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LIJ Ü tM M W ri b líjitií fc iZí is i p i = " ft ; Ïïü:öMi si h eSí 55 4j CJ r- i _ J 3 1 - ISÍ ? ! H ö . : g i B pH ,í p 'o J S "5 Pi Qj 8 ■ 2 m g ü L [s now receiving a largo and -.Teil etected MOrtmetii ? of ' Clccks, Watches, ' f%R ff ; Í ( Sllver and Plated VVa e, TABLE AND POCKET C3 ■fT '3BL'1 EC "E5S3 -SST KAZOliS axd 8HEAB8, GOLD F3EXTS3 Musical Lnstriunesits, Strings Sf Books for Instruments, SHLET MUSIC, CO5IBÜ aiul a great varitty uf -5TA.KTIÍEB 3STOTIONS, &O. He wouW cali pariicular attentiou to his large slock of o Goï., Sil-ccr. Siccl, and Plated, witk PERISCOPE GLASS, I a. aporioi article. Abw Pnntlngton i Platt's t celébrate! q CALENDAR CIO CE! J ■nltabia for Offices, Counting Eoonja, Halla ■ r Dwelllng. These clocks ar rel'able timo keepers nul Calendar conibined.and requiro the iDding of tha time move mnts only,to secure all tile reqiltred changos It raid ■ night, showing tlie iny of the week the montl. nd day oí thc monti.'incluiln{ tho Í9th of Mvuarj '-1 ]f ye. Iiis goóis are inoütlj ■!' recent punsliau rrom New York and tho manufacturen, nd III be oW to suit ihe times. Persona having difflcalt watcliea to flt with glawe can ba acoomodated, as my stoot lai-ge ant' complote, P. S. Particular attenüon to tlie RBPÜ.IH.IW Gr of all kiuds of lino Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Sloffs, end Cijliudcrs. A!so CLOCKS, Sz TEWÈLE noatly ropaircd aod Varranted, at hlB oíd tandead side üf Iain Stix-et . C. BLISS. Ann trbor, N-ov. 18, 1851 BSOti Important National Works, Pnblished by I). Arl'I.ETO' & CQ., 34G AND Sj8 BROAJJWAYKEW YORK The fullowing woiks are sentto Subscribersin any part of th'j country, (upon reccipt of retail piice,) by mail orTHBf w'amkrïax CYCMPaniïA: a Popular Dtetionary of General Knowledge. Edited by ÜKQ. Ilil'l.icï and l'iuKixs A., aidetl by a muñeron! select corps of writer in all branches of Sciences, Art and Literature. TUis work is being publisbed in abuut 15 larffe nct.ivo volumes, eachcontaining 75ütwo-coliimc pages Voto. I., II., 111., IV. V., VI., Vil., VIII., & IX. are now ready, each containing nenr 2.500nripinal .ui cles. An additioual vuluuie wül bö pubiirfhea once in about three mnnths. I'rice,in Cloth, „SU; Sheep, 8Ö.5Ü; Hall liussia, Th New American Cyelopsdla is popular without boina supertteial.leavned without beiug podantic, com,prehenalvi Uut raffleiently dotai'.ed, fraofro) personal pique ■ and party jrfjurtici', fresh and y et icturij!. U is a complete statement of all that is known vinon cvcry important topic within the scopo of human atollig' i Every importivnt nrticla initlmsi writtep for it.; pages by men who are authoritiea apon thetppic on whlch thev speak. Thcy aro i-inirr.l Ui; tlie subject up to 'the present monjont; toatatejust stands urn. AU the statisticalinformatlon Ia rrotn tUe latesi reporta; the Reograpl fcal aecounti teep pnce with the lutest explortttions; historll iiiiUt,i iuclude the freíliesl utTiews the biographical notices ods ak nol onlyof the daad but also of the living. It is a Ubrary of 'tsL-lf AllRlDGEJIKST OF THE DEBATES OF COFGRESS Beiag PoUiel Hiitoryoftl States from the r.rganization o{ tbq drst Federal Con. irress in 178" to 1856. Etfltedand compüed by Hon. Tuo. Hakt Bï.Nios,from the Ofllcial Reqorda of Congvess. Aeworkwilll i to 15 royal oettT volumes „f 75o t reench, 11 ofwblcli are now ready. An additional volume iH b publfahei ".""V,"' 8; Uw Stoep, Moj , i,l; Half AlV A Voi IMIOCCBIXG THECYCL0P7ED1A QRDEÜAT!? Form a club of four, and rBin'.t ibe nriae of four books, and live copies willbe si-rit a1 the mnillcr's expensefor cairlage; or tbr ten subscribe, eleven copies will br sent at our expense for cariiago. To Aü;-nt3. No other woi-l, will so BberaUy reward the 63 of vgenti. An acext vantim. ix ma Oowm I'erma made known on applicaiion to the Publishers. Aun Arbor, MaVfh. 1859. ,;902ant -5S Bev. Tnoa. Whiüiit, agent at Kinuc temitfts Book Stove, Ypsilanti. SECOND WINTER STOCK! D. L. WOOD & CO., BAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE & WELT, SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the VAhh & WINTER Trede, Haying purchiued their stock at mueh Ios3 than the usual prices, thoy are preparctj to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTi To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors tbey wíll be ever ready to show their Goods and ly fair and liberal dealing liopo to receive their full share of the public patronngo. West 3ide of public square. Ann Arbor De. 1601.


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Michigan Argus