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Capture Of Springfield

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fcT. f.lllIS, l''fh. 10. A special to thu 8t Louis Drnorrt duted Springfield, Missouri, Fob. 1-ltb, Bayfl : u Our urmy undor the command of Gea. Curli, murebed irom Lebmoo on tho llth instant, formed in threu división?, tlio rigWt uncter Ooi. JiflC O. Davi-, the It-i't undor Cnionel Carr, and l!ie céfit'er tincfe Gen. Sigel. Six miles frcm Sprmgfield, on tíio 12lh, a akirinisli look pïuee between our udvancü and n piu'ty of rebela, in whk:h ni no pi tlio latter yrero killed. Ouo of our men is ulightly wounded. At euneer, oti hu sanie dav, 00 ( tlio eneniy iiltiieked our pioketo, but wero di-veii bock ivitli i loss of tliirty. 'i'his wan rugurded na tho umninenRO ment nf tlin bnttk, and 3,0')0 cuvi!ry nnd ini'.mtrv, with ü ba,ttery of artillery, were snt lorwnrd. The battery uu pluced on au erninwuo comuKUKliiHi the supposed approacL of the robl.% and throe sl.olis were thrown to whiofaj no responso was made, and our forcu retired, lehviffgf n strong pickut fftiard. Dtiring the night a cootiHftJOÜS Üry wm kept u [ by pickets. At 8 o'eloek, on tiie rtmrnmg of tte Kiili, our uvm udviinced n liio ol bat tl e, and at dnybrcik thu Tt:inl División, headed by ihu Fotirth Iowo, entured and too'k peaceable ponaèssirtn of th towti. L'iicn had lelt al ' o'eloek on tho saine morriinf?, léaving over 600 f{ bis KÍtk, lárice quoolities of forste and vvngons behind tuin. Hu had 12,000 e filet tv e troopa and 50 piecea of arttj. lerv. Yestcrday evening a battatiuq of our cavahy capturcd 109 wagons of hi.s train, and last nigbt, Kring ly piofcet8 was hoard in tho directiun of tho relrenting foa. Thia morning at G o'eloek oor whola toreo followed the overny. Il is report ed that Prico is merely fulltng baek to meet McIntQsb, who va? coitunc; np with reinforeene.ntB, and on his joining hirn lic Aould eet urn and give us battle. The probabilities nro, howcver, that hc is in ful! retreat. Peop'e in arnl around SpringfieW express uiibounded. satisfaotion ut the arrival of our troops, and goncral rejoioing is manifest ihroughout tho Southwest at thu rotreat of the rebels. Thi.s expedition will doubtlesa end tho cainpaign 'm Missouri," St. Loins, Fob. 10. A special to the St. Louis Democrat, dated Springfitjld, 10:h, saya : "Acoording to lat#sl advices the Federal army was in vignrous pursuit of tho rebel. Price's army was on Crana Crcek, 29 miles irom here, and our farces five miles in the ruar, preparing tn mako an eorly start in pursuit nexV morning:. Price had placed his train in auvanee. Abnut 100 wagons, containiog Bupplies for him, were brouht into thirt placo from Porsyth only a few houra before hls retreat. Rebel syrnpathizers here clüim that Price will ba retnjorced by twelve. or fifteen rcgiinonta from lScutonville, Arkansp.s, undor (Juneral Van Dorn, l)ut Gao eral Sigel, who was advancinjr on tha rebel column by a different route than that purMicd by Gen. Curtís, m'ay striku a blow on their flank, and npset Price's calculationa. Four rebel officers and Ihirteen pri-. vates iel! into our hands on Friday, and are now here. The officers are the no. lorious Col. Freeman, Mnj. Berry, Aidde-Camp to Gen. ilcBiido, Captain Dipkinson, Ciiif Kngineer, and Captain Downel!, Qu'irtermaster. "A pony expresa wilh a relay of posta has beorí estatSli&hed by Captain 15aldwin bctween Rolla apd tilia pomt." PRICE DUIVEN OUT OF MISSOURI. St. Louis, Feb. 18. Tho following ha3 been sent fiom hendquar'.ers ti Mnjor-Qeneral ilcOlellan, Washington : " 'J'ho ihig f)f the Union is floating in Ark irs.ia. Gen. Ctirtis has driveo Fiico from Missouri, aud is severa] iniles across tho Árkansas line, cutting up Prictí'd roar, and hourly capturing provislons uni stores. Tlie army oí thu South must be doin lia dutv nobly.


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