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i he LátéSt Special Dlspatch ! Gi Motile citizens of Ann Arbor and Vícinity ! ! ' X INTENSE EXC1TEMENT! N Ilundieds watehing the progresa of U1 Daily Evmts ! ! ! . ap; ( The Federal Army Bgaiu Victoriousl [ Tli _ , ll ÍS : i be "The Union must and shall! be Preserved !" t ci;1 tli l Tuero was a man ín our fown, bi lie was so wondruus wise" . Cll But with all his vlom. he wa' not so wiso u. aa that ' olher mun, " who when bu bu cd to boy the ' pe ki T7ie cJtenpeíi and lest ï;j C L O T H fl N O ! 2 01 m 7 marlcd always jumpedinto G ü IT 'ERMAN' 8 g HEAD QÜARTERS! E For there he knew lio alwnys got his money'a W worlb. Seeing ia belípring nd y.iu tliat " v.'isli to se come inand beliuve. Tlmau thnt can't „see tan KEEL, and as we nhvays mnkG w uur cu?tomrs fet-1 good ovef êjüoi-1 bargaina, sí tlicy are especially uivited to our anxious c' soat.tliat they too may realiza liow "good 'r it is fof tlini to be with na," and liow raucli pleasure can be obtained in the emoyment of w O! SPLENDID BARGAIW8 ! p me al ye lliat ore wenry nnd heavy c tle11" - with JioKS and we uill do our bost to relk've vou - glïing VOU in re'urn the final J kind of Goods al thc loteeat figures. ,-, e Groilt lattleg nre houi'ly talcing place in tha Clotbing lino - whcle rcgimentsof Jassimeres, , stintrs. &c, are being laughtfred by Gen, c oxpiiEii' - f fi l'10 gri!-lt rus'i of recruits " íat ara ponring i fro evel'y direction, all c nxious to havo Jbeir ñames eurolled for a Q NEAT AND TASTY BUIT ! - juch oe can only be had nt the Uead-Quariers of Guiterman efi 7o. One of thc fiini, Mr. M Gbitermax, haring just. returr.ed fnmi Europe with a large assorlmcnt ol'Clothg, Cn-simores and nice lot of fine Vest'ngs. nlso a fyw piceos of fine ] Beaver for overcoftta whiih w ■vrill inake up i to oröer in the latest Btylo, we feel confident tliat we can atisfy all. STTJ1DE1STTS I We are happy a greet you in owr j 3iiy,ftef spcüding you.i' vaeation vith the duif old folks' nt home l?e ssiired we : vish vou a pleaaant term, "nd shall tïer he j '!ad to ine.-t vou ut, the Oid Head-Qaarters, No. 5, ITT Our former customfrs, we feel nssured, ( ifill cali m ua agsin To you who oome 113 y sirnngers we ponld wy a frw woi'ds, wc jj ivisli you to e:i)l iuid look at oui' fine Coats, Piints, and Vest! we oah do bettcr by you 1 han nr.y otber li 9e In ilie U i t y , und if yi.u f :all ano examine uur iroods.nnd try their fits, ' i'ou will Dui'chase nowhera else. i DON'T FAIL TO ! CALL J& ."I? C3-. 'JE!. C$. j D II. ïï OOFL A N D'S BALSAMIC COEDIAL, Foï tin' pWÖT cure of Couyhs, ColJs. Influenza, Croup, llnarseness ■ jiruticliitis Pneumonía, Discutes of thé Bowcis. arvñngfrom Cold, ineipieni Coa sumpt'ou, and for the relief ai.d ij ai allpossiblt) cure cf f'Uients in adtaneéd stages of tis latler ai$ea$'. fniIE tialsamic GonUul U (tiruly a Vegetable procluc1 tioD, coinb-ning tin.' WealiDg proper ties ol the Lalaam, with the invigorating qualilies of a Cordial, pw . combmaton so eliaJpud to the pur posea ntfcodfcd, tLat tijeie arebutlew caseu of;iic which will aot, at :m earlj pertué, auccumb to it heallugaud Ufe gñ tng properties. Fut ageit. fia tlie treatment of pulmonar diáeases occuptd tlin greater portinn of Uie atunüou ui tlie scit-iniiic of tU medipaJ wurld, but none a cq ui red more ■ii).iHnce in his treatinentof these dii-ess, thun the kbrattHlPriUtitaD, ! p, HouflaB& the urlgoatos oí tíie taldamioCordúl. Bisüfewaa dvoted to the produeion i-t remcditiat wouW Btand unri valled. Jlow u!l hftü uccflfitd , the Ankericai) people ur able tu udgei and we pusitivötj as-ert, tht ao preparationa .hut hiivt,1 over been placed b.jl'ore thfin, bave confvrred thü saino ainuuiit. uí Deu6tttd ua guiteriog liuni:uiily ,'or Uave i-liuit';'! so in;iny cvnunEndattOD8 Irom all clas-ci at sjciet . ;i th&rec sdiea l Lr, Huofl&od, preparcd by :';■ G M.Ja.ksoc-SCo., of l'lnhüli-lpliia. Tíio Cordial i dnafgned for i daas uf diseases more geueraiand moreiatal tban b-üv other to wíiícb the peoyle oi' thia country ie subject - tlioH sp: inging from ■ lttigkt culd." Tliat uminent authoiily, l'r. Bi'll, .-aj's: "1 will ïiotsay that Colas are to our inhabitiints what the Plagu and xtllov lvcr are to thonê oi other ooun tries; but I oan TrconfidoDtly that thej usher in dbeara of greftterfooxapUcitj aad mortality than theöölaUer." Entirclij Vegetable. iTo Alcoholic Preparaíion. DIÍ. IIJOFLAND'S cei,i:i:uaif.d GERMÁN BITTERS Preparad by DE. C. M. JACKSOX & CO., PhiUdelphia, Pa. Will Bfltetuallj cure I.IVKK COMl'I.AI.VT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNUlCE,Chfoníc or Neivoua DebÜity, Siseases oí ttu KiiLiiiys, tul al I üiftL'itrtL's ariaing hum a diaoiüeiQíJ Liver or Stomach. Such as Contlpation,Inward Piles, Fulneaa or Blood to the Heac, Ac'dity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart horn, Disgust forFootï, FuIdobS or welgïit in the Stom ach.frour LructtvtuaiK,Sínking or Fluttering ut the Hit of the Stoumoh, Pwimming of the Head, llurrit-d and lïifflcult Brnathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chuking 01 Suffocuting se n &at i ir ken ina íying posture, Dim uesa ui Vision, Dota ol wetM béfocBtbw Rfght, Ft ver and IüiII l'aiiiiml.i Head, Deflcieno) of Penspiratïoii, YellownetiB of tUsSiin nul Eyes, l':iiu n theöile, Hack, Ckjst, Uimbs, &c. Suddec Ftushesof Heat, Burnicgin the Flesh, Conataiit [maginmgs of tv il, and great j pffssiocsof tipiríta. ttDa vnU poaitivljr prevvnt Yi.LLOW FEVEB, BÍLLlOüá FEVER(&o. The Troprieior in eallMii ilu' itention of the public to tl' ík prepara! ion, duo.-, to vitfa a feftliug cf the utmost coofidenoe In its virques and ad&ptatton to the diadasea tur which it ii reoommeadd, Itisnouew aad untxiod article, but on-; tliat has Btood tbe tost of 11 twfhc yfiirs' t rlól before tho American pi'ujiii', ;i ii-l iti reputatioD azd eate are mtrivaUed by any similar prepanttiuaa extant. Tbe testimony iuiis iavorgiven b the raoiM ppoTOinettt and weÜknowB Physicians and individua Ls in all f tho country 8 iHii'niMiM', ;uid ii car lul peruf-at oi the Alibasac, publi.-lnMiannualiy h$ tbe Proprfetors, and u, be bad gratis of iiiiy ui . anoj tut atiBfjr tin Hnost I ' thattfvs remedj i.s really deserving the great cult-Uriiy it hasobtaiaed lUail tHe EvHlciio fromJ. iVeiííoíi Brava J. . KdUvr of the Encyr.lop(.da i ƒ ReMgiouë Kiitjwle.'ge. Altliough noflisposed to PaTCfor n'commuid Patent Medicines in general, thiwuífh distrust of tbelr ingrediente and eotpfi,! yet koow ol no ioffloient reaaon whï a iran may aot tetiij to the benent bo belieTea himsen to have reeelvfrd from any simple preparaticn, in the hopo that he muy thue coatnliutu to the benefit of othera, I dothls tbe moro readily in regard tr i;iIooflan'Ts Gennftn Bitters1 prepared 'v Dr C. h . Jackaon, oí tbia citv, beoauai 1 was projudiced agatnst them for y care under the Iroprespioh that they were chielly an alcoholie mixture. 3 am indobtd to my fiiend Etobert Shoè ; q.,!or tha remoral ot tlii prjudice by proper te1 ),an4 for Mic&urageiuuol to uv ti,t,m, vben noffering trom greal ad tong cuntió ed deniltiy, The db of tlirec bottU-w nf ilu'.-u Bitters, at t beinqing of the preaent year, wasfyltowfli b.,v evldni reHei, and redtoration tú a dígree i budily and mental vigor which 1 lia-i nol f'-:' forsixmnuths befofe,iin(1 hadalmosi depaired i' i íi'; I i herefore tbunjt Uod nn I mv friend fer dirtatiQgmetü tjje eofthem. 3. NEWTON liUOWN ;',, ' what tbe eminent Glaag Manufacturer, JOIIN )I WIÖTAIX, sati of My BALBAIItC OOR p Ut Pr. C M. Jacrsox- Respected I ■ enrtj '.:,-. :,,_r rbr a l ri i l: 'iinc been iC'iHinU'il wi:b thè vjrtuuH ."it' Ihy Bá'I rdifli U3 Cou hu roMa, I r ! 1 1 : . r - ■ '. i i =ï Ion nf tbe I t c, I tlnis fi-i elv ii ar leRt'n ■ ■ . to t eflicacy 1'. i ■ vi'[';i ! car 1 have 1 n t In. ut it in ni y Ciniiiv Italsogivpa me plwi ■ ■ i!.at I have uur-d it withentire sjiceesii n fhe t:r;;'mu:i of Bowel GomplAiDW. Thy friend truJy, .1O!IV U. WIïT TAI.T,. Fiti'ü Mo. 7, 155?, Rae íStreí t, abo ve 4lh, Phila. 'l'boso medidnn a fot mte by all i-espectable Drupgisi - :n' dealers In mtyi 'éTnes tn th(Un1 i l States, Britii inriv, an.d Vi' s1 Indicp, n t ÍÜ cents por bottl - Ht sure and (.'' tfee peiiuin-, witli the iignnfre of C M Jaoksoh on tht wrapper ol facli buttle; all o'kers arr counierfeít. l'nncipuHiffloe ani Mauufaciry,418 ArtÖi StrMtPhiiadelphia.fa, Riöji


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