy can get for their vares, so perliaps that should nat bc considcred a faalt - I nevcv beard it clmrged or even whispered that be sold anythiug sironger tlian eider to tbo soldiers, nor of hi.s passing counterfeit money on them. Sume of tbc soldiers did got hold of poor liquor and counterfeit money, but it came from an establishment outside of tbe liaos of tbis or any otlier regiment, and from tbe sutler of no regiment. Tbe establishment tbat sold the licuor and passed tlio oouiitcrfeit money, was locatod in a barn, one hialf ïuile from bero, and was tbe samo ono tbat Major Wcloli brolce up some time sinoo, of whieh meution was roado in a previous letter. I tbink that it is no moro tljan justice to our sutlcr, Mr. Wells, tbat tbis mistakc should ba eorrected in Michigan, and cspceially in Washtenaw County, where I beliovc be is well knowa. Tbe news of tbe fall of Fort Henry, was received bere at cigbt o'eloek last eveniug, and the air was rent with cheers from tbis brigade. It is good, glorious nev?s. Evcry defoat of tbo robels iu Kentui-'ky and TeDDCBSOO weakens them i) Virginia. Ono more link in the cbaiu of rebel 1 ion is broken and gone, and tbe rest is faxt falüng to pieces. " All is quiet along tbe Potomac.'' It isso stonny and muddy tbat but few scouting partios venture out. A few days airo a party went out from Sinith's divisiou, and went beyond Fairfax Court House, surpriüod tbc rebel pioket guards, and took a few of them prisouers. Tbe extra blauketa of tbe men that were sent to Washington soino time sinoe have been rcturned here. A fuw days ago W'm. Forn, fonnci-ly of Ann Arbor, rcoeivcd from homo a box of things. ïbey wcro sent to the Soldiers' Relief Society. Now that tbis is a relief society in earnost tbere can be no doubt, for tbc box was broken open, and about two-tbirds of its contents taken tberefrom. Tbc man or men who did tbis, did a brave act in tlms rulieving a soluier of presents from homo. Moniuy Evn.NiNii, l''J;. 10. We have boen out building rpads again to day. It is n most substantial road. - It is made by laying down log, covering thoin with brusb, then covering tbe whole witb dirt. Wo are building it from here towards Washington. It . said that it is to be built iu the same style witb a foundation of logs to tbe Long Bridge, oppositc Washington. lt ib tuea to run ;i tlie opposito directioD f rom here to íall'.s Cliurch, whcre t wül tap thu Aloxandria and Lecsburg Turnpikc, a good rruvcled road, and thc only dcceut road that I have yet seen iu Virginia. Wheo this road is liuished tho liuaviest of artilery can be moved over it iu the niuddiest of weather, froiu Washington to Fall's Cliurch. thcuce over the pike to Vienua, and thüiice uto thc interior of Virginia. I havo heard it hinted that this is what the road is being built for. That a forward movcmcut will take placo buforc the roads are fairlj suttled I hardly bolievc. Many of tho ofllccr3 cf this and the other legimcnts were on hand superintending tlie work - working out their road tax I suppose. Ainoug thoso from our regiment, I noticed Major Weleli, Adjutaut Morris, Capt. Carr, Licutenauts 8wan, Williams, Brown, and others. White out to-day I disoovered an oíd burying ground. Tliere were six graves iu it, at the heads of whioh stood marble stones, with ñames and epitaphs ODgraved thereon. On all these stones was the one name, whích went to show that it was an oíd family burying ground. - These stones bore the respective dates of 1815, 1827, 1844, 18-10, 1854 and 1857. Tliere was also one new uiade grave, and sis very oíd looking graves, with boards at tlieir heads without any iuscriptions - One of the grave stoue bore the foHowing iusuription : ín Jfeinory of DANIEL BALL, Sn,' VrIIO DüFARTED TUIS LlFK, Jl'NE 6, 1857, Iu tlio 70th yenr of lus age. "Mark the perfect mnn. and bchold the upriglit fbr tlic end of tliat man is pare." While I stood Iuto nu old man approaelied. and on questioning liiin he informcd 1110 that tbis was a fauiily burial grouud, aud tLat tlic first body was depositcd Iicro in the year 180-1, and boro the namo of Ball. This is a vcry old placo, an applc tree may bo seen on it over one hundred years old. One hundred recruits have arrived frora Micbigan for this regimeut. We havo dow had fuuv pleasant dajs.


Old News
Michigan Argus