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New Medical Discovery, For tlje -pi-c.'y in 1 permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges tíiiivtl, Slrlttuic, nncl Affect hm of the Kidneys and Bladder whieli Las been used by QpWarda of ONE HUNDIÏED THYSICIANS, in private pr ictice, with entiw Buceess, superseItn [C Akbs, Copaiba, Capsules, or mi ƒ cmiijjounü hit her BeLl'S SPECIF1O P1LLS, ftre ipoedy in iction, often effectiog i curi1 in h fuw ñays. atul wbe a cure íg.eftected i1 h pei-raanert. Thej are prepnred rrom vegetable extracta ilmt arv hirnliw on tbettjstsratand oever aauseate thestomodi or impregn.ite t!ic luv.tth; liud t''iü; TOjrar-coated, ailüaseon tasteisavoMed. iVo chansi t Of etst i fucuury Kklht ushiftltem; nor ion liirn aotiou Interfe: mrt businest!iur3u.ts. Eaeh box contaïrt1 six Juzon l'ills. 1RICE ONE DO1.LAH, mdwlll bcspnt bv mail poM-pald by any nflvcnised Acnt,on recoirt if t!io raoney. Sold bj Uruggiti in Aon Albor. without my signature on the rapper J. BBYAN, RocheUr, K. Y.,0oeral Agent. H. Je T,. PIMONEAU, Uitrolt, ffholealü Agenta for ; Michigan, 80lilí PiíIZE POETBY. Lot Chieftaliia boal i f 4ea I war, Aod MiiKtn-ls tb. ir -ni SUitar, A nubler Ihem.: mv hrart In liHi-d- In praíseol Híbkick'í (raUUlonptu. ïbeir cures nro foliad in cvprv lnd- Arai.J Bunaia'f saow - and Wc' ands ; The koikImku wk- the paper Bil, ProducuJ bv llunRiCK's materna I illa. Doos 4ie affliol yon 1 rever .lovibt Tb-,5 charini j compouna wül se.arcD it out, And heaJth agnin jieursjntem SU, lf yon By ot once o Hkkkick's PiUa. Tliey're afc H all- botll oU and yoong- raiM re on everv tongue ; nineaM, iliüaniied- no longer 1iü.-í, Sincr w are iWuwd rtth UraracK 1 llu. Put up with EngllRh. i-panisl , Cermnn nnfl FreBch dlr3tiona. Prioe 2o esat p.r bx. Jugw Coalcd öeeadvertisonunt on thlnl najo. B04 Important to Ladies, , .TOT1N1 11AHVKY, haring lor upwnriis of tu-c-rty I reare devted l! p winnul uw eiteluiiily U the .roatmc-muf Feiniile UiiliouHips, aml hflng r ,ucc!dedin IukuiwU ol euwi u .wa.ui the ufflicti-il ,. o sound helth, lus now entre conftdeacs In oiienng f jublicly lus a "G-RHAT AMERICAN REMEDY," V HAKVEY'S J DHRONO-THERHAL FEMALE PILLS. WWOi n'v.r vet l'.iili-l (rhen lh diroction liave be-.'ii s'rlclly tolloweil,nn removing c diffieultimai 'utmi :r in f Obstruotior, or Stoppage of Nature, [ u-in icinnii: ni, affem lu ptifeci heall6, when suf "et ing i'i-om ipiSAL AFFKcnox, ■'Rur.APsrs Ctv&I, ths ther we knot o! the ütskine oOíns, Mm -: n lll C Ol tlKÍIinTOSKHVOOf i'K Iini.-,1I1)V, ' BiUCa i-AinTATi ix. -,-. &c. . which :ivc loicrumipra t ,! moiv serloui disfn I ■■ Tirar Pili are ptrfccUf a'-mlim n the antMfWtiotí, and, mm) be takev ly tht èott i'.r'ïaiti: femóle wilh'i'it auutsg MreM;t the I ti'fv Acr 1.11CK a cii.RM ly t iiiiíthMiiuj;, tlaa ami rest ring th yítem tu a liettltby oondilmn, nrt b brinjtiug un the mnthly perion wlth r-gstarlty, no mátter fn 111 wblt kihp tlu-oh-tnictii.ns roy urine rti-v should however, -o.' be takeo 'Uu-in." the ftrai . -:'., . r i ,ir i.' (jregndncy.thoagh safe iitany alh.'i uní -. ■ miwn -i ■'■ wmiW be n-Milt. Eachboi canta IU f0 Pilis ''r'1 Oio Dollur, aM „„en !_..:,, -i will be seiit by mnllprppaii by nyadYei j , ., ■ -■: t. n eosipt "f ibe rooney Sold bv lirneirint'in Ann Arbnr i ".). HÜV N'. Rni-hentiT. S. Y , Getier! A pent H S: 1 SiMONKAU, Delroit, Wholesale Aftent fo Michignn. 806tf #. Slight Cotd, 'Cc.uqlt .JÍúxaf-scnc&Sí or gam jEJlLt-aai, which mig-Kt be checked ■wüh a simple rernedy, if negiected, efien, seno'xsly. Fexu are aware cf Ihe importance cf a culql w éfLg.lít ,@aLd in itr, firot stage, wh.ich iri Ihe begmning would yield ío a mild remedy, if not attended ío, soon attacJcs the lungs. Iauxnl 's. &iLan.tihLa.LLïf'ccke& mere firU introduce! eleven, years ago. It has b?-en prouei that they are the hf-t árdale hefore the public fcr ?cuark&, ïaLds, %-tctrchLLL&, fL&ikm-CL, ?aiattlL, th'. Uxckinsr Cough in ansiuniitiuz, and Tetmeraus affeotions cf ihe LD h-t-caí, riving immediate relief. Public Speakers A' Singers wül find them effeotuat for clearing and the voice. Sold by all Qragfpsts and Qealers in Jadíeme, at 25 cents per hoz. TmPORTANTtoFEMALES . . ■■■ N "Wm . - 'flILLS THE HEALTH ANÜ LIFE OFWOMA IscmitiuuaUv raperil if sho ia m I enoogta to neglect ir maltreat those 'xm! negalaritie to whtoh twothirds of her mx ave inoro or loss subject: PU. CII1".I-KMAN'S l'II.I.-. prepare I from the same runnula hich the'inventur. rORNKLIUS L. CH&ESEMAN M. Ii.,ni fnrk, uaJ for t.venty years mwl jucMssfunvinancxIraileiliiriviitepriiotloe- immediatelv reitere without pain, all dinturbanoe of the periortical :liscbarge."hi.'URTansing from rálsxatioa or suppression. Thpy act lik chaun in rwoorlng Uic ptina that Moqmpany clinicult or tmmodente me atraation, and are the only safe :nv ivliahl.; reineily for Klushes, Blek Beadache, Paiut in the IAbb. Ba mnd Side, Palpitatloji of the HaKt Nerveus Tremors, Hv-terk,-. J Brokeo S4ep ani otner anpleasant and danKcrons oRecte r.f ao unnat'iral cnmWon of tbe sexual function In the worai aae of Tluar Altiu or Whites, they -llect a speeilv eur'1. To WIVKSand MATRONS. Drt.CHEE.-KMA;1 PIU are "Ifc edas ilif only safe incans of rDewíofintefruptod raenatruaüon, hut. Ii nir.S MUST BK.tR IN Ml S D Therr Is u ■ " "■'■"'" f Ihefmutê tytlm hi tohh-1, ik, pan - .'lotbe inliet: wi m'H prruliuMg " PECULIAR RESULT. Tkr.m-tdVittnrtftmito '■ I'ilEGNAVCY- Ikr rttull, WlSClRitlAOE. Sucti i' ihc irresistible Ifiidnmj „f the mtdietHeiorrttorê thr smual flinctioné to a i.ormat cn?vHütn, tlmt eren the rcproduclne power of nature cairTint rxgigi U. F.Lplirit dirf-cüomt stnlivg whev, and when they shonld notbe uêtd, with enoh Box,- the Prict One Deltor each Rox, föntniaing 50 PUI' v.ilna''" Pa phlet t.o lio lin free of the Ac-ents. PtUsêrnlbiimaü pmmpthj, ly encIoBini pnce to any A"ent Öold byDruggiii8 ueucr 1 v. ' r. B. UüTCHlNIGi. Proptior. ■:it CiJar-ït . ynr Ynrk. F„r i'o b? MAYVARn STEBÜlNc & WÍI.EOS , and RENVIIXK & -U1J.1 R. SECOND WINTER. STOCK D. L. W00D & CO., HAVE JUST OPEXED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For tho FALL & WINTER Trade, Having purchnged their stock ut muchless tlian the usual piiees, they are prepared tu offer GBEAT INDUCEMËNTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Tliankful for past favore they Tvill e ever ready to show their Goods and by fair and liberal dcaling liope to reeeive their full share of the publio patronage. West eide of public square. Ann Arbor Dec. 1SG1. DISSOLUTIOlf. NOTICE 1ó licreby given that the pattnrrrihip hereofurfl eiiirg andtr tlif firm of Dalton and OÁau lias been Disolved by mutua! consent. MATUirW DALTON JOHNGAUftS Ann Arbur, iüch., January 15, 18-ii!. 837w6 Ayers Sarsaparilla


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Michigan Argus