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The Heroes Of Fort Donelson

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Bi'ig.-Qstwru] l'lysscs S. Graat wat bom at I'oi-it jPleasant, Clairmont county, Olr.o, April 27, 182?, am) cntered West Poiat Military Acad Inim Ohiaia 1839, wherehegrad mted with honor in 18ii', and was attached as br&vat Secood LiettteDfliU, to the Fouilh Infantry. He was promoted Becond Lieatenant at Corpus Ohristi, in September, 1815, and served esguch through Mexico. He was Regimental Quartormaíter from April 1, 1847, and w-hes lio rosigned tbe service on the Sist oí July, 1S54, he was a f uil Oaptuiu ia tho Fourth Infantry of regialuri. After liis resignation, h BetlJed in Bt, LfÍH c un:y. Missouri, and inuvi'.d from thor to (aleoa, Illinois, in 18üU. Upon tha breakingout of tho present war, he offered bia services to Governor Yates, and was i]pointed Cciloiie! of thu Twetity fii'ft Regiment of Illinois volunteers, anu served with I is rogiment untv) promo led a Brigadier-General, with coniuiisnion and rank from the 17th of May, 1861. He was engaged ■,:■; Color.i I and iictins BiiyadierGeneral in saVenil of the contosis in South eastern Missouri ; and bia course as comtnandur of the south-oast district of Missouri has beun generally npproved, it ivus Gen. Ü-rant that uonnuanded at lielraont.- After tho captura of Fort Bbory, a novv district w,as créate'!, under the denominution of tho District ol TennesFoe, ar.d Gen. Graat was fia signed by General Halleok to thj coinniaud of' it. GUNEHAL M'cLERNANT). Brig.-öeuend Joho A. McClernand has viot, previous to the present wur, boen p'articnkrly noted as a military man; lmt as n strong Btipportur of the Union has slmne iortii on more tbun one owasiüO. He e a man of about furty-three orforty-four years of age, and is rather tail in stature. lh' has always buen hoteel sis a dernocratio politioian. üiid took an ictivu art in leuding tho Donglas fnctiao in oppositioo to the feeoinpton coiisti'ntioa of Kansas. He was an aotive loadtr of the Doüglas party in the il";isu ol Representatives n 18B0, and alsn in tho Charlton and Ji ii iíüm .;■■ Dainouratio Cooventitm8 llo was i.lwisyi strongly opposod to Srockinridge and bis party, and as aDouglas man he was ele( ted to Congresi.. lle left his neat to Eaki' np arn s io defunsè rf tiiat G-ovortmnsnt which be so etrongly supported !;y bis speeches in óongreea, ACT1X0 BIUOLADIÏR G KK Oi!. U, OdtESBY, C.l, mol Richard J. Qglesby, Acting Brigadier General under Gaueral McCl&rnand, is n man nbont thirty-poven years of !.- Hé was born In Ken tuckv, : ut removed into Ilüoois at an eurly ;igu. lío enlisted ifi Docntur, Illinois, :ï!k! oomrnanded the Eighlfa Illinois Roo; ut Cuiio. In ihe Gnnc,al Order issoed froia Cairo on the lst of Pebruary ho v;is nppointèd hy Oejneral Gi'ant the cornmiindar of Lha First biigade of ihe First división of thiit district. He has taken part in iiiany of t! 10 ekirmisbes in Southeastern IIisouri GESRBAL WALLACH. General Lowis 1tY:ii!:iuo was fomerly the Colónel of thu Eieventh Regiment nf Indiana, betterknown ;is the [ndi-ana Zouaves. It was tliis regiment Ihat in June last, wtrile stniioncil near (!umberland, 'iJ., made a brilliant dash on Roratiey, routing tho rebels ut that place. Cojonel VVaüaeo did m.iu-h to aiMiise the people of Indiana to thu defenfi of their conntry'a standard. - Lutely Colonel Wtíllaca was statiorved at Paducah, whero he was promoted to the Generulship of i brigade in the división of Gen. O. P. Smiih. Rotpe litcte diffioulty occurred between thesu two Generáis, r.nd General Wollace was transferred at hi.3 own reqneat to a new oommand at Sroithlaod. gexiShal c .f. 8MITH. General Charlas Ferguson Smith joraniander of the Secoad división, j, riative of Penrisylvania, apd eori of hoeelobrated Dr. Samuel B. Smilh. - tloenteredthe Military Acndomy and jradnated in ]825. On the lst ot July il that yeur he wüs made a Seopod Lieutenunt of tlio Second Artilleïy. - In 1829 he was appointed the Assistant Instructor in Infautry Tactics at the Military Aondertiy, wbioh positkni be retained until September, 1831, when ho as pronooted tO the A!jutani;y, retaining the t-nmo office till Api'il, 1838. Ou the lst ti April, 1838, he was a-ppointed Instructor in Infantry Tactics and Ootnmundan of Gadeta at West Point, wbioh positioo ho fiilc I until Septerabw l, 1812, ia the roeantime beinsr proinoted to tbe Oaptainoy, vi. : n July 7, 1S3S. In April, 1847, he u'as brerettod Slujor for gallant con duet in tbo battle oL Puin Al o, - During the follpwinjj Augtwt he re eeived a further brevei (Clrnel) for gallant and meritorioua conduot i the battlefl of Ooutrerafl and Ohuruhmco, On lbo 25th of Novom'.)er, 18-V1. lie was promoted to the mnjority f the First Artillery, atid on tho lst of Mnrch, 1855rwai further promoted to the Liéutenanl-Ool.melcy of tho Tcntb [nfuntry. On the 81st of Augnut, 1861, hu was madu a Brigadier-General ol' voluoteers, aad taot charge umliT (}i'n(rnl Ilalleck of tho troops at Paducah.


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Michigan Argus