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lnsiiic0f! lurtrtDTii. CARDS! CAEDSÜ CAKDBÜ! Havinu prchasd a RünclLKE ROTART DliHÓKD Card Press, with a finensortment of Gard type, the Argis Ofliceis preparerl to print Gurda of all kinds in the eatestpn5ililcstvlp nd at a great redttCtloB froni ormer prici's. nclnuins: Business Carda fcnM of all Ttotlon aedprofesslons, Rail, VV.l.linR. an.l VisitlDg Crd, ete.. etc. Cali, ?ive us yours orders and see hour itis r" ne W. N. STRONG NALL, DUNCKLEE & Co., WHOLESALE and RETATL dealers in Dry Gnods, Car" petings, Floor Oil Cloth, Fea thera, Paper Hmnglng, and a gtneralassortment of Kurnishing Goods, Xo 71 Woodward Avenue, Corner of Lamed st., ■ - - DETROIT, Micli . nOrdors solicitedand promptly atteflded to-a SOOyl RAYMOND'S Photograpliic and Fine Art GALLERY Nos. 205 and 'J07 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Photographs,IjfeHze, coloicd or plain, cahinet. tav perial MBlalilOtvpe, Ptguerteotypei, Amhrotypw, itc. yCAlll)'rir.VSl. by the liezen nr Thou land. 8ü9-vl ï. O. O. F. WASHTEX.VW LODGE No. 9, of the Independeut order of OdS Fetlowsmeet at their Room, Friday eTsnlng, t %H o'elock, E. R1CHARDBON, N. S. S. Sosmant, Sec'y. "HlsTUBBS. tlTiioiEAiE anii Betail Dealer In Tobacco, Cigars &c, VV' Maio St.- sign of " Big Inditn." Frapklin ninok, Ann Arbor, Mie1'Tï SUTIIEIÍLAND & 8(jÑ", HTHQLSSALE AD RET.MI. Grocers and Cmmission VV Merchauts, East silo -Main í-'trei-t Ann Arbor TWITCHËLL & CLARK. Vttornevs and Couik. -Hors at I.iw, General Life and Fire Insurance agent. Office in City Hall Blocli, in Huron St., Ann Arbor. Collections promptly made ndreraitte.i, nd special attent ion paid to conveyancing. b. s. rwrroHLi, fT48tf] k. p. ciauk J. M. SCOTT. BROTTPE Jt l'HOTOGRPH ART1KTS, in the rooms fonnerly occupied liy('t.rd'.ey,ov'r tlie store of Sperry b Moore Pcrfec t stitisfaction naranted. "WINE8 & KNIGHTT" DlÏLOMinStaplc. Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and ?lioes, ítc. Jtc, báinStreet Ann Arbor. KTSDON ThENDEKSON, DEALERS in f&idw,8tovea, boa faroiihinggood, Tin Ware c ba., Ni Block, Main treot. "A. P. MILLS, Dealer in Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Simes and Keady Made Clothing, Hurorf'Stree.t Ann irhor , BEAKEí & ABEL, ITOBXBTS & COÜNSHXOBS AT fjLW, and Solicttors í ti Chnery. Office in City Hall lüock, OTer Websier t Co'i Booï Slore, J'in Irlmr KÍÑGSLEYA -iORGAN, 4 TTORXEVS, CounseUora, Solicitors, aml Pub He, have Hooks aad Plata showing titles of all Lande t the jountj, and attend to coavejanoing and collectíng emands, a mi to paying taxa and bqIuoÍ interesi in ar.y iart of the State, office eastsiJeof the Square. Ann Aror. JAMES R. COOK,""" JrsTiCEOFTHK Pbagb. OfflM neartbÖWt, Vpsilanti, Michijran. Wk. LEW1TT, M. D., PnTSKlAX k SüRfJEON. Oflice at his resitJence, Nortli Hde of Hurón stieet, and d house West of IHvisii u Itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, TAvrFACTi'RF.R anJ deaTer ín Boots and Shpes. 1 lVL a-orVestof Uie l'ost ffice. inn Arbor, Mich. "ImToÖRE & LOOMIS. JT NfF-ACTLTRER8 aivl ialer in Boots and Shoes, Vi I'lioenix Block, Main Street, one door North ot Vaehington. M. GUIT ERMAN & ■ CO-, t T7noi.ESAiK and Rotaíl dealers and manufivcturi-s nf VV Ready Made Cío thlng, Importan of Clotha, Cassioeres, t'ncskins, &c. No. 5, New lílock, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, k BUBOSOR Dentirt. Office comer of Main .ft k nd Hurón streefí. , over V. Bach's store, :Jfr3Ö34 Ann Arbor, Michigan. VÍJ -T UI' April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, Dealer in Ruady Made ClothngCloths,C'asimeres and VcMtings, Hats, Cap, Truaks, CarpelBags, bc. Main it. , Ann Arbor. BACn & PIERSON . DUXKRBlnDiy Oooils, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, &c, Main strcot, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS cfe CO., "RALKRK in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs k. Medicine-;. JgBoota &ShO64, &&, corner of Main and Ann streets, ist oei ■ thé Ëxchange, A:ni Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, "ROCKitf, I'KOvisinx & ConiiniKion Meixhants,anïdeaJ iersin Water Limk. Land 1'la.stbb, and Plaster of door East ot'Cook's Hotel. O. BLISS, Díales inClocks, Watchps, .Ii-.iclvy. and Faney Goodn, t thesign of the Big Watch, N'o. 27, 1'liKiiixBlock J. C. WATTS. DEALKRiaCloekR, Watcbei, Jewehy andSilver Ware No '22. New Rlock, Ann Albor. T. B. FREEMAN. Barbkr and Fashionable Huir Iresser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls bept onstantly on uand. SCHOFF & MILLER. Dealers in Miscellanpous, Bekool, ami lUant Books Sta tiouery, l'üper Hangitig-s. &c, Maio Street Ann irbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, rKACHEB OF Piano Forte, Cuitar. and Singtng, eeïng desirouwof enl&rginc her daas, vrili receive pupila ai h residence of Prof. WINCÈELL, whicb betag near he Union School, wilï be very e.onvenient for snoh loholirsattendingtherewbo may wlh to parsue the study fmusfcin eonnection with other branchet. Ter ras $10, half to be paid fit tlie middle aud the balluce at the close f the term. D. DkFOREST. t f7HOLBtALE and Betail Dealerln Lumber, Lftth, Pliin rles, Siisli, Doors, Blind, Vator Urne, Grand RWer 'laster, t'tfttter Pari, aml N'.iils of ;i!l sios. A full and perfect aortnient of Uu above, and all otlnr cinds of building matenalfl constantlv on hand at the loweM pouible ratea, on ietroit wtreet, u. few rod frono the Railroatl Depot. Alo oeratiog exteDBwely in the f'atent Cement Ronfinff. II. O. I1ARVEY. REapECTFÜIliT offeri ís serví cw to the citiüeni of' Ann Arbor as a Tcaclei of Vocal an1 instrumenta Masio. l PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIUEVS Rbi'-erknks. - Kcv. Mi. Blades, Rev Mr. Cha pinRev. Mi-. Corael as, ;i"'l Prof. Frteze For furiltrr particiil.Trs Inqmre of Hr. Harvey af Mrn Rasttnan'e, Washington gt., bet ween Divif-íon and I'nivprí-ití treets. SillC. WASHTEAWrni!TV BIBLE SOCIETY. ■PMTTORY ('f B!We mv Tost.'inil-nls at the Boatet) primes t W. C. yonrhel'. CHAPÍN , WÖOD & CO., SrCCFdfiOEF TO MAHüFACTrrnEES OF AND - eOLORED MEDIUMS, 'T-o,iriaa.s Papor,c. ANK ARBOK M1CH.


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Michigan Argus