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'I he Latest Special Dispatch] G To tlio oitizens cf Ann Arbor f.nd Vícinity ! ! , INTENSE EXCITEMENT! I Flundreds wat chin g the progresa of . Daily Event i ! m 1 , 1 ■■■■- n The Federal Arnay ftgain Victorious! i 'The Union must and shall j be Preservecl !" c "' ' I " Thcre vías a man in our town, lic was so wondrous wise" C Bul with al] bis wisdom, he wan not bo wise tía that "other man," who when he wnnted to buy the Tho cAeajpest and best C L. O T H I N G ! ín tlás marhet always jvmjsted hito G UITERM4.N' ti HEAD QUARTEES! For therc lie kncw ho always got hia rnoney'c worth. Seeing is believing und yju I hot wish to see come in nnd believe. Those (lint cftn't see can rxiL, nnd as we always muK our customers feel good osar good biirg-fi i lis,, tlioy are fspociully mvittd to our anxious peat, thtjt tlu'y loo rnay renlize liow "good 1. is fortiitin to lio with us," and how muoh plcqsure can be obtained in the enjoyment ol S?LES?DID BARGAINS ! " me nll ye thnt are yeary and heavy lade'1" - wi!h l!o''K9 and we will do our best to relieve you - givíng you in re;urn the Jittesl kind of Gooits ifl tffe lopest figures . Great battles are liourly taking place in tho Clothing line - whole regiments of Oassimt-res, W-stiiiüs, fec, ara beíng slanghtered bv Gen. Soxdheim- to fit the gréat rusli of recroiti tliat are pouring in from every direetion, al) inyious tp haye tljeir nauit;a enrüllcd for a NEAT AND TASTY SUIT ! - 3uch as can only be liad at tho Quaríers of Guiterman cè Co. Oneof the fiem, Mr. M GiTiTnnMAjj, liaving just returr.ed from Enroñe wit ti a lnrge assorlinent of ClotliB, Ca-simeres. and ii niee lot of fine Veítings, also a few pieces ol' fine Beaver for evercoats wlii li we will make up to oroer in the lutest style, We feel confident that we can satisfy aJJ. STXJJPEÜSTTS 1 We are happy to greet you nga'n in ouv City.after spending your vacation "with the '■ dear cid folks' ut home. ]ie assured we wiah you a ple.isant term, nnd símil ever be glad ti mest you at the Oíd Üead-Quartcrs, No, 5. O" Ojjr former customrrs, we feol nssiu'ed, ivill cali on v.3 again To you wlio come as I straiigvrs we R-ould say a few worda, we wish you to cnll and look nt our fine Coate, Panto, nnd Vesta. we can do better by you than any other h .use in Ihe Cït 3-, and if y 11 cali anu examine our goocls.and try their fils, }"op jviü purchuse nowhere else. DON'T FAIL TO OAXjXj j&.JT C3r. H. Q. drThoüflañ"d's- BALSAMIC CORDIAL, Fur the speedy cure of Co'gtis, Cülds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, fíronehitis, Pneumonía, Viseases ofthe Bo%oelst arising from Cold, Incipienl Caásuytptwn, nnd for the relief and if at all possibie) cure of latients in adcanced stages of ths itfUer diseasa. mlIEBatsamic Cordial is entirclyte Voffftaljie producJL tíon, combig'mg; tlie healing jn-oju-rtics pl tl:e Ballam, with the tnvigor#,ting qualitieí of a CurdUl, producisga coiiibinal jip B0 Mtll aiia ptid to the pur Intended, that thetg arei'iit í-nses of diaaaae whiefe WÍU nnt, at au uarly penud, btt4uuiij lo its henliugnu-] givuig proportws, Forage, UaJ the treatment of puloionary disensos oceupit-d t)ie gieuter portitjii of thu attuntion uf tbfi Ecftntiüc of the medical world, but none acquiied more eminence ni hú treatoutnt of these disesst than the ceLcbratedPruxsiai), Ir, Hoofiábd, the orígnatoi "t the Balaamto Cordial. HísUfevaa devoted to the productiop uf remedies that woulü stand unrivalled. Rov wefi be bas ucceeded, the American people are able tu judge: and we poaitively aaMrt, that no prepttratione that have ever bf-on placed b.-fore thetn, have conferrcd the sarao aioant uf beno'iti on safferíng hum:niity, or hav elicitcil so many e mmendaUoni (rom all classeá of societv, as thereir.fdies of Dr. Hoofiand, prepured by ])r. C. M.Jackwm : Co., of Phnadylphía. The Cordial [, desfgned for a class of diseases more gi'iioval nd more fatal than auy othpr tu which thc peuple of thís country aic s4bjoc1 - those Bpri&glng from a "íííí ccld," amioent authoriiy, Dr, Dell, siivs: '"1 will not sa" thar. Colfls are tu our tnhabitantH wbat the Pitf'ue and Yrllote ftver are to tfoose '. oi cther countrits; out I can ftver confldeatVy thai thj usher in dUeaso of groa ter Jcomplicity and mortalit than LheaeUttér." I Enilrcly Vegetable. No AlcoJiólh 1 Prepavation. DE. IIJOFLAND?S CELEBRATED GERMÁN BÏTTEHS Trepared by 1 l)R. C JACKSOH L CO., riiiUdolphia, Pft. VTiïl offectually curo L1VEK COMPLAINT, DYSEEPSIA JAüNlUCC,Chronic or Neivous Debility, Diacasesof th( Kiiiutys, and all diseases ansing i ruin a disorderei Liver OT StoOMMJb. Sach as Coiutípatioa, Invard l'ilos, Fitlness or Blooi to the Heact Ac'dity of tie ötomaeh, Naiwea, Baart hum, Disgust for Food, Fulaesa or wi'ight in thc Stom ach.ÊoUr J'inictation.-,Sinkiu or Fiattering at the l'i of the êtoroaeh, iwimmlDg of the Haad, Öurrlid ani Difiicult Brathlng I-'lutiering at the Heart, Choklnj or utlocatiuï Keniati'-ns wiiea in a lying posture, Dim tees ot VialoD, Dota of web beforethe sigfit, Ktvcr tmri ull Pain iutlie He&d, líeficiency of Perspiratiun, Yt-1 üwaeta of tUeSkin fcnd Eye; Pain In the Si le, Back 'Ut-ïX. ,iiubi, 8co. SuiMi1!. Flusheapf Ileat, BufDlngti the 1 !'-i, Ojistant iuiHgmmíís 'of :vil, aud le rt'ssiorí tf Spwita, anti wtfl liOHütjvoly prevent YEL i)W FEVER, BUÜuDUa FKYER, te. 1 he rniprif'nr in c;Uting tlie üfA'iition of the public to ttis preparatiori, ds so ritfi a teeling cf the utinow sonfldoneeia ita virtuea and adaptatloB to the diseuse. [or which iL ís roeouna aded. It is ikiiu',v ;i'l uútrled urtiele, lnt oni íhut ha stood the tftitof :i Iwclve yOarBtrftl biíforc thu Amer c;n peopïe,adita reputa tion ;;nl sais are unrivalleí by any similar prenaratioBS extaat. The testiinon; in its lavorglveñ by tae most prominent -"vn'1 Wêli-fenowi íJh sicíaiie and iaUividualfl in ;ill paita oí tlm con.lry i immense , and a car ful perus&l ol Üm Alinaiiüc, pub hshoil aniiiuilly by the Propffetorí, and td be liad grati ofaoyoftheir Agente, caunot but satisiy the mos ikepticfil tbatth:s reriledjr id rtally úm&vwg the groa celeUiily it hasubtuined Rcnd tUc Kvidcnr? f rom J. Ttctoton Brotan I). D. . Fdüor oftkc Enojclopedi of Rdigious Kvatelclgc. ltfaough notdispoaed lo feveror recommnd Paten Medipiues iu geaoral, UicQugh distrust oi' their ingre diestn and effect,] jflt Uii.ow oí oo suflicient reaaon wh a rran niay not tt't'lytQ %hv benefit he boliovea biiH86 tu have receávéd tvmn any ninlplo p repara tioa, in th hope that b,fl Uius contribute tu the bt-nelit j others. I do tius the lijara readïlj in regará to "Hooflund Gcrmao lUUers," nrepared bj Dr i Sí. Jackaon, ol th city, becaftflp I wai prejudicen ngainsi them for ywri uudr tbe imprassion chai thcy were chieflj an alcuho le mixture, i am Indcbted I" my ftlend Kobert Shoe makr, i' 4-; lor th( reniovaJ of tliis prjiidfce by pro pe , I t'oi enooungemeattq try ihcm, ivlieo suffe tng trom gfea.i ftod loBff eentiB-aeH áebíHty, T!w os i tbreu hpttlrí of theao Üitteiv, ai. tlw begínoiog of th prí'i;t yeaf, wasfollöwefl b evident reltef, uní rcsti rnliiii toa di (jrcBcf bddtfy and mental vlfput whieh I ha not lelt fomixraontba before,and badalmwt dspi of rognming, I tberefore tbauk Gudairimy riie.d fi dirtetiug metJ thu; of thom. J. XLViü.N UKOWN Kead what the eminent Glasa Maonfaeturer. JOi H. WillTAI-L, says of the BALSA HTC roiiDIAÍv Dr. C.M. J.f .-nv- Respectod iv:-.n(i; Haviug &n long tlm beeiiAcqaiuied witb tbe vktuoe of tby Bn Barata Cordial in Cou hs. Oold, [noapimation ñt' ti Iiinf:s. fre, I thua freely bear testíigonj tq p& ífiicac !'n: ■ -i vcralyt'iiri I liave nvor been wil!i(!ut it in ni r&mXly It siso gire - me picas;; re to atato tint 1 hai used it Avt!i catire suocePH ip tli ti.itiiLuit of Uowe CompUint. Thy frieiid tiulv, JOilK U. WUIT.AÍJ,, Fiftli Mo. 27, 1S5S, !::..(■ Stwfit.Above Uh, IMiil. Tbi w medicines nre for salo by all respectablo Druj. gíata Rnd dealers in medlcini ' ■ .] State, Bn i-h rroviuceií, am WcütlBdies, t 76ocatsper bottle - lie lurtandgti the pjrnuine, wíth thoftlgnatura o( C. S JOEdOn ou tbe wrappr of oaeh bot ti ; íi othere a conntcrj' Prinelpalfllc8 and Mauutactcr", 41S Are Strt, I1hnn.-iiV,Tri, P, ' $20y} rreat Reduction in the Price of singar &co.s tandard Machines . j Well noten lo Ie Hit Bist for Mamufaclurivg lJurpns,.. ío. I, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $00, reduced l 870. io. 2, of sarnc kind of Mnchine, for merly sold nt $100, reduced to 75. i JTNGER'S LETTER A MACHINl-J 5 the bost Mnchine la the wortd for Family Powfng and , ,igüi M&nufaeturing Purposes: fyftA lidamar,) m:J ' , eautifully ornamented $60 t riiu; Noï. 1 and 9 Machines are r-f grrat capacity :uid , ppiication for manufacturmg uurpoftef, Ourfto. ■' Machines are eitpucially ad&pted tooit kinafl , f light and heavj Lesthar Vork, in Garríale p lïnff, Boaí and Shoe Mailing HKrntssMoJiiujjetc, 'hey are of exra ■ iitli n a?m loaf enuug-Ii i'-; nke under it and stHeh the harffüit 'jjolï cl i scarcely any paft oi'n Trümin ie better done wïtta them tbon by hand ; ho, Too, tni : avinjf of time and labor is veJ fimt, The te nae macante il ü tnchea lotw, né tbeshultl. rili iaI qnantitypf threod. 3belarge ut chine rm-k ai r,:-t as auutJ o Wewouldatikïor our Letter A Machinen, the spe:ialattentton of VeM Sfakern aud Er, ftnd al) hose wbo want Machine for lightmMiufaMuriñgpurrose. "Tht'V embody the prtdciples of the standard , makinsï liüu tlwm. Ihcinie.-lcckol sitch, umi lbo destined to be as celebra ted for Fajüly Skwiü a and yj '■' maitnfaCturing purposes as tour -standard raaj";n(,s ftre manafacturlog parpóse in gtseral We have alwayson band, Hxmu&j qavükb , sii twist IMEÏ AND OOIi-U-VTHKliAD. ON HftfOIA, LEST KiCHlHB Üll-ín ;ütllfS(PtC., Otf. We ouiintfacture our own Xgeatt-SjfAd wqjild w&rn all tertionH using dfir machines net to i. ■ ■■ .-;. c :no ttaat tbere are upedles Rold tf yiQptTvftrior tutili'y at bïghPT yrioes tliitn wecbartfO fortbe 6i. [j,e needl ■- are (nanuFactoreawpecially for ; . ,i -' , : n;cdlcmayrcJider the bat machine !"srl '",-'. i?rs may rest a?rM fliatnllour Krancb gii e dlele , of HmaUpC'ChwwB.iB monj iaiy I tent In .. .■ i stamp, or bank wwfc . . Correspondenta wül plasè ntc therniHnesdistincty. It is all inportant thftt WÍ hOflH, meMftOie, ■ti&vi the I'ort Office, County, aud títaié, Ail persons roqniring iniorniatinn a ootit L 4achin s, tbeir size, prlcea, rorking capacities, ftufl ne est metbods of nurchaBinir, eau obUin it by sending to is, or an' of 0U1 $raneb.Offic8forcopy "f [. M. Singer & Co'fl Gazette, hiüh ts a b.eatifn1 Pietbrial Paper eïltircly devcted t-- he Bübject- Jt ipiU Le sen gratis. -j. i ÍZT Wo have mah:tlif nJve REDUCTION IN PRICE? Tilhthe two-fold víf.-w t aaetiie thepublííandour ml ves. The public have been èhakÖ ly spmiouó nin:hinü.s made in tmitaUeu of oars. T:.e meti in ÜiAiP rom the iron castiog to the smullegi peic1, Isoi poor ziutlity. Their makierfl have noi the i.n'uns to do tiieir rort 9 eil. 'f hej are bid away in secret place, wlicre it rt'ouicl bfi ímposaible t hare it their cominand the propïr mechanica! appii&aces. It ifc only by üuídjí iire; business, ;t ml havin'extpnsive imiiinfiictunn;. eBtfluïiiïliments, that aood machines clin be made at moderat prices, Tli? best deafgned machines, IïAl'l.V MADE, are ilwíiys Hable to get out ot order, and aresure iacoec eonaidei a ble trouble and money to kvcy thm in ropaii t lhc qualitlea to be lo kedfor in a Machine are : e-T aínty oí Gotreet'actiofaHUaU roteé ot spi-od, simpicity jf copstructíoQ, great dxu'abiïity, andcapidity ot operation, with tne lettt Ialjor. Slaehiriesto cmliittè h - Msential qualities, jinu-í be made of tl. e beal tsaal acd lnffttít-d to pefft ctnni. fffl have tlieuay and maai, ou a gran 1 sea ie( to í1-" this, The purciiaser-sol' mqhines. vhosr-iatly bread itmny concern, will fixid tliaí ' liavíiirlhe abovequálitiee not only work well nt raptd as well as sluw ratea i speed ,bnt tast longè): ip the fmest possible working order. Our niachínos. . qij, will éárn moi-e monej with lesa lhr tnjiriany others wheíher ín imátatidi: o: oursor not. Infaét, tbeyarocheaDcrthav nnvother nacUinoaasagíft. I. M. J';j-.R k CO., 45S Üroudway v;w Vurlí. Detroit Office, 53 Woodward resue, (Hsrnll Block.) 8Iltf M. K. GOODRICIT, Agent, Ann Aíb.or. j:gr OLD FKIEÑDrs.jl IN THE RIGIÏT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilisn:izr-- -i THE BEST KAMII.Y Ca"ÍCVfck t'-artic in the world, í' ' 'V-V"J-N'V' oaed twejftty ycars ty Mwj ■■ h' ■■'''' flfvfe millïous oC i'Oisuiiv 1 ifráS?. -"'' ' i always Jlve sati.-j';1 "ton , contain 'rJjA "'i; notblog tnjurions ; i 'y patroni?cd 1-y the prin" ? jËwws' cipal physicians anO sargoju íntiie Union ; í 0$&2ï '■■(y-X epxntly coated Xh '■ ■ ----'riV'' ■'"'"■ i ï-arg Bcxcs 26 cent.-; ; --.i i. iT"gy-'-- five bos fnr 1 dollar. lg.'-r-:rar:r---i Tnll direct ons wíl hench TALUUUSax, T.kuv CotriRT] ) ,. July 7,1860. ƒ ToPb. Hóp.aicic, Albnny, N T - My Dear rtocto :- 1 write ttóa toitfíaimyou of liéwodderful eflteci of youi Sugav Coated PJlla on my eider daughtr. Fu ihrec yearti (the has Leen alfiíctad ivilli a billfoua aeraagemeni of' the systena. sdly imparing het halth, whicli hai been steadly faHïng durfng tha t pertod. WhentoKe York in April laat, a frienfl fdvísed me to test your p 11. tlaying the íallcst conüiiencc ín judginí.-i.t ol iuy friendj I obtained a suppiv of Honro, Rimes ft Park. Druggitrtfl, Park Bot, New York. On leturftlng homeegceased all other treatmect, and adnjiiUBtcred youi Pilla, one eacb cjlit. The inipvovcmcniin EeelifiCP, oomplexion , digeátíoitf, etc., Bur n-etl is n. A iü;'1 Bnd'pennanent restoj uioi. to beal tb haa bLi n iie valt. We u-=ed less thun (ive boxes, and consjiltr hfi i Veil. I consider tbje abo%e a atí tjibuifi to yon as a l'l.ysid -n, and trust thatit vrill be (faermuns of in'luciiig many to Mispt yonr I'ills as í hir ían;ily medicines. I ii.-maiü, dearsir, with raany la&kfl, Your obedlcnt nérvant, S. G. Mobrison. Hcriick'0 ÏCld Strengthening Piasters cure in fyo hoorn, poins and weaknesi of thebreaut. sule and baAktand iïheuaiatic Complain'Jiin an eqaally short poriod uf time. Sn-e;il on beattttful white laiab skin, theiruse subject fl the wbrir to ro inuonveniece, aul ghcÍi one wiil wt ..r fruin one week to three. monlba. Prlüe ís.f ccnis. Ilerrick'ü Sugar Coated Pilis and Kid riaaterfl nre mV ny traffgiatfl :tnl Uerchaata la all pa.rta of the Cnït! .:i.s, ( i.iLü'l.t mul South Aiih i tea , and iuaj" bu obtained V catKng for tlr.-m by their t'ull nanif. 'lyÑ03 UK. L. B.UEIíRiCK, kCo. Albany, N. T. RÏSMN & HENDE1S0FS gjgaaBfasa THE GENUINE S T O "V El . VVe wish to cali the attenlion of tho public to this oelebrated cooKirac stovej Wliiili is'lhe only poffi-ct stove made. It wil do inoi'tí Business wtth one tliird less fucl tliun any other STOVE made. From ttstiniony given by t lie persons referred to below, on ucfouut of ita üuabihty and Fuel Saving Qualities. it Las proved a saving frm Twelve To Ttfenty Dqliar per year. Wo wmild refer you to th' íollowiug list of PERSONS W{lt HAVE THE .1 IN USE Prof. Tappau, Ann Arbor. John F. Miller, Ann ArbOí Prof. Woed, '■ J.Gilbcrt t'mHL " Pruf . WipjíoH, " J.T. Auüü, . " i'v-í'. l'uiLr .is, H Jo&eph Wiilts, l( Alphcus fclcb, " Ï. Wlkns(.n, " W ín. i:. Martin, " Mis S. 1 onlill, " Rteh'd Haoper, " O. Uawkins,' " lli.n.U.F.Urangcr, " 0. A.Chnpin. " J. W. V.itynard, w Cb&rles 'ILayt-r, " P. L. Stebbitu. " Maltin Clark, ' " Ü.B.Wilaon, " S. üolsforii. AA.Towi Ktí. 0. Wolch, ■' Thoiuas Wood, PittsfteW. Mrs. K T. WiUiaras," Alvert mi' Di iuj , '■ V. Chapín, " Jacots Poïïic'iniis, Scio. C. H. Wood, " N. C Qoodale, " Joseph W. Tood, " Ml.JfíUl, i-harop. We have on hand a ai'e assortmcut of th best kinds of Cookuig, l'arlor s,ud, PLATE STOVES ai;d a general asêprtinent of HARDWARE AND TJNWARL and Bent stuff for Cnrriage worl;. Partieulf nttention paid lo ing uj) lv.v.trough an Qonduetors, and nll l;iuds of. Job work dot at the Shortt Nol ice. laSOON & HENUEltSON. Ann Arbor, 1861. TOVHOMITMAY CONCERN O3VtlSTXBXTS F-A-ÏÏ.E!, Tet DNDEESIGNED, fli lel Proprietdn in t:.;s civ , [,n Ai bur, respectfulty innounco to tlio public, ib cu nud üfUT the lirsl day of Januai.v, 1 íí, TEN CENTS F A HE. wit! be chargft) to crtrh invl b iy pton tforfiea to Irjin tío caib, tu tesfectivfl liutols, by tuc Ouu.'o S.( OOKÍ '■'"■!.' Hotel. II. ÜML-TOWIVaLlm Uuusc Ana Arbor, fip. Sl'.li, 1801 BSBW " -WV j2L 3NT 1? 23 X . kfi!RL totlu hone wnrk, "ne wlio wiil give s! f fiotiQn. wil! hfar of d plrtcü oa flpi'lition to i ':■ r -M. ClUUpiúli. Am; A.lor, Fuli. 10, 13&2. KSU, Mrs. WÏNSLQW, .nezpclcn ed Kura :m! Fenaalo WiyAician, iire.senii ti the Bttention ol nintin.-is.licr 300THÏNU SYRUP, FOIi CliJLDREN TEETHÏKGK rbicfc grcatty facilítate tha procesa ol tectbm(, hj o ft ti'r.i tli" gkjitis, reduuing ail til ',';.; - AIJjPAIN n ná spa modic actn, otid !■ ÏÜRS to KEOHJLaTE ihe BOWELS. Relief an3 heálth to your In fluit? Wc have pul up : ii ' anfl Fbè ova .n ycar, und C.iN ÜAY, IN CüNMbMitX AM l'KOTHotit, wbtt lavo r.wr Ijimi uli'i tn a. l ■-, ■ i,. ■ ; - : HAi 11 KAll.Kl) IN A 'INtiLE lN.-.iAMh. '10 1HHT A UH:, vlies od. Ntrtr lïiiü wê t.ucw au i-t o of Oianj rnt.wb4 i ti-.i ;t. On ü.- cf-utrnr, in nre drlighted vit!i it.: oprf ti n-. nu 1 bjx ah in tirnM jf oommeudatiic uf itn m ■ aiiü u.ic!k(d rirtuM. Wc tpeak In thia m;it. r -WIIAT Wl. l.O ÍN0W," aftti [en year' xpi.nit', .'..MO ll.KKh )ÜK itl'Pl'ÏATlOM 'TOP. TUK IT1.I ii.l.Jil t.'T H' IV II at WE Hl KEDKCLAKF. In uni: cwr? lactMK .. r '.' . ni] nt i - ii nuil c.liiLa.stK:n, :e!ij! v.'il1 l-i' t mul in firtttn ir Lwcnty m iil. ti-b aftcr Lliti srup . H'ii(-.liii.'.crt''ï. Thia valanblR preparition U .tae prwcij-tion of cn .f thn „' ÍNCT.1) aiicl &K1L1,FC1. NL'Kil-S fi New In'!'1, and luis bceu u.-cd wltL NLVLR llTüUSAND OF CASKS. It net ocly pelieves the cltrï'l frompftin, but im iji il ; i : ;■ '.-! i ;i ii'l bowebt, c rrect? u-i ' tv. nnd jcives t p jnflcnergy to tUe wliulesyni.-ui It ffill a!mO8t Dalavtl relien CRIHNG IN TUK BOWELS, AND WIK!) COUO and overeóme ponvujaton, wliich it" not speedly mit .lic-1, end in ic-nth. Wc l'(l;.vo it tli" l:)--'i' ui-4 SUREST iHMKI'Y IN IHE W0R1.T), i) it!) cn?e. of nv-l.srniï sd I lAIii'.IKKA IK CH1IJ;RI K, whoth it avfiefl f au teetbing. ftrfr manyo'inr can-e. V woiit.i : , t(ïvery naotht-r ifho h k ol: : 1+3 "utVf na; rronJaDyof fht '■ r.." n ■ r.-inji'nlnt - I " NOT Hl YOÜR PRFJOI ICÉÍ, KQR TUI: ll'.F.H.'l K'KR t OTHKBf!, fn betrcnyoo n1 ymr w.Cirui clii',,1, and the relief tht wrtl lSUBE-rYf.S. AH: 01.VT1 LY .- to follow t!io me '■'" ï'im if t'raely i:.=;i. Kuil fur uHl: iü! iw tiijany eadl botll, ifonuinfi un'letó ttc fle stmfle ■f(Xl:riá J: P!KKIN New-Ï"ork, is ui: tie ta.]ipi ., S.W Ijv Druggiití throñgout lic Prlliclpnl IHcr 13 ("t.r Siratlt, #. 1T. ■ l'l R BOTTfcÈ. F„rs.illy Pbarbaot t Cu. ly7T#. JPor the Speed; and Pcrnw.icnl Cure of Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and jpivriial Emi&nont, ifcroouis and General Icbülly, Impoicnce, and all Diaeaua arinngfrom Holitary Habita or Excesxivt indulgente, TriETCE are thonsands of Mrs, as wo'.l nu Mmntf Ageu and Oi.i Mks, v.1io ai'e TTvffrilig I g extünt from the above dtlQas49. Mati. perhV9. are ot ara $C their true conditioii. ur wlicu MSiitanee t reftüv hcejs-l, For tlic bonetit of anch, we berewíth íí'Vü . ui t!ia mojt aMkAAÁ ■■AMMnd V i f - I t 1. l,í- í íí f' iíífi IÍl' !.' mili Ai L ■ l-ni-l-v-"-t - - - r - -_, ... ._ . Pain in tlU Uvtd ld Stek, Dinumi u Sighl, ■.' aw UVj ■ ;:.. Valpitaton of thu --'ut, DyprjM't, oit jf Maniini, Coüftvtimi o .. Ur.pre.tah.,, ,.( SpiriU, Atnn) , vv-o, ...., Timiditii. (■-. Foreach and uil .f ■vmptouu tiijo rfciii'jaici will fuauii a "8Yp lm.' Ti. ..; u.'.ielie3 embrace three prwcriptïonsi A Ux of : Kereon) Tunic l'W, nuJ h',x of iü 7i„i. -n., at) of !ii u liave iiapm tuut 'j:ïu'--' i erfwrra, myl sliould k nsed in every n Thalr ii.pirWiW ove: otlier iuoJjs of trestinoiit inay t bnctly stutoü ui fullow.s. viz : #if 'i'hc.y dimini.i tlie vlo'ence of sewml scitamcnt. #L- Thy Imuiêdjately Lrccü iiuctunia: a.ul diuruiii tiïiUsioin. Ja" 'rliey remove vnkncss, causing tiie ortjaa t assttme natura] tone anti visor. y rlie) itmLgthan tl con ,uUoi by orercouiing uerous ii':hilitv anil : :n -i tl we ifï jgs-Tliév eitlivs.n illa spirits which are ijsiialljr depresK-o. ly expelliug all excitiiu' áiiMS tVjiii tliti syftt-iii. IfïTBv llieic iWigorating .i-opertion tliey rejtori tli patiënt tn bis natural lïolth and rigor of man tsPsr 'J'liev eur when all t.:lir niöans havo l.iüed. gJ-Tliey conuin kj Urrmry, uu Opnun, uor anytliinx taat n.-in i.i auy eveiit prove ur , .„ iï They are e-.i-v and pleat-ant t.j usa, nnd wul iiot lnteg bre witli 11 li-Hi miul buiaiMa or_'!asnrti. Sis' Tliey eau be used without susyiüion, or knouloig r Tbattliev may eumi withtn tlie rca.-li of al!, we lnvo fixed the prici óf f. r..v'. at p-r bo. Bd tlif ü'' a( W centa per ti cioli. In oruerhlg bv uia;i, m Rduiuóa to tht .rioe, twilvj unta in ita;aps hnnld bc iueloael for return i- NADIES in want ff a safe nad effectn! i"""5 ren, -.!v I'r I " preuim "t lh C5--v _Tl .V-.-.iw, or tny c'.i peculiar to their sex. ra'Vfeyj l,6lllJ ,1-0 I":. (iHtSS i'KUAl.E M'JNTlll.I kfík ' . Vil.i.s. l'ii i', l.y n.:vil. 31 and ene ':nn). VamNr" :- CAt'rtoW- ' ■ '' "uC 'J i11"1 "S. duriiifrprr(7iCMy, u mUcurna-c wiH bu tf: S--"' C"l.",tf)Tl'?S lio. {ranj lü-li'""UI'. di:i-r,,ltf, Or any otlier lnnnine and rtas'.nai.' ■ , , deern It neu■ary t". Moid l:ï i ■ ■ ■■■ ■ " " 'y '"■ of -."■ ■ !'■,::.■!, IVciieii.'ire Pc' Vi ice, l,y uiail, ïl auJ "iflièi."' i'iv, !t, wyi only be oU.di.;) bj nddressing tin Qeaeral Agnts, as l. . „ . Ksad for Dr, QTKSs PricaU XaBml Trealut on Scu:3l Diaecl. tttnaÉTua Cwvrs. Ad i: H. O. MILLER i CO., Gooerïl Aseata, J .. li-v.lle. K, For faja hy MAYNARP, STEBBIN3, A Wil BON. 763in Ann Arbor, llich. li'ackwood's Magazine AND Hl? Brilish Rêvievvs. GREAT IXÜLCEMEXT-SlBSCRiBE! PREMIUMS and REDUCïIOaïS. L SCOTT & CuXJiW YORK.eontittue to publuh th foIlowÍDf leíniiug IJritisU íJui'uúit&1ij viü ; 1 TiIELOXDQN QUARTEftLV (Consjrvativ?), B THEEDIXBUUpU REVIEW (V.'liig), 3 TUE N0HT1I ïirilTIilï RSVÏEW (Fiee Church). THE WESTMIXSTKii gUEW (Liberal) 8 BÏ-YtKWqOl) '5 pLUN'BCKGIl 5IAGAZIXE (Tory). Th pveseat rlllcal stato of Knrnpean ftffalr will render Ür'su pubheations unuaully Interest mg duriug the i''irthi(iïii:n year. 'l'hry u-ill occupy ft m"i!dly ground between ihe liastily vritten n.'v.sil'-in-;, crul speculiOioofl, and %íog rumora ii the d&tiy Jour aal, and Un.' ponderóos Tome of tiie futuro historian, writtea after the lfTÍDg oteros t anti exoitemeot of the great poliiicjil eventsof thetimu sliaH imve paaed tvvay. It is to these Periodlcala tiiat it-nclers tóut look tor tbo only reaüy latelügíble and relia bïe history of eunvnl érente, andassuch ;x udditicn tu tJici; n-elï-estbUUie4 litcnirv, seie: tiflc. and theologlcal cbaracter, we uia :hem upon' miderationof the reafilng public. The rt-e-:;i't of Advancc Sliet-t fr nu t: iiritish pubüfihiTs gives additional vaiue to the-e FUprtat. [nasttoch%3 thcy be il.ct'il n the hands of suljsc ribera as sood ns thü origiml c-lü ions, TËR.M8. (Regular frjí jav a Dn, ForAnyoneof the four ReTlevjL - $3 (" lor hhv tw o ol ilie Cour Keyie , - - - 5 ü) For any thtíé oí ihe imrReritjws, - 7 O Forallffourol tbeRviewa, L00 For Black vood e M'guzme, .... - SCM Tor lïlackwood umi óne Kuvicw, ■ 5 0 For iJlacliWOini anU t.') Ki'if.vs, - - V Q') Ijr,B]pckwoq(i.nd llii-eeTeviews, - - - tí 00 Kor DUdvweuJ ml the fourKeviews, - HO) Moneycurnta in the State whrc tisusd will bt rsceiitd út par. l'OS TA Li E. The Tostage to any yart of the United States will bo but Twtnty-l'wur Cent a year for " Hla:kwoo.l." and but IPourtfeCII Cents a year i'ür euch üf th UcvK'tts. . t Uk abovc pricos tbc Pcricdiculu will bo furmshed forisee. Premium to New SufcscriUars, the Nos oftbosai ; tor 1SL0 ivillbcfurn:íhcd complete, Kiilmut additional chirge. UnHkHin Btari hmrftl Mtigailnw of üie day, IV iudicalalnaelitllo bj ïe. Henee, a full yrat of the Xcis.lovlSCO, uKiv beifijardsd noaily as valuabl aa lor I gubsoritMrs wishtng aïo tbe NV-s. for IRRI, will b lupplied ;it the tulioH mg i-xtkkíie y íüwutk3. Splendid Offers for 1860, 'Cl, & '62 ïogetüer. For Blackwood's M.ij;ai::iio, the three years, S5 00 For flnyone' Review, - - " ll S0 For any tW'.lU views, - - " S 00 For BtoekwóoJ and ofte Review, ' ( RtO For Dlackwood and two Ksvlenij " " M00 Review, ..""- '■ Í10J Fur Blaekioó4aii(lüireReTtw, '! is 00 'or the tour Keviewi, - - " " 13 00 For Clackwood and the (our BoTltw, " 17 00 Arivof the avefleork.yn U(iliobe fuin;beito Nei SuttcrïtertftiT me Y r lBSfl- i , T au:'.!, " At üue Half tlio Uí-íí'iliif iSubscription Thua A'típítc-fí-mny obtaln tlie F.oprints of'.hi . íóarHei ii l rood. Seven Consecuiivo Year for $37 ! ï ! Whiyhisbut Uttleinorc ïhtfl bei"'iooof tho origmat For i'lié year. i AswesLall uffvqr again he ükeiy 'o olTtr such iuduc. ï ment.-, aa thé Now is tha, time ta Subscribe ! ! . r t%FJ [ïeni'ttances miuït, in all cass, bo lu ulo ólrec Í to tht Py'j'Uvr, for at Ihosü pdca no comuiuLiioQ ca e oeailüweJto ignUl. LEONARO SCOTT Í; CO. No. l; í-'M: irot N.'W Turk . ■ DU. V, A.OADWELL, " ! 'Jr'' Oí' Cïxïctvxo. „ OPERATOR OW THE EYE & EAR, ' For I)eafiis3. Ullnfliirs. ntid all dcfcclscr Dtt, r. HEIHG A RÍGL'L VI! rhysiciin.wltli IWKNTY Vf it ■ oxolur.ive Miwtict in the Ireatmcpt of (bêr easet ui Ui KY1. ANU LAK, will be fuund t'ull.v qualiücJ ■s tcX;i ve rtlief ir effeulu CUIO ia anj cao witLia the naek of huisiin .-kil!. - ïto ckltrgt fm on eiaair.&txin or n opixim , or for uulUiOetíiful terojgu- bu. C.'sTkkaiisk o.ntiik Etiasd Kr. Pixth Edllion, - af WW ii„-s, cunUioiuj Kf%teDCe, lestitnoniall, Ie . :m.i r,t!u.riro)'.rtant natt, illiiiil.iU1 with CuH, to ta 'jjud gratis, tiy (.eniliug 'j Twtutyfwe Cents 1.0 py poslgo. Ad'lress Dr. CiDHTlt Slacl'Jc Eaudoipli Sfij Deaborn, Uni IU.L


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