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Speech Of Mr. Richardson Of Illinois

Speech Of Mr. Richardson Of Illinois image
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On the 20lh inst., tha House twing n committee of the whole on the etato Í the Union, Mr. Eichardson wild : " And I think one of the most senib!e proelamations that has been wrilon sinoe tlie oommencement of (he vnr, tfaS writtcn hy General Graiit vIhmi he entered Padneah , Kentucky. n that proehumUion, he laid down tliis rnposition.: 'Ihava nut come,! siH ie, ' to fight opinions ; I have resist treason and to ovorw helm it. L am not here to lbrco opinions upon you. ! arn hcre to BUsteill the öonetitutioa and the 8uprema';y of tho laws.' " And one of tbe best gns during this whole eession, is the indorsémept )y my eoilengue of General Grunt.- i'did" not. know that my colleas;uo was ireparcd to iodorae that proehmiation But, sir, t is one that I woukl liko to seewrilten in letters of gold upon the sky itself so that all the world oonïd read. It is the only correct doütrine that hns been proclaimed by any of our Generáis. " Now, Mr. Chairrnan, a fjreat deal has been eaid about tho objecte nnd aurpopes of this war. Tho gentleman !nm Massachusetts reinarked thitt we jtand in a very different, position Ircm what we did at the nalled session. - Well, sir, so we do ; but tho only difference 3 that we now have an army of six burulred thousand inen in the field. did yon eret theru there? Did they come there tbr the parpases of aboliüon - ior overthrowing the constitution and thelaws? Not ut all. Yon woiild nover have had thls army ; you would novcr baye wou the victory at Fort Donelson if it bfld haan undsrstood that suoíi w.ere the obj-cis of the war. iio-v, Ta Ohainniin, I wil! not stop to present any arguiHent upon this proposition. 1 suspect thut, uut of the four th,o.usa,nd men fcora my GongreBsional district vvba were in the ight at. Fort Donelson, twenty-five lundred of them voted ior me at, the ast election. I ara ioclined to believe hat at least tiiat number of them voted or me. I did not get the votes of la'ny of the oílíuers flaugliter ], bi't I id get the rank and Sle. 'I wiil tel) my eolleague onother hing There are fobt.tepa of thirre mbiicans in the army, but the marks f their feet are all in one direction, nd when the rank and file return tu homes, after the rebellion shall iave been crusbed out, as the man toiia ipon his farm, as he labora to pay this asStión that is upnn os, as he toils to support the old öag of nis country, ne wil! not be, vöi'v npt to try the experiment of repubiicanism or abplitionism agaü). Th at thing is about used up. Tbeve is not innoh mnre of it. It is growing beantifnlly small by degreca uiid elbgftOtljf lesa as it goes along. - [Laughter.] " Now, Mr. Chainnan, T wil] tel! yóu the inevitable réSult of this war is, yon must hang a good many of the Iraitnrs. I could not go hom to my paopl? if I was not in favnr of tliut. When yon hang tho extremo men in either seetion, e in the other seetion will take ■.varning by thetr fate. The extinction oí' one uiii be the death of the other. " We hjxye remuíued in tlus House, ir, and f-tn strange tliioga going on vithout bèi'ng itblo to help oiirsolves. - ic (if these men ifl tha Soütf) wo;;ld üflame hia dist' iet by reading an i olition document frorn the Nqrtb, o ipeech delivured haré or elsewhere, t. i'iatcored nol ; aöd anóther up North ■vouki set his distrii'', in u biaza oi' ex-iitement by dis;i ibuting the pr!ote(J iivings of olio of the fire-eaters of the South. Thoy waru like a coop'u of ralves in spring, standing on the liilliide, vh constantly lick each oth.:!-; ind ibi'V are tha ly ones I ever kne.v who got fat on it fLnuyhior.] In (' at way thev havo sustained twp large sj 6he at thé North ünd ttiê nher at the South. Now, we rtfgtrt u-ve beoii ab!e to hava got along with ■■ui i'or tha nnfortiiiiate mistake jé. 'iro tben comraitted a aad hlstákS; Wc believed thirty or forty Vt'!!s ík;-o that we t:oiild rnake a nod democmt o-:c of an oid Federalist,; but t. was ■ Lu;,yhter.j Y)'í -.í' Jaiio a sholl f rom tn ■ hore anvwhere: yoii may take it uiiti the mountains, or iuto the foreste, still t will sinpf t'na sttTfg of itn ocean hjjne. ilr, Tr ■ i :: i the l the end that h ■ ■ . U:.lo, '■■ 'iiiá rüvoli' .. 'psW ■- ■■■■■ huv.e brinken out '. ut !':■ 1 ■■ ■ e it the Nfirt'Oi on? the exti uil' abolition p her party fh"ié.) Ü' i mfulitöïy worsa - a p'trty rrvidñ np of J Bacii: 'Jush ing, ai,.1 ohi;r like mep. Tlej? vsd wrse than abfllitioriists, bccanse they Wëre smarter. fï-iughtor.] I gVe thnt as my opinión." ■ The C;,;iii'maa - " Ta o gentleman 'a time hns expired." Mr. Eiohardson - "lam vory sorry for that."


Old News
Michigan Argus