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]NTew -A.dvertisem.ente. QTATE OF M1CH1CAS'.- Snll l'C-nrlinj in tbc ("heult O ('omt for the inuiitv of Wasl t 'aaw- In Chuncery, Btiforc Hon E.LawrtDCe, Circuit Judgc at Cliarabfrs. tfaifptT! Kvt-rttt, (;i)[iql:lin;illt, vs. GfiOTg Kvereit, J))' loiiiiaiu. H satiafHotorOy ftppearlag to the uwiei-signed, ■v ntïuiavit. tliüt the defcndanl in thto oatue, reside out of tbil State, on niDtion of L. l). N'unis, Solicitor fi r Complaioaiit, it i.-i ordered tfaat the sai defendant cause bil api-emaitcr in this canse tobe entered wiihin tbreemuottai (■m the !:ito i tliis order. And it is furthtr onierwl, tliat within twenty .lays the complainant causr th's onU-r to be publisbed in the Michigan Arus, ;i oewspaper publifihvd in gaid eoanty, aad that such publicatiun be continued in sakl newspnper, ot li-ast onoe in each week for six weeks in succesMon, r tiiat t)m cause a copy of tbla order to be personan; SLTvei! n s:ii.l d. 5i ii(l;nt, at least twt-nty days bofora the time rescribed for his appea lance. Do teJ, Maren M, 1862. K. MWRISCE, L. 11. Nonais, Circuit Jiiiigr. Complainanl'sSclicitor. &42v6 HAT3. Beebe tf Co.'a Patent Ventüated, Self-Adjustisg Hattm so constructed as to ai!m:t a frte c:rculat'on uf ar hetireen the sweat leatber an 1 the bodj of the nat, and abo, t" adjti8t itself lothe farehead soon aa the iiai U put on. therehv Recortas to tin nrean r of anj stif. fened liat all tlie pliauc; and comfort of the soft Fait Hat. UkfbkJ: Co. ure now inanufacturing Uulaakin and CaMlmere Bats, ol th Spring and Summiir sulf-, foi gjentlnaen'a and yoang gemta' Hr.-s Hats, which th will ruroiab t.i the tradeat S3(ï. $co, $42, tK, iui'1 S48 per di. n; togethet witli a oomplete aasortment of black ■ n colored Feit Hals, manufactured by tlitnuclve. Vl"'! retail trade lhronV oot the oouDtty, Mees of Soft Hats, from Siö to $48 per doten. AL, aliraja on band, best qualities of Pan- Silt liatsof the lalet styles. AU ordera by mail vülreceive prompt altejtion. ïciias Cuh, Kss' 5 iier cent. lw BEEBË k CO , 150 Droadivjy, X. V. Chicago JSook Trade, The l'lace to Buy School Bcokz. WHOLKSAI.E Book & Stationery House. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. PUBLISH Sanders Progressive Readers, Newly F.Icctrotyped, wilh newand original ilhisfrations, are the most. buautiful as wcll as the best books extaut. T. Panilors' Alpliabi:t Carils, 6 in a set, $ SO II. Sauters' PrimaTy Sch1] t'lwtrts, 8 on 4 carJs 1 5U IH Sanders' Erimarj Spelling BookT i- 1'. Samlers' New Spellt-r onl Uefiner, ij X. Saade.s1 Aiutlytuof EngKwh Wordt 5.) VI. S;mder's Pictorjal l'rimer, (bound) 12i S:tnlors' Germán aml Idiglish 1'rimcr V0 VIII. iau(3ers' Kei First KeO'ier ir, IX .undeiö' New Second Reader, 30 X. Samlors'Xew Tliird Ucadur, 40 Xf. Hxu'ler.s' New Fourth Reader 65 XII. Benden' New Fif:h Kcader, 75 XIII. Staden' High Bchco) Boadw, %% XIV. VoQUg Ladies' Rca'ier, gS XW Sanders' Lchool Speaker 1 00 XVI. Sanders' Etoootlonarj Clitürt, 3 (ü Tben readers on distingaished for thir strictly jnogressivc characur and praolit-nlailaptalion to f He young. 'i'lu'v have been recoivcd with uniirecedented favor, aod, by uoclass more f:vovably thaii y Practical Tuacherii wlio have tested theirmerit iu the school room. tlobinson's Course of Matheinatic3. BY UOiiATIO N. BOBIXSON, LL. D, Late Professor of Mathematios in te U. Ö. Xavy. I. Robinscn's Progressive Primary -Arithuietic, S 15 31 EtobjQsan'fl Prtw ressive Inlelleetaa] Arith. 25 III. iï.binson'a liudimcnts of written Arith. 25 IV. Rotimson's ressive Practical Arith. 58 V. Robiuoa'd Key to Practical Arithmetic, 50 VI. Hobtu.-on". I'r gie.-sivó ïligher Arithmttic, 75 VII. RjbinM-ii s (L to Higher, Aritluuetic, 75 VIII. líobinson's Now KlviaentAry Algebra, fa IX, li .bmson's Key to Klementary Algebra, 75 X. Hobinfon's Vniversity Algebra, 1 25 XI. RoWnson's Ky to I nivvrsity Álgebra, 1 00 XII R'jbinsonN Ceometrj and Triton ome try. 1 50 XIII RobfDAOas Sarrey ing and Nvigation, 1 50 XIV RobWLon'fl Aualytical Geometry and Con ie ícetions, 1 5) XV Iïobinson's I'itforential and Integral Calculus 1 50 XVI Robinson's KU r:ioriTary Astronomy, 75. XVÜ Kobinson's tni rritv Atrniumiy, 1 "5 XV1H lïr)!)ii!son'sMathematital Operations, 'Z 25 XIX liob.nson's Kej tu Algeinn, Geometry, Survejing, fco., 1 5L Formlua FÜLL MATHF.[-TICAI' COURSE, cabraehig artthmetk and Text üíhIíh m the Hiffhei MathemaUjs. For extent ftf research. facüity nn'l aptuess of UlMitrati0$, an practical Uíftíulness, the author of thïa series U surpasaed by OO mailu-matical writer in this country. This series has been recoiiuiiL'nded by the bLst Mathcmaticiaas ia all secttons öf the country. Gray's Series of Botanies, six booka. Hitohcock's School Anutomy und Fhysi- ology, SI. HitchcOck's Geology, onc book. Well's Grammars, tvro books Weirs Scientific Series, including Cliemistry, Philosoph3T, etc. Thrce books. Wilson's Series of Histories, five booka. Fasijuelle's Frcnch Series, eight books. VVoodbury 'a Germán Series, soven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keeping, three books. Speucerian System of Penmanship, nine books. And Many otKcr ValuaUle lioolta, Wholesalo Dealers and Eetail Pureb a sers Will fin'! at our fore over Kur Thouand different arfciclM of Stationory, ir.vl Thrttfl Thouand Volumes oi books, from which to mafcfl their telection, oomprtfitnv .n asaortmei t nut rivalvd by aay other book in the United Suics. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special Agenta for. Messrs, Harper & Bro's Publications, " D. Appleton & Co's " " Tickuor & Field's " 11 Gould & Liucoln's " " J. B. Lippincott & Co's ' Aml furnlih U Ihelr Books ai Eastern prices for cash. N'ote Pa)crs, Letter Papers, and Gap Papers, Blauk Books, Pasa Books, And all khrti fr STATIONKÜY, at tho lowest prjCM. BL iTES by tlie dozenor casi. tK5uStran?ersan'l travclers rlislttng Chicago will fin it intorotingto lingiT for an liour nraiJ Uie intormiaabl piluj af liieraturoutSSaud H Mf Sutei. S. C. GRIGGS & Co. Agents Wanted. jjÊj For all cotly and vrtluable Subscription rork?, or ny oobl worli ii"" Reüglun, Uttratu, Science, or Art, tddresa S. C.OR1GÜ8 k CO. PtLA8E IlKMnNillER That tlicre is no bookstore in this country ketping a bet-_ ter or move extensivo a.-sHortment thaa is atwaya founü ui 6'J un'l il UiUc stift. REUEMBEB. That Public or Private Ubnrlu can bo svippliod wt ratftoM 8taodrt fforkaby S. C.O. kVu. upon bttir teimi tlian tu scml Kaal anf pay Inlgbt i}.Vi-sUTn iii.I Proftaftdooal :un,Ttvichers, Echolan iu all denartments of of th world of letter. aro invitcil lo make I 9 ■ml -11 I-a's treet their place of resort in mninentsof leisure. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale ind Rctail BunkM.iiïrsttiDd Stationen, L9 & 41 LakiiKtiwt.niicalo. ... JOBOS 84?inö K. i IISÍS.


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