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Democratic County Convention

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Ptlt5íatca trom tho severa! townsbips of Wash'unu Cni;i! in convention, at iho court house in Anu Arbor, on íSaturdny, 'he Ü:M day of February, 1862, pursunnt lo culi of tbo Democratie Coiinly Commi teO, fir tlio purpose of choos'ng delsgates-to represent Wa.ihti.'riaw Cmiiity in a State Convention to b holdeo in ilo city of Detroit on tho 5tb day of Murch', 1862. Tho convention waa cnlled to order by O. Hawfelñs, obaírihon of thè Connty Cornmitlee, on wbnae motion Davi ! JJ. Dodge, of Vpsihuiti, waa chesen temporary chnirman. 8. B. McCrnckenj of Ann Arhoí-, -vas appointed tempo rary pecretary. A. G. Rlndgot moved thnt a eommiítoe of three lio Hppointed to examino crodontials of delega tea and Qrtininate permanent ofScer, which beingearried, the ehuir appointed A. O. Blodgot, of Ypsilíinti, Chnrl.s S. Grc[,'r)ry, of Scio, and Ilonry Warner, ol Dexterj :s siuli oommiltee, The cor.vcntion havingtakon a recesa u!)ti! 1 o'c.lock P. M., upon i-o asi-einbling, the coinmittoe, on crodentiuTe and permanent organíztíon reporled a liát of delega' ea in attendance, and thu fiiüouing iiíimoil gontlüiiiün as pormanunt officers : President- David 13. Dodge, of Ypsilanti. Secretarles - S. B. MtCracken, pí Ann Arbor, uncí Win. A. Jones, of Dezter. Tbe reports wro soverally accfiptcd and adopted. On motion of A. C Blodget, the delégate present from iho severa! Representativo Diátricte voro reqnested to report to t!ie convenüon tho ñames of seven persons from such distriets, aa dulfgates to tho Stato ConventioD, leaving ono to bo seloeted by tho convention from e:ic!i Senatorial Distriet. Th# convention took a iecess to ftllow tho choico of dolegatfiS hy distriets, and upon being n:iin called to order, tiie Be vera I distriets reportoil tho fotlowing nntned persona na delégales to tha 3 tu te Coq vent ion : Firtt Ditricl-k. C. Blodget, E. BogarJus, W. H. Hawkinc, John Starkweather, II ruco Welch, C. Soslin, Win. Murray, Secón 1 D,,stnct-S amos J. PurshaH, Morgan Ü'Brien, Oeerge Suttcfn, A. Widonmahn, W. S. Maynard, N. B. Nye, John N. Gott. Thinl District - Ii. Burnham, S. Newton, L. S. Foreyth, Philip Blum, M. McDuttgal, J. I). Oorey, Wm. hl. Brovvn. Fourih District- Henry Warner, Alex. Soulier, Sampson Parke'r, Asa BJaokf.ey, John J. Robison, David M. Finley, Jnniefl M. Congdon. The convention appoiuted Olney IIawl;ins from the 6th, and Charles Woodruff from the Tlli Senatorial District, aa the remaining delégales. The delega tes were ernpowered to name their own substitutes, and in caso of their faüure to do so, the delegation was authorized to fiil paeancies. C. Woodrufi oftered thu iollowing, whiob waa uleptod : Retolved, That this convention would regard the noinination of candidates for Stato officors by the coming State Conven tion, at the timo proposod, as iinpolilic and unwi.-e. Tho following obaoges wero mado in the County Committee : Charles S. Gregory in placa of V. H. Ihrig, in the 4th Rcproeontative District, Mr. Ihrig h'aving left the District ; A.C. BlodgL-t in the Int Representativa District, in place of S. B. McCraoken, who bad loft that District. was h o wever oontinued as Secretary of the Oommittee. Mr. Hawkina tendered his resignation as Ch airman of the Oommittee, arul on his n.otiou W. S. Maynard was appointed in his stead. Absolution of thanka to Mr. Hawkins for bis effieieney as a niembor oí the oornmittce, was adopted by a unanimous vote. Tho Convenüon tben adjourncd, I). B. Dodgk, President, S. B. MoOraoken, W. A. Junes, ) Secretarios, JC2C A writcr in the State Neics quotus tho " iloohirnlion of American ndepandeoce " as saying "tliat il! men aro boni kbre," and says tliat " in tho announcement of this doctrine, we have an act nf universal emancipation," and henee draws liis conclusioos tliat the puttiDg down tiiia robollion must emancipóte all tho slaves. Novv, tho declaration is misquoted, and ila uuthors and the founders of tho government stultified themaelvea ia thoir action ii thcy dusigned whatthey did s:iy to bü o qterpretedi Tbe deckrations and aota of the foinulurs of tho gover ment nro bad books on whiöb to hang a general erufthcipation scheme, that is f tho Bobeme is to be originated and oarriod out by tho general govornment. JL5L Tho telegraph says that Gen. Buckner Las been 'taken out of the hands ot the military authoritiés, by the Uuited States Marshal of Kcntueky, on a warrant ssued by Justioo QaTRON of the United States Supremo Court, who propose to try him for treason. - He has been indictcd, but not arrested, and is now confinad at Iudianapolis, L-L" Washington1! birlh-day anniversary, Saturday last, was generalij' celebrated throughout all the citios and towns of tho loyal States. The reading of his almost prophedo. Farewell Address was onc of the prominent features of the various celebrations, and we earnestly hope that good ïn.iy coino of it, and fanaticism be stayed by its warning utterances. Vn,i,rAM, Bod of President Lincoln, a lad about eleven years old, died op the 20th.


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