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From Stockton's Regiment

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IIall's Hill, Va , ) Fcb. 28th, 1862 Dear Brother : - I am in the Hospital. ITow did I come hèro ? On Satmday, tiight tho 15th, I woke nnd found mysell tilmost frnzo to death. This coldness soon gave wny to n fever, and in tho morning I iound myself fnlernbly well, ut U wcll enough to cali on tin; Doctor, Ho prescribe! lor mo or.e povtder and a dose of oil in the iltbrnoon, and ft:r work put me down for light du tv, which, it being Sunday, mennt inpection and dress parade. I plaiuly told the" Dr. that I should not altend inpeotion, but would'see nbnut parade when the timocnmo. Wull, I attended neiiher. Monday rnorning I FODt for the Dr., but he did not como. I sent for him a number cf times during the day, but he did not make his appearance, and finally Lieut. Swan went and hurred hira along. He carne, and said I would be around in two or three daya. Tuesday I went through with the same experier.ce, being uuder the necessity of getting tho Captain to go after the Dr. He carne, prescribed, and said that I must go to the Hospi tal, and that be would send up lor me. I told him that ho might wait till the next day, for I had hardly rvade up my tnind to go thero vet. That night 1 was in great distress (rom the effecta of the medicine that I was taking, and Wednesday morning I sent word to the Dr. that he might send for me as soon as he pleased. The result of it was that Corporal Gillanb got a stretcher, I stretched myself upon it. Gillakd and Weyeumili,eh took h.)ld of either end and brought and depositad me here, and horo I am. This has boen one of the stormiest months that I ever saw. It has either rained or snowed continually. Thií regiment was out on pieket again thia week, but all was quiot. - Tliey had a very windy time of it. This división has been under marchng orders for the laet four days, but are still here ; however I should Dot be surprised if it moved before night, a'though part of the Pennsylpania 83d is out road building. This regiment is being mustered today preparatory to reeeiving thoir pay. The wind is blowing a perfect gale. I am now gainiug very fast, and wil! be able for duty in the course of a week or so. Lew Risdon callad oq me while I waa fikk in my tent.


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