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The Public Works Ought Not To Be Sold

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I. Beca ii se, on ihe Centtal nnd Southern Rail Rond lliere canoot be any compeíition for many yenrs if ever, and 8ny compuny who Uiight own these would' make the business of the Ronda a monopoly to Ihe utmost extent ol' their power. 2; Because, the State cannot sell the Roads for a Iárger enm thau that oh which the estitnateci net proceeds will pay the interest, and therefore cannol be benefited in a pecuniary mannér'by the 6alp. 3. Because the coinpany who might own the Ronds, in case they ehould fail to tnake rnoney Tast enough to satisfy their avarice, would be incessantly teasing the Legislature tbr an exiension of privileges, and would exert ü danerous influence ín the eleclion of members of the Legisla tu re wi'h the view of piomoting their interest. Thosc who remember the effect8 of Banking operations shoufd not shut their eyes to the eviló tü be apprehended from tliis source. 4. Bflcause the Rail Roada'arèa gréat convénience to the mnsa of the people of the State, and while retairíetf;in' iheir possession ihese convenieilc'ee 'nro certuin to coivinue and :o increa.e; therefure it is not expedicnt tó :ransfer tlie power over these conveni'énces nnd sources of wealtli nnd hnppiness, to a'soulieeu :orporation whose only object níust necesáarily jeto use the rond in snch n ninnner os to put he gobtest nunibeT of dollars in their pock its: and thiu whén the State g to gain nothing y doing it.S. W. F. Jañuary 1345. Correspondnece of ihe Bultimore American. WASHrrfGTo:N.Dcc, $á, 1844' Th'e Circuit Conf'f ÜT this district have Itad nde'r considera '.ion a sla ve case of eome in?resf, growing out of the application to carry nek to Virginia a wnman sínve vvhó was roDgiit here vohmtarily eome years eince. y an'old lüv of Marylnind' wh'ich continúes i forcé in this portion of the district, overy ave brought inio the' district by jts owner ith the view Of i esiding here, becorhes free. ) the pending case, a justicë of the peace ranted authority to the ownér of the slave, ■ rather theadihihistrator, to return with his ive The Circuii Conrt dêcided th'at the jusiices tbo peace had no power to grant 6ueh thorily. The cuse was argueü by ablo mié], amí excítcd b göd doal of interes f.


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