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A Card In Behalf Of The Soldiers

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Tfcc Soldier's Aid gocietyj urgcntly nppeals to the benevolcnt and patriotic citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, to contribute still moro of tbeir abuDdance to our sick and wounded soldiers. At present there is a pressing cali for bed sacks, pillows, pillow cases, sheets, old cottou for poultioes and bandages. Second band sheets and pillow eases ure quite as good as new. ])ried applos and other fiuite are ranch needcd. If cacb persOQ can spare but a fewpounds it will all help. Persons vrishmg to make donations, can leave them at Bogora1 Ifal!, in c-ure of M8. Rogfirs. SIBYL LÁWREHCE, Tres. S. A. lï. IW A public meeting was held or; "Wednesday evening, and a committec appointtd to make orrangements for celobrating "Waahjugton's birtb-day, to-morrow. The Law Class ís ako arranging for fin appropriatu observance of tho day. YL' Joba Foster, oonvioted about n yenr 6inco tor breakjng open tbc store of Messrs. Bacii & Pilrsox, of tbis :ity, took lesivo of hia prison home last weck. Ha left a letter to Superintendent Sbatox promising to breakfast ín Detroit and dino in Canada, and to write bim an account of bis travds,-Ile is an ftecoaipliabed rascal. f We uotice that IIoq. 13. F. - íuanger, of tliis district, voted for the i druissioa of Mr. Saaia, probabl tliiuk" ■ ng that if ihe Sécate could admit ilesírs. Carlislb cnd Willey, thc ! lousc ehould admit Mr. Segar, be iomiiiEr with credeutials from tlie saine Jovernor, Pierpont. It ia evident }rangkk is not in full sympathy and ommunion with tlie radical men of bis arty; and it is aleo évident tliat said adiíals feel that they "caught a Tardar" in the "New Virginia" Senators, iud nre not disposed to enlargs the Virriuia rcprcseutation in tha House. L" We are inforiaed by M. Kensy, Beeretarv of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company, that 1,200 has heeu paid to Mr. E. E. Kellogg, of Ypuüanti, whose dweiling and content were receutly destroyed by fire. To BjalM this payjneut the mcuibcrs of tlie Company cacli contributed 03 cents on ach thousand dollars of tlieir insured valuation. fZtT Godeis Lady's Book comes to our tublcs for March rich richly embelUehed and with a readable and instrueíve table of contents Godey 'u justly a favoríte with the ladies. $3 ayear; two copies $5. Addrcss L. A. Godey, Phii' adelplúa. JL3lT We have receieed the March uumber of tlie Continental MontMy, with a tablc of contenta well larded yith ar ticles touching the rebcUion and the " peculiar jnstitution" pliase of it. There nre a few excellent literary papers, but the cliief aim of the Continental ia to keep alive the jealousies between the Norfh and South, so that putting down the rebüllioa even will not crush them out. 83 a year post paid ; two copies 55. Address J. 11. Gilmoke, 110 Tremont Street, Boston. dST Letters irom the First liegiment ay that Johnny Beegan has been poui't-mai'tjajcd, and sentonced to íi ijibbonorable discharge f rom the army, with a loss of his p.y, and added thereto ono year's imprisonirient n the Disteiftt of Columbia Penitentiary. ■ in mr '■ J53L' The nimored taking of Savanpah is Dot confirwed, but Com. Dupont and Gen, Shebman ave gelting ready for ft strike in that directioD, npd we inay hear of their euccess at an early day. XjC Report says that a portion of the Fort Donclson prisoners are to be fcrofight to Detroit and placed in Fort Wayne. J53f Tlia rebels have evaouated thoir stronghold at Bowling Green, and tbnt place is in posaessiou of God. Miichell commauding tliö advanco división of Gen. Büel's departmant, Geus. Blell aud Gramt will novv co-operatiï in xn immediato advant-e on Nashvil!. New Medical Discovery. Fur the Kpwiy Má permanent cure of Gonnoihea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges1 tiravel, Strlciure, and Affeetiom of the Kidneys and Bladder, j ivliich has been ued by gpwardi of ONE HUNDRED THYSICIANS, f intboir practico, with entir snoOM, 1 SingCcnroa, CofiIU, Cuwjijh, or any compound hitlrer . L "bBLL'S SPECIFIC PILIS, ■ are inwdj In etion,often offecting a curo in ■ fc dayi, I L md when uun U ef&cted t is pmn.uect. Tliey are „ preparedfrom vogetable extracta that linrn.less on tbVsyatiin,adnvernúeatotíMatonvoh or ■ ï nato the breath; and teini o([ar-ioteil, aHnawo a Utt. ! avoMoil. Xockangiof ditt "'! ' gj uWtJlun : noi 'I tbir actlon nU-ri.-o witl. ntuparauiU, Eaoh bou oontain si i..:; nlls. andwmirtWBi bv mail PoM-nafd i;y any aaTCrtlKed ö Agcot.ontweiptofthen&ney. SoH ttf Doggl1 Ib S NonèeonitMwitliosI BV signatate OP tho wrapper 3 .1. DRYAN, Rochester, K. Y., (.entra 1 Agent. H. b I.. IlIONKAU, Datroit, Wlolesata 4gtJor paiZH POETET. I,t-t diicftaloj boaat f dwta in war, Ah 1 MiMtinl .iiuo tholr wee guitar, A noblér theme mj ).■ i 1!'!1"1-.,,. In prsfeeo) Hjckkick' b atoUtas l. Thëir cure are foand ta wy land- Ami.l Russia'l snows- and Afnc's sands Tta ODdrsua woraa-ptho papor BI , ■ ProduMöbj Hbioi's matehlen lilis. j Doos disoasoamiot vi? never 'Uuifit Thia charminï comlioun.1 Hl seUOB il Oüt , And healtti ïta Í""?"-,,' H yon i] at ence. lo IlisuKicii b I ató. ThtT're safe fur al- l.t-tli old and youug- ',, Thiir pnvUo :.rc ud 8ïrï tong"'1 fl Disease, disarmed- no lonïr UU, Since we are We d wltb, HuRioat B Pm. Put up with KBSlUh. Spar.isK fc-rma an-1 Fronoh direitions. i'rice 86 cent, ptr box. Coatei. SneoJvertiscmcnton thinl page. bl)4 Important to Ladies. , Dr JOHN" IIATIVKV, baring fi.r npwar "f twerty 1 rauodevotedlils professional ine exclutively to Uit -oatmln, uf Female Diffionltios, and havg , ttcoeeied i tliou aoüaol oases Ln MMtoring theafflietei , [ooubd heattt, bui now entire coofldence la oBering publiciv i li a "GREAT AMERICAN HBMEBY," 1 CHI10N0-THEEMAL FEMALE PILLS. Whioh haveMTeryet [áilod fwben (be ilircctious bave been striclly foHowed,! in removlng c diffisuHieüarisiug fr"m Obstruction, or Stoppage ef Nature, orinre=tori,iftthe sysfem to perfect liealtl .ijlipn suf Whitbs orotherVBalfnessaftteüftniiiOpoii, AUo ; tr- PAUMTAnoxs, fe., &c, wWch m the lorennmrr, , "r moro erioudlcase. K. r Pi r fJf i aU;".s ot JU mmxtkvüm, and may b„ takt ly lic moa deJtoaíí ƒ"" withmtt rausiug iiturm; at tM aame I S t, ,v a.t usk a cham 1 y Btreiigtben ng, invigo.aI J :. a Í refriní tho lo a b,,,lt y con. Ujon, ana bï brining on the monthlj period nrltb rcgolaritj , _, "o „„Itor from „bat eM tbe -1-t .-u-1 n rm5' "; They Bhoald, howevar, mX be taken during : "■"" í {hweorfourmonthsof presrnancy, tlioïgb safe at anj oth "r tirne as njtacarriaie would .■ ie r.'snlt fcuihox oontatoa ' PMs. Price ";o Dollar, and .L. deSUIimK s-, hy 'mail prepald by a.. adver ; Use 1 Agent, on leeeipl of tbe jponcy. Sold bv tíroffflriatflin Ann Arbor ï ■ J B!tV N', Kocboster, X. Y., fioreral Agfnt. ; II k I.. SIMOHSAÜ, Detroit, Wholfsue A#" f" -,. , . oUOtl Michigan. IMPORTANT" FEM ALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Ia cor.timia.liy m poril f slic 5 nul cnough te neglee! or maltmt thosc sexual irregularitlcs l which twothirds of hersex are more or less subject. DB. CHEESEMAN'SPIIiIS, preparet from tlio s.imi formula wliich the inventor, COilNKLirs L. CHÏE E IliJtiH. D.Jf fors, hu tor tn-enty years useil uocessful'.y in ancxtenili.l private imctice- immediately MIUto without palo, all diüturbmoM of the ps.risi!ca! discharge, whctliorarming from relaxtion or iujjpraision. They act üke a cl'.ju-m in reipoving tho pan..-: that accr.rapany difficult or iranio.lerate njecstruation, and are the only safe and reüablj remeJy for Fliwhea, Sicl; Ilradacho, Taius in the Loins, Back and Sidcs, Talpitation of the ücart Siïrvciis Trcraors, Hystcrics, Ppaam, Broken Slcp nd other unpleasimt and uangejreut Ifeela ff an unnataral conditi.m of Ui e s( ■umi functions In the worst cases of FUor A!bus or Vï'liitcs, they etlect a gpeedy cure. To WIVES and MATEONS. Da.CHEESEStH'SPILt8aroaeredai the on'.y safe eans of renewtagiutorrnpted mentrutloB, tal. I.AD1ES MUST BKAR IS MIND Thcre is ont amdhwn of thcfcmnle syi'.ca in xkteh Iht :sc.(imolbc laktiiaikout producmg a PECULIAR BsXt. TieconHttan rqftrndttt U PRKQIÏANCT- e muit, MSCMtüIAGE. Such Ü the irresistible ndency of the medicine to retors the mual functions to normal condithm, thrtt eren the rnjroductin poteer f nature canïinl resht 'd. Ezplicit dircclions staiing when, find when thcy should ot 'be uscd, with ach Box,- the Price Oue Dollar toch 1oxt r.bntaiuing 50 PiUs. A valualilo P iiphU't. to hf had frM of the AROnts. Pljls lint if rnnii promprlu, by cuc';u5insi pricc to any Aücnt. Beid by Diuggisis kohomI y. 20 Ccdar-St., New York. Fr' by MATNARD 8TEBBINS & WILEO , nd GIïENVII.i.K íc FULLEE. Wanted For The TIB.ST RBOIMENT! i OO[L. KOQBaO@CSs k Hsow "Statbnea at Anaplis Jaactloti, Ed,,i$ ] ABLEBODIED MEN. W l'AY ÏÏILL COMMEMe FROM THE TIME OF EnNirsr m en t, Xow is the Time for all wlio vrisli toenÜ3t in A POPULAR REGIMEXT, TJnder No 1 Oincers And Go Into Office, Curner of Main n!il Washington Slreets, over Widciimann's Stcre. Liout. GEORGE C. MOGK Ann ArborJan. 27, Itü2. 637tf 3S3SLSC ET-J S 32 ÉflSïïland LOT FOB SALET WiUaeUmr House lad Let onFourthKtrcei.ii.ljuUnng 1 the icsidencc of h. C. Rlsdon, on viiy reasonable hrms. Dm locüflfl b a ilc-'iMblu { TalnM MauL. W. 1VAI.LACE. Ann Arbor, Jan. 29, 1362. 83S Closing Out Sale OF WINTER DRESS COODS! Notwithstandicg the greAt v'e " &ML jKSSS1]OO OT OOODS Eut, -w-e will oflfcr for tli NEXT THIRTY DAY5 CL R LAEÜE STOCK Of WiniiijU iiniüóú bUUuú Ai greitly reduced prioes FOR CASH OU RE AD Y ïAYl C. H. miLLSBJ & CO. N. B.- Also 1000 y;irds oí Faooy Silks at 3s, per yard. C H.MILLENt Co. Ann Arbor, Fob. lst, J852. 837w4 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral SI'jBEK'S SAMBÜCI WINE, ; PURE, AND FOVR YKARS OU), i I [)f Choice Oporo Sanibucus, FOR 1'HVslcI N' 11, FOP, ' EMALES, WEASLY PERSON8 & INVALIDS. Krery f;uily, at apti ip, shüulfl usy the iAMBCCJ VT1NS, Celobratedio Enroye flor its medicinal mvI bcnoficmi jUitliiics as a gentle Stimulíint, Tonic, Ulnn t'c and fiu i r Bc, highlv eetcmcd ly eminent pliysicmi s, used in Europea n and American Hospïtala , and ty &cSnu of tbc Irst families of Europa and América. A A TONI', U huno eqnftl,caua!ng an appellte and tuUö'ng up f tlu' pystfin bfiiiy c-utiri.'!;' ii pure wio of a ftiofat raluftble fiuit. as a r.irni-.Tio, I1 tro parta a Ucalthy action !n the Glande aivl Kídneys, nd Uriflary Or$ans, íey beneficïïil in Dropsy( Gputj afttf lil-.cumatic afitictloDK, Ët'EER'S YIXK la not a mixture rr manufacturad arlíple, bul ís pn, trina the juleo of th Portugal tapiucus, culttv(tted in [íew Jfraey,recommended by Cunnisis and Wiyitctann is possessing medical propertia Buperipr 10 nnv other Wine in uso, nul 1.. cxccüi-ni íiri ele Í)'V al] weftk and . l'-ijii:tati-;j pepotms, and the agí d ktiú infivin, !n)proTÍIi Lhe appetitp, aijd Ijcacfi inj ladias and ckUorQi), A LADIES WINE, Hpcauso it wi not intoxícate a olhrr wine, a? ït sontaino no mixture of spiriia or liquors and a admirad forilsrich, puliar ilavor. aad nuintivc properties, j mpartlDg a healthy tone to lUe digestive mgani.and a btootiiiig, suft and healtny skiö and complexión. WL KKFF.H TO t1 A fi'w weïi Uíjo-n-n gputkmcii and phyglclanfl, wt ■ hi re trled the Winc:. 3en. WwfteldScott, US.A.I Dr. Wilion, HlliRt., K. Y. ',o Morgan, N.Y. .-late Dr. Wanl, Nevrurk, X. J l Dr.J B. Chilton.N, tr. Dowgherty, " " [). Parker, N Y. CityDr. Parieb, Pbiladelpbia [)rs Darcy onl XiclioM, Dr. Daviu, Chicago, Newark, N. J CUoofe. Anfl mnry otjjtre loo nurnornus to publish. j-..,n]i' gesuine uniese tlif lignature of (ÍAX.?RKD 3ri-.ER, I'ji.í.-jh',N. J-," Upfír c'H ol o,a4i boitle- : UAKE ONE TRIAL Df TJIïS WiXE. Fot Hale l;y Ueyna#, StbbIH S WHson, iVnn .rlxir. For salo by Higby k Stearns, T. R. Ppenee, Henry Elaigi, H. ' L. Sinjoneau, ütto [auschner, who ira alsp agenta For Spew's celebrated Sumbucí Brandy of liporto. Irade supplioüin Dotri it by JAS. A. raRKINS k CO. l A. SPEER, Fiopiietcr. . VJM.V.Mü' PasMiio, New Jersey. OFFICE, 103 lïvoiidwöy, Y: , JOHN JA FOV, Paiis, EStmO A- nt fbr Franceand Gerniany. t TOBACCO : ■ ■ AT WHOLESALE! I am preparad to Sell for Oasli ALL GEADCS ÜF Tobacco by the Barrel AT DETROIT PRICES ! Merchanls in this City and SURROUNDING VíLLAOES Freight and Gartage! BY BÜYING AT MY STORE, in Franklin Block, Ann Albor. L. STUBBS. P. -I am also Manufacturing Cigars! A.KIID WILL SELL TIÍEH AT WHOLESALE, At Prices that will Demand Cash JLong Jolua's And all other popular Brands. Constantíy 011 lisuíd. Ann Arbor, 1802. 836tf TWO DWELLINGS FOR SALE OR RENT ! ÜtTTfíi, QTTÜATET, DM on nln ft&Mt, li& ÍJ and (he other. oa Detwit llHa .ilffl Btreet eBslt'ii given JÍi"JSS5 mma& „„„ciialdy EHher ot iSífeÉiF' b'iilint abure dWttlUlfl wlll bl m I I ir :i snílil Bun tiortn, fin 1 tlL lime tu suil jiurcUtjr.;. J'"j fartaer partieulara inqu r. al OFFICE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO O XJ S T O UVE E IR, S . ALI ficcnunt? ' vit i: osuntha Tttutf be settk'd íi once. Cali a t lt: office and pay up . M A well tíeliicifüt, sluck uf Now (ïoodfi Cheap fo Ch. J21tf MAVNAKDjSTKEBJN Sj WíIBOX. DISSOLUTION. 'M'OTir'E Iáhereby jíven that 'tbe partnership heretí l foro existjiifr unW th( firm nf DaltoBaod 9&asa ha been Disolved bv mutua! consent. IIATHEW DALTON I Abu Arbvi'j Jíicn-, January 13 1S2 637irfl "S'-fri ffl Ü I ' I r f ' " 3 L S 1 h 1 o ft f -Ti I i I m m 5 h s kl " f -gf I H 2 J. % , , 3 H ♦■ H i H f H g 5 1 I ü g ÍÍ " L fg ir. e ïg (ijs MICHIGAN SOUTHERN fc LrX NORTHKKN INDIANA R.U1.P.DAI). ' 861. BUUMBK AUUAXUlilIENT. 186Í. Irains noiv run on tuis road, Surdaya exceptad, as Leave Toledo fcr CliicaKO at 9 00 A II. .and 9 P. M., n.l via At Line at U.l!.í A: M. ave Di'h-oit tor Chipago at 7,15 A M. and 0.S0 j. M. Arriving in Chieage ïrom TOrtdo and D&trolt al 7,ö0 . M. aud 7,00 A. Jl . and vin at 7.S0 1'. M. Arróo t Detroit trom Toledo, at t:ó5 A. 11., 0.-0S '. H. Leave3 Detroit for Toleilp at 7 15 A. II., r.nd630 f. I. Altivo in Píjtrpit from Chicago at 0. O.'i P. M.,apd6.55 .. U. rrivete'Tptedo froift Chicafo 4r20 P. M. anrt 4.30 A. ! and via air lini it -t.ln 1' n ('.■,;■!■ Jacksop Inr Toledo ti 145 l'j, and 1,06 P. If. .rvivc trom Toli-do at I i' i' At Tqt.eho- Vitli Clcrelami 4: Toledo Ruil Road. wHi f abasb Viil'ey liail Hnad. Ar l)i;Ti;urr - Witii brand Trunk ïlailway, wilh (íreat revtfirn Kaihvuy, abo, witb thE J'choit anO. .Mihvaukee. tatlroad AT NKV,' Aie.ixt k V.UVM R. K. Chossixg- YitllTrains Er I afayette, New Alb&ny and Louisville. At Ch'k-a'm- 'iVitii Chicago and Rock Islan.l, Galena, [{Waukee, Chicago, BarTingtoo nnd Quincy - Xorth Vest Railway-íChlaago, Alton and Jt. U.ah, {liir.ois !etral,and tu all l'oints Wwt and South. Ir.-tins are run by Chicago time, wliicli is 20 minrtéa slowet tlian Toledo time. Patent Hleeping Cara accompany tlie XílIiI 'ruina ontbla Route. y Salubur'ya Patent Ventila ors and Dusters uro used on al! Sammer Tr;uns. lime and Fare the une as by auy otlier Rail load Boute. JN'O. D. CAMPBELL. Gene-al Superintendent. O. PLISS [a now receiving a Urgí and well sek-ut 'd asiorlnuint Ciocks? Watches, 'ïKïi'-m.i'i ir.-i.SBIIUllluaffl'.::: . ■-.ürTSiT-fírrHirnniii JEWELBY, Silver aml Plaíed Ware, r.4Z?LE AND POCKET Z3 -MLT "JHT1 ET B3 . aT PAZORS 1) SJIEAR3, GOLD IEnSTS, Musical Instruments, Strings !f Boohs fur Instruments, SiEI-EET MTJSIO3 COMiïS. and a great variety of YANKEE ITOTIOOSTS, ScG'. He would cali particular attenliou to hia largo stock of SPECTACIjES, of GoW, SUtcr, Sual,snd ria'ei, with PERISCOPE GLASS, a Kuperloi articlo. Also Iluntingtun L 1'lutt'; celtibrati'd CALENDAR OLOOEt saltable fir Offices, Countlng Rooms, Halla tít DwelHngs riiL'sf cloc'ka ;ir' reliable time k-'t-pers ;rnl Catead coiubiiiod, and rucjtint' tlit' winding o-l' ttke tiiK' MOfa nicnts only,to secare all the requhud cluin,r-.-í a t ni id night, Bhowing tint l;tv oí tbe week tin; mu ml. asd áaj of the pxmth, Inclu n: the 29th of Febaary of Lea] yeur. His gooáa aíe mostly of recpr purci'ase fton New Vork and the iBanufactiifeifl, apd wi!l be sold ti a uit (lio Umea. Penóos b iviijg dificult watebea te 0 witli glassea can be aecuraodated, na my stock rs Iargí ani.' completo. 1. S. l'uyticular atlention to tlie of all 1í!j4j ofíme Watctïps, $uch is Making and Setting now Jewels Pinions, Scajfi, and CyUnders. Aho CLOCKS, Sc TEWELRT m-atly rcp;iirfil and 'warranted, at his oíd stand cas side of iliiin Street. C, BLISS. Ann rbor, Nov. 15, 1801 826U Important National Works, PublWied by D. A1TI.KTON & CO., 346 AND 346 BKOADWAT NEW YOKK The followiög works are senttn Subscribas in any part of Ulo country, (upoa, receipt of retail price,) by mail or expres, prepaidi THGNKVVAWERÏAN CVCI-OPSPIA: A Popular liii'.tionriry of General Kjjpwiodge. Ktlïicil by GeO. Kifi-kv ;i;il Cüaut.ks a, Dana, nidcd by a numerous Select corpa of writers In all branches of Scientos, Art v,n Utèratore, Thta work a beiïig pubHshedfn about 15 large octayo TOltane8,each containing 760two-colnmn ■ Vola. I., II., III., IV. V., VI., Vil., Vilt., St IX. tuu qow ready, each contáining near 2.&66orlginal artJ . ■!. A.0 .i ! ; volume will be pubüslied ouce in ülioui tïiret' iiioDllw. 1J rice, ia CUAh, _i3; Sheepj $3.50; IJlf Russia,$4.50 each. The New Americab Cyclopiödia U popolttr without behi auperfieüvl, leanu-d without beiug pedantic, cogmrehensivt butsufficiently detailed, f ree f rom par&QiUti pniae and party pn tudice, freah and yol ac arate. It is a oomplete statement af all that is known upon everylrnportaiit topic williin the ftcopi of human inteltigeñec.- Evpry imporífliit articlo in tt has been specially wnttea fur its pages by Rjen who are autbprities upon thetopïc nu whicb thcv speak. Tlu-y af e re quireá to bnng th suiiject up tu the present monieat; to stato just how it tanda nnw. AU the statistical inforpiation Is from the labui reports; the gographical ancounts keep pace wlth the tateirt aploratioun; hiètorical Ijiattöra Inchide tlie fresoostjuit views; the biograjphical notkes dcïb ak not only of 'l"10 bat abo of tl living. It i.s a hbrary of Uelf r HIUDGRMEXT OF THE DEÜVTES OP COKGHT3SS Belng a l'oliticnl Uistory of the United siutes froiu tli'ï nrgaaigatton pf the ftrst Federal Conr rreas in 1V8' tolflfie. Briitedand cumpited by Hun. Iho. 1 Hikt BüSTON.from the Offioial ROcords i.i1 Congrese. The ork ili 1; ooupleted in 15 coyal ootavo -olumes i „(f ■■,, 11 r,r iii.'h "aro ivw ready. An ad" ditionul volume iU bo publUhed once in tliree montlu. Hoep, Half Hor., 4; Hali - AWW l'nói' ;n!'N'(i TIIECYCLOIMiDIA ORDEBATKS Ferm a club of f.ui-, mvl remit thriieeof fttnrbook, wd ftve coplea wilt t oqt ai tb wmitter'i expenwfor earriage; r for lea ';, ■■-. in-i-.i, cl.-veu copie rtu W ' .sent at our CïpeiivO fur ciuriagc. To VKC-nt. fío othr work wil! K Ubsnjly ren-arrt the nertiona nf otooti. Av Ai.ivr w.vm-kii iv Ti;is furSTY Terms n ■.i.'i.uc.wn nn applii'aiica tu the l'ubüslicrs. Ano ArtOf.MarcU. 1889. 6902a.r,t - Bev. Tikis. Wuiuiit, agent at Kinne S bmithe liool. Store, Vpstlanti. Ayer's Agüe Cura


Old News
Michigan Argus