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Hahlus, 1-Vb. 22. Thfi fiteamship Niágara, f rom ' pool the 8".b, and Qtieuni(i ij ihu Uih, I arrived bere ibis evenmg, with kwo. ilays later ncivs, Six sets oí Parliamehtary papera on tho civil wtir in América had been bid bcfore the Brilmh Parlínnent. About] iiTiy live oincial oomihuiiicalions paseed about the Tuseafora ind NasliftlJe, Among the official corwiKpondenee laid bifore Párliament was Kuil liussull'a deolaratjpD tothe Southern Cmn missioners tliat England cnuld not acknowledge the Crfhfederate Statea aniil the war or furtber negotiat ons more clearly determtned ibeir o-ition, i Mr. Gxegory, in the tiquee of Oommons, der.oimeed tho blcekado na a more paper one, The 8u ruptor was detained at. Gibraltar, owiog to diiiicnliy in obtaining coal. Ootton huoyant and firm. Brondstufis (lo'vnwaid tondency. Pr'oviiions déclining, appoars tliat, in January, 1862, Earl Iinsfell iostruc'cd L(rd Eyin8, ii' Lincoln's Cabinet aoked ior advicej to rcply ttiat England dccl;i.ed unlcss both part i es upply for coïitisol. Butl Bussel I u'pdits tho tsubatunco of a convorsation wiih Yancey, Rost and Mann, who ured tl(! recogtitior of the Southern (pnfederacj. His answer as th'at England vyodld i'bfsc:rve striot nenirality ; ttiat her Majesty could not Bcknowledge the ndopüMdenee of ntbe Sla en until fortune, war, or peacuful negotiaiion should more olearly delermine the respective positioiis of Uio two belJigrettt8, In December, when warappaured prdlialil'.' bet'weéti England and Anieiica, Lord was iJirecled to speak with Mr. BeWard about letters of niaiqua, ati'l Bay .h!ii,in caso ei' war. öreat Btitain ie wilüng to aboliab priyateeniig il' t hi: l'r.sident wil! make i eiiflilar engagement. Indicatioaa in thé British ParÜaipent so faT, were tliat tiiu BeseioQ M'ou'd bu ii cjtiicït. one. In the House of Lords Earl CáríiarVOD inquireil ;.s t tho li'iith ui Lne arres and itupressment tif a Gtinadian subject nomed Shepherd, (_v order I Sfcrutary Seward. He uummentud severely on tik: rond net of the United States, il' the ftcte witc coxr-ectly ! ported, espccially the deimind thut Shepherd shmil tilke an uath of aiiugiaiiCtf. Jiall lïuiell as iindtrstOod to say thut lliö maifi lyc's weiv eo'rrectly repdrted, bul ihat Mr. ieward Htated to Lord Lyoii8 thftt the oatli I was lenderèd Shc.licrd ivo eter the i lief ihat In; w;is aii Anierican (sitizmi. - Eurl Ournaryon saicl heshould oertuuily iiinve tof thö lapuvs. 11e ilopud li. government would not be conleiit wilii reinonsiancüö, bufwotdd also deinand compensation. Advices frora Gibraltar say that partioe in the couling biibinoïc there ! tiave resoh'd not to supply tlio Smiipler with coal, except for cah, tlie paper o&cred beiog duemed inuligible. Naiilical men say the sbip has no tight in her. The Lon.ion Tnncs nays the Amerioaö people, in the last sis motrthe, havo contrived to -pt.-nd nxiie.n.oney, in a sburter time, and to less purpose, thao any other people on the face oí' the jlobe, and tliat is üterally all that has been done, and argües thut the Bilbjugation ot the South and a luture reunión have, becomfl impoaeible. Tbc Official Gaze'.le publishes an order of tí;u Privy Council removiag tl;e prohibition ugninst tho export of sajtpetre, anus, aminunilion, &c. (Jloomy acuouni8 are published oí tbe Britiah Golumbia gold fields.


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