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The Fourteenth Regiment

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The Ponrteeath Regiment of Miehigau Infantry, Col. Sinclair, now rendez vouscd ut Ypsilauti, is lülcd lo tho maxiniuni, has been mustered in, arnicd aud cquippcd, and waits marcliing orders - This regiment is oomposed of a fine lot of men, is vfell offieered, bas boen thorouglily diülcd, and will take rank in tho fiuld ai a first cluss regiment. It will probably bc ordered to Kcntuoky Wu lippend a list of field, staff, and coinpanj oíícorí : rii:i.l) ANJ) ?TAFV. Oofaul - Itobert P. Sinclair. Litad. C'olouel - Kob't W. Div3. Major- M. W. Qu!icki!iibus!i. Suf-geon - Ëdward Batwèlf. At Surgeon - Fred, W. parling. Cutphiin-UcY. Tliomas B. Dooley. AdjiUtmt - Vacant. Qrwrlermasicr - Win. M. Ferry, Jr. Sergeant Major - Juhn M. Clark. Qmrtermaster Sergeant - A. Porter Sinclair. Cómmitmry - Frank II, WTiite, llosfütd Stemrcl - Alvin J. Colo. COMPANY OFKICEKS. CO.MTANÏ A Ü9. Coptoio - Morgan L. Gngn. Fïrst Lieutenaut - Joseph Sliefnecker. Becond Licuteuant - John C. Liud. company b - 99. Captain - Tlios. C. FitZgibbofl. First Lioatetraut - Patriek Walsli. Seoond I,icutcüaut - Nicholas Devercaux. COMPANY c - 96. Captain - Jarnos Maekoy. First Lieutenant - Artbur K. Magill Second Jiieutenaut - John Van Stau. compa.ny d - QO. Captain - James J. Jeffriea. First Licutèaaot- ö. McOlintock. Secocd Licutcnant - Cyrus F. Jacksou. COMPANY E - 101. Captain - Alpheus M. Beebe. First Lioutcnant - Clina. C. Goodale. Socond Lieateuant- Daniel Wait. COMPANY F 101, Captain- E. S. Nixon. First Lit'utenant - Caspor Ernst. Seooud Liimtennnt - Calviu C. Portor. COMl'ANY G - 0-1. Captain - J. J. Donoeliy. First Lieuteuant - T. J. Donoliough. Second Lieutenaot - Chas. C. Bush. COMPAKY II 101. Captain - Richard Benban. Lieutonant -Thomas Iligging. fc'oeond Lieutcsiant- Cainpbulf Montgomory. C051PAXY I - 91. Captain - Frank Powell. First Lieiitenant- John P. Foster. fciccond Lieutoiiant - A. A. I'arker, COMPANY K - 104. Captain - John Kelly. First Lieutenant - O. B. lioso. Sccoüd Lieutonant - Tobia3 I. Shcrlook. Ï3F It 3 snpposed tliat Gen. Floyd muttereil to hiineelf tho followiug stanza as be sole away from his frionds the night before tho surrender of Fort Donulson : He wlio fig!it.3 nnil runs uwiiy, Maj ii.Ljlit :ind run anotlier day, liut he wlio is in bultle 3lain, Can ntïrr figlit nnd run llgaia. C" II.iii. W.m. PasNiNOTOs , furroerly Governor of New Jersey, and Speaker ot tke Housu during the lust Congross, diod at Newarkj N. J., on the 16th inst. SZST Gen BunxsiDE is progressiug with tho good work in tho North Carolina Sounds, and wc may soou Lear of his udvanco uto tho interior. t3F The President bas appointed Gen. Gram lo bo Mü The Seniito postponed icLon on tho norniUiition antil it shall receivo official reportd !r)r:i Fort Doneiscn. More nice than wiso. The President bas also appointeu Cil. Öakfield a BrigadierGenera), in compliment for his whipping Qumpiibey Maiisiiall. fPÏT (Jen. CcitTis bas chased Priee and bis anny out oí Missouri, íollowed him into Arkansas. md raised the Qáffi of the Union in tbut State. THe old Flag now waves in all the States but Louisiana and Tesas. Ï3E" Qod. Edward I'ricc, son of the Pi ico, with several otiier rebe' ofiieers, was cuptured at Warsaw, Mo., on Snnday niglit last. EP1 Hun. O. S. Faclkneiï, of Va., is roported as baviog rnado n spce:h at Martinsburg, a few days ei nee, telling liis friends th&t thu rebellion was a failure, and advising thom to make the best tenns possiblo with the Unittd Status governniont. Sensible if true. LC5E'" Lutest advices fvora Cairo and Fort Donelson say tLat the exact number of prisoiicrs taken sÜ the fort wcre 13,300, tliat two regiiuents havo siuce been copturcd ia the vicinity, and that large numbci'8 ot' prisoners havo come iu voluntarily. - Alsu that in addition o the heavy artillery of the Fort 12,000 stand of arms were taken, 2,0(J0 barrels of flour, 1200 boxes of beef, and large quautitics of other stores. - Also that tho rebels have evacuatcd Clarksville at the Ilailroad crossing thirty miles up the Cumberland, falliug back on Nashvillu. - Also that Gov. Ilarris, of Tennesseo has ordered all rebel Tennessee troops to l:y down their arms. Doubtful. - Also that the rebel forces at Columbus, the kcy to the Mississippi and outpost of New Orleaus, aro blowing up thoir works preparatory to evacuating the places. - Also that largo numbers of the prisoners desire to tako the oatll of allegiance, and even leg to euüst ia the Uüion aruiy. - Also that the Unionists have destroycd the RaUroad bridge at Decatur, Ala., breaking an important connection. - Geu. Graut is hourly receiving reiufürcements an advance on ÍÑashville may be speedily lookod lor. JL-ïLr Letters from Col. Gariiold, re ceived at (Jolumbus, Ohio, on Saturday, anuouncc that he had just been ordered by Gen. Buell to move forward and drive out all the rebels m Bastero Kcntuoky.


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Michigan Argus